IMAX vs. Standard Screening: A Must-Watch Comparison - Y.M.Cinema Magazine (2024)

It’s highly recommended to watch this educational video before going to Avatar 2. This IMAX vs. Standard screening comparison shows the extra real estate you get when watching a film in an IMAX theater.

IMAX vs. Standard Screening: A Must-Watch Comparison - Y.M.Cinema Magazine (1)

Most movies are typically presented in a widescreen format. The shape of the screen is usually written as a ratio of the width of the screen versus the length (thus, “aspect ratio”). The ‘cinematic’ film format has a ratio of 2.39:1, meaning the screen is 2.39 times as wide as it is tall. However, IMAX (“Maximum Image”) brags about its expanded aspect ratio which is 1:90:1. IMAX’s most familiar marketing slogan states that this ratio offers up to 26% more picture for selected sequences – meaning more of the action is visible on screen. Indeed, IMAX movie screens are known for their unique and tall aspect ratio, which is usually 1.43:1 (mainly on IMAX film projectors) or 1.90:1. These screens also feature steeper stadium seating location in the theater hall, which lead to a better audio experience. For instance, check out this IMAX dedicated trailer for Avatar 2 The Way Of Water: This Video Compares IMAX Screen Vs Standard Screen Version in 4K ULTRA HD Quality:

See Also

Furthermore, check out this cool slide titled Avatar: The Way of Water – Format Guide V3.0. Almost all the formats are been demonstrated, since Avatar 2 will be screened in multiple format so you can pick your desired screening option. Nevertheless, IMAX is preferred.

IMAX vs. Standard Screening: A Must-Watch Comparison - Y.M.Cinema Magazine (2)

The video below is one of the best and most convincing demonstrations that show the advantages of IMAX versus standard screening regarding the acclaimed DUNE movie. It’s worth mentioning that DUNE was not shot on an IMAX film camera, but on IMAX-certified cameras (ARRI ALEXA LF, and Mini LF). Thus, this comparison is very relevant to Avatar 2 as well. Take a look at DUNE IMAX scenes in the full aspect ratio as it’s compared side-by-side with the standard version to see the differences:

As mentioned, Avatar 2 was shot on IMAX Certified cameras (“Filmed for IMAX” program) which is the Sony VENICE 3D (adapted for 3D capturing even in the underwater sequences). Therefore, expect the same aspect ratio implications and advantages as DUNE (see above). Moreover, since Avatar 2 was shot on specialized underwater cinematographic methodologies, it’s highly recommended to watch it on IMAX 3D, and not less than that. Enjoy!

IMAX vs. Standard Screening: A Must-Watch Comparison - Y.M.Cinema Magazine (2024)


Is it better to watch IMAX or standard? ›

IMAX theatres create a more immersive viewing experience with the massive screen, which delivers up to 40 per cent more imagery due to its high-resolution 3D technology. The IMAX theatre itself is also designed with steep seating to allow for an unobstructed view of the screen from any place.

How does an IMAX screen compared to regular? ›

The screen is massive and specifically tall, built to fit the unique way the movie is shot. It can be up to 40% larger than a standard movie screen. The seats are angled to open your field of view an average to 70 degrees, while speakers are positioned to immerse you in sound.

Is IMAX worth the extra cost? ›

3D Movies: IMAX often shows 3D movies with enhanced 3D effects. If you are a fan of 3D cinema and want to experience movies with a greater sense of depth and realism, IMAX can be a compelling choice. High Ticket Price: IMAX tickets generally cost more than regular movie tickets due to the premium experience it offers.

Do you wear glasses for IMAX? ›

Some IMAX theaters do use traditional 3D with smaller glasses, so you'll want to contact your local IMAX theaters to see whether they use the larger glasses or not. For many people who wear glasses, bigger truly is better. Forget about those cheap plastic glasses the theater provides you.

Why is IMAX better than standard? ›

The IMAX cinema process increases the image resolution by using a larger film frame; in relative terms, a frame of IMAX format film has three times the theoretical horizontal resolution of a frame of 35 mm film.

Do seats move in IMAX? ›

With stimulating effects like water, wind, scent and strobe lighting that are timed to enhance what's happening on screen, you'll be truly thrilled in your seat. And speaking of your seat – it moves.

Is IMAX louder than normal? ›

On the other hand, IMAX claims that their sound system can produce up to 120 decibels of sound. While this is slightly lower than Dolby, it is still incredibly loud and can cause hearing damage if listened to for extended periods of time.

Does IMAX feel different? ›

Sitting in front of an IMAX screen is a completely different experience than sitting in front of a normal cinema hall screen. The IMAX screen is much larger, and it fills your entire field of view. This makes you feel like you are part of the movie, and it can be an incredibly immersive experience.

Are IMAX front seats worth it? ›

That answer depends on the nature of the room and your preferences. As we've established, the front row of an IMAX isn't great due to the giant screen. You'll be craning your neck and looking left and right to get everything in – it's not comfortable. Some go to the other extreme and go for the back row.

Why are IMAX tickets more expensive? ›

It's for a myriad of reasons. Bad experiences in theaters due to other, disrespectful moviegoers are happening all around. The other big problem is screens. Premium screens are what people want, and usually, that is IMAX or another supersized format.

Are all seats good in IMAX? ›

To summarize, the optimal seating position in an IMAX theater for optimal viewing is in the middle rows, about 4 or 5 rows from the back, and in the center.

Why should I watch IMAX? ›

IMAX screens offer a taller aspect ratio than normal cinema screens allowing audiences to take in more data from their favourite scenes in a movie. 'Shot for IMAX' movies are also captured using specialised cameras, which offer more resolution and hence, visual detail, something we all can appreciate in the movies.

Are all seats in IMAX good? ›

That answer depends on the nature of the room and your preferences. As we've established, the front row of an IMAX isn't great due to the giant screen. You'll be craning your neck and looking left and right to get everything in – it's not comfortable. Some go to the other extreme and go for the back row.

Is IMAX enhanced better than normal? ›

IMAX's expanded aspect ratio allows you to see up to 26% more of the original image and experience the full scale and scope of the picture from the comfort of your home or on the go. Some movies only have select sequences filmed in IMAX's expanded aspect ratio.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.