Investing Articles - dummies (2024)

Ever heard the expression, "It takes money to make money"? We'll teach you how to go from rags to riches (or from riches to even more riches) in stocks, bonds, real estate, and more.

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General Investing AI Investing For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 03-14-2024

Artificial intelligence (otherwise known as AI) can save you lots of money and help you do things that were either costly or a pipe dream only a few years ago — and that includes helping you with investing and financial pursuits.

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Stocks Day Trading For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 02-22-2024

If you want to get started in day trading, doing some preparation before you dive in dramatically increases your odds of success. From setting up your trading business (and it is a business) and learning trading jargon to tracking the markets with technical indicators and calculating your performance, these articles get you on your way.

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Funds Mutual Fund Investing For Canadians For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 02-22-2024

Mutual funds have been around for decades and despite other types of investments finding their way into investor portfolios, these securities are still king in Canada. Despite their still sky-high fees, mutual funds offer investors an easy way to buy into a diversified basket of stocks and bonds, which is really all you need for growing your wealth. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when considering these investments.

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Bonds Bond Investing For Canadians For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 11-21-2023

If you want to invest in bonds, you need to know how to read the bond ratings that the big three rating companies use in order to help you select bonds in a risk-aware way. Knowing the right questions to ask about a bond can save you money, and you can find answers to many of those questions on the Internet.

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Real Estate Real Estate Investing All-in-One For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 11-03-2023

Successful real estate investing requires smart decisions. To start investing in real estate quickly and easily, ask a few important questions, discover different ways to invest in residential property, and build an effective real estate team.

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Commodities Invest in Commodities through Physical Silver

Article / Updated 10-09-2023

One of the unique characteristics of silver among other commodities is that you can invest in it by actually buying the stuff, as you can buy gold coins and bars for investment purposes. Most dealers that sell gold generally offer silver coins and bars as well. 100-ounce silver bar: If you’re interested in something substantial, you can buy a 100-ounce silver bar. Before buying it, check the bar to make sure that it’s pure silver (you want 99 percent purity or above). Silver maple coins: These coins, which are a product of the Royal Canadian Mint, are the standard for silver coins around the world. Each coin represents 1 ounce of silver and has a purity of 99.99 percent, making it the most pure silver coin on the market.The term sterling silver refers to a specific silver alloy that contains 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper (other base metals are occasionally used as well). Pure silver is sometimes alloyed with another metal, such as copper, to make it stronger and more durable.Just remember that if you’re considering silver jewelry as an investment, sterling silver won’t give you as much value in the long term as pure silver.

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Precious Metals Different Styles of Precious Metals Investing

Article / Updated 10-09-2023

Before you start investing or trading in precious metals, you need to understand the concepts of saving, investing, trading, and speculating; otherwise, the financial pitfalls could be very great. The differences aren't just in where your money is but also why and in what manner.Right now, millions of people live with no savings and lots of debt, which means that they are speculating with their budgets; retirees are day-trading their portfolios; and financial advisors are telling people to move their money from savings accounts to stocks without looking at the appropriateness of what they're doing.Make sure you understand the following terms — knowing the difference is crucial to you in the world of precious metals: Saving: The classical definition of saving is "income that has not been spent," but the modern-day definition is money set aside in a savings account for a "rainy day" or emergency. Ideally, you should have at least three months' worth of gross living expenses sitting blandly in a savings account or money market fund. Although precious metals in the right venue are appropriate for most people, including savers, you need to have cash savings in addition to your precious metals investments. A good example of an appropriate savings venue in precious metals is buying physical gold and/or silver bullion coins as a long-term holding. Investing: Investing refers to the act of buying an asset that is meant to be held long-term (in years). The asset will always run into ups and downs, but as long as it's trending upward (a bull market), you'll be okay. Investing in precious metals may not be for everyone, but it is an appropriate consideration for many investment portfolios. The common stock of large or mid-size mining companies is a good example of an appropriate vehicle for investors. Trading: Trading is truly short-term in nature and is meant for those with steady nerves and a quick trigger finger. There are many "trading systems" out there, and this activity requires extensive knowledge of market behavior along with discipline and a definitive plan. The money employed should be considered risk capital and not money intended for an emergency fund, rent, or retirement. The venue could be mining stocks, but more likely it would be futures and/or options because they are faster-moving markets. Speculating: This can be likened to financial gambling. Speculating means making an educated guess about the direction of a particular asset's price move. Speculators look for big price moves to generate a large profit as quickly as possible, but also understand that it can be very risky and volatile. A speculator's appetite for greater potential profit coupled with increased risk is similar to the trader, but the time frame is different. Speculating can be either short-term or long-term. Your venue of choice could be stocks, but more likely, the stocks would typically be of smaller mining companies with greater price potential. Speculating is also done in futures and options.

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Commodities Modern Portfolio Theory and the Benefits of Diversification

Article / Updated 10-05-2023

The idea that diversification is a good strategy in portfolio allocation is the cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). MPT is the brainchild of Nobel Prize–winning economist Harry Markowitz. In a paper he wrote in 1952 for his doctoral thesis, Markowitz argued that investors must look at a portfolio's overall risk/reward ratio. Although this sounds like common sense today, it was a groundbreaking idea at the time.Before Markowitz's paper, most investors constructed their portfolios based on a risk/reward ratio analysis of individual securities. Investors chose a security based on its individual risk profile and ignored how that risk profile fit within a broader portfolio. Markowitz argued (successfully) that investors could construct more profitable portfolios if they looked at the overall risk/reward ratio of their portfolios.Therefore, when considering an individual security, you need to not only assess its individual risk profile, but also take into account how that risk profile fits within your general investment strategy. Markowitz's idea that holding a group of different securities reduces a portfolio's overall volatility is one of the most important ideas in portfolio allocation.

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Real Estate REITs For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet / Updated 09-07-2023

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, manages, and/or finances real estate holdings. These holdings can be in the form of apartment buildings, hotels, shopping centers, self-storage facilities, warehouses, and even billboards, data centers, cell towers, woodlands, and many others.REITs have stock attributes (liquidity and transparency) and, at the same time, enable you to enjoy the benefits of owning income-producing real estate. With this Cheat Sheet, you get a quick primer on the benefits of REIT investment, how to add REITs to your portfolio, how to choose smart REITs, and how to become a virtual landlord without the aggravation of owning private real estate.

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Bonds Buying U.S. Savings Bonds in an Uncertain Economy

Article / Updated 09-01-2023

In a down economy, U.S. savings bonds are one of the safest investments you can make. Savings bonds are nonmarketable securities — when you purchase them, they’re registered to you and you can’t sell them to another investor.Uncle Sam offers two types of savings bonds, Series EE and Series I, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and are considered the safest of all investments. Here’s more info on each type: Series EE bonds: These bonds earn a fixed rate of return set by the U.S. Treasury. They’re accrual bonds, which means the interest accumulates and is compounded semiannually (rather than being paid to the owner as it’s earned each month). If you hold one of these bonds, you receive the interest when you redeem the bonds. Series I bonds: The interest you earn from I bonds comes in two parts: A fixed-rate component established when you purchase the bond A second component that’s equal to the rate of inflation, adjusted semiannually (based on the consumer price index for March and September) Although the fixed-rate interest component for Series I bonds is low, these bonds help protect you against inflation. If inflation goes up, so does the interest rate you earn because the variable-rate portion is adjusted every six months; for example, when the fixed-rate component is 2 percent and the inflation adjustment is 5 percent, an investment in a Series I bond is guaranteed to return 7 percent. But remember, the total interest rate can also go down as the inflation adjustment decreases. For both bonds, the purchase limit is $5,000 per Social Security number for each calendar year. You can easily purchase and redeem the bonds in electronic format through the Department of the Treasury’s Web site. If you purchase the bonds electronically, you can get any denomination of $25 or more, including penny increments. The purchase price is equal to the face value.You can also purchase the bonds in paper form through various financial institutions and payroll savings plans. Paper I bonds are offered in denominations of $50, $75, $100, $200, $500, $1000, and $5,000; they’re purchased for their face value. However, you can get paper versions of EE bonds at half their face value; they’ll be worth face value at maturity. Paper EE bonds are offered in denominations of $50, $75, $100, $200, $500, $1000, $5,000, and $10,000.The interest on both bonds compounds semiannually for 30 years, but you don’t have to hold the bonds for that long. You can redeem the bonds after 12 months, but you pay a three-month interest penalty if you redeem the bonds within five years of the purchase date.As for tax treatment, U.S. savings bonds are exempt from state and local income tax. Federal income tax on interest earned can be deferred until redemption or final maturity, whichever occurs first. Tax benefits are available when you use the bonds for education purposes.

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Investing  Articles - dummies (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.