International Stocks - Do You Really Need International Stocks? (2024)

Foreign stocks represent a growing portion of the global market, so you may want to consider investments outside the United States. Learn about how to invest in international stocks.

By Richard Barrington

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International Stocks - Do You Really Need International Stocks? (2)

When you go to a restaurant, do you expect to be able to order from the full menu, or would you settle for picking from only one section of it? If you don’t invest in foreign stocks alongside companies from the United States, it’s as if you are settling for a limited menu.

In fact, with foreign stocks representing more than half of the value of the world’s stock markets, limiting yourself to US stocks would be like choosing from less than half the menu.

These days, investing in international stocks can be nearly as easy as buying domestic stocks. This article will cover some of the basics to get you started.

Topics include:

  • What you should know about foreign stock markets
  • Why international investing is important
  • Risks of foreign investing
  • How to buy foreign stocks

Best Ways to Invest Money

Introduction to Foreign Stock Markets


  • Introduction to Foreign Stock Markets
  • Examples of Top International Stocks
  • Why Invest in International Stocks?
  • International Index Funds vs. Individual Stocks
  • Risks of International Equities
  • What Percentage of My Portfolio Should Be in International Stocks?
  • How to Invest in Stocks from Other Countries

The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Market are both based in the U.S. They are the two largest stock markets in the world. So why look elsewhere for investment opportunities?

Well, first of all while those are huge stock markets, there are plenty of opportunities elsewhere. As a matter of fact, while the U.S. market of publicly traded stocks is the most valuable in the world, according to Nasdaq it represents less than half the world’s total.

In other words, if you invest only in U.S. stocks, you are limiting yourself to less than half the opportunities available.

Also, non-U.S. stocks are becoming more important as time goes by. They grew as a percentage of the total world market from roughly 50% in 2000 to 57% in 2018.

If you live and work in the United States, then your finances are primarily dependent on the domestic economy. Having a few investments outside of that economy can be a good way to diversify by making your finances a little less dependent on what’s happening in the U.S.

Examples of Top International Stocks

Investing in foreign stocks should not seem all that strange. After all, you probably already own plenty of foreign products. Why not invest in the companies that make those products?

Look around your house. If you eat Nestle chocolates, own a Samsung phone, have a Toyota in your garage or wear cosmetics by L’Oreal, you’re already familiar with goods produced by foreign companies. Each of those companies is based outside of the United States and is one of the world’s 100 largest publicly traded companies, according to accounting firm PwC.

The line between foreign and domestic goods is not always so obvious. Budweiser beer may be brewed in the U.S., but it’s owned by a company based in Belgium.

The United States cannot even claim the world’s largest publicly traded company. According to PwC, that would be the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, worth over $1.7 trillion.

As with U.S. companies, the best international stocks to invest in are not necessarily the biggest. Beyond these big, prominent names, there are also plenty of other investment opportunities available on foreign markets.

>>Why Diversification Is Important

Why Invest in International Stocks?

As the examples mentioned above show, you would be missing out on some of the world’s leading companies if you don’t invest in international stocks. Beyond those specific examples, there are two big reasons to invest internationally:

  1. Diversification
    While there are thousands of stocks available for investment here in the U.S., diversification is about more than just the number of things you own. True diversification means investing in things that perform differently and are exposed to different risks. Owning both U.S. and foreign stocks can help you achieve this kind of diversification.
  2. Opportunity
    The U.S. has the world’s largest stock market and economy, but some other countries are growing more rapidly. This means that there are great opportunities in both specific, non-U.S. companies and in foreign markets as a whole.

>>What is an Index Fund?

International Index Funds vs. Individual Stocks

International investing is similar to investing in the U.S. in that you can either pick specific stocks that you think will do well or invest in a market as a whole via an index fund.

An index fund is a mutual fund made up of the same securities that are in a market index. For example, in the U.S., there are index funds designed to represent the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite.

On the international front, you can choose between global indexes that include all markets including the U.S., or non-U.S. indexes. A non-U.S. index may be a good fit in a portfolio that already has a lot of U.S. stock exposure.

Beyond investing in world markets generally, you could also choose country funds based on the market indexes of individual foreign countries.

Instead of indexing, you may want to target specific foreign companies. For most investors, this may limit you to foreign companies that are listed on U.S. exchanges. Many of the largest, most prominent foreign companies are available for investment in this way.

If a company is not listed on a U.S. exchange, you can buy it directly on a foreign exchange. However, this involves foreign custody arrangements that are beyond the means of most investors.

All in all, between international index funds and U.S.-listed stocks of foreign companies, there are ample opportunities for American investors to own non-U.S. stocks.

>>Types of Investment Risk

Risks of International Equities

While international stocks broaden the field of investment opportunities, they also carry additional risks.

Relatively new financial markets, commonly known as emerging markets, may be much more volatile than U.S. stocks. This could be due to political factors, economic instability, weaker regulatory oversight or extreme cycles of speculation and panic.

Investing in international stocks also involves currency risk. If a country’s currency is devalued relative to the U.S. dollar, any gains in stocks traded in that foreign currency will be reduced when translated back into dollar terms.

Even if a foreign stock is traded in the U.S., the value of the company’s earnings might be reduced in dollar terms if those earnings are generated in currencies which have been devalued. The reduced value of those earnings could hurt the performance of the stock traded in the U.S.

>>Asset Allocation – How Should You Allocate Your Assets?

What Percentage of My Portfolio Should Be in International Stocks?

If you decide to invest in international stocks, you need to figure out how that segment of your investments fits in with the rest of your portfolio.

Sophisticated investors often do this by setting a percentage target for international investments. You can base such a target on a variety of things, as described below.

By capitalization

If you want your portfolio to reflect the total range of investment opportunities available, you could base the percentage you invest in foreign stocks on capitalization.

Capitalization is the market value of publicly traded securities. Since foreign stocks currently represent roughly 57% of all stocks worldwide, this would suggest that roughly 57% of your stock investments should be foreign stocks.

Note that most people don’t have their entire portfolio invested in stocks, so that doesn’t mean foreign stocks should be 57% of your entire investment portfolio. For example, if you are 60% invested in stocks, then a capitalization-based approach would mean foreign stocks should represent 57% of that 60%, or 34% of the total.

One drawback of basing your allocation on capitalization is that the higher prices of a market go, the greater the capitalization of that market becomes. This could result in your increasing investments in the most overvalued markets.

By age

Generally speaking, younger investors are able to take more risks than older investors. This means they might be able to afford a greater allocation to international investments.

This principle may apply in particular to emerging markets, which may represent great long-term opportunities but could be subject to temporary disruptions in the near term.

By outlook

You might want to determine the size of your investments not by setting a long-term target allocation but instead by being opportunistic. This means investing in specific foreign companies or countries you expect to do particularly well.

By historical risk/reward characteristics

Some investment models build a portfolio according to the historical risk/reward characteristics of each type of investment. The idea is to build a blend of both higher and lower risk investments, and to hold investments that have historically gone though ups and downs at different times.

A general flaw with this approach is that historical stock performance does not always repeat itself. This flaw is especially true with foreign stocks, since the risk/reward characteristics of a market may change as that market develops.

>>What Is a Robo Advisor and How Do They Work?

How to Invest in Stocks from Other Countries

Online brokers and robo-advisors make it easy for ordinary investors to invest in international stocks.

With an online brokerage account, you should be able to invest in foreign companies that trade on U.S. exchanges as well as in index or other funds dedicated to foreign or global investments.

Some brokerage accounts may even facilitate buying stock on foreign exchanges. However, you should check for the ability of this kind of trading before you open an account. Also, this may entail additional costs.

Robo-advisors construct portfolios based on your financial situation and goals. The models used to construct these portfolios may include allocations to foreign stocks, typically foreign index funds.

If you want to make sure that foreign investments are included in the portfolio created for you by a robo-advisor, check to see if that robo-advisor’s models include foreign stocks.

In an increasingly global economy, foreign companies make up a large portion of the world’s markets. That’s a good reason why they should also represent some portion of your investment portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:Can a foreign money market mutual fund purchase American commercial paper?

A:That question can be approached two ways:

  1. If you are referring to a U.S.-based fund whose mandate is to invest in foreign securities, then the answer lies very much in the details of the prospectus. Even with a foreign investment mandate, a U.S. fund may have some latitude to invest in domestic commercial paper for liquidity purposes or for tactical investment reasons.
  2. If you are referring to a fund based in a foreign country, the answer would depend on both the laws of that country and the latitude of the mandate. Before you invest in any kind of fund based in another country, you should make yourself aware of how that country’s investment laws differ from those of the U.S.

In either case though, there are a number of things an investor should consider in this type of situation:

  1. Read the prospectus — labels can be deceiving.Mutual funds can be named for a type of investment that is the fund’s primary emphasis, but the investment objectives of the fund might give the manager substantial discretion to invest elsewhere. It is important to go beyond the title and read the prospectus to see just how much latitude the fund has.
  2. Scour the annual report.The annual report should contain a list of holdings, so you should review this for any fund you own to see if those holdings match your understanding of the investment approach.
  3. Consider currency risk when investing for income.Foreign income yields can look much more attractive than domestic ones, but often a high yield is a sign of a weak currency. Fluctuating exchange rates not only can negate the yield advantage you are seeking by investing in foreign securities, but it can also make the fund’s yield much more erratic than you might expect from an income investment.
  4. Pay particular attention to fees in income funds.High-quality U.S. commercial paper yields are running between nearly zero and about a quarter of a percent. With yields so low, you need to make sure that fees won’t wipe out the lion’s share of a fund’s income.
  5. Do not mistake money market funds formoney market accounts.Money market accounts held at a U.S. bank carry the deposit insurance backing of the FDIC. Money market mutual funds, whether invested in U.S. or foreign securities, are not covered by the FDIC.

One of the dangers a low interest rate environment creates is that even conservative investors find themselves taking on extra risk in an attempt to find higher yields. That may be necessary, but it is important to understand the risks you are incurring.

International Stocks - Do You Really Need International Stocks? (2024)


Is investing in international stocks a good idea? ›

Despite these short-term obstacles, Fidelity research points to international stocks potentially outperforming US stocks over the next 20 years. In 2023, professional managers may identify mispriced stocks of high-quality non-US companies while also managing the risks of investing globally.

Do I really need international stocks in my portfolio? ›

Markets outside the United States don't always rise and fall at the same time as the domestic market, so owning pieces of both international and domestic securities can level out some of the volatility in your portfolio. This can spread out your portfolio's risk more than if you owned just domestic securities.

What percentage of international stocks should I have? ›

Most financial advisers recommend putting 15% to 25% of your money in foreign stocks, making 20% a good place to start. There are many different ways to spread out your international investments across multiple countries.

Are international stocks better than US stocks? ›

With lower returns forecasted for U.S. stocks over the coming years, international stocks may be primed to outperform. Historically, international stocks outperformed 96% of the time when U.S. stocks returned less than 6% and 100% of the time when U.S. stocks returned less than 4%.

Does Warren Buffett recommend international stocks? ›

Buffett's mandated portfolio notably excludes assets such as U.S. small cap stocks, international stocks, corporate bonds, municipal bonds and other investments commonly held in contemporary institutional and individual investors' portfolios.

What percentage of portfolio should be international equities? ›

What percentage of my portfolio should be in international stocks? Many experts recommend that you dedicate a higher portion of your portfolio to domestic stocks rather than international ones. In general, you should probably have no more than 20% to 25% of your portfolio invested in international stocks.

Do you pay taxes on international stocks? ›

When Americans buy stocks or bonds from a company based overseas, any investment income (interest, dividends) and capital gains are subject to U.S. income tax.

What are the disadvantages of foreign portfolio investment? ›

FPI disadvantages

Investors can gain substantially from exchange rate differences. Markets in any country are inherently volatile. Despite the fluid nature of FPIs, losses may pile up if funds are not withdrawn hastily.

Do international stocks pay higher dividends? ›

Foreign stocks have traditionally had higher dividend yields than U.S. stocks due to a variety of reasons. While U.S. firms prefer to retain excess earnings for future growth, companies in other countries tend to pay out a higher portion of earnings to investors in the form of dividends.

What is the 1% rule in stock trading? ›

Key Takeaways. The 1% rule for day traders limits the risk on any given trade to no more than 1% of a trader's total account value. Traders can risk 1% of their account by trading either large positions with tight stop-losses or small positions with stop-losses placed far away from the entry price.

What is the 10% rule in stocks? ›

The rule stipulates investing 90% of one's investment capital towards low-cost stock-based index funds and the remainder 10% to short-term government bonds.

Are foreign stocks riskier than US stocks? ›

First, from a purely statistical standpoint, U.S. stocks are more volatile. They also have a higher correlation to the global market (as defined by the Orion Portfolio Solutions Equity Baseline Portfolio of 60% domestic stocks and 40% non-U.S. stocks).

What does Elon Musk recommend to invest in? ›

Musk's message points out that physical assets are generally the safest investment during times of high inflation.

Why does Dave Ramsey say not to invest in ETFs? ›

ETFs tend to have the lowest fees because they're usually passively managed index funds. Most mutual funds, by contrast, are actively managed, and human management isn't cheap. Ramsey says he doesn't like ETFs because he's a buy-and-hold guy. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs trade on stock exchanges.

What is the best way to invest in international stocks? ›

How Do You Buy International Stocks?
  1. Buy individual stocks directly on international exchanges. ...
  2. Access international stocks via American Depository Receipts (ADRs). ...
  3. Invest internationally through ETFs and/or mutual funds.
Aug 24, 2022

Why is a 60/40 portfolio good? ›

Putting 60% of a portfolio in stocks and 40% in bonds is supposed to hedge against both assets dropping simultaneously. But it didn't pan out that way in 2022. Inflation and rising interest rates whacked both asset classes, and a Bloomberg index tracking a 60/40 mix is down about 17% for the year.

How many stocks are considered optimal in a portfolio? ›

Some experts say that somewhere between 20 and 30 stocks is the sweet spot for manageability and diversification for most portfolios of individual stocks. But if you look beyond that, other research has pegged the magic number at 60 stocks.

Is it good to have a diverse stock portfolio? ›

Diversification has several benefits for you as an investor, but one of the largest is that it can actually improve your potential returns and stabilize your results. By owning multiple assets that perform differently, you reduce the overall risk of your portfolio, so that no single investment can hurt you too much.

Should I have international stocks in my Roth IRA? ›

The Bottom Line

Investing in foreign dividend stock as part of your Roth IRA portfolio can be a good way to increase your diversification as well as your exposure to foreign markets.

Do you have to report foreign stocks to IRS? ›

Foreign stock or securities, if you hold them outside of a financial account, must be reported on Form 8938, provided the value of your specified foreign financial assets is greater than the reporting threshold that applies to you.

Should I hold international stock in taxable account? ›

Since the international index funds we looked at (currently) pay a higher dividend than their U.S. counterparts, owning them in a taxable account gives you more cash flow that's easily accessible.

What are the risks of investing in foreign stocks? ›

But there are special risks of international investing, including:
  • Access to different information. ...
  • Costs of international investments. ...
  • Working with a broker or investment adviser. ...
  • Changes in currency exchange rates and currency controls. ...
  • Changes in market value. ...
  • Political, economic, and social events.

What are the 4 types of foreign investments? ›

Types of Foreign Investment in India
  • Types of Foreign Investments. Funds from foreign country could be invested in shares, properties, ownership / management or collaboration. ...
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ...
  • Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) ...
  • Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)
Dec 21, 2017

What are the three main disadvantages of international trade? ›

Here are a few of the disadvantages of international trade:
  • Disadvantages of International Shipping Customs and Duties. International shipping companies make it easy to ship packages almost anywhere in the world. ...
  • Language Barriers. ...
  • Cultural Differences. ...
  • Servicing Customers. ...
  • Returning Products. ...
  • Intellectual Property Theft.
Mar 15, 2018

What are the 5 highest dividend paying stocks? ›

High-dividend stocks
  1. V.F. Corporation (VFC) ...
  2. Devon Energy (DVN) Devon Energy is a producer of oil and natural gas and holds a portfolio of oil and gas properties in the U.S. ...
  3. Dow Inc. (DOW) ...
  4. International Business Machines (IBM) ...
  5. Verizon Communications (VZ) ...
  6. AT&T (T) ...
  7. Intel (INTC) ...
  8. Philip Morris International (PM)
4 days ago

How much tax do you pay on foreign dividends? ›

Remittance basis and foreign dividends

The dividend tax rates do not apply to relevant foreign income; instead this income is taxable at the default income tax rates that apply in the year of remittance (currently 20%, 40% and 45%).

How are international stock dividends taxed? ›

For example, let's say you received $10,000 in foreign dividends, and you paid $1,000 in foreign taxes on that income. If you're in the 25% tax bracket, you would have to pay an additional $2,500 in U.S. tax on those foreign dividends ($10,000 multiplied by the 25% tax rate).

What is the 50% rule in trading? ›

The fifty percent principle is a rule of thumb that anticipates the size of a technical correction. The fifty percent principle states that when a stock or other asset begins to fall after a period of rapid gains, it will lose at least 50% of its most recent gains before the price begins advancing again.

What is the 20% rule in stocks? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is the 5 day rule in stocks? ›

FINRA rules define a pattern day trader as any customer who executes four or more “day trades” within five business days, provided that the number of day trades represents more than six percent of the customer's total trades in the margin account for that same five business day period.

At what age should you stop investing in stock market? ›

You probably want to hang it up around the age of 70, if not before. That's not only because, by that age, you are aiming to conserve what you've got more than you are aiming to make more, so you're probably moving more money into bonds, or an immediate lifetime annuity.

What is the Buffett rule of investing? ›

What is the Essence of Buffett's Investing Principles? The short answer is to buy undervalued stocks with solid long-term potential.

What is the golden rule of money? ›

Let's recap: The golden rule is don't spend more than you earn, and focus on what you can keep. Maybe it sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't understand or follow this rule and end up in debt. Look at credit card use as an example.

Why international investments are important for your portfolio? ›

What Are the Benefits of an International Portfolio? International portfolios give you more diversification, let you access liquidity in other markets, and can help you reduce the risks of the market you invest in the most.

What is the main purpose of international portfolio investment? ›

Foreign portfolio investment or FPI is a form of investment wherein investors hold assets and securities outside their country. These investments could include stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or mutual funds. It is one way in which an investor can partake in a foreign economy.

Is it worth investing in international ETFs? ›

International investing can be an effective way to diversify your equity holdings. While returns have lagged behind US markets, international ETFs provide diversification benefits as they tend to be less correlated to US equities.

Why foreign portfolio investment is important? ›

Foreign portfolio investment provides investors with an easy opportunity to diversify their portfolio internationally. An investor would diversify their investment portfolio to achieve a higher risk-adjusted return, which is ultimately done to help generate alpha.

What are the best international shares to buy? ›

Here are seven of the best international stock funds to buy in 2023:
  • Fidelity International Index Fund (ticker: FSPSX)
  • Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund Admiral Shares (VEMAX)
  • iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF (IXUS)
  • iShares MSCI China ETF (MCHI)
3 days ago

What are the risks of international investing? ›

But there are special risks of international investing, including:
  • Access to different information. ...
  • Costs of international investments. ...
  • Working with a broker or investment adviser. ...
  • Changes in currency exchange rates and currency controls. ...
  • Changes in market value. ...
  • Political, economic, and social events.

Is it worth investing in international mutual funds? ›

They are great for investors who already have a well-diversified portfolio of Indian companies. Such investors can further diversify their portfolio and have a chance to fetch good returns, by investing in international funds.

What are the 2 main types of international investments? ›

There are two main categories of international investment: portfolio investment and foreign direct investment (FDI).

What are the 2 main types of international investments *? ›

Types of International Investment
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  • Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)

What are the 3 types of investment portfolios? ›

Types of Portfolios
  • Growth portfolio. From the name itself, a growth portfolio's aim is to promote growth by taking greater risks, including investing in growing industries. ...
  • Income portfolio. ...
  • Value portfolio.
Dec 11, 2022

How much of my portfolio should be in S&P 500? ›

But the 5% rule can be broken if the investor is not aware of the fund's holdings. For example, a mutual fund investor can easily pass the 5% rule by investing in one of the best S&P 500 Index funds, because the total number of holdings is at least 500 stocks, each representing 1% or less of the fund's portfolio.

Which Vanguard International Fund is best? ›

Vanguard Total International Stock Market Index (VTIAX)

Most investors will include international stock funds to build a complete long-term portfolio. VTIAX is one of the best Vanguard funds for this purpose.

Is it better to own stocks or ETFs? ›

ETFs offer advantages over stocks in two situations. First, when the return from stocks in the sector has a narrow dispersion around the mean, an ETF might be the best choice. Second, if you are unable to gain an advantage through knowledge of the company, an ETF is your best choice.

What are the three advantages of foreign direct investment? ›

There are many ways in which FDI benefits the recipient nation:
  • Increased Employment and Economic Growth. ...
  • Human Resource Development. ...
  • 3. Development of Backward Areas. ...
  • Provision of Finance & Technology. ...
  • Increase in Exports. ...
  • Exchange Rate Stability. ...
  • Stimulation of Economic Development. ...
  • Improved Capital Flow.
Jun 12, 2019

How would foreign stocks help in portfolio diversification? ›

Foreign portfolio investment gives investors an opportunity to engage in international diversification of portfolio assets, which in turn helps achieve a higher risk-adjusted return.

Does foreign portfolio investment promote growth? ›

Foreign investment in the form of loans or equity is an important source of capital for growth in developing countries. Equity investments can be either indirect (portfolio) or direct, known as foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI does much more than provide developing countries with financing for their growth.

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