Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (2024)

Modified 06 Aug 2021

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (10)

Unlike GTA Online, GTA 5 does not offer many ways to earn passive income in the game. Thus, players have no choice but to invest in the stock market and complete Lester's Assassination missions.

First introduced in GTA 4, the HD Universe presents the ability to browse the in-game internet. This was greatly improved in GTA 5, with the newly added ability to buy vehicles, properties and stocks.

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Players can significantly increase their profits by making smart investments before and after each assassination mission. This article will guide players on the stock market investments they need to make to increase their profits.

GTA 5: Stock market investment guide for Lester's Assassinations

What are the assassination missions?

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (11)

Lester Crest provides a range of assassination contracts for Franklin in GTA 5. Going to Lester's mark on the map as Franklin will trigger these missions.

Players are required to execute some renowned corporate honchos so that their companies' valuation falls in the stock market. This, in turn, raises their competitors' values.

What all of this leads to is self-evident. Before the assassination, players must buy shares in rival companies and sell them after the job is completed. There are two markets that players can invest their stocks in - BAWSAQ and LCN.

How to maximize profits from investments

Players must invest in stocks before the assassination as well as after it to maximize profits. They may have to move to a safehouse and save the game a few times to advance the days.

Here is a guide that covers each of the assassination missions:

Hotel Assassination

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (12)

Stock to purchase: Betta Pharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ)

Sell Betta Pharmaceuticals (50% profit) after the mission. Save the game by sleeping to accelerate time. After waiting for three days or more, purchase Bilkinton Research (LCN). Then wait for at least a week and sell it before the next mission.

The Multi Target Assassination

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (13)

Stock to purchase: Debonaire (LCN)

Sell Debonaire (80% profits) after completing this mission and then purchase Redwood Cigarettes (LCN). Sell Redwood at 300% profit after advancing the game by two days.

The Vice Assassination

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (14)

Stock to purchase: Fruit Computers (BAWSAQ)

Sell Fruit Computers after the mission for a profit of 50%. Then, purchase Facade (BAWSAQ) and sell it at 33% profit.

The Bus Assassination

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (15)

Stock to purchase: Vapid from BAWSAQ (only after completing the mission)

Wait for around two days and sell Vapid for a 100% profit.

The Construction Assassination

Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (16)

Stock to purchase: Gold Coast Development (LCN)

Sell Gold Coast Development after the mission (80% profit).

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Edited by Sabine Algur


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    Investment guide to maximize output from Lester's Assassinations in GTA 5 (2024)


    How do you make the most money from Lester assassinations? ›

    GTA 5 guide to making more money by doing Lester's assassination missions. To maximize profits, players must invest in stocks before and after the killing. They may have to move to a safehouse and save the game a few times to advance these days.

    What to invest in for Lester assassination missions? ›

    For this mission, you will need to buy GoldCoast (GCD) stocks before you take the mission. Once it is completed, sell the stocks after they rise on the LCN to about 80% return percentage.

    When should I invest in life invader? ›

    The day trading strategy involves investing money in Lifeinvader stock and then checking the price changes every ten minutes. If it goes up you sell. if it goes down, you buy. This will make the most money in the long run.

    What's the most profitable thing in GTA? ›

    GTA Online: Businesses You Need To Buy To Get Rich
    1. 1 The Nightclub.
    2. 2 Arcade. ...
    3. 3 Crates Warehouse. ...
    4. 4 Cocaine Lockup. ...
    5. 5 Meth Lab. ...
    6. 6 Counterfeit Cash Factory. ...
    7. 7 Bunker. ...
    8. 8 Vehicle Warehouse. ...
    Nov 18, 2022

    When should I invest in redwood cigarettes? ›

    The Redwood Cigarette Assassination: Invest in Debonaire Cigarettes before the mission. After the mission, sell all of your share of Debonaire when it reaches maximum profit (around 80%). Then invest in Redwood. Save your game 8 times to pass (48 hours) for Redwood shares to spike to 300%.

    What stocks to invest in on GTA 5 before The Big Score? ›

    Before stepping into the marker, GTA 5 players should switch to all characters and invest everything into Betta Pharmaceuticals. After the mission, they should sell the stocks when the max return reaches 50%.

    Can you replay assassination missions in GTA 5 to make more money? ›

    Currently, replaying these missions will not have any effect on the stock prices. Replaying missions is only to get a better rating.

    What do I invest in after the multi target assassination? ›

    The Multi Target Assassination

    Sell Debonaire (80% profits) after completing this mission and then purchase Redwood Cigarettes (LCN).

    Should I invest before The Big Score? ›

    Invest all money in it prior to completing "Meltdown", then quickly complete the mission "The Big Score". After completing "The Big Score" FlyUS stock should yield a 100% return; invest all money made from "The Big Score" in it.

    How do I invest in multi target assassination? ›

    Switch to all three protagonists and sell all their stocks. Wait a few in-game hours for Redwood Cigarettes to reach their lowest value, about $60. Then, invest all the money of the three protagonists in Redwood Cigarettes stocks.

    What's the fastest way to make $1000000 in GTA V? ›

    Time trials. Time trials in GTA Online are a great way to earn cash in the game quickly. By completing a single trial and topping the high score, players can earn around $100,000 each time. This means that gamers can expect to do ten or more trials within an hour and easily reach their first million dollars.

    Can you rob ATMS in GTA 5 story mode? ›

    You can't rob an ATM directly like you can a store clerk. However, you can rob pedestrians after they use an ATM. This will earn anywhere from tens to hundreds of dollars.

    What is the number 1 rule of investing? ›

    1 – Never lose money. Let's kick it off with some timeless advice from legendary investor Warren Buffett, who said “Rule No. 1 is never lose money.

    What order should I invest in? ›

    The Definitive Guide to Investing in the Right Order
    1. Build Up an Emergency Fund.
    2. Contribute Enough to Your 401(k) to receive the full employer match.
    3. Pay off credit card debt.
    4. Pay off higher interest rate debt.
    5. Max out Your HSA.
    6. Max out Your IRA.
    7. Finish maxing out your 401(k)
    8. Pay off lower interest rate debt.
    Feb 20, 2018

    Does the Lifeinvader stock ever recover? ›

    Unlike Lester's other assassination missions, where the targeted company's stock will eventually rebound to its former levels, with great potential for the player's profit, Lifeinvader stock never recovers throughout the course of the story mode.

    What is the best passive income in GTA? ›

    1) Nightclub

    An almost no-strings-attached way to get $50,000 every 48 minutes is far better than all other alternatives in GTA Online. The only limitation here is that players must keep Nightclub Popularity up high, which is actually very easy to do.

    What is the best passive income in GTA 5? ›

    Currently, owning a Nightclub is the best way to earn passive income in GTA Online. Earning money with this establishment is also pretty simple, as players just have to max out its popularity. Furthermore, the Criminal Enterprises update has added one brand-new Nightclub Goods and two Nightclub Management ones.

    Is counterfeit cash worth it GTA? ›

    The Counterfeit Cash Factory is a profitable venture. The Counterfeit Cash Factory is one of GTA Online's most profitable passive income businesses. It requires less effort and investment than other money-grinding methods and provides a high return on investment in the long run.

    Does Redwood stock ever go back up? ›

    The Multi-Target Assassination

    You may have to wait a few days for Redwood to rebound, so just keep sleeping until it peaks (usually 48 hours).

    How do you get billions in GTA 5 story mode with stock market? ›

    The easiest way to make lots of GTA 5 money is by completing Stock Market Assassination Missions issued by Lester. There are five of these in total, and if you follow the instructions on this page correctly you'll be able to earn over $2 billion, which is more than enough to allow you to buy everything in the game.

    How do you get Franklin rich in GTA 5? ›

    Street races are an excellent source of income whenever Franklin is low on money. I would recommend getting a Coil Voltic electric sports car and customizing that up as far as possible. Using Franklin's unique special talent it is rather easy to win any of the races.

    Should I do big score A or B? ›

    For the fifth heist, the Big Score, choose Option B. It is possible to get $41,664,000 per character this way.

    What stock should I buy first in GTA 5? ›

    Look for the stock that has the lowest price (meaning you can buy more of it). Buy it (the maximum amount) and then immediately save your game. Don't muck around when doing this (you will have 45 seconds or less). Once saved then check the stock by pretending to purchase more.

    What is the best thing to invest in on GTA? ›

    Ideally, these investments will help GTA Online players earn more money in the future, usually by saving them time when it comes to grinding.
    5) Cargobob
    • Vehicle Import/Export.
    • Ammu-Nation Contracts.
    • Clubhouse Bar Resupply.
    Sep 25, 2022

    What happens if you spare Dr Friedlander? ›

    Kill Him – Friedlander will drop $2023 and an internet news article will confirm his death. Leave Him – Friedlander will send Michael an e-mail, saying that they should both forget about what happened and move forward.

    What stock to buy before the vice assassination? ›

    Before pursuing this mission, switch to all three characters and invest all your cash in Fruit (FRT) shares on the BAWSAQ.

    What does it mean when Lester says look for dirty windows? ›

    Lester tells you to look for dirty windows. Your target will be on a lift, washing windows. The red marker at his location lets you know he's above you. Just as you did before, exit your vehicle, take aim with your suppressed sniper rifle and take the target down with a headshot.

    What should I Imvest in during war? ›

    Defense stocks, energy stocks, commodities, cash, and ETFs are stocks and investments that typically do well during times of war and conflict. However, it is often best to build a well-diversified portfolio than try to pick the individual winning stocks during a conflict.

    What crew should I pick for The Big Score? ›

    For maximum cash, the best choice is the obvious approach, with Karim Denz and Taliana Martinez as the two drivers; and Daryl Johns and Norm Richards or Hugh Welsh as the two gunman, adding well over $41 million for each character (more if the player chooses the A ending).

    What stocks make money in GTA 5? ›

    GTA 5 Stock Market and Assassinations list
    MissionInvestment BeforeSell at return of
    The Hotel AssassinationBetta Pharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ)80-200%
    The Multi Target AssassinationDebonaire (LCN)300-400%
    The Vice AssassinationFruit Computers (BAWSAQ)20-40%
    The Bus Assassination-100%
    1 more row
    Nov 4, 2021

    What should you not do when investing? ›

    1. Buying high and selling low. ...
    2. Trading too much and too often. ...
    3. Paying too much in fees and commissions. ...
    4. Focusing too much on taxes. ...
    5. Expecting too much or using someone else's expectations. ...
    6. Not having clear investment goals. ...
    7. Failing to diversify enough. ...
    8. Focusing on the wrong kind of performance.

    How much should you save V invest? ›

    Aim for building the fund to three months of expenses, then splitting your savings between a savings account and investments until you have six to eight months' worth tucked away. After that, your savings should go into retirement and other goals—investing in something that earns more than a bank account.

    How can I double my stock investment? ›

    ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme), equity-oriented, debt-oriented, and balanced mutual funds are a few examples. Mutual funds offer a higher rate of return than other investment options, despite the market risks. So, you can consider it as one of the most effective ways to double your money.

    When to do multi target assassination? ›

    The Multi-Target Assassination is available soon after completing The Hotel Assassination for Lester. Answer the phone near the car wash in Little Seoul to start the mission. Franklin has nine and a half minutes to assassinate FOUR targets all within driving distance of each other.

    How to claim 4 million dollars in GTA 5? ›

    The GTA Online Expanded & Enhanced players will have received a $4 million bankroll if they choose to use the new Career Builder feature in the game. This mode gives gamers a leg up by directly putting them into a criminal enterprise from the start.

    What happens if you don't get your million dollars in GTA 5? ›

    If you are certain you didn't get it, then create a rockstar support ticket including your PlayStation, XBOX or Social Club account name; they will be able to confirm whether a purchase was made with that account and award you with the in game currency from that purchase.

    Does GTA give you a free million dollars? ›

    How to claim the free GTA $1,000,000. When this bonus was in its early stages in 2021, the money was automatically added to the Maze Bank accounts of PSN Plus users. The system was recently changed and now requires players to visit the PlayStation Store to claim the free million dollars each month.

    How to get 2 million dollars in GTA 5? ›

    You need to complete heist finales between November 3, 2022 – November 23, 2022. So – that's about it! There's everything you need to know in order to claim $2 million in Grand Theft Auto V's online mode.

    How to do a money glitch in GTA 5 story mode? ›

    To make a quick return, save your game and then shut off autosave. Invest all of your money into a stock that you think is on the rise. Go to your safehouse, rest without saving (or wait roughly 45 seconds), and check your portfolio to see your profit. Keep checking the stock until it peaks out and then sell.

    What is the most money per hour in GTA Online? ›

    Heists – $400,000 per hour, depending on difficulty

    Heists are the biggest money spinners in GTA Online but can take time and effort to complete in an efficient manner. Specifically, the Diamond Casino Heist and recently released Cayo Perico Heist.

    Can you rob liquor stores in GTA 5? ›

    In GTA V there are many ways to earn money, one of which is doing robberies. You can rob 24/7 stores, liquor stores, armored trucks spotted driving around Los Santos, and do several heists throughout the game's story missions. This shop has two registers, and you can expect to walk away with $950.

    What happens when you rob all the stores in GTA 5? ›

    Robbing all the stores earns the player the Stick Up Kid achievement/trophy and the Armed Robber award, with unlocks all variations of the "Clown with gun" back tattoo (award and tattoo progression incremented at 5, 10, 15 and 20 robberies).

    How do you rob a money truck in GTA 5 story mode? ›

    To steal the Money Briefcase, you must either kill both the security guards while they are loading in in the back of the truck or grab it from the back of the truck by blowing its backs dors open with sticky bombs.

    How much money do you get from Lester's heist? ›

    What is the GTA Casino Heist payout? According to Reddit (opens in new tab), the maximum Diamond Casino Heist payout is GTA$2.1 million. While that's a persuasive sum, note that Lester will always take his 60k cut.

    How much money do you get from Lester's heist GTA Online? ›

    GTA Online Diamond Casino Heist Max Payout

    From the $3,619,000 you will need to deduct Lester's cut (which is 5% of the total score), then you will need to pay your crew (driver, gunman, hacker), then deduct any penalties and finally, you will need to split the leftover money with your fellow players.

    How much money will 20 dollars get you GTA 5? ›

    You can probably raise that much money on your own, or you can spend $20 of real money on a Great White Shark Card that gives you $1.25 million in the game.

    When should I invest in Redwood Cigarettes? ›

    The Redwood Cigarette Assassination: Invest in Debonaire Cigarettes before the mission. After the mission, sell all of your share of Debonaire when it reaches maximum profit (around 80%). Then invest in Redwood. Save your game 8 times to pass (48 hours) for Redwood shares to spike to 300%.

    What stock to buy before Lester's first mission? ›

    The first mission given to Franklin by Lester tasks him with taking out Brett Lowrey of Bilkinton Research. Before stepping into the marker, GTA 5 players should switch to all characters and invest everything into Betta Pharmaceuticals.

    How do you rob an ATM in GTA 5? ›

    You can't rob an ATM directly like you can a store clerk. However, you can rob pedestrians after they use an ATM. This will earn anywhere from tens to hundreds of dollars.

    What is the highest paying heist? ›

    However, out of all the heists available in the game, the Diamond Casino Heist is the highest-paying one.

    How many Lester heists are there? ›

    The five GTA 5 single-player Heists are The Jewel Store Job, The Merryweather Heist, The Paleto Score, The Bureau Raid and The Big Score. Single-player Heists are planned by Lester, with the player character making the important choices about mission approach and Crew composition.

    Can you do diamond heist solo? ›

    There is only a single heist in GTA Online that can be done solo: The Cayo Perico Heist. All others require two to four people.

    What is the highest paying thing in GTA Online? ›

    Trash Talk, after unlocking at rank 81, is one of the best paying and most efficient money-earning missions in GTA Online. It can net you $15,000 or more in four minutes, if you have a talented enough team.

    What is the highest paid mission GTA 5 Online? ›

    1) Diamond Casino Heist

    The Diamond Casino Heist is the highest-paying mission in GTA Online. It has several customization options, all of which have a significant impact on the final payout. However, the major drawback is that it requires at least two players to begin.

    How much does the doomsday scenario pay? ›

    Elite Challenge: The Doomsday Scenario – All participants must complete the mission in under 30 minutes and collectively kill 150 enemies with headshots, without losing any lives or making a mistake during the hacking mini-game, to receive a GTA$50,000 bonus.

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    Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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