Investment banking or the Big Four? (2024)

If you're contemplating a graduate career in finance, you've probably toyed with the idea of working for a Big Four accountancy firmas an alternative to an investment bank.The Big Four (EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PWC) certainly have plenty going for them, but are they really an alternative to the ever-so- exciting world of banking? Well...

The Big Four hire LOADS of people. Investment banks don't...

The great thing about the Big Four is the sheer abundance of opportunities they offer. European investment banks like Barclays and Deutsche Bank hired 800 and 766 graduates globally last year; EY, Deloitte, KPMG and PWC hired more people than that in the UK.

In the UK alone, EY brought on 1,500 trainees (including graduate, undergraduate, school leaver and apprentices) in 2015, Deloitte hired 1,800 (graduates, internships, scholarships, industrial placements and apprenticeships),KPMG hired 979 (graduates alone) and PWC hired over 1,500 (graduates).

Compared to investment banks, the Big Four are awash with entry-level jobs.

The Big Four are no easier to get into though...

For all their opportunities, the Big Four are still pretty hard to go into. Goldman Sachs only accepts 3% of the people who apply to work there. PWC's UK business says it receives 40,000 applications for its 1,500 graduate jobs - an acceptance rate of 3.8%.

In other words, the Big Four are not a soft option.

The Big Four have a broader range of opportunities than investment banks do...

Just as investment banks aren't only about M&A and sales and trading, the Big Four are not only about audit. At a Big Four firm, you can also work in areas like risk, law, tax, consulting, M&A advisory, regulatory advice, people advice, forensic technology.... The opportunities are endless.

While this might seem a bit confusing for the novitiate contemplating a job, the Big Four portray breadth as a strength.

"One of the biggest selling points to working at a large professional services firm such as KPMG is the breadth of opportunity we can offer to our graduates and school leavers," says Martin Blackburn, head of HR at KPMG. "- Many of our schemes offer rotations around the firm so that individuals can find the area of the business they most enjoy working in, and in turn excel at."

"We tackle a wide range of business issues and complex commercial challenges. And our ideas boost the performance of all sorts of organisations. This means we offer a huge variety of career paths and opportunities for our people," says a spokesperson for PWC.

And the Big Four probably have better exit opportunities...

When you're leaving an investment bank you definitely have opportunities. However, the tend to be fairly closely-defined and difficult to access. For example, if you're leaving M&A there's always private equity (300 applications per job), or 'business development' in a company which might have its own in-house M&A team (a handful of opportunities here and there). And if you're leaving trading, you could always try a hedge fund- although hedge funds hire far fewer traders from banks than they used to, or a financial technology (Fintech) firm, although few Fintech firms pay good money.

By comparison, if you leave a Big Four audit job in the UK, you'll be equipped with an ACA qualification, which will open doors both to banking jobs (banks like Rothschild hire ACAs as a matter of course) and to jobs in industry, as well as a career in the Big Four if you want to come back one day.

But the Big Four don't pay as well as investment banks...

The downside of working for the Big Four is the pay. In the UK, starting salaries at the Big Four are around£38k ($54k). After five years, you might receive a salary of£60k ($85k).

By comparison, starting salaries for M&A roles in investment banks are something in the region of£50k to£55k.After five years in an investment banking role, you should be on a salary of£95k to£110k. This will, of course, be supplemented by a bonus of anything from 20% to 100%+.

And, the working hours aren't always that great either...

Much like investment banks, Big Four firms have been doing their best to keep their junior people happy.

KPMG's Blackburn says the firm has introduced, "intelligent working", which focuses on "outcomes rather than the time that we all work."Maggie Stilwell,EY’s Managing Partner for Talent, UK & Ireland, says EY is flexible too: "Our people are empowered to decide how, when and where they work to suit their professional and personal ambitions."

Nonetheless, the internet is awash with complaints about long hours in Big Four audit during the "busy season" before clients report their annual results. One audit junior, 'Stu in Tokyo', complained last year about working from9.30am to 11.30pm every weekday and then 10 hours on a Sunday.

Speaking anonymously, one former senior finance professional in an investment bank who left for a Big Four firm, told us the hours are pretty similar overall but that their distribution is different: "Big 4 consulting is a little more boom bust, so there are quiet periods, but then these are made up for working at very demanding clients."

The Big Four can be very political...

Now, we're not going to pretend that investment banks are meritocracies where politicking is of no importance. But the politics you get in Big Four firms are different. "TheBig 4 are partnerships, so you are either in or out of senior management, rather than more blurred lines you get in banking," says the ex-banking MD who's now a senior (non-partner) in a Big Four firm.

Big Four firms are also super-corporate. Like banks, these are big bureaucracies with big "mission statements." PWC, for example, defines itself as having a "purpose," which is to,"Build trust in society and solve important problems." That's very noble, but might seem a bit spurious when you're applying for a job auditing a manufacturing firm.

But the Big Four are growing and they probably won't make you redundant...

In the current climate, this is surely one of the biggest advantages of working for the Big Four.

While investment banks are laying people off all over the place, the Big Four are busy hiring. Deloitte added 3,000 "experienced hires" in the UK in 2015; KPMG added 1,642; PWC added more than 2,500; and EY adds around 2,250 every year.

"Banks are shrinking, but the Big Four are growing," says the ex-banker working for a Big Four firm. "Because of that, there's no culture of fear here. And that's a huge and positive difference."

Photo credit:ChoicesbyDinukshan Kuruppuis licensed underCC BY 2.0.

Investment banking or the Big Four? (2024)


Investment banking or the Big Four? ›

Big 4 Corporate Finance

In addition to the advisory group, most big 4 have a completely separate group that is itself a Middle Market Investment Bank. If you can get into this group you technically “made it” to banking because these groups do a lot of actual deals for the middle market area.

Do the Big 4 do investment banking? ›

Big 4 Corporate Finance

In addition to the advisory group, most big 4 have a completely separate group that is itself a Middle Market Investment Bank. If you can get into this group you technically “made it” to banking because these groups do a lot of actual deals for the middle market area.

What is more prestigious than investment banking? ›

Private equity is extremely prestigious. Compensation for both careers is very high, but the work/life balance in private equity is better, it is often the preferred exit route for investment bankers who have a few years of experience.

Which is the hardest Big 4 to get into? ›

EY and PwC are harder to estimate. EY is the second biggest of the Big Four in terms of headcount, which lends credence to this claim in 2019 that their acceptance rate was approximately 3.5%, based on 69,000 global hires from 2,000,000 global applicants.

Which of the Big 4 is the most prestigious? ›

A quick overview of the firms

PwC is the largest by revenue and the most prestigious of the Big Four with a strong and established audit client base.

Is Big 4 hard to get in? ›

Getting a job in Big 4 companies can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Candidates must have the right experience, networking and preparation to increase their chances of getting a job at these companies.

Is investment banking a prestigious job? ›

Skills Needed to Become an Investment Banker

That said, investment banking is a highly competitive field. Because the pay is so high and the job is so prestigious, particularly in cities such as New York, applicants far outnumber job openings every year.

Why are investment bankers so rich? ›

For a hefty fee, they bring industry, financial, and transactional expertise. They are basically gatekeepers — a company that wants to issue stock, issue debt, buy other companies, or sell itself has to engage with an investment bank (though some tech firms are working on ways around this).

What is the hardest investment bank to get into? ›

Goldman Sachs is generally regarded as the leading investment bank in most business areas, and is the toughest Bulge Bracket investment bank to break into. Goldman has a very strong reputation within the industry and among corporations. They advise on the majority of high profile M&A deals and other major transactions.

Do investment banks only hire Ivy League? ›

Most of the investment banking target schools are Ivy League schools and top liberal arts colleges. However, you may be surprised to know senior bankers at investment banks tend to recruit candidates from the schools that they attended!

Which Big 4 has the best work life balance? ›

Though the smallest of the Big 4 firms, KPMG is known to have the best work-life balance amongst its employees.

Can a low GPA get into Big 4? ›

We would, however, say that the minimum GPA required is 3.0. But if you find that yours is a bit lower than that, just work on your GPA for grad school, gain work experience, or take on leadership roles during your academic career.

Do you have to be smart to work at Big 4? ›

Work ethic

Big 4 firms operate in a highly competitive global marketplace, offering critical advisory, tax and audit services well-known public and private companies. Their employees need to be smart and work hard. Recruiters consider your undergraduate GPA as one indicator of work ethic.

What is a good GPA for Big 4? ›

The Big 4 do have Minimum GPA Requirements

But they aren't the same at all schools. At some schools like Texas and BYU they are only 3.2. At other schools, the GPA requirements typically are between 3.5 and 3.7 minimum. That is because the big 4 receive tons of candidates from those other schools with really high GPAs.

Which Big 4 is best in USA? ›

The Big 4 Accounting Firms
  • Deloitte LLP is the number one firm in the United States (and in the world). ...
  • PwC, LLP. ...
  • PWC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is ranked as the number two accounting firm in the world. ...
  • Ernst & Young is rated number three out of the top 100 accounting firms in the world. ...

How hard is it to make partner at Big 4? ›

Yes, it's hard to become a partner at a Big Four company.

First of all, the Big Four accounting firms attract bright and ambitious people, and the competition for these positions is fierce. Most people take ten to 15 years to become a partner at a Big Four, which includes working 50 to 70 hours a week as a standard.

How long should you stay at a Big 4? ›

Whether you joined a Big 4 as a springboard for your career or were set on making partner, we generally advise professionals to make a move around three to six years of experience, in order not to leave either too early or too far into their Big 4 career.

Is it stressful working in the Big 4? ›

Many accountants experience burnout at some point in their careers because of the long hours and constant high pressure of working in a Big 4 firm. It starts with struggling to cope with workplace stress. Over time, they are left feeling exhausted, empty, and unable to function or cope with everyday life.

Is it worth it to start at a Big 4? ›

By working at a Big 4 firm you will rapidly develop skills and expertise that simply cannot be learned anywhere else. If you were to look at the career trajectories of an employee at a Big 4 firm and one of their peers in corporate, they would barely be comparable.

Can you be a millionaire as an investment banker? ›

Can you become a millionaire as an investment banker? It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy.

Are you happy in investment banking? ›

On average, investment bankers rate the meaningfulness of their work a 2.4/5. The majority of investment bankers struggle to find any sort of meaning in their work, likely resulting in less satisfaction with the career overall.

Do investment bankers have a good life? ›

It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers. Investment banking analysts may work up to 100 hours per week at some firms.

Can investment bankers make 500k? ›

Executives in investment banking can make upward of $300,000-$500,000 per year. Investment banking can also lead to other high-paying careers in finance, such as private equity and wealth management.

How many hours do investment bankers work? ›

Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand. According to a 2021 Working Conditions Survey by Goldman Sachs, first-year investment banking analysts work more than 95 hours per week, on average.

Why not to become an investment banker? ›

Even with education, experience, and enthusiasm, investment banking might not be for you. Lack of work-life balance is one reason to avoid becoming an investment banker. Investment bankers must also be able to manage high-pressure situations.

What GPA is too low for investment banking? ›

Grades below those levels don't necessarily mean that banks will reject you right away, but they do make it harder to win interviews through the normal process. But there are limits to that statement; for example, if you have below a 3.0 GPA in the U.S., then banks may reject you just based on that.

What GPA do investment banks look for? ›

Typically banks screen resumes based on GPA and will often remove anyone below 3.5. However, there is room for an exception here, and exceptional experience may bypass GPA requirements if one can prove competency or high value to the bank.

What is the #1 investment bank in the US? ›

Goldman Sachs is widely known as the most prestigious investment bank on Wall Street. The bank's interns receive phenomenal training, hands-on experience, and the opportunity to rotate across many groups and desks.

Is 3.5 GPA too low for investment banking? ›

A GPA of a 3.7+ can make up for weaker experience, but is by no means a gimme. Banks prefer good experience to good GPAs (subject to a minimum in the 3.3-3.5 range).

Is MIT a target school for investment banking? ›

They don't account for student interest and demand. For example, universities like Stanford and MIT are clearly targets in the U.S., and many students from these schools could get into IB if they wanted to. But they tend to be more interested in tech, startups, consulting, and other non-finance roles.

Where does Blackstone recruit from? ›

Blackstone considers candidates from schools across the globe. Candidates eligible for full-time opportunities are completing their final year of college or graduate school. Candidates eligible for summer opportunities are completing their third year of university or their junior year in college.

Why do so many people leave Big 4? ›

However, few people end up staying at the Big 4 for their entire careers. “A lot of people leave because the exit opportunities after Big 4 really are endless. You have been trained extensively, you have worked for different clients of different sizes, different locations, and different industries.

What are the negatives of working in Big 4? ›

The Cons of Working for a Big 4 Firm
  • Long hours. ...
  • High pressure. ...
  • Blackout dates. ...
  • Low compensation. ...
  • Rigid promotion policies. ...
  • Self-evaluations. ...
  • Firm politics. ...
  • Traveling.

How many hours a week is Big 4? ›

At a Big 4 firm, busy season can mean long hours of auditing or tax compliance and lots of stress. 60-100-hour work weeks are not uncommon. A mid-sized firm typically offers a better work/life balance, more hands-on experience, broader industry exposure, and higher pay.

Can you get a 4.0 with an B? ›

On the 4.0 scale, an unweighted 4.0 GPA means perfection. You need straight As in every class—not even one A- is allowed.

What GPA does Deloitte look for? ›

Here's the good news – a great resume will pass at Deloitte and at McKinsey. And even better news – you only need one amazing consulting resume. Besides the standard set of elements your resume must have for top consulting firms – a GPA of at least 3.5, a degree from a target school, high standardized test scores, etc.

What GPA does EY look for? ›

A 3.5 GPA to apply.

Which is the best paying jobs in Big 4? ›

The top 5 highest paying jobs at Big 4 with reported salaries are: senior manager - ₹33lakhs per year. manager - ₹22lakhs per year.

How do you survive at Big 4? ›

How to survive Big 4 busy season
  1. Prepare and then prepare again.
  2. Set your family and friends' expectations.
  3. Know your schedule and work smart.
  4. Look after yourself.

Does Deloitte look good on resume? ›

Deloitte really is a strong brand on your CV and recognized world wide. There are very few people that I've met over the years that do not immediately recognize Deloitte when they ask me what I do for a living and what company I work for.

Does Harvard use a 4.3 GPA scale? ›

To get to Harvard your GPA has to be at least a 4.0 and even then if you get in your lucky but they require at least a 4.18 GPA only .

Is a 4.4 GPA good enough for Harvard? ›

The average high school GPA for admitted students at Harvard University is 4.18 on a 4.0 scale. (You can calculate your high school a GPA here.) This is a very competitive GPA, and Harvard University is clearly accepting students at the top of their high school class.

What GPA is required for Harvard on a 4.0 scale? ›

You should also have a 4.18 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score. For a school as selective as Harvard, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application. We'll cover those details next.

Is working at Big 4 prestigious? ›

The big 4 is prestigious in the category of public accounting firms. The best paying clients typically contract the big 4.

Why is Big 4 worth it? ›

A huge CV boost

Working for Deloitte, PwC, EY or KPMG will allow you to get the foot in the door at almost any accounting firm or financial institution you want, if you decided to move on. Experience at a Big 4 is a seal of approval and will garner a high level of respect over the course of your career.

Who is the youngest partner at Deloitte? ›

Deloitte has promoted Nicola Roberts, one of the firm's youngest ever partners, to the role of Head of Private Client Services. She is tasked with supporting the firm's key private clients in their respective areas of need.

Do Big 4 partners make millions? ›

It is really hard to make $1 million in the big 4 accounting firms because of the whole pyramid scheme structure, but you can do it. You just need to keep constantly moving up the ladder. You can bet that the partner that screwed up the Oscars for PwC, Brian Cullinan, made more than $1 million.

What is the retirement age for Big 4 partners? ›

In the United States, managing partners in most top 100 accounting firms have a mandatory retirement age of between 60 and 66, and certain Big 4 firms expect partners to retire as early as 55.

Does Deloitte do investment banking? ›

Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC (“DCF”) offers the client service and middle market focus of a boutique investment bank, backed by the global reach and cross-functional capabilities of the world's largest professional services firm.

What are the US Big 4 investment banks? ›

Largest full-service investment banks

JPMorgan Chase. Goldman Sachs. BofA Securities. Morgan Stanley.

Does PwC have investment banking? ›

PwC Corporate Finance offers the focus of an investment banking boutique with access to the resources, integrated advisory services and industry expertise of the PwC Global Network of member firms located throughout the world.

Does KPMG have investment banking? ›

What industry is KPMG Corporate Finance LLC in? KPMG Corporate Finance LLC is in the industry of Investment Banking.

Does Mckinsey do investment banking? ›

We help investment banking clients meet a wide range of strategic, organizational, and operational demands.

Is it harder to get a job at Deloitte? ›

How Hard Is It to Get a Job at Deloitte? As one of the big four, Deloitte receives an overwhelming number of applications. With over 500,0000 applicants applying for Deloitte job positions, it can be hard to get a job at Deloitte. You are expected to be the industry's best and a confident professional.

Is investment banking more prestigious than consulting? ›

Almost everyone agrees that investment bankers earn more than management consultants. The exact differences vary, but total IB compensation is often 50-100% higher in most levels of the hierarchy.

What is a Tier 1 investment bank? ›

They have been chosen based on their revenue numbers, assets under management (AUM), global reach, income and employee headcount. The very top investment banks from this list are: Tier 1 – J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley.

What is the most prestigious bank to work for? ›

Bankers continue to regard Goldman Sachs as the world's most prestigious bank, followed (as always) by Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan. Credit Suisse and UBS lost the most ground in 2022 while LionTree Advisors' reputation improved the most in the eyes of bankers.

Is PwC better than Goldman Sachs? ›

PwC is most highly rated for Culture and Goldman Sachs is most highly rated for Compensation and benefits. Learn more, read reviews and see open jobs.
Overall Rating.
Overall Rating3.93.9
Compensation and benefits3.63.9
Job security and advancement3.73.4
1 more row

Does Goldman Sachs do investment banking? ›

Goldman Sachs provides a range of investment banking, investment management and securities services for our clients. These services are delivered by teams working across multiple functions.

Does JP Morgan Chase do investment banking? ›

Third, J.P. Morgan became both a universal bank and a leading investment bank, with finan- cial strength, capabilities and a client base unparalleled in global finance. The Investment Bank now serves approximately 16,000 investor clients and 5,000 issuer clients.

Does EY have investment banking? ›

Industry focus. EYCA offers investment banking services in the US and utilizes a comprehensive and well-structured approach that help clients increase value and mitigate risk. Our investment banking professionals are focused on the middle-market and bring deep industry knowledge to each transaction.

Is KPMG as good as Deloitte? ›

Compare company reviews, salaries and ratings to find out if Deloitte or KPMG is right for you. Deloitte is most highly rated for Culture and KPMG is most highly rated for Culture.
Overall Rating.
Overall Rating3.93.9
3 more rows

Is investment banking like consulting? ›

The primary goal of investment bankers is to execute transactions for their clients. Unlike management consultants, investment bankers become specialists, and the work they do has a definite end point for their clients.

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