Investment Banking vs. Private Equity: What's the Difference? (2024)

Investment Banking vs. Private Equity: An Overview

Private equityand investment banking both raise capital for investing purposes, but they do so in very different ways. Private equity firmscollect high-net-worth funds and look for investments in other businesses. Investment banks find businesses and then go into the capital markets looking for ways to raise money from the investment crowd.

Key Takeaways

  • Investment banks and private equity firms are both involved with placing the shares of companies into the hands of investors and facilitating M&A deals.
  • Investment banks tend to act as middle-man, marketing shares of publicly traded companies to other investors in a sell-side function.
  • Private equity firms, on the other hand, invest their own money in a buy-side fashion in privately held companies.

Investment Banking

Investment banking is a specific division of banking related to the creation of capital for other companies, governments, and other entities.Investment banksunderwrite new debt and equity securities for all types ofcorporations; aid in the sale ofsecurities; and help to facilitatemergers and acquisitions,reorganizations,and broker trades for both institutions and private investors. Investment banks also provide guidance to issuers regarding the issue and placement of stock. Investment banking positions include consultants, banking analysts, capital market analysts,research associates, trading specialists, and many others. Each requires its own education and skills background.

A degree in finance, economics, accounting, or mathematics is a good start for any banking career. In fact, this may be all you need for many entry-level commercial banking positions, such as a personal banker or teller. Those interested in investment banking should strongly consider pursuing aMaster of Business Administration(MBA) or other professional qualifications.

Great people skills are a huge positive in any banking position. Even dedicated research analysts spend a lot of time working as part of a team or consulting clients. Some positions require more of a sales touch than others, but comfort in a professional social environment is key. Other important skills include communication skills (explaining concepts to clients or other departments) and a high degree of initiative.

Private Equity

Private equity,at its most basic, is equity (i.e. shares representing ownership) in an entity that is not publicly listed or traded. Private equity is a source of investment capital that comes from high net worth individualsand firms. These investors buy shares of private companies—or gain control of public companies with the intention of taking them private and ultimately delistingthem from public stock exchanges. Large institutional investors dominate the private equity world, including pension funds and large private equity firms funded by a group ofaccredited investors.

Private equity is sometimes confused with venture capital because they both refer to firms that invest in companies and exit through selling their investments in equity financing, such as initial public offerings (IPOs). However, there are major differences in the way firms involved in the two types of funding conduct business.

Private equity and venture capital buy different types and sizes of companies, invest different amounts of money, and claim different percentages of equity in the companies in which they invest.

Sell-Side VersusBuy-Side

Investment bankers work on the sell-side, meaning they sell business interest to investors. Their primary clients are corporations or private companies. When a company wants to go public or is working through a merger-and-acquisition deal, it might solicit the help of an investment bank.

Conversely, private equity associateswork on the buy-side. They purchase business interests on behalf of investors who have already put up the money. On some occasions, private equity firms buy controlling interests in other businesses and are directly involved in management decisions.

Regulatory Challenges

In 1933, the United States became the first and only country in the world to forcibly separate investment banking and commercial banking. For the next 66 years, investment banking activities were completely divorced from commercial banking activities, such as taking deposits and making loans. These barriers were removed with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Investment banks are still heavily regulated, most notably with proprietary trading restrictions from the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010.

Private equity, like hedge fund investing, has historically escaped most of the regulations that impact banks and publicly traded corporations. The logic behind a light regulatory hand is that most private equity investors are sophisticated and wealthy and can take care of themselves. However, Dodd-Frank gave the SEC a green light to increase its control over private equity. In 2012, the very first private equity regulatory agency was created. Particular attention has been paid to advising fees and taxation of private equity activity.


Investment banking analysis is much more careful, abstract, and vague than private equity analysis. Part of this is explained by the compliance risks investment banks face, as painting too specific or too rosy a picture can be perceived as misleading.

Another possible explanation is that private equity associates are much more likely to have "skin in the game," so to speak. With their own capital on the line and less patient clientele, private equity analysts often dig deeper and more critically.


Colloquial tales of a private equity associate lifestyle appear to be much more forgiving and balanced than their counterparts in investment banking. The strict, suit-and-tie, 14-hour and high-stress corporate culture popularized in movies and television reflects investment banking culture.

Private equity firms are usually smaller and more selective about their employees. But once a hire is made, they care less about how performance is maintained. There are exceptions and overlaps in every industrybut, in general, the average day is a bit less stressful for private equity associates.

Investment Banking vs. Private Equity: What's the Difference? (2024)


Investment Banking vs. Private Equity: What's the Difference? ›

Private equity firms collect high-net-worth funds and look for investments in other businesses. Investment banks find businesses and then go into the capital markets looking for ways to raise money from the investment crowd.

Do you make more in private equity than investment banking? ›

Private equity firms are investment businesses comprising investors who use their capital to invest in private businesses. Those working in private equity can often achieve a higher salary, but their income may be less stable than those working in investment banking.

What is the difference between investment banking analyst and private equity associate? ›

Investment banking is about finding businesses and looking for ways of raising capital from the capital market. In comparison, private equity is about finding high-net-worth funds and investment opportunities in other businesses. Unfortunately, both seem to be coming from the opposite direction to reach the same goal.

What is a good answer for why investment banking? ›

Answering the “why investment banking” interview question

Fast-paced environment. Exposure to high profile transactions. Surround myself with intelligent and motivated people. Valuation & financial modeling work.

Does PE have better hours than IB? ›

As for hours, both private equity and investment banking can be demanding careers. However, investment bankers tend to work longer hours, often working late into the night and on weekends. Private equity firms also tend to have a more relaxed work environment and offer more flexible hours.

Is private equity harder than investment banking? ›

In private equity, you'll work hard, but the hours are not nearly as bad. Generally, the lifestyle is comparable to banking when there is an active deal, but otherwise much more relaxed. That said, there is some upside other than money and career prospects.

Is private equity more prestigious than investment banking? ›

Both investment banking and private equity are well-paid jobs but the compensation ceiling is far higher in private equity than it is for investment banking. This explains why most investment banking analysts choose private equity as their exit option.

Can you get into private equity without investment banking? ›

While investment banking is by far the most common training ground for private equity, it is also possible to recruit for private equity roles after doing entry-level consulting, especially if you are a top performer at a top management consulting firm.

Why do people go from investment banking to private equity? ›

On the whole, investment bankers are drawn to private equity for its long-term focus, greater control over investment decisions, higher compensation, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the opportunity to develop a more diverse skill set.

What is a good weakness for investment banking? ›

Give a BS answer like “I work too much” or “I'm too much of a perfectionist.” Give a legitimate weakness, like saying that you sometimes lose focus when working on extended projects, or that you have trouble delegating work to others, and then show how you've been working to improve yourself.

How do you stand out in an investment banking interview? ›

7 Tips To Acing Your Investment Banking Interview
  1. Show That You'll Be Easy To Work With. ...
  2. Know Your Stuff. ...
  3. Be Respectful & Reserved. ...
  4. Bring Your Elevator Pitch. ...
  5. Show You Are Eager To Learn. ...
  6. Lay Some Groundwork Beforehand. ...
  7. Get Your Financial Statements Right.

What is investment banking in your own words? ›

Investment banking is a type of banking that focuses on raising or creating capital for companies, governments, and other entities. Investment bankers are responsible for analyzing trends, assessing risks, providing strategic advice, and managing projects.

Why is private equity so hard to get into? ›

Landing a career in private equity is very difficult because there are few jobs on the market in this profession and so it can be very competitive. Coming into private equity with no experience is impossible, so finding an internship or having previous experience in a related field is highly recommended.

Is private equity a stressful job? ›

While the travel will be less, the work in private equity is very stressful and demanding, so the hours you actually spend working may be more stressful or mentally demanding.

Is private equity less stressful than investment banking? ›

Private equity firms are usually smaller and more selective about their employees. But once a hire is made, they care less about how performance is maintained. There are exceptions and overlaps in every industry but, in general, the average day is a bit less stressful for private equity associates.

How hard is it to become a VP in private equity? ›

It's quite difficult to get promoted to VP because the nature of the job changes a fair amount at that level. Many Associates and Senior Associates at larger PE firms realize there is no great path to VP there, so they end up going downmarket to advance.

Is private banking for the rich? ›

Private banking is a set of wealth management services offered to individuals with high net worth. Most of the big names in global banking have separate private banking divisions, and there are standalone private banks. Private bankers help high-net-worth clients manage their money.

What pays more than private equity? ›

Hedge Fund Compensation:

Hedge fund compensation is more variable than private equity salaries + bonuses, but at the junior levels, you'll most likely earn a bit more in private equity.

Does Goldman Sachs do private equity? ›

Goldman Sachs Capital Partners is the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs, focused on leveraged buyout and growth capital investments globally.

What are the top degrees for private equity? ›

Many people who work in private equity have master's degrees in finance or MBAs from top institutions, so even if you can't directly enter the field after graduation it can still help you later on, after accumulating a few years of experience in a related field.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

What Are the Big 4 Investment Banks? The big four are JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. Some other global giants are treading right on their heels, including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, and UBS.

What GPA do I need for private equity? ›

Academic Excellence: Most Private Equity firms will not look at a candidate that has lower than a 3.0 GPA (more likely 3.5 GPA at top firms). Communication Skills: Ability to write and speak well suggests that you'll be successful working with clients and PE colleagues.

Do you need an MBA for private equity? ›

Although most large private equity firms look exclusively for job candidates with an MBA, you can still get into a smaller firm without one. Smaller firms prefer candidates with an MBA, but it's not always a requirement.

How rich do you have to be to invest in private equity? ›

Investing in private equity is for large institutional investors and accredited investors that have high incomes and net worth—over $1 million. Not everyone, however, has the financial means to do that, given the typical minimum investment is typically $25 million.

Why do people in private equity make so much money? ›

Private equity employees are compensated for making good investment decisions. The larger and more successful the investment, the more money there is to go around. Mega funds offer large salaries in part because they manage large quantities of money.

What are the three types of private equity funds? ›

There are three key types of private equity strategies: venture capital, growth equity, and buyouts.

How many hours a week does an investment banker work? ›

How Many Hours Do Investment Bankers Actually Work? Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand.

What is investment banking biggest failure? ›

March 10 (Reuters) - Startup-focused lender SVB Financial Group (SIVB. O) became the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis on Friday, in a sudden collapse that roiled global markets, left billions of dollars belonging to companies and investors stranded.

What is hard about investment banking? ›

Even with education, experience, and enthusiasm, investment banking might not be for you. Lack of work-life balance is one reason to avoid becoming an investment banker. Investment bankers must also be able to manage high-pressure situations.

What challenges do investment banks face? ›

Investment banking firms are currently facing the following challenges:
  • Deepening client relationships.
  • Achieving Cost Reduction.
  • Improving Deal Lifecycles.
  • Data Regulations and Compliance.
Nov 28, 2022

What are the core skills for investment bankers? ›

Investment Banker Qualifications/Skills:
  • Strong communication, networking and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Skilled in research and analysis.
  • Effective presentation skills.
  • Ability to manage time and projects.
  • Knowledge of relevant regulations related to securities and M&As.

What is the personality of an investment banker? ›

Investment bankers tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be conventional, meaning that they are usually detail-oriented and organized, and like working in a structured environment.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years investment banking? ›

Q: Where do you see yourself professionally in five years? Five years is a long way down the road, but I know that finance will always have a grip on me. I could see myself in investment banking for the long-term, but that would have to depend on my performance and my family situation.

What do investment bankers do on a daily basis? ›

Investment bankers meet with clients, prepare offers, run financial projections, and work on pitchbooks, that help generate new clients. The work is lucrative but the days are long and stressful. Superior social skills are required for success in the field.

What is the main role of investment banking? ›

The primary goal of an investment bank is to advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges. Investment banks help their clients with financing, research, trading and sales, wealth management, asset management, IPOs, mergers, securitized products, hedging, and more.

Can you make a lot of money in private equity? ›

Private equity is a very lucrative career. As an asset class, private equity has enjoyed tremendous success over the past decade. Investors around the globe continue to pile their money into private equity firms.

Is private equity the highest paying jobs? ›

"Hedge funds and private equity are the highest payers in the financial universe no doubt." "If they produce good returns they are paid very, very well," Potter added.

Is private banking better than investment banking? ›

Private banking tends to be more profitable than other types of banks because it does not have to pay out interest on deposits. In other words, the focus is on wealth management.

What is the 8 20 rule private equity? ›

The 20% performance fee is the biggest source of income for hedge funds. The performance fee is only charged when the fund's profits exceed a prior agreed-upon level. A common threshold level used is 8%. That means that the hedge fund only charges the 20% performance fee if profits for the year surpass the 8% level.

What is the 2 20 rule private equity? ›

At its most basic, the two and twenty is basically the standard fee structure for venture capital firms to charge their investors. The 2% is the annual fee that the fund charges investors to manage the fund. And the 20% is the percentage of the upside that the fund managers take.

Why is it so hard to get a job in private equity? ›

Landing a career in private equity is very difficult because there are few jobs on the market in this profession and so it can be very competitive. Coming into private equity with no experience is impossible, so finding an internship or having previous experience in a related field is highly recommended.

What degree is best for private equity? ›

Candidates should have an bachelor's degree in an analytical major like finance, accounting, statistics, mathematics, or economics.

What level is VP in private equity? ›

The Private Equity Career Path
Position TitleTypical Age RangeCarry
Senior Associate26-32Small
Vice President (VP)30-35Growing
Director or Principal33-39Large
Managing Director (MD) or Partner36+Very Large
2 more rows

Should I work in private equity or investment banking? ›

Private equity is extremely prestigious. Compensation for both careers is very high, but the work/life balance in private equity is better, it is often the preferred exit route for investment bankers who have a few years of experience.

Are private equity guys rich? ›

Amid a booming year for the industry, the 22 private equity tycoons on The Forbes 400 are now worth more than $150 billion combined. I t is shaping up to be a stellar 2021 for private equity, with the industry on pace for a record-breaking year.

Is private equity a prestigious career? ›

A career in private equity is one of the most desired professional pathways for a number of reasons – it can be extremely lucrative, it's intellectually rewarding, and in general provides a better work/life balance than other highly competitive areas in finance such as investment banking.

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