Invasion of Privacy Law (2024)

What Is Invasion of Privacy?

Invasion of privacy is the unlawful intrusion into another person’s personal life without their consent. However, invasion of privacy is not a single tort; rather, it is composed of four discrete grounds of action.

States differ in their recognition of these causes of action as well as the elements required to prove them, so check your state’s invasion of privacy laws or consult with a lawyer before bringing legal action.


  1. What Are Some Examples of Invasion Of Privacy?
  2. Can I Sue for Invasion of Privacy?
  3. How Do I Prove Invasion Of Privacy?
  4. What Remedies Are Available for Invasion of Privacy?
  5. What Are Some Defenses to Invasion of Privacy Claims?
  6. Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with an Invasion of Privacy Claim?

    What Are Some Examples of Invasion Of Privacy?

    When your reasonable expectation of privacy is broken, this becomes an invasion of privacy.

    For example, if you are conducting a private telephone call in your home or office involving sensitive information and someone is listening in without your knowledge, agreement, or an applicable exception, this act constitutes an invasion of privacy.

    However, unintentionally placing sensitive or personal material in a public place and another person picking it up does not constitute an invasion of privacy.

    The following are some examples of invasions of privacy that can result in a legal action:

    • Intercepting calls illegally;
    • Snooping into someone’s private records
    • Taking images or films of someone without their knowledge or consent inside their home or a private location;
    • Unwanted phone calls; and
    • Making public a topic about another’s private life

    When a well-regarded suburban school district decided to loan its pupils laptop computers for the whole school year, even allowing the students to take them home, it probably seemed like a terrific idea.

    On the other hand, the pupils were unaware that the laptops were outfitted with internal anti-theft safeguards that allowed school district personnel to activate the webcams at any time without the user’s approval or knowledge.

    The school system exploited this anti-theft feature to photograph thousands of its children studying, conversing with family members, and even sleeping.

    Following the “Webcamgate” controversy, a Pennsylvania school system paid a six-figure sum to settle an invasion of privacy lawsuit filed against it.

    While Webcamgate may have sounded far-fetched in the 1980s and 1990s, we should expect technology to continue challenging our right to privacy in the future, making knowing this right crucial.

    The following are some examples of what is NOT an invasion of privacy:

    • Hearing a phone call while in a public area;
    • Reading a document left in a public place;
    • Photographing a person in public; and
    • Calling a person once or twice

    Can I Sue for Invasion of Privacy?

    You can sue if someone is invading your privacy.

    Invasion of privacy allegations has been successfully litigated using civil law remedies.

    Traditional privacy suits fall under four categories: disclosure, false light, intrusion, and appropriation.

    Also known as “public disclosure of private facts,” this claim involves the widespread distribution of confidential information that a reasonable person would oppose being made public. Thus, disclosure entails facts that are both truthful and private.

    Publicly available information is not private. The defendant’s right to free speech will be balanced against the plaintiff’s right to privacy by the court. The disclosure is free speech if the information is of legitimate public significance.

    False Light
    A false light suit entails the widespread transmission of an untruth about the plaintiff that is highly objectionable to the typical person.

    Falsehood can include technically factual facts that are presented in an inaccurate manner. The alleged untruth casts the plaintiff in a “false light” in the public eye.

    This sort of action is comparable to a defamation claim, but it is broader because the plaintiff does not need to demonstrate economic harm.

    Suppose the topic was of serious public concern. In that case, the plaintiff must also establish malice – knowledge of untruth or reckless contempt for the truth – by the defendant in the interest of free expression.

    Also known as “intrusion upon seclusion,” this claim entails entering or delving into the plaintiff’s solitude or affairs in a location where the plaintiff has a reasonable expectation of privacy and in a manner that would be highly offensive to the average person.

    The defendant is not required to physically access the plaintiff’s property.

    For example, taking pictures through a person’s bedroom window is an invasion of privacy since people have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their houses.

    Appropriation is comparable to a right of publicity claim in that it involves the unlawful use of the plaintiff’s image or name for commercial gain. Appropriation claims are mainly limited to product and service promotions or advertisem*nts. Even if they are primarily motivated by profit, newspapers and magazines are protected under a newsworthiness exception.

    How Do I Prove Invasion Of Privacy?

    The right to privacy is an essential and highly valued part of life in the United States. It creates the legal right to be left alone and to be free of outsiders’ meddling in things that are not their concern.

    To establish that an invasion of privacy has occurred, the individual whose private concerns have been intruded upon must demonstrate that their private matters have been intruded upon, disclosed, published in a false light, or that their name has been utilized for personal advantages, such as in advertising.

    Notably, if your name or image is used for commercial purposes without your permission, it may constitute an invasion of privacy and a copyright infringement. The most typical basis for suing for invasion of privacy is to prevent your name or likeness from being used without your permission.

    The value of an individual’s reputation or talent is protected by filing a lawsuit for invasion of privacy through the use of a name or likeness.

    The restrictions governing this type of usage of a resemblance or name are extremely strict.

    Several cases have been filed over the use of an individual’s characteristics in which the defendants did not mention the plaintiff’s name or use an actual photo or drawing of them.

    These cases are almost always unsuccessful. The courts regard only the purposeful use of a name or likeness to be actionable. The same is true when a name or photograph is mentioned. Their use is not considered an invasion of privacy if considered incidental.

    An invasion of privacy requires not only the use of a specific name or likeness but also the ability of the plaintiff to demonstrate that its use was intentional, that it was intended to appropriate or leverage the value that the name or likeness bestows, and that the injured party did not provide permission for their name or likeness to be used.

    They must also be able to demonstrate the damages they experienced as a result of the use of their name or likeness.

    It is vital to highlight that the right to sue for invasion of privacy expires with the person whose privacy has been violated.

    There are no uniform state invasion of privacy acts. However, the Privacy Act of 1974 defines a code of fair information practices that governs federal agencies’ collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of information about persons stored in record systems.

    A record system is a collection of records under the management of an agency from which information is obtained using the individual’s name or another identifier.

    The Privacy Act compels agencies to provide notice of their record-keeping systems in the Federal Register.

    The Privacy Act forbids the disclosure of a record about an individual from a system of records without the individual’s express authorization unless the disclosure falls under one of twelve statutory exceptions.

    The Act also allows individuals to request access to and update their information and establishes numerous agency record-keeping standards.

    What Remedies Are Available for Invasion of Privacy?

    Monetary damages and, if the invasion is otherwise likely to continue, an injunction or restraining order are available remedies for a successful invasion of privacy lawsuit.

    In an invasion of privacy proceeding, plaintiffs are not required to prove particular pecuniary loss; emotional hardship and mental agony are sufficient grounds for bringing a civil complaint.

    What Are Some Defenses to Invasion of Privacy Claims?

    Consent and privilege are the two main defenses to an invasion of privacy claim.

    Consent means that the plaintiff granted the defendant permission to perform the act. A plaintiff, for example, may consent to be recorded or photographed. In certain states, the agreement must be in writing.

    Consent is not a legitimate defense if the defendant’s actions went beyond the extent of the consent or if the defendant was misinformed about whether consent was provided.

    As previously discussed, the defendant’s behavior is protected in allegations of false light and disclosure if the disclosure was of legitimate public significance. To be able to recover, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the revelation was false and that the defendant was either aware of its untruth or acted recklessly disregarding the truth; otherwise, the disclosure is privileged.

    Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with an Invasion of Privacy Claim?

    Privacy rules can be intricate and vary widely depending on the circ*mstances. If you are facing any legal concerns with your privacy rights, it is in your best interests to hire a government lawyer. Your attorney can advise you on your legal rights and assist you with research and representation at trial.

    Invasion of Privacy Law (1)

    Ty McDuffey

    LegalMatch Legal Writer

    Updating Author

    Ty began working at LegalMatch in November 2021. Ty holds a Professional Writing Degree from Missouri State University with a minor in Economics. Ty received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law in May of 2021. Before joining LegalMatch, Ty worked as a law clerk and freelance writer. Ty is a native of Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, and currently resides in Kansas City.Read More

    Invasion of Privacy Law (2)

    Alezah Trigueros

    LegalMatch Legal Writer

    Original Author

    Invasion of Privacy Law (3)

    Jose Rivera

    Managing Editor


    Last Updated: Dec 12, 2022

    I'm an expert in privacy law, and my extensive knowledge in this field allows me to provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article. My understanding of invasion of privacy laws, constitutional principles, and legal nuances enables me to explain the various aspects covered in the text.

    Invasion of Privacy Overview: Invasion of privacy refers to the illegal intrusion into an individual's personal life without their consent. It's crucial to note that invasion of privacy comprises four distinct grounds of action, and these vary across states in terms of recognition and elements required for proof.

    Categories of Invasion of Privacy:

    1. Disclosure: Involves the widespread distribution of confidential information that a reasonable person would oppose being made public. Balancing free speech and privacy rights is essential in this context.

    2. False Light: Encompasses the transmission of an untruth about the plaintiff, presenting factual information inaccurately. It's broader than defamation and doesn't require economic harm to be proven.

    3. Intrusion: Also known as "intrusion upon seclusion," this claim involves entering or delving into the plaintiff's solitude or affairs in a location where privacy is expected. Physical access to the property is not mandatory.

    4. Appropriation: Involves the unlawful use of the plaintiff's image or name for commercial gain, primarily related to product and service promotions.

    How to Prove Invasion of Privacy: To establish invasion of privacy, the individual must demonstrate that their private matters were intruded upon, disclosed, presented in a false light, or that their name or likeness was used for personal advantages.

    Defenses to Invasion of Privacy Claims: Two primary defenses are consent and privilege. Consent is valid if the plaintiff granted permission for the act, and privilege protects the defendant's actions in certain situations, such as legitimate public significance in disclosure claims.

    Remedies for Invasion of Privacy: Monetary damages and, if the invasion is ongoing, an injunction or restraining order are available remedies. Emotional hardship and mental agony are sufficient grounds for a civil complaint without the need to prove particular pecuniary loss.

    Need for Legal Assistance: Given the complexity and variation of privacy laws, consulting with a lawyer is advisable. Privacy rules can be intricate and differ widely depending on the circ*mstances, making it essential to seek legal advice for understanding rights and navigating legal challenges effectively. The article rightly emphasizes the importance of consulting with a lawyer before taking legal action related to invasion of privacy.

    Invasion of Privacy Law (2024)


    How do you win an invasion of privacy case? ›

    What's Needed for a Successful Intrusion Claim
    1. The defendant (the person being sued) intentionally invaded the plaintiff's privacy;
    2. The intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person;
    3. The intrusion involved a private matter of the plaintiff, such as their private affairs or private information; and.
    Aug 3, 2023

    How do you win a private fact case? ›

    In a successful legal claim, the plaintiff must usually establish the following elements:
    1. The Disclosed Fact Was a Private Fact. ...
    2. There Was a Public Disclosure of the Private Fact(s) ...
    3. The Public Disclosure of Private Facts Is Offensive to a Reasonable Person of Ordinary Sensibilities. ...
    4. Legitimate Public Interest. ...
    5. Consent.

    How do you prove invasion of privacy tort? ›

    For the claim to succeed, it must be proven that:
    1. An intentional intrusion occurred in a place where a person had a reasonable expectation of privacy,
    2. A reasonable person would have found the intrusion highly offensive, and.
    3. The defendant's actions were a substantial factor in causing the plaintiff harm.

    What are the four acts qualify as an invasion of privacy? ›

    Appropriation of Name or Likeness. Intrusion Upon Seclusion. False Light. Public Disclosure of Private Facts.

    Can I sue someone for spying on me? ›

    “Invasion of privacy” is a blanket term used to describe many different actions. You can sue someone if they commit any of the following: Intrude on your solitude. Someone intrudes on your solitude when, without permission, they spy on you or intercept communications, such as telephone calls.

    Can I sue Google for invasion of privacy? ›

    Yes, you can sue Google, but only in rare situations. Under federal law, Google cannot be held legally responsible for content posted by third parties. This is called immunity, but Google's immunity is not unlimited.

    What must a plaintiff prove to win? ›

    In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving their case by a preponderance of the evidence, which means the plaintiff merely needs to show that the fact in dispute is more likely than not.

    What is false light invasion of privacy? ›

    False light invasion of privacy is a cause of action for portraying an individual unflatteringly in words or pictures as someone or something that person is not. Some states recognize the concept by either common law or statute, although several states have explicitly rejected it.

    What must the plaintiff do for an invasion of privacy suit to be successful? ›

    To establish tort liability for this type of invasion of privacy,4 the plaintiff must plead and prove (1) public disclosure (2) of a private fact (3) that would be offensive and objectionable to the reasonable person and (4) is not of legitimate public concern.

    How serious is invasion of privacy? ›

    Invasion of privacy is a misdemeanor that is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of $1,000 for first time offenders. For someone's second or subsequent violation of California Penal Code Section 647(j) PC, the defendant can be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

    What is not considered an invasion of privacy? ›

    The following are some examples of what is NOT an invasion of privacy: Hearing a phone call while in a public area; Reading a document left in a public place; Photographing a person in public; and.

    What are emotional distress damages? ›

    What are Emotional Distress Damages? Emotional distress damages are designed to compensate you for the psychological impact your injury has had on your daily life. The list of manifestations of emotional distress is long and varied. Sleep loss, anxiety, fear—these all fall under the umbrella of emotional distress.

    Is invading personal space illegal? ›

    In California, Penal Code 647(j) PC specifically makes it a crime to invade someone's privacy by looking into their private space or eavesdropping on confidential communications. This law is meant to protect people's reasonable expectation of privacy from being violated.

    Is invasion of privacy a criminal offense? ›

    Criminal invasion of privacy is a California misdemeanor. The crime is punishable by: imprisonment in the county jail for up to six months, and/or. a maximum fine of $1,000.

    What is an example of a right to privacy violation? ›

    Privacy violations include gathering information on individuals engaging in constitutionally protected activities, improperly accessing or sharing a subject's information, or sharing a subject's record without a valid law enforcement purpose.

    What's the defense against an intrusion lawsuit? ›

    Consent is a defense to an intrusion claim. However, it must be informed consent and from someone with a legal right to give it. Consent is easiest to prove when in writing. Lying in order to receive consent renders the consent invalid.

    What is the sentence for invasion of privacy? ›


    Invasion of privacy is a misdemeanor that is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of $1,000 for first time offenders. For someone's second or subsequent violation of California Penal Code Section 647(j) PC, the defendant can be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

    What would be considered an invasion of privacy? ›

    Invasion of privacy occurs when a person or persons knowingly intrudes when another person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. An invasion of privacy is considered a tort, or a wrongful act that causes injury or loss to another.

    What is the threshold for bringing an invasion of privacy lawsuit? ›

    The general rule in privacy cases is that an invasion can only occur where there is a "reasonable expectation of privacy." This rule would only apply if the letter had not been left out in public. Since there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in public places, your privacy cannot be invaded there.

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