International Movers To Venezuela (2024)

Important factors that you must consider before International moving to Venezuela from USA

Living costs in Venezuela

Economic crisis and hyperinflation can bring a significant change in the cost of living in Venezuela. Though some products and services may be extensively cheap for Western expats, practically it can be difficult because of shortage of supply and fluctuations in currency. As a result of economic instability, it gets too difficult to procure certain items, which may even include some essentials as well. This will create a huge impact on both the living cost and the quality of living in the new country.

  • Food items are available at an extensively reasonable rate in Venezuela. This will include the imported items as well as the cost of eating at restaurants.
  • Though the country is known for its oil reserves, there may be a shortage of fuel and transportation issues. This will have a huge impact on the public transport sector and the usage of private transport.
  • Both house rents and utility services are affordable in Venezuela until you don’t relocate to any of the metro cities. Since the earning potential for ex-pats is less in this country, all these factors are relative. However, people earning foreign currency can enjoy a much more lavish lifestyle as compared to others.

Climate of Venezuela

  • Venezuela is known for its tropical dry and rainy climate so traveling will be possible throughout the year.
  • The average temperature in the daytime will be between 25 degrees to 35 degrees centigrade.
  • The average temperature at nighttime will be something between 15 degrees and 25 degrees centigrade.
  • The sea in Venezuela is warmer and the climate of inland is a degree lesser than that of the sea.
  • The Andes are cold during the nighttime.
  • The possibility of rainfall would be there occasionally, but such showers don’t last for long.

Culture of Venezuela

Venezuela defines an amalgamation of culture with an influence of European culture, mainly Spain and West African culture. The country is diverse with a rich cultural heritage and many interesting traditions to follow. According to the expats, the people of this country are warm and have a very welcoming nature. Also, they find the music of this country to be entertaining and fascinating.

Education of Venezuela

If you have kids who will be moving with you to Venezuela, education is another important factor that you may want to consider. The education system in Venezuela is mostly good and the country also has a high rate of literacy.

Here’s what you need to know about international schools in the new country:

  • Basic education in Venezuela is free of cost and it’s mandatory for children between the age group of 6 to 15 years.
  • Secondary education is also free in Venezuela; however, it isn’t mandatory. Secondary education in Venezuela lasts for 2 years.
  • Both the public and private institutions in the country offer higher education and around one-fourth of the secondary school pass out opts for such classes.

So, if you are an expat, you can choose an international school for your kids as such types of schools provide similar types of education across the world. This will make the overall transition process between the schools easier for the ex-pat children.

International schools may have the local population as well, but such schools prepare a curriculum that targets international students. Also, the primary mode of instruction can be any language, but most schools opt for English, Spanish, French, Japanese, and German.

The healthcare system in Venezuela

The public healthcare system in Venezuela is easily accessible by the expats as well as locals of the country. Unfortunately, due to the turn of events, this healthcare system has taken a bad shape. If you can afford it, you must opt for the private healthcare options in this new country. The reputed private hospitals in the capital city of Caracas have access to it, so plan it accordingly, while making this international move.

Simultaneously, medical treatment in Venezuela can be too costly if you need private medical aid in this country. If you are an expat, it will be recommended to purchase a comprehensive health insurance package as this will cover the health issues of your family members and provide wider access to healthcare facilities as well as support to deal with medical emergencies.

If all these factors satisfy you, and you are ready to relocate to Venezuela, there are a few mandatory requirements you need to know as well for moving abroad.

Entry requirements you must know before moving to Venezuela

The Venezuela immigration department will require you to complete the following requirements after you decide to relocate there.

  • You need to have a valid passport and a Venezuela visa while traveling to Venezuela from the United States.
  • You must obtain the visa well in advance from the most convenient Venezuelan consulate or embassy.
  • The immigration authority of Venezuela will require your US passport to have at least six months of validity from the arrival date. Also, the passport should be in good condition, as a few US citizens have been detained by the immigration authority for the bad condition of their passport.
International Movers To Venezuela (2024)
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