If I do not live in the EU how long can I stay in my French property? - Buyers' Info for France (2024)

Although foreign buyers have no restrictions on buying a property in France, if you are not an EU citizen, then you will have to apply for a visa/residency if you intend to stay in your property for more than 90 days. After 10 years you can ask for citizenship or in 5 years if you justify it by a certain level of investment.

Once you have purchased the property, you have to enter France on a 90 days’ tourist Schengen visa which is easy to gain when you become an owner. Next you must ask the local prefecture (where your property is situated) for a residency card next to the prefecture.

It is fairly straight forward but there is a fair amount of paperwork to fill in as with any administration in France but we can put you in contact with experts who can help.

If I do not live in the EU how long can I stay in my French property? - Buyers' Info for France (2024)


If I do not live in the EU how long can I stay in my French property? - Buyers' Info for France? ›

Can I still buy property in France after Brexit? Yes, you can still buy and own property in France post-Brexit and as a non-EU citizen. If you are planning to stay in your property for longer than 90 days, however, you will need to apply for a long-term visa.

How long can I stay in France if I buy a property? ›

Once you have bought your dream home in France If you would like to relocate to France or visit for longer than 90 days you will require a visa, which is easy to obtain once you are the owner of a French property. You may wish to apply for a Long stay visa valid for residence (VLS-TS).

Can I get residency in France if I buy a house? ›

Is It Possible to Buy Property and Get Residency in France? France doesn't enable foreigners to get residency for becoming an owner of a property, regardless of its price. Nevertheless, you can get a residency using other methods — for instance, tying the knot with a French citizen.

How long can second home owners stay in France? ›

312-2 of the Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum) that “Any foreign national who owns a secondary residence in France may apply for a very long-stay visa authorizing him or her to stay on French territory for a period not exceeding six months per year.

Do I need a French bank account to buy a house in France? ›

Actually a French bank account is not required if you're buying a french holiday home, but it can make your life easier, not only during the purchase process but later on. Regular payments such as electricity bills and local taxes will be easier and cheaper if you have a French account.

How can I stay in France for longer than 90 days? ›


For any stay in France exceeding 90 days, you are required to apply in advance for a long-stay vis. In this instance your nationality does not exempt you from requirements. Whatever the duration of your planned stay, the duration of your long-stay visa must be between three months and one year.

What are the pitfalls of buying a property in France? ›

French Buyer's Mistakes: During Your Property Visit
  • Viewing your property through rose-tinted glasses. ...
  • Being unrealistic about renovations. ...
  • Not getting the right documentation. ...
  • Not seeking independent advice before you purchase. ...
  • Making direct payments without your notaire. ...
  • Not budgeting for fees and taxes.
Mar 17, 2021

Can a US citizen own real estate in France? ›

Individual Ownership : U.S. citizens/residents may purchase French real property in their individual names. If they do so, the French real property, as immovable property and under international private law rules, will be governed by French inheritance and tax laws.

What are the rules for buying a house in France? ›

A guide on how to purchase a property in France
  • Define your property search in France.
  • Visit properties.
  • Make an offer on a property.
  • Sign a Compromis de Vente.
  • Sign an Acte de Vente at the notaire's office.

How long can you live in France without residency? ›

If you spend more than 6 months a year in France, you are then considered as a French resident and must apply for a Long Stay visitor visa (visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour VLS-TS « visiteur »).

How much money do I need for a French visa? ›

But even with this category, travellers are still required to testify that they have a minimum financial resources of €120 per person per day (or if you can show that you have already paid for your accommodation in France, then the amount is reduced to €65 per person per day).

How much is a 6 month visa for France? ›

Which type do I need? This sticker in your passport allows a stay for a fixed, dated period, usually of four to six months, not counted as part of the 90 days and not renewable or extendable. The visa costs €99, plus a processing fee of around £31 or $36, depending on the country you are applying from.

Can I buy a property in France and rent it out? ›

Investing in rental property in Paris is a good choice, but you should know that it is not the most profitable. The rental yield in the french capital oscillates painfully between 2% and 3% gross. This means that in terms of net rental yield, you can even lose money.

Can a US citizen open a French bank account? ›

Yes, it's possible to open a bank account in France as a foreigner. But what kind of account you can open depends on whether you're a resident or a non-resident.

Can Americans have bank accounts in France? ›

Most banks in France accept the application of foreigners who want to open online bank accounts. Yes, but banks in France might impose a fee for international money transfers.

Can I have a bank account in France if I don't live there? ›

You are entitled to open a bank account in France whether you are a resident or non-resident, even if you do not own a property in the country. However, while residents have an automatic right to a bank account, non-residents do not.

How long can I stay in France with US passport? ›

You may enter the Schengen area, including France, for up to 90 days for tourist and business purposes without a visa. Immigration officers may also request you show sufficient funds for your intended stay and a return airline ticket.

How many times can I go to France in a year? ›

The visitor visa lasts a year and while you are free to come and go between France and your home country during that year, you will need to apply for a new one each year that you wish to spend more than 90 days in France.

When can I go back to France after 90 days? ›

What is the Schengen 90/180 rule? Under the terms of Schengen, non-EEA nationals cannot spend more than a total of 90 days within a total period of 180 days without a visa. Furthermore, once you've used up your quota of 90 days, you cannot return to Schengen until 90 more days have passed.

Why are houses in France so cheap? ›

France is about 1.5 times bigger than Germany but with a population 20% smaller. In effect, it has a larger rural area with less people to populate it. And as more and more people relocate to cities, more houses are being added to the market—often at bargain prices.

Do I need a lawyer to buy a house in France? ›

Despite all of this, we strongly advise using your own independent lawyer to assist you when buying or selling a French property.

Which area of France has the cheapest property? ›

Cheapest areas to live in France. Mulhouse, Alsace, FranceThe cheapest place to buy property in France in 2021 is the industrial town of Saint-Etienne. Property prices here are just €1000 per m2 for an apartment in the town centre.

Can an American retire in France? ›

Once you have lived in France for five years, you will be able to apply for your permanent residency card. To obtain your Carte de Sejour, you will need to fulfill certain criteria and prove that you have a regular income from your home country.

How hard is it to buy property in France as an American? ›

The process of buying in France if you're American

The actual technicalities are simple. You find your dream property, and you make an offer via the realtor. This may include negotiation until your offer is accepted. An initial document of offer/acceptance is drawn up and you have 10 days to accept it.

Can a U.S. citizen retire and live in France? ›

Can an American retire in France? Yes an American can retire in France. For visits longer than 90 days you will need to apply for a visa de séjour temporaire (a residence visa). You cannot apply while on vacation in France, you ust apply for this residency visa from your nearest French consulate in the U.S.

How much tax do you pay when buying a house in France? ›

Notary fees or registration fees

Let's say that you purchase an old French property. The taxes and the transfer of ownership costs for the purchase of an already existing real estate are around 7% and 8% of the purchase price. The registration fees are around 5.08%-5.09%.

How much deposit is required to buy a house in France? ›

Deposit. For a French mortgage, you will generally need a minimum deposit of at least 15% to 25% of the property's purchase price, with rates that are fixed or variable. “The max for a repayment loan is 85%, but there is only one lender who will go this high,” John comments. “Generally 80% is the highest available.

How much are legal fees when buying a house in France? ›

New Property - You will pay around 2% in conveyancing fees and registration taxes, plus VAT at the rate of 20% on the purchase price, except for sales between private individuals.

Can a retired person move to France? ›

If you are thinking of spending your retirement in France, then you do need to do your background research before making the plunge. There are important considerations around healthcare, your pension, taxes (both income tax, social security and property taxes) and now Visas/French Residency.

Can I move to France if I'm retired? ›

For a permanent retirement there you will require a Long Stay Visa (Visa de Long Séjour). You must apply before you move to France, via the French Consulate in London. There are various types of long stay visa. Most retirees opt for a Visa de Long Séjour valant Titre de Séjour – Visiteur (VLS-Visiteur).

Can non EU citizens live in France? ›

How Can I Move to France as a Non-EU Citizen? Non-EU citizens who want to settle permanently in the French territory must apply for and obtain a d visa (long-stay visa). France issues different types of long-stay visas that you must obtain depending on the purpose of your entry to French territory.

Is France visa free for US citizens? ›

American passport holders are not required to obtain a visa prior to visiting France for up to 90 days in any 180-day period.

How to get a French visa from USA? ›

Visa application guidelines
  1. Step 1 - Gather information on your situation. Seek information and check if you need a visa or not. ...
  2. STEP 2 - Set up my online application. Fill out the visa application form. ...
  3. Step 3 - Book your appointment. ...
  4. Step 4 - Submit your application. ...
  5. Step 5 - Track your application.

Is it difficult to get a French visa? ›

Finding out what type of French visa you need to apply for is actually a pretty easy process. A France Schengen visa is issued to foreigners that wish to visit France, the French territories or another Schengen area country for less than 90 days within a 6-month period.

What happens if you overstay 90 days in France? ›

Overstaying 90 days in the EU can result in deportation

If you overstay 90 days in the EU, you risk deportation.

How to get a 5-year visa for France? ›

Who Is Eligible To Apply For A 5-Year Multiple Entry Visa?
  1. You must have a valid reason for why you want to enter the Schengen Area multiple times. ...
  2. You must have a clean Schengen Visa history, which means you've never overstayed or worked illegally within the Schengen area.
Sep 26, 2022

Can I get a 10-year visa for France? ›

When you have five years of residency in France with a valid visa, you can apply for the 10-year residency card. In France, you can apply for citizenship if one of your parents is French or if you have had at least 5 years of permanent residency.

Is now a good time to buy a house in France? ›

Real Estate market in France 2021-22. House prices in France are forecast to grow by 3.5% during 2022. The latest statistics show that property prices in France rose by an average of +5.9% during 2021 (+5.0% for apartments and +6.8% for houses).

Can you gift property in France? ›

When gifting French property, it's compulsory to have a Notaire draft the Deed of Gift and collect from you the relevant fees and taxes. The Notaire will then register the Deed of Gift with the French authorities.

Do renters pay property tax in France? ›

If you let a property on an annual basis the tax is payable by the tenant. That is because, although tenants of holiday lettings do not pay the tax, any tenant occupying the property on 1st Jan on a permanent or extended basis is liable for the tax.

What American banks are in France? ›

Major American banks and financial institutions present in Paris:
  • American Express Cartes France. ...
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch. ...
  • The Bank of New York Mellon (representative office) ...
  • Banque AIG (subsidiary) ...
  • Goldman Sachs (subsidiary) ...
  • Citigroup Global Markets Limited. ...
  • JP Morgan Chase Bank (subsidiary) ...
  • Banque Lazard.

Will my US bank debit card work in France? ›

Yes. Cards issued by U.S. Bank can be used in most foreign countries for transactions.

Which French bank is affiliated with Bank of America? ›

Bank of America (USA) BNP Paribas (France, Poland)

Can you buy a house in France without a French bank account? ›

Actually a French bank account is not required if you're buying a french holiday home, but it can make your life easier, not only during the purchase process but later on. Regular payments such as electricity bills and local taxes will be easier and cheaper if you have a French account.

Why can't Americans open bank account in France? ›

As an American, opening a bank account in France can be tricky because of a U.S. federal law called FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act). The U.S. government requires foreign financial institutions to report information about accounts held by U.S. taxpayers to the IRS.

How do I get a French bank account in the US? ›

The exact documents you need to open an account with a traditional French bank will vary a little based on the account type. However, in most cases you'll need proof of identity, and proof of a French residential address. You may also need proof of income depending on your account preference.

What happens if I forgot to declare a foreign bank account in France? ›

Penalties. Penalties shall apply : In the case of an incomplete or missing information in a return ; the fine is stipulated in paragraph 2 of Article 1729 B of the French General Tax Code. In the case of non-filing (Article 1736 of the CGI) ; the fine is set at €1,500 for each undeclared account.

Can I open a bank account in Europe without living there? ›

You can open a non-resident account in Europe with the expat division of a global banking branch. However, you may find it easier and cheaper to get an account with a specialist online provider instead.

Can you have a bank account in two different countries? ›

We're here to help!

Fortunately, opening a bank account in a foreign country is totally possible — and totally legal, as long as you're not doing so for tax evasion purposes.

Can you get French citizenship by buying property? ›

A French passport can not be obtained by investment, but the country has a residence permit program. Investors over 18 with an official source of income and no criminal record can participate in the residence permit program.

Is it wise to buy property in France now? ›

Real Estate market in France 2021-22. House prices in France are forecast to grow by 3.5% during 2022. The latest statistics show that property prices in France rose by an average of +5.9% during 2021 (+5.0% for apartments and +6.8% for houses).

Can you live in France all year round? ›

If you arrive in France from 2023 onwards (on a long stay visitor visa) and you decide that you want to live permanently in France, then you are still able to apply for French Residency. We use the term French Residency to cover anybody looking to live in France for 6 months or more.

Does France allow dual citizenship with us? ›

French law permits dual nationality and does not require foreigners who obtain French nationality to give up their original one. A naturalized immigrant can therefore legally have French nationality and the nationality of another country.

Can you buy real estate in France without being a citizen? ›

There are no restrictions for foreign investors buying a house in France, even non-residents. All investors need is a French bank account and a valid ID. Besides your deposit, you can also expect to pay notaire's fees.

Can a US citizen apply for French citizenship? ›

How do I obtain French citizenship? To obtain French citizenship, you can apply through various routes, including by descent, marriage, naturalization, birth, or adoption. You must meet specific eligibility criteria, including residency requirements and language proficiency, and provide supporting documents.

Is it hard for an American to buy a house in France? ›

Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying property in France. Even if you are not a resident, you can still buy and own French property with the option to rent it out if you want to. You will need a French bank account, valid identification, and the correct visa if you are going to live there.

How long can a US citizen live in France? ›

Entering France from the US

Americans who intend to stay in France for less than 90 days don't need visas. But, from November 2023, US citizens must apply for an ETIAS travel authorization to enter France.

How long can a US resident stay in France? ›

You may enter the Schengen area, including France, for up to 90 days for tourist and business purposes without a visa. Immigration officers may also request you show sufficient funds for your intended stay and a return airline ticket.

Can a US citizen retire and live in France? ›

Can an American retire in France? Yes an American can retire in France. For visits longer than 90 days you will need to apply for a visa de séjour temporaire (a residence visa). You cannot apply while on vacation in France, you ust apply for this residency visa from your nearest French consulate in the U.S.

What are the tax implications of owning a second home in France? ›

Habitation housing taxes 2022 on the second home

However, if you live abroad and have a second home in France, you must pay this tax. Owners of second homes are not exempt from housing tax. They then have to pay local tax for each of their homes: the main home if they are still liable in 2022 AND the second home.

Is the cost of living cheaper in France than the US? ›

The USA's national index is 71.05 while the French national index is 74.14. Therefore, the cost of living is 4% higher in France than it is in the USA.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.