In Conversation: Stripe CEO Patrick Collison On The Limitless Potential Of Payments (2024)

When Patrick Collison and his younger brother John were developing ideas in 2010 for new apps to create, they kept running into a seemingly basic problem: Even as it was getting easier to tap cloud services to create startups faster and cheaper than ever, one thing was still a pain in the app: accepting payments online from customers.

So the pair, already entrepreneurs from Ireland who sold their first company in their teens for $5 million, decided to turn that problem into a business. They set up a system that allowed developers to add a few lines of code to their app and start taking payments from anyone anywhere, for a small fee per transaction.

Today, their company, Stripe, processes billions of dollars a year for tens of thousands of companies, from other startups to the likes of Facebook , Salesforce, and Lyft. With a recent funding from Visa and other partners such as Apple and China’s Alibaba , Stripe is now valued at $5 billion. But CEO Patrick Collison and the company’s investors alike think that’s only the start. Hemant Taneja of investor General Catalyst says that when Stripe reached its first $1 million in transactions processed, the elder Collison said, “Only five orders of magnitude left.”

Taneja thinks Stripe indeed could be valued at $100 billion in the next few years if it plays its cards right. Just as Google turned search into an advertising empire and Amazon’s Web Services enabled the creation of many thousands of online businesses, he says, “There’s an opportunity for someone to create a platform that’s all about payments and commerce.”

It’s a heady possibility for someone who still hasn’t turned 27 years old, and who faces competitors from PayPal and Google to big banks. In an interview I conducted with Patrick Collison for a story in MIT Technology Review’s annual list of Innovators Under 35, the Stripe CEO had a sore throat, so he spoke softly, in a distinct if muted accent befitting his upbringing in Ireland's Shannon region.

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But his ambition--and a firm belief that Stripe and the sometimes controversial startups it enables are good for society--were apparent as we talked on a balmy late June afternoon at Stripe headquarters, a 106-year-old trunk factory in San Francisco’s Mission District. Following is an edited version of our conversation:

Q: What spurred your interest in technology early on?

A: I grew up in very rural Ireland. The Internet was kind of a connection to the greater world. It had a lot of significance. Maybe if I grew up in New York, I'd have already felt it. It was very clear if you grew up in the middle of Ireland just how potent a force the Internet was and could be. I was always seduced by the potency of computers and the possibilities for which they could be leveraged.

Q: When did you and John realize you needed what Stripe now provides, and when did you realize it could be a business?

A: We started working on it as a side project, while I was at MIT, and just being baffled at how convoluted and awkward this appeared to be. It seemed like a prevailing ecosystem designed to reduce the number of Internet businesses.

Q: Even with the existence of PayPal, for example?

A: The problem with PayPal and all of those [other online payment companies] is that they're built for person-to-person, consumer payments. Businesses generally want complete control of the infrastructure themselves that fit properly with their product and experience and so forth. Especially as mobile devices came along and they wanted frictionless billing in the background. I suspect PayPal would have solved this had they not been acquired and had that stultification for so long not taken place. Speaking as a developer, PayPal did not solve our problem.

So we just started working on it as a side project to see what a solution might look like and whether we could actually build something. Then six months later as we worked on it, in the summer of 2010, we came to see it less as a solution for people like us, i.e. independent developers who had little tolerance for overhead and complexity, and more as this much broader pillar of Internet infrastructure. It wasn't just broken for us, it was broken for medium-sized businesses, it was broken for large businesses, it was broken for businesses outside the U.S., it was broken for consumers.

The same way that Google exists as a foundational component of the Internet around information retrieval, it felt like there should be such a foundational component for economic infrastructure, and that was sorely lacking.

Q: You got a lot of pushback from financial services companies, didn't you?

A: Many people told us that it wouldn't and couldn't work.

Q: Because they didn't want it to work, or because they really believed it couldn't work?

A: People in general aren't that rigorous in their thinking. Things that are substantially different to how the world works today, their default not unreasonably is to believe that they're not possible. It's not unreasonable because most of them aren't. But a subset of those are actually good ideas.

Q: Did you get discouraged at any point?

A: We certainly got discouraged. We believed it was necessary/important for some people. We didn't appreciate just how broadly it would resonate and how quickly it would do so. We didn't actually realize how quickly the finance industry would embrace it. To their credit, before we launched, Wells Fargo decided to work with us, American Express decided to work with us. Since we launched, many other financial institutions have. So the finance industry has gotten the memo on the importance of technology.

Q: What's the essential technology or approach you brought?

A: It's no one thing. People keep looking for the proverbial secret sauce. What's the secret sauce of Facebook or of an Apple product? It's the whole system and the design of the complete experience.

It requires a ton of smart technology behind the scenes to make it happen. How do you handle the compliance, risk, fraud, identity verification, all of those things behind the scenes while providing a seamless experience for the user. We have a 10-person machine learning team that works on these problems. It comes down to the details. You can view every request that you send to the Stripe API [Application Programming Interface]. There's a ton of infrastructural database and distributed system work that has to be done in order to make that experience possible.

But I think the secret sauce is more in the techniques we bring to bear on solving the problem, i.e. solving them through technology, and on the outlook, in terms of empowering other developers and builders. And that was quite unprecedented, because our competitors were finance companies. They weren't even in the same industry.

Q: So as Marc Andreessen says, software is eating the world, in this case finance.

A: Pretty much.

Q: What’s the larger goal for Stripe beyond beyond a slick user interface for enabling app payments?

A: It is enabling and accelerating the Internet economy as a whole, increasing the GDP of the Internet. When you think about the sum total of the cornucopia of services, businesses, websites, apps that have become possible over the last 20 years and what remains to be built over the coming decades, the value thus far is enormous, it's transformative. We see Stripe as a fundamental component in enabling and accelerating that.

By reducing the barriers to starting an online business, some of those businesses are going to become hugely impactful, hugely transformative, and that's a very good thing for the world. Even the businesses that don't become the famous multibillion-dollar household names will be a big deal for some number of customers and they'll certainly be a big deal for the people who start them.

Q: What were some of the issues involved in online payments that you needed to solve?

A: Things like even mature companies wouldn't sell to customers outside the U.S. in their home currencies. They didn't do things like automatically update their cards when they changed, so they would churn through their user based much more quickly. Their operations were still paper-based, like chargebacks mailed to them from the bank, they have a department of people responding to and dealing with them.

[ CEO] Jeff Bezos has the compelling analogy of electricity generation when he talks about Amazon Web Services. In the early days of electricity, everyone had to have their own power station. It's clearly so much more efficient to the world if you can aggregate and centralize that expertise and provide electricity as a utility, a service. Similarly, we want to provide the best commerce and payments infrastructure to any business--Amazon-class payments infrastructure without customers having to incur all the cost and complexity of building it themselves.

Q: In some cases, you’re enabling new business models to work, right?

A: Part of what's so compelling about these technology companies online is that they're doing things that people haven't done before: crowdfunding, a completely new thing. Or mobile marketplaces: Uber, Lyft, Postmates, Instacart, DoorDash, Shyp. It's easy to dismiss a lot of these services as a convenience, but they enable more people in society to take advantage of these services. My youngest brother is disabled and for him, it's not a convenience. He can now do grocery shopping in a way that he could not before.

Q: You’ve also talked about speeding up globalization of businesses.

A: The promise of the Internet is around this transcendence of physical geography. To a large degree, the Internet has delivered on that promise, but when it comes to the movement of money and the ability to start and operate a business or needing to purchase from a business, it really hasn't. You have this Balkanized landscape of European Internet companies and American Internet companies and Chinese Internet companies and so forth. You or I because we're here can really easily start an online business, but somebody in Peru or Indonesia or India cannot. That should not be acceptable to us.

Q: Has Stripe itself already enabled some businesses to exist that probably wouldn't otherwise?

A: We hear it from them regularly. I would hate to definitely claim credit, but two weeks ago, I was talking to a company that's the biggest education platform in South America, and they said they would not exist if it weren't for Stripe. The value of making it so easy to start participating in the online economy actually has a far larger effect than one might a priori imagine.

Q: Do you feel you are helping to create net increased value in the economy over time, not just enabling short-term disruption that often seems to bring with it the loss of jobs?

A: We are unapologetic technology optimists. The anti-disruption case is logically flawed in any number of ways. We presumably believe that most of the technological progress over the arc of humanity to date has been good. I don't see any argument to go back to 1600. So the argument has to be, "Everything we've done so far has been good, but suddenly we've magically passed some cosmic threshold where now it's bad."

Q: Some very smart people aresaying just that, that we're seeing a different employment situation this time.

A: I think it is self-evidently preposterous. Take Uber. I've lived in San Francisco for many years. I was here before Uber. Getting a taxi in San Francisco was incredibly difficult. It's now possible for people like me, for the elderly, the disabled, to reliably transport themselves around the city. This is a huge improvement. You could barely book a taxi to go to the airport in San Francisco before Uber.

I also disagree with the jobs angle. That gets at a very pessimistic view of humanity. It is true that automation is replacing a lot of manual repetitive jobs. But to believe that that's bad requires believing that there aren't better, more interesting, more valuable things that these people could be doing. I don't believe that. Driving a car all day is not a super-complicated or super-rewarding cognitive task. I hope we can take advantage of all the technology and automation and elimination of basic, menial tasks to go and enable people to pursue the things that they would actually like to spend their time on.

Q: So you’re saying Stripe could enable the disruption of Uber or Lyft, too.

A: I'm sure in many cases we will provide the tools to enable the disruption of many of the other businesses. But every time I take Lyft, it's generally a source of extra income, something they do while they're pursuing something else. One has a crowdfunding campaign for a new kind of motorcycle valve, another just moved back from Hawaii and getting back on her feet so she can then pursue an arts degree. By having jobs take such a flexible form, it enables people to be more aggressive and take some bigger career risks because there's more of a reliable floor. And just looking historically, taking the portfolio of all Internet businesses built since the dawn of the Internet, they've been wildly good for the world.

Q: Does Stripe have a moat? Did you have one from the start because of this different approach, or has it developed over time with all that work that was done, or because of network effects?

A: We don't love talking about our moats. But in general, there's nobody else even trying to build the same kind of unified platform from start to finish. The traditional strategy has generally been to do this in an unbundled way, to have gateways and processors and payment instruments and banks, and you assemble them yourself. Our strategy is the best product comes from a unification of the whole thing, by building a really powerful foundation and enabling additional services on top, fundamentally geared around this thesis of empowering the developer. That strategy is highly differentiated in the industry.

Q: Even from, say, Braintree, which looks the closest to Stripe?

A: Sure. As a subsidiary of PayPal, their goal is around bolstering and protecting the PayPal consumer brand, furthering the adoption of PayPal consumer accounts. So the strategic misalignment between PayPal and the business now becomes quite significant. The optimal user experience is probably to have no payment experience at all, or if a payment credential is required, to pay with whatever's the most convenient, such as AliPay, Android Pay, Apple Pay. But if your goal is to drive adoption of PayPal accounts, that now becomes much more problematic.

Q: So you're not too worried about competition?

A: No.

Q: What are you worried about?

A: We're paranoid about lots of things. Seriously, we're paranoid of the feeling of ever resting on our laurels.

Q: You're still a pretty small company in terms of people--230 or so. Is that really an issue?

A: I think it's always an issue. Especially if you're lucky to be successful. We're always less successful than we'd like to be. The flip side of an attitude of perfectionism is there's always an infinitely long list of things to be dissatisfied by. There's always a bit of an adjustment for new people joining the company. From the outside, maybe they thought Stripe was pretty good. And we want to make clear to them that for whatever we might have done well thus far, the vast majority of what we'd like to do is yet to be done. Even of the things we've done thus far, they're only a tenth as good as they should be.

Q: Do you have a particular approach to address that dissatisfaction or to address the need to keep innovating on that 90% that you say is still to go?

A: I don't think there's any one way to do it, or if there is, I haven't discovered it yet. We hire people who enjoy the idea of building important, fundamental infrastructure. What we talk about internally is continual improvement and perpetual dissatisfaction. We want people who are committed to doing great work, which sounds like a platitude, but is actually fairly hard to find.

At most companies an attitude of good enough tends to seep in. It has to be enforced through some sort of cultural norm. It can't just be a management dictum. Culture is gardening, not architecture. It's thousands of small interventions and comments and small details and observations and changes.

Q: Is there a general direction you want to go that may not be apparent from Stripe’s trajectory right now?

A: We're not going to significantly change direction, so in that sense, no. There's lots still to do in terms of what we're focused on today. We like to remind people that 2% of all spending in the world takes place on the Internet today. Stripe is a small fraction of that 2%. So if our goal is to enrich the Internet ecosystem to empower and accelerate this technological progress, we still have a vastly long way to go. If we want to be the agent that turns that 2% into 5%, 10%, 20%, we're barely off the starting blocks.

Maybe if we're having this conversation in a couple years and Stripe has helped power the next quadrupling or 10Xing of online commerce, maybe then we'll start to turn our sights a little bit further afield. The binding theme has decades left in it.

In Conversation: Stripe CEO Patrick Collison On The Limitless Potential Of Payments (2024)
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