If a project's NPV is positive, then it is IRR is greater than its cost of capital. a. True b. False | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Business Finance Net present value


If a project's NPV is positive, then it is IRR is greater than its cost of capital.

a. True

b. False


NPV, or net present value, of a project is estimated by subtracting initial investment from the present value of future earnings. Note that, the output will change when selected discount rate is modified.

Answer and Explanation:1

The statement is TRUE..

  • When the NPV is positive, it means that initial investment is less than the present value of future cash flows.
  • At a discount...

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If a project's NPV is positive, then it is IRR is greater than its cost of capital. a. True b. False | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Net Present Value | NPV Calculations, Formula & Examples


Chapter 5/ Lesson 20


Learn about what net present value is, how it is calculated both for a lump sum and for a stream of income over multiple years. View some examples on NPV.

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  • Question 1 For mutually exclusive projects whose NPV Profiles (graphs) intersect, IRR is a more reliable criteria for project selection than NPV. True False 1 points Question 2 Other things the same,
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  • Compute the NPV for Project M if the appropriate cost of capital is 7 percent. (Negative amount s... Compute the NPV for Project M if the appropriate cost of capital is 7 percent. (Negative amount sho
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  • State True or False: In a capital budgeting analysis, interest paid on a loan that must be taken to finance the project must be included in the analysis.
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  • Two projects being considered have the following projected cash flows: What is the NPV of Project B if the cost of capital were 15%? A. -$18,750 B. $4,917.70 C. $40,000.00 D. -$8,014.19
  • Two projects that have the same cost and the same expected cash flows will have the same net present value. True False
  • Compute the NPV for Project M if the appropriate cost of capital is 9%. (Negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your final answer to 2 decim
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  • A. If the NPV for a project is +400, using a discount rate(cost of capital) of 14%, then the IRR for the project must be: a. Less than 14% b. Equal to 14% c. Greater than 14% d. None of the above
  • The usefulness of adjusting the firm's weighted average cost of capital to account for a project's risk is limited because the risk premium is arbitrarily determined and is subject to error. True or False?
  • If the opportunity cost of capital is 10%, what is the project's NPV? (A negative value should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) Revenues generated by a new fad product are forec
  • Given the following cash flows for a capital project, calculate the IRR. Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cashflows ($50,467) $12,746 $14426 $21548 $8580 $4959

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If a project's NPV is positive, then it is IRR is greater than its cost of capital.  a. True  b. False | Homework.Study.com (2024)


If a project's NPV is positive, then it is IRR is greater than its cost of capital. a. True b. False | Homework.Study.com? ›

At the IRR rate, the NPV is zero, and to make it positive, the cost of capital has to be less than the IRR.

What happens to IRR if NPV is positive? ›

The accept-reject rule states that a project should be accepted if it has a positive NPV and an IRR higher than the discount rate, or rejected if it has a negative NPV and an IRR lower than the discount rate.

Does higher NPV mean higher IRR? ›

With NPV, proposals are usually accepted if they have a net positive value. In contrast, IRR is often accepted if the resulting IRR has a higher value compared to the existing cutoff rate. Projects with a positive net present value also show a higher internal rate of return greater than the base value.

What happens when IRR is greater than cost of capital? ›

In general, the IRR method indicates that a project whose IRR is greater than or equal to the firm's cost of capital should be accepted, and a project whose IRR is less than the firm's cost of capital should be rejected.

Can a project's NPV be positive even if its IRR is less than the cost of capital? ›

NPV can be defined as the value where, Present Value of Cash Inflows is greater than Present Value of Cash Outflows. But, IRR is the rate at which Present Value of Cash Inflows is equal to Present Value of Cash Outflows. So, NPV has to be zero in this case, it can't be positive.

What happens when NPV is positive? ›

A positive NPV indicates that the projected earnings generated by a project or investment—discounted for their present value—exceed the anticipated costs, also in today's dollars. It is assumed that an investment with a positive NPV will be profitable.

What is the relationship between NPV and IRR? ›

Essentially, the IRR is the rate at which the NPV of an investment equals zero. When you calculate IRR, you treat it as a cut-off point for investment decisions. For example, your organization may specify that it will only run projects if they exceed a "hurdle rate" of 11 percent.

Can you have a higher IRR but a lower NPV? ›

If there is only one change of sign in the cash flows from negative to positive, as in initial investment (negative) followed by net revenue in all future periods (positive), then if NPV is negative at an interest rate, then the IRR will be lower than that rate. So the two methods always give the same answer.

What does it mean when IRR is higher? ›

The Bottom Line. The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used to estimate the return on an investment. The higher the IRR, the better the return of an investment. As the same calculation applies to varying investments, it can be used to rank all investments to help determine which is the best.

Are IRR and NPV inversely related? ›

Since the earlier payments tend to be the outflows, the NPV profile generally shows an inverse relationship between the discount rate and NPV. The discount rate at which the NPV equals 0 is called the internal rate of return (IRR).

Is IRR affected by cost of capital? ›

If cost of capital decreases, then the NPV calculation will be different as we will discount the cash flows with a lower discount rate - the NPV will increase. But cost of capital has absolutely no impact on the IRR because IRR shows the return of the project itself based on its cash flows.

What if IRR is equal to cost of capital? ›

If IRR only equals the cost of capital, then there would be no surplus earnings. No profit or no loss situation. The shareholders get the value they required but there will be no growth in the Company.

Why is IRR usually greater than cap rate? ›

While cap rate offers a quick, snapshot evaluation of a property's current yield, IRR provides a deeper, more comprehensive analysis of an investment's potential over its entire holding period, considering the time value of money and future cash flow projections.

Can NPV be negative while IRR is positive? ›

A project's IRR can be positive even if its NPV is negative.” This is a true statement.

What is the conflict between IRR and NPV? ›

Ranking conflicts between NPV and IRR:

The NPV is a direct measure of the expected increase in the value of the firm. The NPV assumes reinvestment of cash flows at the required rate of return (more realistic), whereas the IRR assumes reinvestment of cash flows at the IRR rate (less realistic).

Will a project with a positive NPV always have a negative IRR? ›

A project with a positive NPV will always have a negative IRR. A project can have both a negative NPV and a positive IRR.

What if NPV is negative and IRR is positive? ›

A project's IRR can be positive even if its NPV is negative.” This is a true statement. Read your curriculum for further instruction. A projects IRR can be positive even if the NPV is negative…

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