Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (2024)

Is Bootstrap dead in 2022? It’s a question on many frontend web developers’ minds.

And with hot new CSS frameworks popping up on the regular, Bootstrap may seem decreasingly relevant.

But there are a few important things to consider before putting the nail in Bootstrap’s coffin.

🧠 Did you know? According to the Bootstrap Blog, Bootstrap 5 stable was released May 5th, 2021.

Is Bootstrap Dead? Wait… What is Bootstrap?

Essentially, Bootstrap is a CSS framework that lets you create interface components. In other words, with Bootstrap you can create nice-looking things like buttons, forms, layouts and navigation.

And they look pretty dang sharp:

Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (1)

In addition, Bootstrap’s responsive, meaning it looks good on most types of gadgets from desktops to iPhones.

Bootstrap also has a nice feature set right out of the box. This includes:

  • Easy setup
  • Mobile first approach
  • Customizable
  • Responsive
  • Consistent and Flexible
  • Quality documentation
  • Open source
  • Uses a grid system
  • Active community / support system
  • Good integration (plays nicely with other tech)

Is Bootstrap Dead? My Thoughts as a Web Developer

Simply stated, Bootstrap isn’t dead.

This is for a few reasons:

👍 Bootstrap 5 alpha dropped in 2020.

This brought a fresh new face to Bootstrap. One of the most significant changes was dropping jQuery dependencies.

However, there were quite a lot of other updates, too. This includes CSS custom properties, a utilities API, enhanced grid system, and more.

👍 Bootstrap is great for beginners.

Like I noted above, it comes with a great feature set. Plus the learning curve is pretty gentle. For example, you can create sharp-looking webpages in a few minutes with their layouts and other components.

The community is active and the documentation is ample. This also makes it particularly attractive to code newbies.

Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (2)

👍 Bootstrap is used in the real world.

In fact, it’s used a LOT in the real world…By companies you’ve probably heard of.

Here are a few places using Bootstrap:

✅ Twitter

✅ Spotify


✅ Lyft

✅ Udemy

✅ LinkedIn

And according to Stackshare, over 40,000 companies use Bootstrap.

Is Bootstrap Dead?: What others say can be deceiving…

I’ve been working as a web developer since 2016.

It was around that time I started following prominent developers, product evangelists, and assorted tech influencers.

And I still do. It’s part of my job, after all.

For brevity, let’s call this group The Influencers.

Is Bootstrap Dead?: How The Influencers‘ Affect Bootstraps Reputation

Influencers are great for bringing attention to certain technologies. Here are a few patterns I’ve noticed.

First, The Influencers are largely a frontend web development crew. You’ll rarely see The Influencers Tweet about Java, for example.

Secondly, and more significantly, The Influencers focus strictly on the sexy.

Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (3)


— Some rando YouTube comment

And what’s sexy right now in the world of frontend web development?


Tailwind CSS.

Anything released current year that has a dark mode.

And guess what’s NOT sexy?

Bootstrap. 🙃

Further, you will hardly ever hear one of The Influencers speak highly of a workhorse like PHP. Sure, it runs 80% of the web

But, like…it’s old and like…It’s not JavaScript. It’s outdated –next please! chant The Influencers.

We’re seeing a similar phenomenon with Bootstrap.

After all, there’s a good chance you stumbled upon this post because you heard somebody suggest Bootstrap is dead.

Or maybe they just can’t stop talking about Material-UI or Tailwind CSS. (Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy both of these too!)

However, chit-chat doesn’t make something so. Just because people dump on Bootstrap (or never mention it anymore) doesn’t mean it’s dead.

Case in point: According to W3Techs, Bootstrap is used by nearly 27% of websites.

This is in contrast to a technology like MongoDB – highly touted by many of The Influencers – yet commands only 5% of market share (according to enlyft).

Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (4)

Is Bootstrap Dead?: What is the future of Bootstrap?

Web development technologies change fast, so there aren’t any guarantees.

That said, with the evolution of Bootstrap, I think it’ll be around for quite a while. Will that be a few years? A few decades? I don’t know for certain.

But I do know that millions of websites and web apps use it. This includes 40,000 companies that use it.

From Twitter to Spotify, Bootstrap is their responsive frontend CSS framework of choice.

Is Bootstrap Dead? Final Thoughts

In summary, Bootstrap isn’t dead.

Millions of developers use it.

40,000+ companies use it.

It had a major facelift in 2020.

And it’s an excellent first framework for new frontend developers.

Despite the klatch of Influencers cheering the Next Big Thing, Bootstrap continues to dominate.

Web developers who wonder Is Bootstrap dead? are also reading:

Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer (2024)


Is Bootstrap dead in 2023? Insights from a working web developer? ›

In summary, Bootstrap isn't dead. Millions of developers use it.

Is Bootstrap still relevant in 2023? ›

As of 2023, Bootstrap is still widely used and is a valuable skill to have as a web developer. Bootstrap provides pre-built CSS and JavaScript components that can be easily customized and integrated into your web projects.

Do web developers still use Bootstrap? ›

Yes ofcourse , Bootstrap is a very popular and used framework for frontend. And even today many developers use bootstrap for their projects.

Do most web developers use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap in web development has become popular because it helps developers to create responsive websites without spending much time and effort. The Bootstrap framework is based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Bootstrap is used by 22% of all websites on the internet.

Why people don t use Bootstrap? ›

While Bootstrap is easy to use, it's not so easy to customize as you might think. Some components will require you to use ! important several times, which is not ideal when creating CSS. And having to override the default styles of Bootstrap is just like having to create your own CSS from start.

What will replace Bootstrap? ›

Best Bootstrap Alternatives
  • Foundation. The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. ...
  • Bulma. Bulma is is a CSS framework heavily inspired by Bootstrap and based on the modern Flexible Box Module, usually referred to as flexbox. ...
  • Tailwind CSS. ...
  • HTML5 Boilerplate. ...
  • Material UI. ...
  • Metro UI. ...
  • UIKit. ...
  • Materialize.
Feb 11, 2020

Is web development worth it in 2023? ›

Web development is currently an excellent career to have. The demand is already there for web developers and the projections look great. Demand for the next decade is expected to steadily grow, and the industry is considered quite lucrative.

Is Bootstrap becoming obsolete? ›

In summary, Bootstrap isn't dead. Millions of developers use it. 40,000+ companies use it.

Is it professional to use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap is widely used by professional web developers creating apps and sites for companies in many sectors.

Is it better to use CSS or Bootstrap? ›

If you're not a designer and just want to put together a quick and easy UI for people to use, then Bootstrap might be the way to go. But, if you want complete freedom with your design and the ability to create custom designs and components easily then Tailwind CSS is the better choice.

Which is better Bootstrap or JavaScript? ›

As mentioned AngularJs is a Javascript-based framework that works on the MVC model. Due to which development is comparatively slower. on the other hand, Bootstrap is primarily known as CSS based framework which makes it suitable for speedy development.

Is it frowned upon to use Bootstrap? ›

So based from the comments below, It is fine if a developer does not want to use bootstrap; in fact, companies actually encourage devs to not use it unless it is needed. But that being said, Bootstrap comes really handy if someone has to build a website in a short period of time.

Should I learn Bootstrap or not? ›

If you want to be a web developer, knowing Bootstrap can be a great advantage. This is true whether your focus is front-end web design or back-end development. Bootstrap can save you time and ensure that your websites are responsive and mobile-first.

Is it bad to learn Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap is a fantastic tool. But it won't do you much good in web development if you don't also have command over the main three front end languages — that is, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Is there a better framework than Bootstrap? ›

Bulma. Bulma is one of the popular CSS frameworks that can be used as an alternative to Bootstrap. Bulma is free, open-source, and has a ton of front-end components that are enough to code any kind of website.

Can we replace CSS for Bootstrap? ›

css file. At any time, you can edit or remove any of your custom CSS to revert to Bootstrap's default styles or redesign your site. You can also easily switch to another version of Bootstrap (as long as it's a minor release, like 4.4) by replacing the reference to the previous stylesheet in your index. html file.

Why is tailwind better than Bootstrap? ›

About which framework is better depends on situation and the need of your project. If your project contains more of backend work and requires common layouts, then Bootstrap will be better. While if your project requires exclusive customization and front-end work, then Tailwind CSS will be better.

Is web development a good career in 2023 2024? ›

Web development skills are in high demand and pay well all across the world, making it a fantastic career choice. It is one of the most easily accessible higher-paying fields because it does not require a typical university degree.

Is front end development dying 2023? ›

Everyone who wants to work as a Frontend developer has a bright future. According to the most recent research, there will be a shortage of approximately one million developers in 2023. Similar studies indicate that the situation might be worse for the rest of the world.

What percentage of websites use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap has market share of 12.30% in programming-framework market. Bootstrap competes with 84 competitor tools in programming-framework category.

Is Bootstrap better than WordPress? ›

Although WordPress and Bootstrap are widely used, some key differences should be taken into account when deciding which platform to choose for your business. WordPress may be a better choice if you're starting since it's easier to create and is more versatile than Bootstrap.

Which is better Bootstrap or material UI? ›

While Bootstrap is known for its consistent user experience, full-proof documentation and high-speed development, Material UI is lauded for the artistic freedom it offers developers while creating unique, stylish and modern-looking apps.

Do front-end devs use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap is one of the most popular, widely used front-end design frameworks. It allows developers to quickly set up professional looking websites with minimal effort. It was originally built at Twitter to address inconsistencies in front-end design.

Is Bootstrap considered a skill? ›

Bootstrap is a valuable skill to have as a Front-End Engineer. The best part about Bootstrap is that it builds on other front-end development skills such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. In fact, you can learn Bootstrap with our courses in just a few hours and start building your first Bootstrap website in no time at all.

Can I get a job with Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap may be turned into a profession without any schooling requirements, whether you are an experienced software engineer or a fresher searching for your first job. All you need is a thorough understanding of CSS.

Does Google use Bootstrap? ›

In the beginning of July 2015, Google publicly released a new framework that is easy to use and has no additional dependencies. It's called Material Design Lite (MDL for short), and it is aimed straight at the hugely popular Bootstrap framework.

Who owns Bootstrap now? ›

It was renamed from Twitter Blueprint to Bootstrap and released as an open-source project on August 19, 2011. It has continued to be maintained by Otto, Thornton, a small group of core developers, and a large community of contributors.

Does Netflix use Bootstrap? ›

This product is built using the following widely used technologies: Most popular CSS Framework Bootstrap.

What is the weakness of Bootstrap? ›

The problem with bootstrapping startups is that the company completely relies on the founder's savings and borrowing capacity in order to function. Needless to say that such saving, as well as borrowing capacity, can be finite and quite limited. Hence it puts the company at a severe disadvantage.

What is the criticism of Bootstrap? ›

One of the more recent criticisms of Bootstrap was its dependency on jQuery, which just doesn't seem to play well with a lot of the front-end development options out there these days. In Bootstrap 5, jQuery has been dropped, which opens a lot of doors for developers looking to stay away from this particular dependency.

Why is bootstrapping risky? ›

The most obvious risk with bootstrapping is putting your own money directly into the company. When your business takes a hit, whether due to lack of sales or an unexpected expense, it will impact you directly.

Should I learn Bootstrap or sass? ›

"Responsiveness", "UI components" and "Consistent" are the key factors why developers consider Bootstrap; whereas "Variables", "Mixins" and "Nested rules" are the primary reasons why Sass is favored.

Should I learn Bootstrap or W3 CSS? ›

W3.CSS is an excellent alternative to Bootstrap. W3.CSS is smaller, faster, and easier to use. If you want to learn W3.CSS, go to our W3.CSS Tutorial.

Is React JS better than Bootstrap? ›

Sometimes developers prefer to avoid this framework due to its vast library and unutilized resources, which leads to slower performance. The performance of React apps is faster and better than Bootstrap, a lightweight performance in user experience with individual components working in an exemplary functional manner.

Should I learn JavaScript or Bootstrap first? ›

Once your HTML and CSS skills are at a usable level, then it's time to move onto JavaScript. While it is possible to learn Bootstrap without any JavaScript knowledge, you won't be able to customize things fully or create your interactive web elements if you don't know at least basic JavaScript.

Why Bootstrap is the most popular? ›

One of the reasons why Bootstrap is so popular among web developers and web designers is that it has a simple file structure. Its files are compiled for easy access, and it only requires basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS to modify them.

Should I put Bootstrap on resume? ›

Yes, Because Bootstrap is the most popular front end framework in the recent time. It is sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Who can help me create a standout resume?

Should I use Bootstrap all the time? ›

Since Bootstrap makes it easier and faster to create responsive websites, it appeals to many front-end developers and beginners in particular. However, it's not recommended by all.

How many people use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap is used by 25.8% of all the websites whose JavaScript library we know. This is 21.2% of all websites.

Why is Bootstrap hard to learn? ›

Although it's easy to use, Bootstrap has a slight learning curve at first. It takes time to learn the available classes and components, which can be complicated for someone with no technical knowledge.

Which frontend framework 2023? ›

React, Vue. js, jQuery, Ember. js, Backbone. js, Semantic-UI, and Angular are among the top frontend frameworks in 2023.

Is it recommended to use Bootstrap? ›

If you have a personal project you'll like to have in your portfolio with so many unique front-end UI and UX designs, it is advisable not to use Bootstrap as you will likely spend lots of time trying to overwrite the Bootstrap features to make it look like you want it to and also make it hard to make changes especially ...

Why don't people like Bootstrap? ›

Many people claim it doesn't follow good coding standards and makes the web page non semantic. Bootstrap is constantly under development and provides frequent updates. The problem is that those updates are not always that easy to integrate.

Is Bootstrap still maintained by Twitter? ›

It was renamed from Twitter Blueprint to Bootstrap and released as an open-source project on August 19, 2011. It has continued to be maintained by Otto, Thornton, a small group of core developers, and a large community of contributors.

Which framework is best for web development in 2023? ›

11 Most Popular Web Frameworks
  • Angular. A front-end web framework that specializes in single-page applications, Angular uses HTML and TypeScript. ...
  • jQuery. jQuery helps developers use JavaScript and document object model (DOM) manipulations more easily. ...
  • React. ...
  • Ruby on Rails. ...
  • Vue. ...
  • ASP.NET Core. ...
  • Django. ...
  • Express.

Which backend language is best for web development in 2023? ›

Best Backend Languages
  1. JavaScript: The high-level, platform-independent, versatile, and lightweight qualities make it the most preferred backend programming language. ...
  2. SQL: SQL, as a query language, provides a reliable way to manipulate your backend for top-tier performance. ...
  3. Python: ...
  4. Java: ...
  5. PHP: ...
  6. Golang: ...
  7. Kotlin: ...
  8. Ruby:
Mar 28, 2023

What are the trends in programming 2023? ›

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to be major trends in 2023, with a focus on improving the efficiency and speed of algorithms. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to evolve rapidly and are expected to remain major trends in 2023.

Do professional websites use Bootstrap? ›

Bootstrap is widely used by professional web developers creating apps and sites for companies in many sectors.

Is it better to use Bootstrap or CSS? ›

If you're not a designer and just want to put together a quick and easy UI for people to use, then Bootstrap might be the way to go. But, if you want complete freedom with your design and the ability to create custom designs and components easily then Tailwind CSS is the better choice.

Which companies use Bootstrap? ›

42925 companies reportedly use Bootstrap in their tech stacks, including Spotify, Twitter, and Udemy.
  • Spotify.
  • Twitter.
  • Udemy.
  • Robinhood.
  • LinkedIn.
  • Postman.
  • Lyft.
  • StackShare.

Why is Bootstrap better than react? ›

Bootstrap is a CSS framework that improves responsiveness. React is a JavaScript library and is used to improve UI. Bootstrap is based on the CSS grid system, the CSS flexbox, to improve responsiveness. React is based on pure vanillaJS to improve the UI and client-side experience.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.