Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (2024)

Should you keep studying or go to work? The debate is widespread regarding the value of a degree and whether or not job experience is more valuable than an academic credential. If you are having an ongoing debate with yourself as to whether or not it is worth spending the time and the money to earn your degree, you’re not alone. In the past, all it took was drive and perhaps some years of professional experience to land a high-paying position with a great benefits package. Now, even college graduates at the top of their class can experience trouble finding roles in the field that they major in without some prior work in the field. In this article, our experts will unpack the issue, discussing the cost versus return on a college degree as well as how certain industries view experience in the field. Let’s get started.

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (1)

Education Versus Experience: The Double-Edged Sword

It has been a dilemma for ages. Young professionals need experience to find a good job, but they also need a job in order to get that necessary experience. The solution to this double-edged sword seemed to be go to school to earn a degree in a field that is high in demand. After all, with your degree you can develop your knowledge of the field and then learn how to be a professional in the setting. Earning a degree is sometimes perceived as the best way to earn a decent income, but that is not always how things turn out.

The Cost of a College Degree

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (2)

As with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with pursuing a college degree. One major drawback is the significant cost of higher education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), undergraduate students paid over $30,000 in tuition on average for the academic year of 2018-2019. That’s 28% more than they paid just a decade ago. Clearly, the price of a bachelor’s degree is going up, leading many a would-be college graduate to question whether or not it’s all worth it.

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This concern is only compounded when you add student loan debt to the equation. Recent figures show that Americans owe more than $1.5 trillion in collective student loans. That breaks down to very nearly $40,000 per student. The thought of graduating from school with that much debt before even earning a dime on the job is overwhelming for many undergrads. If you’re looking for something low-commitment and cheap enough to help you dodge student loans, check out our ranking of the cheapest online associate degrees.

The Return on Investment (ROI) of a College Credential

Still, college has long been viewed as an investment in one’s future. In this regard, it’s expected that a student will have to invest money into their schooling in order to reap the rewards of a high-paying job in the future. Does this formula still work in today’s economy? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the answer remains “yes.” According to a recent survey, individuals with a bachelor’s degree make nearly twice as much per week as those with just a high school diploma, and their employment rate is significantly higher as well. Findings from Georgetown University’s report entitled “The College Payoff” echoed this sentiment, pointing out that a four-year degree is worth about $2.8 million over the course of a lifetime—84% more than the value of a high school diploma. The data overwhelmingly suggests that the more education you have, the more money you will make, and the less likely it is that you will find yourself unemployed. Problem solved, right?

That’s not the end of the story, however. If you read the fine print on the BLS website, for example, it clearly states that the data does not “take into account completion of training programs in the form of apprenticeships and other on-the-job-training, which may also influence earnings and unemployment rates.” That’s a big piece of the puzzle that’s missing, and it brings to mind the question: Is on-the-job training as valuable as a college degree? After all, if you can earn as much long-term with experience in the field as you could with a degree, then it would make sense to forego the cost of college and start putting money in the bank right away.

The Real Answer? It Depends

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (4)

As is the case with most things involving jobs and higher education, the real answer is complicated. As much as we would like to provide a cut-and-dry solution to the dilemma over job experience versus a degree, it really all depends on your individual circ*mstances, particularly the vocational field you intend to work in and the actual position you hope to attain.

According to the Georgetown study, the value of your degree can outweigh job experience but only in some fields. If you earn an advanced-level degree in an area like computer science, engineering, or information technology, you will earn significantly more than the average salary of an educator with a basic degree or certificate who has been in the field for 10-plus years, for instance. Ten years of experience in a STEM field wouldn’t hold as much weight as an academic credential, though.

To complicate the matter further, it’s true that there are some very high-paying occupations that do not require a college degree. For example, nuclear power reactor operators make over $100,000 a year with just a high school diploma, but they must undergo extensive on-the-job training to reach this level of earning power. Similar circ*mstances exist for other occupations such as commercial pilots, criminal investigators, and elevator installers, for example. These lucrative positions require a fair amount of training, but no college degree.

Jobs That Require a Degree and No Experience

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (5)

Still, these are exceptions to the rule. There are far more professions in this income bracket associated with a bachelor’s credential. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists 68 different occupations with median annual wages of over $80,000 that require only a bachelor’s degree and no prior experience in the field. Below are just a few examples of high-paying jobs that can be had with just an undergraduate degree alone, along with their mean annual salary, according to the BLS:

  • Computer and Information Systems Managers: $151,150
  • Architectural and Engineering Managers: $149,530
  • Petroleum Engineers: $137,330
  • Advertising and Promotions Managers: $141,490
  • Computer Hardware Engineers: $119,560
  • Computer Network Architects: $116,780

With a master’s degree, individuals will have additional opportunities to earn a handsome salary. Some examples include:

  • Computer and Information Research Scientists: $126,830
  • Political Scientists: $125,350
  • Nurse Anesthetists: $117,670
  • Economists: $108,350
  • Education Administrators: $98,490

This is not to suggest that individuals with aspirations in the above occupations can’t benefit from experience working in the field. It is only to point out that prior experience is not specifically required as a prerequisite to employment. Certainly, applicants who can demonstrate prior work in an industry or vocation will be better qualified for employment and more attractive to hiring managers.

The Sweet Spot: A Degree Plus Job Experience

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (6)

The issue of job experience versus a degree is no doubt a complicated one. In fact, the more you dig into the issue, the more complex it may seem. Perhaps that’s because you’re asking the wrong question. As we’ve seen, there are many cases where a job requires both academic training and on-the-job experience. In fact, some of the most lucrative jobs require both. Here are some examples:

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  • Airline and Commercial Pilots: $130,440
  • Actuaries: $111,030
  • Sales Engineers: $108,830
  • Construction Managers: $97,180

Moreover, applicants with experience almost always beat out similarly educated candidates for the same job. Thus, the question you may consider asking yourself is not whether you need a degree or experience, but what kind of degree and how much job experience you’ll need to reach your career goals.

Again, Experience Always Counts

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (7)

The fact is, whether a specific job requires prior experience or just a degree is almost a moot point. In reality, experience always matters. The more experience you have, the more proficient you’ll be at your job, which can make you stand out amongst your co-workers. After years of working in your profession, you’ll be first in-line for promotions, which in turn, will increase your earning potential. If you look at some of the highest paying jobs in America, you’ll see that many of them are managerial roles. These positions are not handed out to employees without several years of experience working in a specific role. In order to be a manager, you need to understand your occupation inside and out. This level of comprehension cannot be taught in school; instead, real-world experience is the only way it can be learned.

The Game Plan

Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (8)

If it’s true that you need both a degree and experience in order to be successful in your chosen field, then the real question becomes: “How do I go about earning a credential plus work experience?” Since accomplishing both of these goals at the same time can be challenging, it’s a valid question. The important thing to remember, though, is that it’s not an impossible situation. Here are some strategies for getting your feet wet in your chosen field while simultaneously hitting the books.


With the goal of earning as much as possible in your occupation, volunteer work may be the furthest thing from your mind, but it shouldn’t be. Volunteering your time while in college can benefit your career in the long term if you play your cards right. Why? Because it can be an easy way to gain some real-world experience in the industry when you’re brand new to the field. While you may not yet qualify for an internship, for example, few people will turn down free work. While you won’t earn any immediate dough for your volunteerism, it is something you can put down on your resume to show a future employer that you have some experience working in the area, which can give you a competitive edge in terms of being hired on for a lucrative position when the time comes.

Pursue an Internship

Once you have some volunteer work in the field under your belt, so to speak, the next step is to find an internship or apprenticeship in your chosen vocation. To find opportunities to work under a seasoned professional in your prospective occupation, use your school’s resources, including the career services department as well as your professors’ connections. Don’t be afraid to ask about available opportunities, and let your network know about your professional intentions as well as your availability. Also, keep in mind that some internships are paid internships, so you can start earning money while also gaining experience. Win-win!

Work Part-Time

While it might not be feasible to get a job doing exactly what you want to do in your chosen field while you’re still in school, that doesn’t mean you can’t start earning valuable job experience. Getting a part-time job that’s relevant to your future vocation is a valuable pursuit, and it will show prospective employers that you’re serious about attaining your goals. For example, if you’re working toward a nursing degree, you won’t be able to get a job as an RN prior to graduation, but you might qualify for work as a medical receptionist or nursing assistant, for example. Similar entry-level jobs are available in nearly every industry for part-time workers.

Will an Undergraduate Degree Payoff? Yes, But So Will Experience

There is not denying that an advanced degree has value, but what is the value of a bachelor’s degree compared to experience? This all depends on the industry. In some fields, high school graduates with experience do tend to earn more than inexperienced college degree holders for the first few years in the workplace. While this is true, degree holders almost always end up earning more over the long term than those without a degree. You also might consider splitting the difference. An accelerated online associate’s degree is a cheap and fast way to get a leg up. And it puts you on the path to a bachelor’s should you decide to pursue that later. At the end of the day, it’s impossible to separate a degree from experience in most situations. Instead, we have to reconcile that a combination of the two is best. While the value of a degree is high in most fields, practical experience also has its value.



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Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? (2024)


Is a Degree More Valuable than Job Experience? ›

Some industries prefer candidates with experience, while other industries require candidates to have at least a bachelor's degree. For example, many vocational trades seek candidates with relevant experience, but jobs within the tech industry often seek candidates with degrees.

Does experience outweigh degree? ›

Key Takeaways. The experience versus education debate is not clear-cut and depends largely on the job you're going after. In a high-tech field, education might trump experience, while in vocational fields, experience tends to reign supreme.

How many years of experience is equivalent to a degree? ›

A bachelor's degree is roughly equivalent to four to eight years of work experience in a related field. A master's degree is roughly equivalent to 10 or more years of work experience in a related field.

Are skills more valuable than degrees? ›

When changing careers, focus on your skill set rather than your degrees. This paradigm shift from education base to skill base challenges the traditional emphasis placed on credentials and job titles, placing greater value on the tangible abilities individuals bring to the table.

What is one benefit for US workers who have a college degree rather than a high school diploma? ›

Key Takeaways. Compared with individuals whose highest degree is a high school diploma, bachelor's degree holders are 24 percent more likely to be employed, 3.5x less likely to impoverished, and nearly 5x less likely to be imprisoned.

Is it better to have a degree or work experience? ›

While a college degree can potentially signify you've gained the foundation for doing a job, real-life experiences assure employers you have real assets to get the job done successfully.

Do employers value degrees or experience? ›

Some industries prefer candidates with experience, while other industries require candidates to have at least a bachelor's degree. For example, many vocational trades seek candidates with relevant experience, but jobs within the tech industry often seek candidates with degrees.

Does a degree matter if you have experience? ›

The ideal mix of education and experience can vary from field to field. While a graduate degree is important for some jobs, it may be of little value in others.

Can experience replace a degree? ›

Fortunately, you can still apply to jobs that say they require a “bachelor's degree” or “college degree” when you don't have one. If you're confident you can do the job based solely on your experience and skills, go ahead and apply.

How do I convert my work experience to a degree? ›

How to get college credit for work experience
  1. Take CLEP exams. ...
  2. Complete Prior Learning Assessments (PLA) ...
  3. Create a portfolio. ...
  4. Take advantage of military experience. ...
  5. Consider internships. ...
  6. Participate in service-learning projects. ...
  7. Participate in work-based learning programs. ...
  8. Seek credit for professional certifications.
Apr 20, 2023

Why is a degree more important than experience? ›

Bottom line — you can't achieve success with theoretical knowledge alone. Education does serve as a foundation for a greater likelihood of success and higher pay, but it's important to supplement higher education with experience. In today's world, a degree alone doesn't guarantee employment and career advancement.

Which degree is most valued? ›

The top 8 highest-paying master's degrees
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Science in Nursing.
  • Master of Science in Engineering Management.
  • Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering.
  • Master of Science in Finance.
  • Master of Arts in Political Science.
  • Master of Science in Computer Science.
Jun 20, 2024

Are people with degrees more successful? ›

College graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree. Typical earnings for bachelor's degree holders are $40,500 or 86 percent higher than those whose highest degree is a high school diploma. College graduates on average make $1.2 million more over their lifetime.

Why can't I get a job with a bachelor's degree? ›

Companies don't want to train employees anymore. Today's entry-level jobs often require more technical skills than 20-40 years ago. Traditional undergraduate programs don't teach plug-and-play “task” skills made for entry-level jobs. You can't network into a job when your entire network is competing with you.

What is the life expectancy of someone with a college degree? ›

By the numbers: In 2021, the life expectancy for people without a Bachelor's degree was about 75, compared to 83 for those with degrees, according to the research. A decade prior, it was nearly 78 and 84, respectively.

Is a bachelor's degree enough? ›

Even if an entry-level job does not require a bachelor's degree, more advanced roles at the associate or senior level will likely expect a college degree. For example, you'll typically need a bachelor's degree to be a sales manager, financial manager, or marketing manager, according to the BLS.

What matters more degree or experience? ›

Bottom line — you can't achieve success with theoretical knowledge alone. Education does serve as a foundation for a greater likelihood of success and higher pay, but it's important to supplement higher education with experience. In today's world, a degree alone doesn't guarantee employment and career advancement.

Should experience go above education? ›

People who list education first on their resumes typically have little to no work experience or are recent graduates, and this is usually the proper way to formulate your resume.

Does experience outweigh GPA? ›

While GPA is important, some schools may place greater emphasis on a student's work experience, which might trump a mediocre GPA.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.