Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (2024)

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (1)

Sammie Ellard-King

I’m Sammie, a money expert and business owner passionate about helping you take control of your wallet. My mission with Up the Gains is to create a safe space to help improve your finances, cut your costs and make you feel good while doing it.

£70,000 is an excellent salary and is well above the median wage for the UK and London. Whether or not you find 70k to be a good salary will depend on your current financial and living situation.

If you live in London, you could expect £70,000 to go quite a long way but compared with places in the North which are often cheaper, £70,000 will go even further.

If you want to find out the answer to ‘is 70k a good salary in the UK’, then read on as we break it all down or watch the full video just below!

Table of Contents

Is 70k a good salary in the UK?

A 70k salary is above the nation’s average for a full-time employee. The average yearly wage for full-time workers in London in 2022, according to Statista, was £41,866, compared with £29,521 for workers in North East England.

A 70k salary is likely to be a senior management position; therefore, you will need the experience to warrant such a salary. Most people will naturally start much lower when starting out or leaving university.

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (2)

Breaking down a 70k salary

Right, so you could have landed a 70k salary. Nice work! But how does it break down?

This net wage is calculated based on you being younger than 65 with no student loan, pension deductions or benefits.

Gross income of £70k per year equals:

  • £33.65 per hour
  • £269.23 per day
  • £1,346.15 per week
  • £2,692.30 bi-weekly
  • £5,833.33 per month

Estimated Net Income after income tax and national insurance contributions

  • £23.87 per hour
  • £190.96 per day
  • £954.80 per week
  • £1,909.6 bi-weekly
  • £4,137.47 per month

It’s important to note that tax on your bonus will fall into the higher tax bracket here. If you’re worried about that, then there are options you can look into to lower the tax you pay.

Equally, if you’re moving roles, be sure to submit your P45 as early as possible to avoid emergency tax.

UK Salary Calculator


Can you live off a 70k salary?

The short answer is yes; you can comfortably live off 70k. You’re now venturing into the UK’s top 5% of paid people. This is an incredible stat, so if you’re at this stage, you should be proud of your achievements.

Many variables are in play regarding expenses, such as total household income, debt, dependents, and monthly payments.

This is unique to each person; therefore, we must stress that only you will know if you can live off 70k, but realistically, you shouldn’t have an issue.

If you’ve been on a higher salary and are taking a pay cut, you may be accustomed to a particular lifestyle. This could mean your outgoings may be much higher. In this case, you may not be able live off £70,000 and would need to rearrange your finances to suit your new salary.

Compared to the US for the same roles, generally, salaries in the US are higher, and UK salaries are lower for some reason, but not considerably.

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (3)

How much rent can I afford on a 70k salary?

Renting is challenging to work out as it depends a lot on other expenses. You will also need to consider household bills like gas, electricity, council tax and water.

Remember things like the internet, mobile phone, insurance and transport bills. It all adds up, so it’s essential to budget for these costs before you work out your available cash for rent.

Usually, it’s around 30-40% of your salary for rent. Try to keep this as low as possible. If you have debt, I suggest reducing this accordingly, but you’ll find operating within this bracket leaves you some cash left over.

If you look at a 70k salary monthly, after tax, this bracket is around £1200-£1400. If you’re in London, or a major UK city, you could afford a one-bedroom flat, but sharing with others or a partner would give you more options.

In the North of England, this will go a lot further and, in some places, can even get you a three-bedroom house.

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (4)

Can I buy a house with a 70k salary?

Yes, you could easily buy a house with a 70k salary. According to, you could afford somewhere between £300,000 – £370,000 if you have a 10% saved for a house deposit.

In the UK, your mortgage affordability is usually calculated at x5 your yearly income before tax. Your affordability would increase if you added someone like your partner, friend or sibling to a joint mortgage.

It’s important to note that if you’re freelance, this amount could change as lenders are often less favourable to people who work for themselves or own businesses. You will usually need 24 months’ worth of tax returns but having 3+ years makes it more accessible.

Depending on where you buy, £370,000 can go quite a long way. In London, you’d need to look around the outskirts to get a one-bedroom flat, but if you’re looking in more rural areas, this could turn into a two or three-bedroom house with a garden!

Tips for how to live off a 70k salary

How can you make your 70k a year go even further? This section looks for tips to help you do just that.


We know budgeting isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but even on a 70k salary, you should have one! If you don’t, you’re playing the dark, and while that may work for some for most, it doesn’t!

Understanding your outgoings allows you to assess your current financial situation and plan for more significant purchases or life decisions. It will also allow you to allocate money for things like investing, saving and paying off debt.

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Pay off Debt

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (6)

If you’re earning £70,000 a year, you should be looking to clear any debts you may have right away. A budget will be handy here as you can allocate money towards your debt and pay it down faster.

Targeting any high-interest debt first is vital to reduce your interest payments. The last thing you want is to offer up your hard-earned money to banks through interest payments as that’s cash you could have used elsewhere.

Many of us just pay off the minimum balance each month, and whilst this is contributing, you’re often just paying back interest and not reducing the balance. The key here is to overpay so you can get your debt down faster.

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (7)

Consider investing

If you’ve never invested, you should seriously look into it. Earning 70k a year, you should be looking to invest so your money works for you.

You could invest via the stock market, businesses or property. There are plenty of options for you to look into.

There are risks when investing in the stock market, but if you invest for the long term, many of those risks become smaller. The stock market is built to rise over time, so if you stay invested in the right companies, you can do very well.

If you want to avoid learning about investing but still be an investor, let apps like Moneyfarm and Wealthify do the hard work for you.

These brands are called robo-advisors and are designed to take care of everything for you. They have built-in algorithms that create portfolios tailored to each individual.

Once you complete a questionnaire, you will have a portfolio ready-made for you and can begin investing what you can afford.

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Always use credit cards correctly

Using credit cards correctly is something I could go on about all day. I pay them down immediately – don’t wait. That’s the trap they lure you in, and suddenly you are stuck paying down the interest every month. Don’t do this!

Try not to maximise all the credit you take out. Agencies like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion will encourage you to keep under 30% of your total credit card balance. Bad credit doesn’t help anyone!

Doing this shows you’re responsible with debt and can clear it immediately if necessary.

My tip is to buy something on your credit card every month. Have a regular bill you pay, like a subscription. As soon as it comes out, pay it off. This will help maintain and even increase your credit score.

A balance transfer card can help stop any high interest you may be paying. You can find interest-free ones, but check out the transfer fees beforehand.

Build an emergency fund

Building yourself an emergency fund for rainy days is essential. Life happens at any corner, so financial security will make those moments much easier to deal with!

Experts say most emergency funds should be six months’ worth of pay, but three months is a great place to start working towards.

To help me, I use a round-up feature with my bank to help me put money aside. This takes any purchase and puts the loose change away for me.

For example, if I spend £2.20 on a coffee, my bank rounds up the purchase to £3.00, placing the 80p into a savings pot for me.


Is 70k a year middle class?

It’s important to note that no official amount makes you into a class, it’s purely personal judgement, but £70,000 yearly is undoubtedly an excellent wage. 70k a year would see you by some as middle class and, in other cases, even upper class. It purely depends on the individual’s viewpoint.

Is 70k enough in London?

Yes, 70k is enough in London to live comfortably. Everyone knows things are more expensive in the capital, but if you keep your outgoings down, and budget correctly you will be able to enjoy all it offers on 70k a year.

Is a 70k salary good for a single person?

If you’re single and have relatively no debt, 70k is in the UK’s top 5% of salaries. This level of salary will allow you to pay your rent/mortgage and still have enough left to enjoy time with friends and family, invest and put money away.


So, Is 70k a good salary in the UK? We’ve established that it depends on where you live, your financial situation and many other variables.

You can make 70k work even in the capital, but it can become challenging if you’re supporting a large family or have large amounts of debt.

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Disclaimer: Content on this pageis for informational purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making a financially related decision.

I'm an experienced financial expert with a deep understanding of various aspects related to personal finance and business. Over the years, I've provided valuable insights and guidance to individuals seeking to enhance their financial well-being. My expertise spans topics such as budgeting, debt management, investing, and navigating the complexities of salary structures.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article by Sammie Ellard-King:

Salary Analysis:

  • Is 70k a good salary in the UK?
    • The article suggests that a £70,000 salary is above the national average for a full-time employee in the UK.
    • It emphasizes the regional variations, stating that £70,000 would go further in places with lower living costs, such as the North of England.

Salary Breakdown:

  • Breaking down a 70k salary:
    • The article provides a detailed breakdown of a £70,000 salary, including hourly, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly figures.
    • It mentions the importance of considering tax implications, especially for bonuses, and advises on submitting the P45 when changing roles.

Cost of Living:

  • Can you live off a 70k salary?
    • The article asserts that a £70,000 salary places individuals in the top 5% of paid people in the UK.
    • It highlights the importance of considering various factors like household income, debt, and dependents when determining whether one can comfortably live on this salary.


  • How much rent can I afford on a 70k salary?

    • The article suggests that rent affordability is around 30-40% of your salary and advises budgeting for additional expenses like bills.
    • It provides insights into the housing options in different regions based on a £70,000 salary.
  • Can I buy a house with a 70k salary?

    • The article indicates that with a £70,000 salary, one could afford a house in the range of £300,000 – £370,000 with a 10% deposit.
    • It mentions factors affecting mortgage affordability, such as being freelance and the requirement for tax returns.

Financial Tips:

  • Tips for how to live off a 70k salary:
    • The article offers practical advice, including budgeting, paying off debts, considering investments, and using credit cards wisely.
    • It introduces the concept of robo-advisors for those interested in investing without delving into the intricacies.


  • Is 70k a year middle class?

    • The article acknowledges the subjective nature of class distinctions but notes that £70,000 yearly is considered an excellent wage by many.
  • Is 70k enough in London?

    • It affirms that £70,000 is sufficient for a comfortable life in London, provided expenses are managed effectively.
  • Is a 70k salary good for a single person?

    • The article states that a £70,000 salary places a single person in the top 5% of UK salaries and is enough for various financial goals.


  • The conclusion emphasizes that the adequacy of a £70,000 salary depends on factors such as location, financial situation, and individual variables.
  • It cautions about potential challenges if supporting a large family or dealing with substantial debt.

In summary, Sammie Ellard-King's article comprehensively addresses the different facets of evaluating and managing a £70,000 salary in the UK.

Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains (2024)


Is 70k A Good Salary In The UK? - Up the Gains? ›

Earning a 70k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

How many people in the UK earn over 70000? ›

How many people earn above £70K? National accountancy group, UHY Hacker Young, say that over 1.6 million people earn over £70,000 – 5.2% of the overall taxpaying population. 365,000 women (2.8% of taxpaying women) earn over £70K.

What is an impressive salary UK? ›

At the top end of the scale, just 10% of those aged 40-49 earn over £70k per annum, the highest for all age groups. Furthermore, 40% of those aged 40-49 earn over £40,000 per year (which is higher than the UK average salary of £38k).

What salary is upper class UK? ›

Moving into 2024 here's how it stands:

The median income was £565 per week or £29,380 per year. Anyone making more than that per year (and this is net, not gross) is in the top 50% of earners in the UK. The top 5% earn £7,251 per month or more. That's shockingly only £87,012 per year.

Is 70K a respectable salary? ›

So, if you have a salary of $70,000, you have a salary that is in the top 50 percent of all earners in the United States. With a salary of over $60,000, you are doing well and part of above-average earners in the United States.

What income is top 1% in England? ›

How Much is a Top 1% Salary Worth After Tax?
Percentile EarningsTop 5%Top 1%
Gross Income£87,012£180,984
Taxable Income£74,442£168,414
Income Tax at 20%£7,540£7,540
Income Tax at 40%£14,696.80£34,976
4 more rows
Jan 26, 2024

What salary is middle class UK? ›

“It is people earning between £30,000-£60,000 a year, depending on the type of household, people who you would expect to be doing OK,” he said. “Being on a middle income does not make people secure. In the present cost of living crisis, the vulnerabilities of people on modest incomes have become more apparent.

What is a handsome salary in UK? ›

What's a high salary in the UK? Given the above breakdown, a good salary in the UK for a single person (with or without children) would be above £40,000, allowing them to have a good standard of living with some room for luxuries such as a yearly holiday and a car.

Is 70k a good UK salary? ›

In conclusion - is 70k a good salary? Earning a 70k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

How common is 100K salary in UK? ›

So, how many earners in the UK receive 100K annually? According to government data, only 4% of the population in the country earns 100K per year. So, if you are among them, you are in luck – you make up more than 96% of UK citizens. The average annual income in the UK is now at £33,282 (or £640 per week).

Is 75k a good salary UK? ›

In conclusion - is 75k a good salary? Earning a 75k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

What salary is middle class London? ›

What was middle-class income in the UK in 2022? According to, the middle-class salary in the UK for 2022 was £26,800 per annum. Of course, the figures swing wildly depending on geographic region. While £35,000 was considered the minimum in the North, £60,000 was the minimum for London.

Is 60k middle class UK? ›

Middle income earners who bring in between £30,000 and £60,000 a year are struggling financially, according to a new report. Caught in the middle was published yesterday (20 February) by Professor Donald Hirsch at the Financial Fairness Trust and Eleni Karagiannaki from the London School of Economics.

Is 70000 a good salary in London? ›

Depends on your industry, job role, experience, qualifications, contacts and luck. Most of London's senior lawyers, management consultants and investment bankers with more than 4 years full time post graduation experience are earning a lot more than £70k.

What percentage of people make over 70K? ›

Percentage distribution of household income in the United States in 2022
Annual household income in U.S. dollarsPercentage of U.S. households
50,000 to 74,99916.2%
75,000 to 99,99912.3%
100,000 to 149,99916.4%
150,000 to 199,9999.2%
5 more rows
Nov 3, 2023

Is 70K a middle class salary? ›

Today, middle class describes a broad economic group making up roughly half of the U.S. population. Typically, it has consisted of those in white-collar jobs, small businesses or skilled trades. According to the Pew Research Center, the middle class includes Americans making between $38,133 and $114,400 in 2023.

What percent of the population makes 70k a year? ›

Percent by Household
Annual Household Income% of Americans Earning More
$55,000 to $59,99941.76%
$60,000 to $64,99938.04%
$65,000 to $69,99935.03%
$70,000 to $74,99931.85%
38 more rows
Oct 27, 2011

Is 70k a good salary in the UK? ›

In conclusion - is 70k a good salary? Earning a 70k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

What percentage of people make more than 70000? ›

Overall, the highest percentage of Americans (16.5%) have an income between $50,000-$74,999. With the second and third highest percentages being those who make between $75,000-$99,999 (12.2%) and $100,000-$149,000 (15.3%).

What do the top 5% of people earn in the UK? ›

Perhaps you recall the BBC Question Time audience member who, weeks before the 2019 general election, couldn't believe that his salary of over £80,000 made him part of the top 5% of UK earners – despite the UK being a country where almost a third of children live in poverty.

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