Investment Memos: How to Write a Perfect One in 2023 (2024)

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An investment memo is a concise document startups use to pitch their company to potential investors.

Investment memos lay out your company's strategic vision, business strategies, rationale, and expectations for an investment. They are a great tool to help you raise capital from venture capital investors.

Venture capital investors use investment memos as supporting documents in their investment decisions. This guiding document helps them discover if the investment opportunities are worth following or not.

In this article, we’ll cover the following:

  • What’s an “investment memo.”
  • Why it is important to create one.
  • The core elements it has to include the differences between investment memos and pitch decks.
  • An investment memo template that you can adapt to your startup.
  • Various examples of investment memos from well-known companies.

What Is An Investment Memo?

Y Combinator describes an investment memo as “a clear and concise articulation of the key components of your company and what the rationale is for investing in it.”

As a startup founder, creating this memo helps clarify why investors should be placing their money in your company. Having a clear and well-written investment memo is important so you can get the best deal for your startup.

Why Do Startups Need Investment Memos?

As we discussed previously, investment memos are a powerful tool for communicating between a startup and a venture capital firm during the investment process. Investment memos are utilized for:

  • Staring the startup's story and business plan in a clear format.
  • Outline the main reasons why investors should invest.
  • Align your company's team and potential venture partners to what matters more for your company and product.

The investment memo is often ignored as those involved think the existing pitch deck serves the same purpose. However, this is not always the case.

Investment Memo vs Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a presentation through which you share an overview of your business goals, product roadmap, potential services, and growth direction.

An investment memo contains similar elements but is written in document form and presented more formally than pitch decks.

A pitch deck will create a picture of who you are in front of investors, but the investment memo is the more detailed version of why they should invest in your company.

So, although they use similar information, the difference lies in how you write down the key elements about your company and hand it over to an investor.

An investment memo has a few advantages over a traditional pitch deck:

  • An investment memo is a document with a clear structure and information, whereas a pitch deck sometimes contains more visual slides and lacks context.
  • A structured document makes the investment memo easy to read by investors. A slide-based presentation can sometimes lack a narrative.
  • An investment memo is ready to be shared with other third-party sources, while a pitch deck doesn’t convey the whole story.

What To Include in an Investment Memo

Here are the main elements an investment memo should include for startups seeking investment:

1) Introduction

This introductory section has to cover the reasons why your company exists and the primary purpose of your business. Write it down as a clear and concise overview; you can think about the following:

  • What does your business do?
  • What are the current solutions that are available in the market?
  • How will your solution generate income and shape the market?

2) Problem

The Problem section talks about the pain points from your core audience you are trying to address and how the environment will look once you resolve it. Describe things like:

  • What problems are you trying to solve?
  • What are your plans to resolve some of these problems?

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3) Solution

This section is relatively straightforward. You will need to cover your product, business model, and key elements of your target market.

  • What’s your business model?
  • Describe your product roadmap.
  • How do you ensure product-market fit?

4) Market Size

After covering the core problems and how your solution addresses them, it’s time to put things in perspective for your potential investor. Describe the size of the market, your primary customers, and the opportunity to scale your business.

  • What’s your positioning in the competitive landscape?
  • Describe your customers.
  • Define the size of the market opportunity you are creating for them. How large is it?

5) Competition

After drawing out the market map, it’s time to move toward the available competitor solutions. You can explain how your solution is better than theirs and what unique selling advantages you have that separate you from your competition.

  • Who are your competitors?
  • How is your solution different?

6) Growth & Distribution

This is the part where things get more oriented toward your plan. Include your go-to-market strategy, the main actions you plan to use with the investment funding, and what expected outcomes would be measured by the end of the campaigns.

  • What are the elements of growth that would empower your company?
  • What’s your go-to-market plan?
  • How much have you raised before?
  • How much are you looking to raise right now?
  • How will their funding round resolve your current issues?

7) Metrics

Investors are looking for actionable elements. It’s essential to describe your current revenue drivers and growth strategies. Try to include charts in this section and highlight the following:

  • Your core revenue drivers.
  • Business metrics to show market traction.
  • Product metrics (churn, ACV, rake, etc.)

8) Team

Each plan is brought to life by the team implementing it, so talk about your team in the investment memo. Describe your core go-to-market team members, who they are, why they are suitable candidates for those roles, and what makes them unique. Additionally, state your plans for growing the team over time and how the investment will contribute to this area.

  • Who are you?
  • Who are your team members?
  • What are their capabilities?
  • What makes your team special?
  • How do you plan to grow your team over time?

Investment Memo Template

It’s crucial to think about investment memos if you are looking to get some funding.

We’ve found Angel investor Steve Schlafman’s investment memo template in notion, which you can use to help you get started.

This template includes the core elements of an investment memo that will help you outline the information investors looks for most about a company.

You can download the investment memo template here.

6 Investment Memo Examples

Raising funds for an early-stage startup has a creative component due to founders having to share the story of their startup with investors. A story that is told through clear information, alongside great supporting materials, is more likely to be successful.

Here is a list of investment memo examples from venture capital firms around the world sharing their insights on different investment projects.

Shopify Venture Capital Investment Memo Examples

Shopify is considered one of the most successful investment deals from Bessemer Venture’s portfolio. Their investment memo was published close to 10 years after the deal was made.

This investment memo contains an overview of the company's purpose in attracting their $7M Series A funding round. It provides a short description of their market opportunity, including details about their customers and pricing strategies.

The information is also supported by financial reports, customer acquisition, retention metrics, and a quick view of the competitive landscape.

Bessemer's view of the deal states that the outcomes of their analysis ended up being 2x what they had expected.

Read the full Shopify investment memo here.

DoorDash Venture Capital Investment Memo Example

DoorDash is an investment of Sequoia from 2012, where they led a Series A round of $17.3M. The investment memo was published only in 2020 when DoorDash celebrated its IPO by Alfred Lin, Partner at Sequoia Capital and one of the key investors in this deal.

The investment memo contains information about who DoorDash is and what they were aiming to build. It captured the founder's story, customer obsession, and the company’s mission in supporting restaurants and local businesses.

Read the full DoorDash investment memo here.

Twitch Venture Capital Investment Memo Example

Bessemer Venture Partners invested $13M in Twitch.TV, in a Series B round back in 2012.

The document goes through the company’s key moments of growth and exit, such as pivoting from JustinTV to Twitch and the official acquisition by Amazon.

In this investment memo, Ethan Kurzweil, Partner at Bessemer Venture Partners and one of the lead investors, highlighted that a core reason behind the investment was the team. Bessemer liked the founders of Twitch, their passion for constantly delivering, and their solid focus on what they wanted.

Twitch’s investment memo also goes through the company's value proposition, key insights about the market they were participating in, and the impressive metrics highlighting good product adoption and usage.

Read the full Twitch investment memo here.

YouTube Venture Capital Investment Memo Example

Sequoia Capital invested early in YouTube, bringing an initial $1M seed round, followed by another $4M in a Series A. The investment memo was published in 2005 as a confidential document but released publicly only in 2010.

The document was made public by Roelof Botha, an investor from Sequoia, after a court case between Viacom and YouTube, during which he had to disclose the document as part of the testimony.

YouTube’s investment memo and the data inside it confirm why Sequoia believed in the power of YouTube.

The document highlights the company's main competitors, advantages and disadvantages, and market insights that made its position unique. YouTube’s investment memo also goes through product development elements, sales, and marketing efforts achieved by the company.

Read the full YouTube investment memo here.

Airbase Venture Capital Investment Memo Example

Airbase raised a Series B, counting a total of $60M to grow its spend management platform. The investment was led by the Silicon Valley venture capital fund Menlo Ventures.

The investment was also joined by Craft Ventures and existing investors, such as Bain Capital Ventures, First Round Capital, Quiet Capital, Webb Investment Network, and BoxGroup.

This is the first example featuring an investment memo from a founder instead of an investor. Thejo Kote, CEO of Airbase, explains that he used this investment memo to tell a better story of the company and gain more credibility in front of investors.

Read the full Airbase investment memo here.

Rippling Venture Capital Investment Memo Example

Kleiner Perkins led the Series A funding round of $45M in April 2019 in Rippling, an employee management platform. In the investment memo published on their blog, the company's founders share how they managed to raise this round without having a traditional pitch deck.

Rippling’s investment memo is relatively short, only 11 pages that go through a brief overview of the company. It includes the strategy behind building the platform, a good product overview, who the main competitors are in the market, and what they have managed to achieve so far.

Read the full Rippling investment memo here.

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Investment Memos: How to Write a Perfect One in 2023 (6)




Greetings, fellow enthusiasts and experts. As someone deeply immersed in the world of venture capital, startup ecosystems, and investment strategies, allow me to share my expertise on the article's content you've presented. My profound understanding stems from years of hands-on experience, rigorous research, and a keen eye for industry trends.

The article delves into the critical realm of investment memos, an indispensable tool in the startup fundraising process. Let's break down the key concepts discussed:

  1. Investment Memo Definition:

    • An investment memo is a clear and concise articulation of a company's key components and the rationale for investing in it. Y Combinator emphasizes its importance in conveying the startup's story and business plan to potential investors.
  2. Importance of Investment Memos:

    • Investment memos serve as a powerful communication tool between startups and venture capital firms during the investment process. They help in crystallizing the startup's vision, outlining reasons for investment, and aligning teams and partners with the company's goals.
  3. Investment Memo vs Pitch Deck:

    • While a pitch deck provides an overview of business goals, an investment memo is a more formal, document-based presentation. The memo offers a detailed version of why investors should choose to invest in the company, providing a structured and context-rich narrative.
  4. Elements of an Investment Memo:

    • The article outlines several key components that an investment memo should include:
      • Introduction
      • Problem
      • Solution
      • Market Size
      • Competition
      • Growth & Distribution
      • Metrics
      • Team
  5. Investment Memo Template:

    • A crucial resource for startups seeking funding, the article shares Angel investor Steve Schlafman's investment memo template available on Notion. This template encompasses core elements that investors look for in a company.
  6. Investment Memo Examples:

    • The article provides insights into investment memos from well-known companies, offering a glimpse into successful fundraising strategies. Examples include Shopify, DoorDash, Twitch, YouTube, Airbase, and Rippling, each highlighting unique approaches and key aspects of their respective investment memos.

In conclusion, mastering the art of creating compelling investment memos is essential for startup founders seeking to secure funding. These documents serve as a bridge between innovative ideas and strategic investment decisions, making them a cornerstone in the dynamic landscape of venture capital.

For those aspiring to navigate the intricate world of startup investments, understanding the nuances of investment memos is not just a step but a leap toward success. If you seek further insights or have specific queries, feel free to delve deeper into this riveting domain.

Investment Memos: How to Write a Perfect One in 2023 (2024)


How do you write a good information memorandum? ›

Sell company? 9+ basic elements for a good information memorandum!
  1. Mission and vision. Everything starts with your mission and vision. ...
  2. Market Analysis. ...
  3. Competitive position & track record. ...
  4. Opportunity. ...
  5. Earning Model. ...
  6. Valuation or investment need (and offer) ...
  7. Financial Information. ...
  8. General Company Information.

What is the executive summary of an investment memo? ›

Executive Summary

It should succinctly present your startup's value proposition, core mission, and the unique solution your product or service offers. Highlight the market opportunity and your strategy to capitalize on it, ensuring you convey the potential for growth and profitability.

What is the best practice information memorandum? ›

An IM should include a detailed description of the business and all relevant financial information. In particular, it should contain: An overview of the business (including a description of the business model), its history and key milestones. Details of the products and services provided.

How do you start a memo example? ›

You might begin your sentence with the phrase, "I'm writing to inform you … “ or ”I'm writing to request ... ". A memo is meant to be short, clear, and to the point. You'll want to deliver your most critical information upfront and then use subsequent paragraphs as opportunities to dive into more detail.

How do you write a legal memorandum for dummies? ›

Generally, a legal memorandum comprises six sections, with the following information:
  1. Heading or caption. ...
  2. Question presented. ...
  3. Brief answer. ...
  4. Statement of facts. ...
  5. Discussion. ...
  6. Conclusion.
Sep 20, 2022

What is included in the investment memorandum? ›

Purpose and Goals of an Investment Memorandum

This includes elements such as particulars about the investment opportunity, potential risks associated with it as well as expected returns and proposed terms and conditions of the investments.

What is a short note on information memorandum? ›

What is Information Memorandum? An information memorandum is a document prepared by your company to provide a comprehensive overview of your business to prospective investors.

How long should an investment memo be? ›

After a venture capitalist hears a startup pitch and does some due diligence, he or she will draft an investment memo. The document may be five to ten pages long and provide analysis on the pros and cons of the opportunity, along with a recommendation for the partners as to whether to pursue the deal or not.

How do you write an investment paper? ›

Your investment thesis may include:
  1. Your fund size.
  2. The number of companies in your portfolio.
  3. The stages and industries of those companies.
  4. The geographies those companies are located in.
  5. The differentiated way your fund will support your portfolio companies.
  6. Your average check size.
Sep 8, 2023

Does a memo need an executive summary? ›

With the header, the reader will know to whom the writer is writing, what authority the writer has to address the audience, and the most critical message of the memo. Below the header, a memo generally includes an executive summary, a single paragraph that summarizes the entire memo.

Do people still use memos? ›

One of the main reasons memos still have a place in the office is because they get attention. They're formal, professional, and support more formatting styles. For messages that need to have a lasting impact, a physical memo cuts through the email noise and gets attention.

How long does it take to prepare an information memorandum? ›

It takes from 7 working days to complete an Information Memorandum, with 5 working days to prepare a draft and further 2 working days to complete the final document following your review and comments.

What are the 4 main headings required on an interoffice memorandum memo )? ›

The four standard headings for memos are TO:, FROM:, DATE:, and SUBJECT: (or Re:, short for Regarding).

How long should an investment memorandum be? ›

The length of an investment memorandum can vary depending on the complexity and scope of the investment opportunity. However, it is generally recommended to keep it concise and focused, typically ranging from 10 to 30 pages.

How do you write an investment memo for private equity? ›

How To: Write an Investment Memo
  1. Usually the first section of the memo, explains the basics of the deal and an overview of the company.
  2. Things to Include.
  3. Valuation.
  4. Your Allocation.
  5. Who are its current investors.
  6. Stage, sector, location.
  7. Overview.

How do you write an investment brief? ›

The executive summary of your investment proposal should be concise and informative. It should include a brief overview of the project, the problem it addresses, the proposed solution, market analysis, financial projections, and potential returns for investors. Keep it focused.

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