Investment Guide For Foreign Investors In Turkey - Contracts and Commercial Law - Turkey (2024)

Investment Guide For Foreign Investors In Turkey

Turkey has been a good alternative for investors in recent yearswith its geographical, economic and demographic structure. Currenteconomic policies are shaped around the promotion and support offoreign investment. In this context, many innovations have beenmade in the foreign investment legislation that make investmentattractive in Turkey and make the investor's job easier.

Thanks to the economic and legal revision, the foreign investorscan complete almost all their business remotely by appointing aproxy in Turkey without having to come to Turkey personally. Theycan do some processing steps online over the internet. They can setup a business in Turkey in a shorter time and with less expensewithout having to travel many times and deal with bureaucraticprocedures.

1) What Are The Investments A Foreign Investor Can Make InTurkey?

There are many options for investors who want to invest inTurkey. Different investment opportunities are recommendedaccording to the way the investor arrives in Turkey. If theinvestor comes as a real person, he/she:

  • Can be a partner in a company established in Turkey as a realperson,
  • Can become a partner by taking over the shares of a companyestablished in Turkey,
  • Can buy real estate,
  • Can make fixed capital investment,
  • Can buy securities.

If the investor comes as a legal person, he/she:

  • Can establish a new company,
  • Can open a branch, ( you can also find branch office procedureon this link
  • Can open a liaison office,
  • Can become a partner in a company in Turkey through his/hercompany established abroad.

The most advantageous type of investment should be determinedaccording to the expectations and wishes of the investor, aiming toget the maximum yield at the minimum cost.

2) Establishing A Company In Turkey

A foreign investor can establish any of the types of companiesspecified in the Turkish Commercial Code in Turkey. The investor iscompletely free to do business in the sector he/she wants and bycreating the kind of company he/she wants. All existingrestrictions on the line of business and field of activity forforeigners have been removed.

There are two types of companies in Turkish commercial law;equity companies and sole proprietorships. Capital companies are;joint stock companies, limited companies, limited partnershipcompanies and cooperatives. Sole proprietorships, on the otherhand, are ordinary companies, general partnerships and limitedpartnerships.

Capital companies are corporate structures. The most preferredtypes are joint stock and limited liability companies. In thesecompanies, company partners are in a safer position against companydebtors; because partners have no liability for company debts. Incapital companies, the partners are only obliged to pay the amountof capital they have committed to put into the company.

Sole proprietorships, on the other hand, are companies wherepersonal relations are at the forefront, not corporate. It is notmandatory to put up capital to set up a sole proprietorship. Theimportant thing is to establish a partnership relationship betweenat least two people.

1) Joint Stock Company

2) Limited Liability Company

3) Shared Limited Partnership

1) Collective Company

2) Ordinary Limited Partnership

3) Ordinary Company (Private )

To briefly mention the general characteristics of the mostpreferred company types:

2.1) Joint Stock Company

  • A joint stock company is a type of capital company with a legalpersonality, whose capital is determined and divided intoshares.
  • They can be established with two types of capital systems: withoriginal capital and with registered capital. In a joint stockcompany with original capital, the capital is at least 50,000Turkish liras. If the registered capital system is adopted, it ispossible to establish a joint stock company in Turkey with at least100,000 Turkish liras.
  • Each share has an economic value. As a result of multiplyingthese economic values expressed by shares by the number of shares,the company's capital is found. The founders determine how manyshares will be in the company. Shares can be issued to stakeholdersfor shares.
  • A joint stock company can be established with one or multiplepartners. There are two types: closed and public joint stockcompany. Closed joint stock companies are joint stock companieswith a small number of partners. In public joint stock companies,the number of partners is high. Apart from business owners, thereis a group that is involved in the company for investment purposes.There is no upper limit on the number of partners. However, jointstock companies with more than 500 partners are considered to beoffered to the public by law. This means that company shares can betraded on Borsa Istanbul and will be subject to the Capital MarketsLaw.
  • Company partners have a share in the company at the rate of thevalue they bring to the capital. In other words, having a share inthe company means being a partner in the company. Partners earndividends from the profit received in the measure of theirshare.
  • Joint stock companies can be established for any economicpurpose and subject not prohibited by law. In Turkish law, it isobligatory to establish a joint stock company in order to dobusiness in some branches of activity. Banking, insurance,brokerage houses and investment partnerships, financial leasingcompanies, public stores, financing and factoring companies must beestablished as joint stock companies.
  • The company is only responsible for the debts of the companylimited to its own assets.
  • Partners are not liable for company debts. The partners of thecompany are only obliged to pay the amount of capital they havecommitted to put in the establishment phase against the legalentity of the company. The partner who pays the capital investmentdebt does not have any responsibility for the debts of thecompany.
  • In joint stock companies, investors are only at risk of losingthe capital they have committed to.

2.2) Limited Liability Company

  • Another type of capital company with legal personality that canbe established by one or more real or legal persons is a limitedliability company.
  • The number of partners cannot exceed 50.
  • Its capital is specified in the articles of association.Capital refers to the total value of shares. It is possible toestablish a limited liability company with at least 10,000 Turkishliras.
  • A limited company can be established for any purpose andsubject that is not prohibited by law.
  • Partners are not liable for company debts. The partner, whofulfills the capital share and additional payment obligation thathe/she has committed to pay to the company at the establishment ofthe company, is not responsible for the company's debts. Thecompany's creditors can only apply to the company's assetsfor their receivables. The company is responsible for all debtslimited only to its assets.
  • Shares cannot be issued as negotiable instruments for limitedcompany shares. The only company type in Turkey that can issuesecurities in the name of its shares is a joint stock company.

2.3) Collective Company

  • It is a sole proprietorship and has legal personality.
  • Only natural persons can establish a collective company. It isestablished by the partnership of at least two natural people.
  • Company assets are primarily responsible for company debts. Fordebts whose assets cannot meet, each of the partners is unlimitedlyliable for all of these debts with their own assets.
  • There is no minimum amount of capital to be brought into thecompany.

2.4) Limited Partnership

  • It can be established by at least two people, one active andone dormant. Active partners are natural persons; dormant partnerscan be natural or legal persons.
  • This separation of partners was made according to theprinciples of liability for debts. The active partner is thepartner with unlimited liability for the debts of the company andwith all his/her assets, and the dormant partner is the partnerwith limited liability for the debts.
  • There are two types as ordinary limited and sharedlimited.

2.5) Ordinary (Private) Company

  • An ordinary company is the simplest type of company. It has nolegal entity.
  • It can be established with at least two partners.
  • There is no minimum amount of capital to be brought.
  • Since the company does not have an independent personalityseparate from the partners, all the partners jointly own the assetsof the company.
  • Each of the partners is responsible for all debts of thecompany with their own assets and unlimitedly.
  • No procedure is required for the establishment of the company,even verbal understanding is sufficient.

2.4) Joint Venture

  • Joint ventures are contractual relationships frequently used bycompanies while integrating into foreign markets. In internationaltrade, companies can also sell manufactured goods and services inother countries through joint venture contracts.
  • They can be established by two or more natural or legalpersons.
  • There is no minimum capital required to be invested in thecompany.
  • When entering a new market, companies seem to prefer thesestructures, called joint ventures, for purposes such as sharingrisks and receiving technical or technological support.
  • Each of the companies establishing joint ventures creates a newcompany by maintaining their own autonomous structure. Although thecompanies continue to be independent of each other, they arejointly responsible for all debts of this newly formedcompany.
  • It is subject to the provisions of the ordinary company.
  • It is possible to establish a limited joint venture for acertain purpose or for a certain period of time.
  • It can be established as a contractual joint venture and acapital-based joint venture.
  • They are quite easy to establish and there are no specialprocedures. A simple contract is enough.

3) Company Establishment Procedures

A foreign investor does not need to obtain permission orapproval from any authority to establish a company. E-TUYS(Electronic Incentive Application and Foreign Capital InformationSystem) is sufficient to inform the General Directorate ofIncentive Implementation and Foreign Capital by forwarding thecompany information online. Capital, share transfer and activityinformation reports can be sent via e-TUYS. Apart from this, thecompany must fulfill the necessary procedure for itsestablishment.

Company establishment procedures in Turkey are carried outthrough the central registration system called MERSIS. The foreigninvestor must first obtain a tax number from the tax office fortransactions. A foreign investor can be identified as a partner orofficial of the company with a passport number. Then, he/she shouldapply to the Trade Registry Office and request to be defined as auser in the MERSIS system.

Articles of association is prepared in Turkish, in MERSIS. Thepotential identification number of the company is also issuedautomatically through this system.

The establishment of joint-stock, limited liability, limited andcollective companies is carried out by the registration process tobe made in the Trade Registry Offices within the Chambers ofCommerce. To establish a company in Turkey:

  • Articles of association should be prepared, and the title,subject, headquarters, managers, capital and shares of the companyshould be determined in the contract.
  • The contract is signed by the partners or the representativesassigned by the notary public, and these signatures are certifiedby the notary public.
  • Apostille annotation of all documents issued abroad is takenand approved by notaries or consulates.
  • The signatures of the persons authorized to sign on behalf ofthe company title are approved by the trade registrydirectorates.
  • At least 1/4 of the capital committed in joint stock companieswith the share of the competition institution is deposited in abank account opened in the name of the company.
  • All approved documents and contracts must be registered inMERSIS, the electronic database of the Trade Registry Office.
  • In the last step, a request is made to the Trade RegistryOffice for the company to be registered in the trade registry.

With the registration process, the company is officiallyestablished.

After that, transactions such as the approval of the commercialbooks and the receipt of the tax plate are completed.

Depending on whether the foreign investor is a natural or legalperson, the documents and transactions required during and afterthe establishment varies.

  • For Foreign Investor Real Person Establishing aCompany:

In order for the foreign investor to establish a company inTurkey or to take over the shares of the Turkish company, inaddition to the above, a translated notarized copy of the passportand potential tax number must be submitted. He/she should also opena bank account on the potential tax number.

If a natural person is going to establish a sole proprietorship(such as a collective, joint venture or ordinary company), he mustalso obtain a work permit. After 5 years of residence with aresidence permit, he/she must apply for a work permit and obtain apositive result at the end of 5 years.

Members of the board of directors of a joint stock company whodo not reside in Turkey and foreign partners of limited liabilitycompanies who are not authorized do not have to obtain a workpermit.

  • For Foreign Investor Legal Entity EstablishmentTransactions:

In addition to the company establishment documents listed above,the investor legal entity must also submit the original andnotarized translation of the apostille annotated activitycertificate issued by the chamber of industry or commerce,consulate or courts where the company is registered.

4) Investment By A Foreign Investor Through Taking Over TheShares

It is also possible for a foreign investor to invest by takingover the shares of an existing company instead of creating a newcompany in Turkey. For taking over the shares, the investor isrequired to submit a translated notarized copy of passport,potential tax number.

Since registered and bearer share certificates can be printed injoint stock companies, the transfer of shares is possible with thetransfer of the certificates and clearing of accounts. The transferof shares in joint stock companies is free and cannot belimited.

In limited companies, in order for the shares to be transferred,all old and new partners must sign the transfer agreement and thisagreement must be approved by the notary public and the generalassembly of the company. The share transfer agreement and theapproval of the general assembly must be registered and announced.( You can find share transfer details on this link also

5) Opening A Branch Of A Foreign Company In Turkey

  • A foreign investor company may also consider evaluating itsinvestment by opening a branch in Turkey. Branches are establishedunder the parent company and limited to its field of activity andduration.
  • They do not have an independent personality.
  • There is no minimum capital requirement to establish abranch.
  • Branches must be registered in the trade register, just likecompanies. For this, you must apply to the Trade Registry Officewith the necessary documents.
  • It is possible to return the profit of the branch to the parentcompany. Although the branch profit sent to the head office issubject to 15% dividend withholding tax, this rate may decreasewith double taxation agreements.

6) Establishment Of A Liaison Office In Turkey For A ForeignCompany

  • Liaison offices can be established in Turkey only for thepurpose of conducting market and feasibility studies. They cannotengage in commercial activity.
  • It is obligatory to obtain permission from the Ministry ofIndustry and Technology to establish a liaison office.
  • In the application for the liaison office, a maximum of 3 yearsof activity is determined. Offices wishing to continue theiractivities at the end of 3 years must apply to the Ministry ofIndustry and Technology, General Directorate of Incentive Practiceand Foreign Capital.

7) Which Currency Can The Investor Use?

  • It is possible for the foreign investor to use foreign currencyin Turkey's sales, lease, employment, license, consultancy andservice contracts including brokerage, air transportation contractsand contracts signed with public institutions.
  • Again, it is possible for foreigners to conclude employment andservice contracts in foreign currency on branches, representativeoffices, liaison offices, companies in which they directly orindirectly hold 50% or more shares or have joint control orcompanies over which it has control are employers or servicerecipients.

8) Work Permit For Foreign Investors

The first of the requirements that an investor who makes aninvestment in the form of establishing a company in Turkey orbecoming a partner in an established company by purchasing sharesis undoubtedly the work permit he/she must obtain for him/herselfand his/her foreign employees. The work permits to be obtained by aforeigner who establishes a company in Turkey or becomes a partnerin a Turkish company, differ from the general regulations regardingwork permits in Turkish law.

A foreign investor must obtain a work permit to operate inTurkey through a company established in Turkey or a company inwhich he/she is a partner by taking over shares. In order to obtaina work permit, first of all, it should be determined whether theinvestment made by the foreigner is within the scope of SpecialForeign Investment. If there is an investment that can becategorized in this class, it is determined whether the personnelrequesting work permit are key personnel. If a work permit is to beobtained for key personnel, this procedure is regulated in theRegulation on Employment of Foreign Personnel in Foreign DirectInvestments.

In non-specific foreign investments, obtaining work permits offoreign company partners is subject to the provisions of theInternational Labor Law and the Implementation Regulation of theLaw on Work Permits of Foreigners. For this purpose, it isnecessary to provide a number of investment or workplacecriteria.

As a result; Turkey has great opportunities for investors inthis field as Solmaz Law& Consultancy Firm, we will be glad togive legal services to foreign person and entities. You canalso look at our other articles related to Foreign Investments onthis link

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circ*mstances.

Investment Guide For Foreign Investors In Turkey - Contracts and Commercial Law - Turkey (2024)


What are the foreign investment laws in Turkey? ›

a) Foreign investors are free to make foreign direct investments in Turkey, b) Foreign investors shall be subject to equal treatment with domestic investors. Foreign direct investments shall not be expropriated or nationalized, except for a public purpose and upon compensation in accordance with due process of law.

How to invest in Turkey from USA? ›

Investment options under the Turkey citizenship program start from $400,000 and include:
  1. real estate purchase;
  2. opening a business in Turkey and creating 50 jobs;
  3. opening a deposit in a Turkish bank;
  4. injecting capital into a Turkish company;
  5. buying government bonds;
  6. purchasing shares in Turkish investment funds.

What is the foreign direct investment in Turkey 2023? ›

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased by 1.2 USD bn in Apr 2023. Turkey Direct Investment Abroad expanded by 439.0 USD mn in Apr 2023. Its Foreign Portfolio Investment increased by 1.1 USD bn in Mar 2023. The country's Nominal GDP was reported at 245.5 USD bn in Mar 2023.

Can foreigners do business in Turkey? ›

Steps to Open Business in Turkey

Foreigners can own 100% of a company and transfer their profit out of Turkey without any problems. The minimum required capital for a limited liability company is 10,000. -TL (Turkish lira). The capital of the company shall be paid in two years and up to four installments.

Is there a trade agreement between US and Turkey? ›

The United States and Turkey primarily engage on bilateral trade issues through a 1999 Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, which they revived in 2017 to discuss issues such as digital economy, intellectual property rights (IPR), and market access.

What is the investment policy of Turkey? ›

Investors can establish a business in Turkey irrespective of nationality or place of residence. There are no sector-specific restrictions that discriminate against foreign investor access, which are prohibited by World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations.

Can US citizens own property in Turkey? ›

Foreigners may buy land and property in Turkey in their own names, as long as the properties are located in towns, not in villages, or rural regions, or military zones. That said, there must be a municipality in the region where the property is located, and the property must be located within its bounds.

Can a US citizen open a bank account in Turkey? ›

A foreigner with a work or residence permit in Turkey and a valid foreign national identity number can open a bank account without restrictions by choosing any bank. Opening a bank account in Turkey online via the official websites is also possible.

How to open a bank account in Turkey from USA? ›

Any overseas citizen established in Turkey and with a valid foreign identity number (YKN) in the country can open a bank account with no restrictions. A copy of the passport, the Turkish tax number, the bank forms and a utility bill will be necessary when opening a bank account.

Who is the largest foreign investor in Turkey? ›

The UK was the biggest source of FDI into Turkey, followed by the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, UAE, Germany, Luxembourg, South Korea, and Japan, while Ireland rounds up the top ten FDI source markets.

Who are the biggest foreign investors in Turkey? ›

From 2003 to 2020, foreign investment in Turkey exceeded $165 billion, with one-third of all investments coming from England, the Netherlands, and the United States. There have been many investment sectors, most notably industry, finance, energy, transport, mining and retail.

Is Turkey investment friendly? ›

Favourable Economic Policies

The Turkish government has implemented a series of economic policies to attract foreign investors. These policies include tax incentives, investment subsidies, and free trade zones. They also offer a streamlined process for setting up a business in Turkey.

Do foreigners pay income tax in Turkey? ›

Do foreigners pay taxes in Turkey? Yes, if they get income in Turkey. Residents are taxed on their worldwide income, whereas non-residents are taxed on Turkish-source earnings only. Also, non-residents, just like residents, pay property taxes: when buying, owning and selling real estate in Turkey.

How much bank balance is required for Turkey business visa? ›


If you receive your salary in cash bring the receipts of the last 3 months. The bank account must have 50 Euros per person (adult) per intended travel day in Turkey. For example, a family with 2 children (4 people) applying for a visa for 10 days must have on their account 2.000 Euros at minimum.

What businesses are in demand in Turkey? ›

The most profitable business ideas in Turkey in 2022
  • The automotive sector. The automotive sector is booming in the country, and many people are looking for business ideas that involve cars. ...
  • Food Truck Business. Another option is to set up a food truck. ...
  • Medical Services. ...
  • Become an Uber Driver. ...
  • Online Business.

What is Turkey's new foreign policy? ›

Turkish Foreign Policy aims to protect Türkiye's interests in a volatile regional and global environment, while also shaping conditions for sustainable peace and development in our neighborhood and beyond. In the pursuit of this primary goal, Türkiye contributes to peace, prosperity, and stability around the world.

What is Turkey's law on foreigners and international protection? ›

Basic provisions of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection in Türkiye. Visa regime – the Law stipulates that a foreigner can stay in Turkey on the basis of a visa or visa-free regime for up to 90 days within 180 days.

Does Turkey tax foreign sourced income? ›

The residency criterion is the key point for taxes in Turkey. Residents are taxed on their global income, whereas non-residents are taxed on Turkish-sourced earnings only.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.