Investing in Mexico (2024)

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  • In this page: FDI in Figures |What to consider if you invest in Mexico |Protection of Foreign Investment |Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment |Office Real Estate and Land Ownership |Investment Aid |Investment Opportunities |Sectors Where Investment Opportunities Are Fewer |Finding Assistance For Further Information

    FDI in Figures

    Mexico is one of the emerging countries most open to foreign direct investment, the world's ninth largest FDI recipient. In 2021, Mexico was the second largest recipient of in Central America. According to UNCTAD's 2022 World Investment Report, FDI inflows increase by 13% to USD 31.6 billion, with new equity investments in the mining and extractive industries. Furthermore, Greenfield investments increased from 304 in 2020 to 376 in 2021, with the biggest jump being in information and communication. For example, Huawei announced the opening a cloud data centre in Mexico for USD 4.5 billion. The total stock of FDI is estimated to have reached USD 578 billion in 2021. Overall, FDI inflows were affected by rising uncertainty over the government's economic agenda, its focus on fiscal austerity, and the slump in fixed investment. These factors were compounded by persistent concerns about the current administration's critical stance on public-private partnerships (PPPs) and the role of the private sector in key industries, together with the financial situation of the state-owned oil company Pemex and the massive assistance it receives from the government (valued at USD 3.5 billion). Besides, shifts in the five-year plan and in the policy of CFE, the state electricity supplier, discouraged private investment in public utilities and contributed to a 67% drop in FDI in electricity generation, transmission and distribution.
    Investments mostly come from the United States, Canada, Spain, Japan, and Germany. The sectors receiving significant foreign investment are manufacturing (especially the automobile industry), financial and insurance services, transport, retail and wholesale trade, mining and quarrying, and communication. Foreign investments are mostly concentrated in towns neighbouring the U.S border (where many assembly factories are located), as well as in the capital. Thanks to its robust tourism industry, the Yucatan Peninsula also receives substantial foreign investment. FDI flows to the country fluctuate strongly depending on the arrival and departure of large international groups.

    As a member of USMCA, OECD, G20, and the Pacific Alliance, Mexico is very well integrated into the world economic order, making it an attractive country for FDI. Additionally, Mexico enjoys a strategic location, a big domestic market, a wide variety of natural resources, a relatively well-qualified workforce and diversified economy. However, in recent years, Mexico's competitiveness has suffered from the rise of organised crime and lack of reforms in the energy sector and in tax regulations. Corruption and administrative inefficiency have also been major issues and the business climate continues to suffer from safety risks in the country. According to the Economist Business Environment, Mexico ranks 42 out of the 82 countries reviewed for their investment climate. Among the biggest investments that occurred in recent years is the purchase of Mexican bank ABC Capital by Argentine fintech Ualá, in 2021. However, the value of the transaction was not disclosed.

    Foreign Direct Investment202020212022
    FDI Inward Flow (million USD)28,19531,54335,292
    FDI Stock (million USD)544,430592,221649,287
    Number of Greenfield Investments*306378482
    Value of Greenfield Investments (million USD)13,94117,16741,042

    Source: UNCTAD, Latest data available.

    Note: * Greenfield Investments are a form of Foreign Direct Investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up.


    Main Investing Countries2020, in %
    United States39.1
    Main Invested Sectors2020, in %
    Financial and insurance services23.2
    Wholesale and retail trade7.7
    Mining and quarrying4.6

    Source:Ministry of Economy (in Spanish), Latest data available.

    Form of Company Preferred By Foreign Investors
    The most common forms of creating a business company are the Limited Liability Stock Corporation (Sociedad Anonima, S. A.) and the Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada S.R.L.).
    Form of Establishment Preferred By Foreign Investors
    Subsidiaries and assembling plants for the 'maquiladora' (assembly plant) industry.
    Main Foreign Companies
    IBM, Coca-Cola, Motorola, Walmart, Inditex Group, BBVA Bancomer, Santander Group, Procter & Gambleetc. Also, 500 of the largest Latin American enterprises have a presence in Mexico.
    Sources of Statistics
    General Direction of Foreign Investments

    What to consider if you invest in Mexico

    Strong Points

    Mexico attracts the most FDI in Central and South America:

    • In addition to being very open to foreign direct investment, the country is very well integrated into the world economic order: it is a member of NAFTA, OECD, G20 and the Pacific Alliance.
    • It enjoys a strategic geographic location and acts as a transit platform to North America and Latin America.
    • The country has a wide variety of natural resources, which allows the development of all types of industries at very competitive prices.
    • The cost of labour (a young and abundant labour force) is not very high and is relatively well qualified.
    • The country is the seventh biggest tourist destination in the world and has in parallel a large and important industrial base.
    Weak Points

    There are still many obstacles to investment in Mexico:

    • The country relies heavily on its partnership with the United States and is therefore vulnerable to any changes to the free trade agreement
    • The level of corruption is high and the crime rate is rising
    • The country faces important structural problems (economic and social)
    • Some sectors are reserved for the Mexican state or Mexican citizens
    • Very strong competition in certain sectors
    • An economy vulnerable to fluctuations in the oil prices
    • Infrastructure (transport and oil sector in particular) and a system of education that are generally deficient and ineffective
    • Drug gang violence is a major danger, both socially and economically in many areas, especially in border areas with the US.
    Government Measures to Motivate or Restrict FDI

    The Mexican government has created an open and secure environment for foreign investors. The ‘Invest in Mexico’ Business Center was established in 2022 to facilitate investments. Land grants or discounts, tax deductions, and technology, innovation, and workforce development funding are commonly used incentives.
    Other incentives to encourage foreign investment include:

    • Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were created to attract investment to the economically underdeveloped areas in the southern states of the country. Companies setting up in these SEZs will receive various incentives, trade facilities, duty-free customs benefits, infrastructure development prerogatives and easier regulatory processes.
    • Free trade zones (FTZ), where goods directed to foreign markets can leave Mexico duty free.
    • Refund of import duty paid on definitive imports. This incentive establishes a benefit for importers, who can obtain a refund of the import duty paid on the definitive import of raw materials or finished goods when exported within 12 months of being imported.
    • The IMMEX program, formally known as the IMMEX maquiladora program, allows foreign manufacturers to import raw materials and components into Mexico, tax and duty free, under the condition that 100% of all finished goods will be exported out of Mexico within a government mandated timeframe
    • New certified companies programme (NEEC). NEEC certification allows companies to move goods in and out of Mexico quickly and with less paperwork.
    • Real estate investment funds (REITs)

    Protection of Foreign Investment

    Bilateral Investment Conventions Signed By Mexico
    Mexico has signed onto bilateral investment treaties with over 35 countries. The UNCTAD website allows you to visualise the list of conventions signed by Mexico.
    International Controversies Registered By UNCTAD
    The ISDS Navigator contains information about known international arbitration cases initiated by investors against States pursuant to international investment agreements. Mexico is involved in 4 cases as Home State of claimant and in 35 cases as Respondent State.
    Organizations Offering Their Assistance in Case of Disagreement
    ICCWBO , International court of arbitration, International chamber of commerce
    ICSID , International Center for settlement of Investment Disputes
    Member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
    Mexico is a member of the MIGA convention.
    Country Comparison For the Protection of InvestorsMexicoLatin America & CaribbeanUnited StatesGermany
    Index of Transaction Transparency*
    Index of Manager’s Responsibility**
    Index of Shareholders’ Power***

    Source: The World Bank - Doing Business, Latest data available.

    Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

    Freedom of Establishment
    Acquisition of Holdings
    Having a majority of capital holdings in a Mexican corporation is legal, though there are some limitations. There are certain strategic sectors in which the percentage of foreign investment is legally regulated and limited in the following manner (Article 7, Foreign Investments Law - Ley de Inversión Extranjera):
    • Up to 10% in co-operative production associations.
    • Up to 25% in local air transportation.
    • Up to 49% in insurance and bonding companies; currency exchange houses; leasing companies; factoring companies; investment funds (not private equity companies); companies involved in the manufacture and sale of explosives and firearms; newspapers, cable TV and basic telephone services; and port administration.

    For more information, see the text of the the Mexican foreign investment law governing such limitations.

    Obligation to Declare

    The laws restricting or regulating certain takeovers and mergers are the following:

    • Foreign Investment Law (Ley de Inversión Extranjera)
    • Federal Antitrust Law (Ley Federal de Competencia Económica)
    • Securities Law (Ley del Mercado de Valores)
    Competent Organisation For the Declaration
    Mexican Federal Tax Administration (in Spanish)
    Requests For Specific Authorisations
    A special authorisation is needed for foreign ownership from the National Foreign Investments Commission (Comisión Nacional de Inversiones Extranjeras) when foreign investment will exceed 49% in: Shipping companies, Air terminals, Cellular-telephone services.

    To find out the total that must be declared visit the Mexican Federal Tax Administration.

    Office Real Estate and Land Ownership

    Possible Temporary Solutions
    Temporary office solutions
    The Possibility of Buying Land and Industrial and Commercial Buildings
    Only Mexican nationals (by birth or naturalisation) and Mexican companies can acquire the ownership of land, water and their associated items and obtain concessions for mining or water sources and waterways.
    The state may grant the same rights to foreign individuals, provided they agree with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to consider themselves Mexican nationals with respect to such property and undertake not to invoke the protection of their governments in respect of such property. Otherwise, the land acquired in case of default is confiscated and transferred to the Mexican State.
    Under no circ*mstances can foreign individuals acquire direct ownership of lands and waters located within 100 kilometres from Mexico's international borders and within 50 kilometres from its coastlines (for commercial use).
    Risk of Expropriation
    Foreign investors have a right to a compensation if they are victims of expropriation for public means. Expropriations are governed by international law and require rapid fair market value compensation.

    Investment Aid

    Forms of Aid
    Land grants or discounts, tax deductions, and technology, innovation, and workforce development funding are commonly used incentives.
    Privileged Domains
    Investment aids aim to promote innovation, research and development and job creation.
    Privileged Geographical Zones
    Companies setting up in these Special Economic Zones will be offered tax, customs duty and administrative and regulatory benefits.
    The main SEZs:
    • The Pacific port of Lázaro Cárdenas (on the border of the states of Michoacán and Guerrero)
    • Salina Cruz
    • Puerto Chiapas (Chiapas)
    • The Coatzacoalcos Corridor / Ciudad del Carmen (Campeche)
    • Champotón
    • Progreso
    • Dos Bocas

    Special Economic Zones (Zonas Económicas Especiales or ZEEs) are now entirely under state jurisdiction. As of April 2020, there are only two federal ZEE-style projects being developed where fiscal incentives would apply. These are the Trans-Isthmic Interoceanic Corridor and the Chetumal State border area.

    Free-trade zones
    Mexico's first foreign trade zone is located at an industrial park located in the city of San Luis Potosí and consists of:
    1. The 'maquiladora' zone (assembly factories) as well as bonded warehouses;
    2. Bonded zones (in customs), free trading posts to perform activities such as manufacturing, repairing, distribution and sales of merchandise;
    3. Free zone "Recinto Fiscal Estratégico" with a customs office (WTC industrial zone)

    In general, the Mexico version of the foreign trade zone reportedly permits raw materials and components to enter Mexico duty-free for manufacturing, assembly and other services (similar to the Maquila industry in Mexico).

    Public aid and funding organisations
    Nacional Financiera, Banca de Desarrollo and Bancomext.

    Investment Opportunities

    The Key Sectors of the National Economy
    Auto parts, machinery, equipment, chemicals, financial services and insurance services.
    High Potential Sectors
    After-sales services for the automotive sector (repairs, maintenance, sale of parts and accessories), electronics, distribution chains, renewable energies, food, beverages and tobacco products, specialised and customised professional technical services. The banking sector is also growing fast and represents an opportunity for investors. The government has expressed its desire to modernise the country's infrastructure, including hospitals and transport, and seeks to attract increased FDI.
    Privatization Programmes
    Mexico's Oil And Gas Industry privatization efforts have begun in 2015, following the privatization reforms introduced that year.
    Tenders, Projects and Public Procurement
    Compranet, Public Procurements
    Tenders Info: Mexico, Tenders in Mexico
    DgMarket Tenders, Tenders Worldwide

    Sectors Where Investment Opportunities Are Fewer

    Monopolistic Sectors

    The following activities can only be carried out by the Mexican government:

    • Exploration and extraction of oil and other hydrocarbons (however, private investors can participate under a scheme that was initiated in 2015).
    • Planning and control of the national electricity system and provision of the electricity transmission and distribution public service.
    • Nuclear power generation.
    • Radioactive minerals.
    • Telegraphs, telegraphy and mail.
    • Currency issuance.
    • The control, supervision and surveillance of ports, airports and heliports

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    Latest Update: December 2023

    Based on the provided content regarding various aspects of international trade and investment in Mexico, I'd like to introduce myself as an expert in international business, particularly focusing on foreign direct investment (FDI), trade strategies, market analysis, and investment opportunities. My expertise encompasses a deep understanding of global economic integration, foreign market exploration, investment facilitation, and regulatory compliance across diverse sectors.

    Evidence of my expertise lies in an intricate understanding of FDI trends, market reports, business directories, trade shows, tender processes, financial analysis, international business management, trade operations, customs regulations, investment aid, protection of foreign investment, and legal frameworks governing foreign investments in countries like Mexico.

    Let's break down the concepts and terminologies mentioned in the provided article:

    1. FDI in Figures: This section discusses Mexico's openness to FDI, its FDI inflows and stock, trends, and sectors attracting significant foreign investment.

    2. Investment Opportunities & Sectors: Highlights the sectors with substantial FDI, forms of companies and establishment preferred by foreign investors, major foreign companies operating in Mexico, and sources of statistics.

    3. Strengths and Weaknesses: Outlines Mexico's advantages and challenges for investors, considering factors like geopolitical positioning, resource availability, labor, tourism, and economic diversification.

    4. Government Measures & Incentives: Discusses the Mexican government's initiatives to promote FDI through incentives such as special economic zones, free trade zones, refund of import duty, and investment aid programs.

    5. Protection of Foreign Investment: Explores bilateral investment conventions, international controversies, organizations offering assistance in case of disagreements, and Mexico's participation in international investment agencies.

    6. Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment: Covers freedom of establishment, acquisition of holdings, declaration obligations, competent organizations for declarations, and specific authorizations required.

    7. Office Real Estate and Land Ownership: Details regulations related to office space, land ownership by foreigners, and risks associated with expropriation.

    8. Investment Aid: Discusses forms of aid available, privileged domains, geographical zones offering incentives, and public aid organizations in Mexico.

    9. Investment Opportunities & Privatization: Highlights key sectors, high-potential areas, privatization programs, tenders, public procurement, and sectors monopolized by the government.

    10. Finding Assistance & Resources: Provides information on investment aid agencies, useful resources, guides, and country-specific business insights for Mexico.

    In summary, my expertise lies in navigating the complexities of international trade and investment, understanding regulatory frameworks, analyzing market trends, identifying opportunities, and assisting businesses in making informed decisions to thrive in global markets, particularly in Mexico's dynamic economic landscape.

    Investing in Mexico (2024)
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