Immigration helped fuel rise in 2023 US population. Here's where the most growth happened. (2024)

The United States gained more than 1.6 million people in the past year, an increase driven by fewer deaths and pre-pandemic levels of immigration, according to data released this week by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The rise marked a bump of 0.5% as more states saw population gains than in any year since the start of the pandemic, bringing the U.S. population to 334,914,895. While the increase is historically low, it’s higher than those seen in 2022 (0.4%) and 2021 (0.2%).

“Although births declined, this was tempered by the near 9% decrease in deaths,” said demographer Kristie Wilder of the bureau’s population division. “Ultimately, fewer deaths paired with rebounding immigration resulted in the nation experiencing its largest population gain since 2018.”

Growth driven by the South

Most of that growth took place in the South, the bureau said, which accounted for a whopping 87% of the rise. The nation’s most populous region – the only region to maintain population growth throughout the pandemic – added more than 1.4 million residents, bringing its total to more than 130 million.

Domestic migration comprised the bulk of the South’s growth in 2023, with more than 706,000 people moving to the region – which the bureau designates as stretching from Texas to Delaware – from other parts of the country and net international migration accounting for nearly 500,000 new residents.

Texas added more residents than any other state, gaining more than 473,000 people, followed by Florida’s 365,000 new inhabitants. South Carolina and Florida were the country’s two fastest-growing states, with their 2023 populations rising by 1.7% and 1.6%, respectively.

Dowell Myers, a professor of public policy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, said Southern states such as Florida and South Carolina serve as retirement meccas, while Texas' thriving urban culture and high-tech job market have been draws for young people.

“Young people go to Texas looking for jobs,” Myers said. “Texas looks more like California today than what it used to be. The culture has changed, and the cities are more appealing to the rest of the nation.”

Immigration helped fuel rise in 2023 US population. Here's where the most growth happened. (1)

More states see gains since pandemic began

All told, 42 states saw population gains, the highest number of states adding residents since the start of the pandemic, up from 31 in 2022 and 34 in 2021.

The Midwest added more than 126,000 residents for a moderate gain of 0.2%, reversing two years of decline thanks to fewer people leaving the region and rises in international migration. Indiana, Ohio and Minnesota all saw gains, the Census Bureau said.

Population gains slowed in the West, which added more than 137,000 residents in 2023 compared to more than 157,000 in 2022. Alaska and New Mexico saw gains after losing population the previous year, while population losses slowed in California, Oregon and Hawaii.

Population declines also slowed in the Northeast, which lost 43,000-plus residents in 2023 compared to more than 216,000 in 2022 and 187,000 in 2021.

Besides Alaska and New Mexico, nine states that experienced population losses last year saw gains in 2023: New Jersey, which added 30,024 residents; Ohio (26.238); Minnesota (23,615), Massachusetts (18,659), Maryland (16,272), Michigan (3,980), Kansas (3,830), Rhode Island (2,120), and Mississippi (762).

Eight states saw population declines: California, which lost 75,423 residents; Hawaii (-4,261), Illinois (-32,826), Louisiana (-14,274), New York (-101,984), Oregon (-6,021), Pennsylvania (-10,408), and West Virginia (-3,964).

While most of those states have lost residents annually since 2020, their declines have slowed, the bureau said.

Could Texas' rising population see a downturn?

Despite Texas' rise in population, Myers said that given the state's political climate, he doesn’t necessarily expect that to continue.

“The thing to watch right now is the rightward swing,” he said. “Texas didn’t used to be as oppressive as it is now, and I think it will dampen their migration. The battles over abortion there and in Florida are going to discourage young people from moving in.”

“Texas is more vulnerable to political backlash and the threats to lifestyle being flagrantly advertised by the governor,” he said. “Austin has the biggest drop in house prices in the nation. There’s something happening there.”

Immigration helped fuel rise in 2023 US population. Here's where the most growth happened. (2024)


Immigration helped fuel rise in 2023 US population. Here's where the most growth happened.? ›

Most of that growth took place in the South, the bureau said, which accounted for a whopping 87% of the rise.

What percentage of U.S. population growth is due to immigration? ›

The Impact of Net International Migration.

Table 3 shows that net international migration of 1.01 million accounted for roughly 80 percent of U.S. population growth in 2022.

How much did the U.S. population growth in 2023? ›

America's population grew by more than 1.75 million over 2023 and at midnight on New Year's Day, the population is expected to be 335,893,238, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday.

What is the fastest-growing state population in 2023? ›

South Carolina and Florida were the two fastest-growing states in the nation, growing by 1.7% and 1.6%, respectively, in 2023. Georgia also reached a new population threshold as the state's population exceeded 11 million people in 2023, increasing by 116,077 to a total population of 11,029,227.

Which state lost the most population in 2023? ›

All but eight states have seen their populations increase this year, according to the Census Bureau. The hardest hit among them was New York, which saw a decline in nearly 102,000 residents.

Which country has the highest immigration rate in the world? ›

Worldwide, the United States is home to more international migrants than any other country, and more than the next four countries—Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom—combined, according to the most recent UN Population Division data, from mid-2020.

What percentage of the US is made up by immigrants? ›

The United States was built, in part, by immigrants—and the nation has long been the beneficiary of the energy and ingenuity that immigrants bring. Today, 13.6 percent of the nation's residents are foreign-born, more than half of whom are naturalized citizens.

Which state has the most immigrants in 2023? ›

Figure 1 shows state-by-state destinations. California has received the most new immigrants with 160,297 new arrivals so far in FY 2023. But five states have each received over 50,000 new immigrants and eight more have received at least 25,000. Only California and Texas of these thirteen border the U.S.-Mexico border.

What state is losing the most population? ›

The story of New York, the country's fastest shrinking state as of the latest Census release, is similar in this regard. New York lost 0.5% of its population between July 2022 and June 2023 and the previous Census had recorded a decreasing population in the state since 2016.

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In Syria, the population grew by about 6.39 percent compared to the previous year, making it the country with the highest population growth rate in 2023.

What state is everyone moving to in 2023? ›

The most moved-to states in 2023 were South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arizona and Florida. Among the top inbound states in the Moving Migration Report, some cities saw a higher influx of new residents than others. The top cities in 2023 include: Tucson, Arizona.

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Population Growth Rate by State
#StatePopulation Density
1Utah41.67 per mi²
2Idaho23.24 per mi²
3Texas116.16 per mi²
4North Dakota11.75 per mi²
46 more rows

What is the fastest growing city in the U.S. 2023? ›

Phoenix, Arizona is the fastest growing city in the United States, with an annual population growth rate of 0.82%.

What is the fastest growing ethnic population in the United States? ›

Data from the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau show that there are approximately 20.7 million Asian and Pacific Islanders in the United States—comprising 6.2 % of the U.S. population—that make up the fastest growing minority group in the United States.

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Florida is at the top of the chart, leading the pack with an impressive 1.91% population growth, which speaks to the continuing allure of southern climates and opportunities. Idaho and South Carolina follow closely behind, recording a population increase of 1.82% and 1.72% respectively.

What percentage of the US population is descended from immigrants? ›

One in seven U.S. residents is an immigrant, while one in eight residents is a native-born U.S. citizen with at least one immigrant parent. In 2019, 44.9 million immigrants (foreign-born individuals) comprised 14 percent of the national population.

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Net migration in the year that ended July 1, 2023, reached the highest level since 2017. The foreign-born now make up 18.6 percent of the labor force, and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that over the next 10 years, immigration will keep the number of working Americans from sinking.

Would the US population be declining without immigration? ›

Projected US population growth, 2022-2100

The population decline in the zero immigration scenario is especially significant, as it shows that in the absence of any immigration, there would be a continued annual population loss every year between 2024 and 2100.

How did immigrants contribute to the growth of the United States? ›

As a nation of immigrants, we must remember that generations of immigrants have helped lay the railroads and build our cities, pioneer new industries and fuel our Information Age, from Google to the iPhone.

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