Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition (2024)

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  • Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition

Marketing strategy and planning

  • Business marketing basics and the 7 Ps
  • Writing a marketing strategy and plan
  • Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition
  • Becoming a customer-focused business
  • Pricing products and services
  • Branding your business

To stay ahead, you must be able to show the unique value your business offers. Understanding your customers and your competitors can help you develop your value proposition.

On this page

Find your competitive advantage in 3steps

Your competitive advantage is the combination of marketing elements that sets your business apart. It's about the unique benefit customers get when they do business with you. Practical examples include:

  • free home delivery
  • a money-back guarantee
  • personalised service.

Finding your competitive advantage will help you to make the most of your existing strengths and to prioritise improvements. A strong competitive advantage will:

  • highlight customer benefits
  • reflect your business strengths
  • be clear, simple and unique
  • change over time to adapt to new conditions.

The following 3 steps can help you find your competitive advantage.

To uncover gaps in the market, you need to analyse and understand your customers and your competitors. This will show why you're making sales (the drivers for your business) and the reasons why not (the barriers against your business).

Use the free market research kit and refer to your marketing strategy.

Action item: Know your customers

Ask yourself:

  • why do customers buy from my business?
  • why do customers buy from my competitors?
  • why do potential customers choose not buy at all?

Read more about being a customer-focused business

Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition (1)

Competitor profile chart

An easy way to better understand your competitors is to complete a competitor profile chart. It can show you:

  • where there are gaps in the market
  • how you can stand out from the competition.

You can:

  • download the print-optimised version of the competitor profile chart to fill out and save for future reference
  • use the online template to profile your competitors.

When customers buy a product or service, they're actually buying the benefits they expect to get from it. They are buying the experience and the outcome.

How does your competitive advantage benefit your customers? For example:

  • do your products make their life simpler, or more exciting?
  • do your services make them feel better?

Remember that different benefits may appeal to different customers.

Imagine you're running an award-winning sandwich shop. You:

  • source fresh, chemical-free, local ingredients
  • make high-quality gourmet sandwiches to order.

Different customers will be attracted by different benefits. They may, for example:

  • like to have gourmet sandwiches for lunch
  • need sandwiches made to order to accommodate food allergies
  • want to support local growers and farmers.

It's about the customer

Find out what trends are shaping the market and what benefits your customers want. Then find practical ways to address those needs.

Action item: Determine your difference

Use our template for reviewing your 7 Ps of marketing to help identify:

  • the benefits you're offering
  • what makes your business unique.

While doing this, ask yourself:

  • how important are the added benefits you're offering really to customers?
  • how well does your business do at offering these benefits compared to your competition?

Focus on, and promote, benefits:

  • that customers really value
  • in areas where your business outperforms your competitors.

Check that your marketing collateral includes the most compelling benefits.

One way to stand out from your competitors is to innovate. Focus on solving problems, even problems your customers are not yet aware of. You could, for example, change existing or design new:

  • products
  • services
  • experiences
  • business processes.

Learn more about how to achieve growth through business innovation.

Action item: Look at your customers' journey

Map out the end-to-end customer journey to see where customers might:

  • experience issues when doing business with you (pain points)
  • be pleasantly surprised or impressed (wow factors).

This will help you plan and make business improvements.

Clarify your customer value proposition (CVP)

Your marketing programs will be more focused and effective when you:

  • know what your competitive advantage is
  • have a unique and relevant brand positioning.

Improve this further by being clear about your customer value proposition (CVP).

A good CVP is a short, powerful statement about how you deliver value to your customers.

It answers the question:

What value do you promise to deliver to customers in exchange for their payment?

A business typically has 1 value proposition. It's about the big picture—their main and consistent difference.

Your value proposition links your:

  • business plan (business model and operations)
  • target segments (customer needs and expectations).

The CVP:

  • is often used as a core statement in business plans and marketing strategy documents
  • guides external communication and how you go to market. For example, it will enable you to promote your difference, effectively pitch to stakeholders and increase sales conversion.

You can use these 3points to quickly clarify your CVP:

  1. You know how... (the problems)
  2. Well, what we do... (our solutions)
  3. In fact... (our wow factors)

Example CVP

Think about the sandwich shop offering a gourmet alternative to customers.

  1. You know how… it's hard to find a quality sandwich at a reasonable price in our local area? Lunch time can become just another chore in your day.
  2. Well, what we do… is ask you what you really want. We then handmake every sandwich to order using the best, chemical-free, locally sourced ingredients.
  3. In fact… we get to know you by name—and your favourite sandwich. And we like to have a chat. That's all part of our award-winning service.

To write a more comprehensive CVP, answer these questions:

  • What are the problems we're solving for our customers?
  • What outcomes do they want to achieve?
  • What benefits do customers get from our products and services? This can be practical or emotional.
  • What sets our brand apart from the competition in terms of value? Why should customers choose and use our brand?

Example CVP

Think about the sandwich shop and how it compares to a chain of sandwich shops.

'Lunch time should be your time. Time to relax and enjoy. Time to get away from it all. Something to look forward too. But all too often it's the opposite of these things—more stress and heavy food. That's why our sandwiches are made with love, for what you love.

Choose your ingredients and we'll make every sandwich fresh to order.

You'll be supporting the local growers and farmers and you'll be supporting us, a family-owned business in the local community. You'll enjoy the friendly chat and the gourmet food, without the gourmet price. It's the award-winning service and taste that will keep you coming back.'

Business is about exchanging value. Value is based on what the customers thinks about the price they paid relative to the benefits they received. What will the answer be if a customer asks: What's in it for me (WIIFM)?

Read more about pricing products and services.

Keep the following in mind when you evaluate your customer value proposition:

  • existing business capability – current state
  • proposed enhancements – ideal future
  • the roadmap to get there – action plan.

Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition (2)

Customer value proposition template

Develop your customer value proposition (CVP) by:

  • reading the information above
  • searching online for 'customer value proposition examples'
  • using the template to write your CVP.

Create unique selling points (USPs)

Based on your competitive advantage, you'll have one or more unique selling points (USPs).


  • is a short, snappy and memorable line
  • conveys what sets you apart from competitors
  • is mostly used for marketing communications
  • is also known as a 'unique selling proposition'.

It answers the question:

Why should customers buy from you?

You'll need a USP, or a series of USPs, when you run a marketing campaign. You'll also need to add it to the creative brief if you decide to partner with an agency.

The most effective way to stand out in a crowded market is with a unique selling point coupled with a distinctive brand.

The USP must convey the benefit you deliver, relative to competitors, that your target persona values most. This benefit may be real or perceived.

You’ll likely need many versions of your USPs, depending on your:

  • products and services
  • target segments
  • direct competitors.

To create and deliver high-impact marketing communications, follow these steps:

  1. Analyse your market research insights.
  2. Identify potential gaps/opportunities.
  3. Consider the needs of your customers.
  4. Draft and test your USPs.

Use the name 'unique selling point' as a guide:

  • unique – highlight a meaningful difference
  • selling – deliver the message in a persuasive way
  • point – deliver a single-minded message.

Think about potential areas like:

  • products or services not currently offered by competitors
  • customer groups not currently catered for by competitors
  • aspects of your business that are different from competitors.

Your USPs should be true to your business—you must be able to deliver the promise.

Example USPs

Using the local sandwich shop as an example and looking at its CVPs, we can identify the main points of difference and write USPs to match:

  • Service: 'Every single sandwich made fresh with love.'
  • Choice of ingredients: 'Only the finest, chemical-free ingredients.'
  • Local: 'Our local farmers and growers say thanks.'

Meet your legal obligations

While competition may be fierce, it's important to still follow fair and legal practices. Every business must comply with the relevant laws while trying to find a position in the market.

The most important legislation to be aware of is the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. It provides a fair and competitive operating environment and covers:

  • contract law and unfair contract terms
  • consumer rights when buying goods and services
  • product safety
  • unsolicited consumer agreements, including door-to-door and telephone sales
  • penalties, enforcement powers and the rights of consumers to seek compensation.

To understand your rights and responsibilities in the field of competition law, you can read:

  • Australian Consumer Law guidance – advice on how to comply with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
  • Office of Fair Trading sales practice guidance – advice on making your sales practices are fair and legal.

Maintain your relevance

The only constant in business is change. That's why it's important to regularly review the trends that are shaping your market. These could include things like new:

  • behaviours
  • technologies
  • competitors
  • solutions.

You may need to evolve your business, but change also creates opportunities. This will require change management. Find out more about how to adapt and change your business.

The marketing field is always changing too. There's often an overemphasis on 'shiny new things.' It's good to stay up to date, but always:

  • refer to the fundamentals of marketing
  • adopt a strategic approach.

Your goal is to achieve your marketing objectives. To support this journey, make sure you refer to industry sources and external partners for:

  • resources
  • training
  • advice.

Visit the Australian Marketing Institute to find information on best practice and standards.

Also consider...

  • Find help to write a marketing strategy and plan.
  • Learn more about branding your business.
  • Find information on how to become a customer-focused business.
  • Access tips and calculators to help you successfully price products and services.
  • Find out more about writing a business capability statement.
  • Last reviewed: 29 Aug 2022
  • Last updated: 29 Aug 2022
  • Print page
Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition (2024)


Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition? ›

“Value proposition is a clear statement that: explains how your product solves customers' problems or improves their situation (relevancy), delivers specific benefits (quantified value), tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition (unique differentiation).”

What is value proposition and competitive advantage? ›

“Value proposition is a clear statement that: explains how your product solves customers' problems or improves their situation (relevancy), delivers specific benefits (quantified value), tells the ideal customer why they should buy from you and not from the competition (unique differentiation).”

How can you identify your competitive advantage? ›

Identifying your competitive advantage and value proposition
  1. Find your competitive advantage in 3 steps.
  2. Clarify your customer value proposition (CVP)
  3. Create unique selling points (USPs)
  4. Meet your legal obligations.
  5. Maintain your relevance.
Aug 29, 2022

What is a competitive value proposition? ›

A value proposition is about finding the unique value your business offers its customers compared to other market competitors. The value proposition you offer must resonate with your customers.

What is an example of a value proposition? ›

Here's an example from Apple: Value Proposition: "The best experiences. Only on Apple." Tagline: "Think Different."

What are the 3 elements of a successful value proposition? ›

3 Components of a Strong Value Proposition
  • Identify a specific problem being dealt with by a specific audience.
  • Articulates how the product/service being sold solves this specific problem.
  • Communicate the audience-specific intangible and quantifiable benefits of the solution.
Jan 15, 2019

What is an example of a competitive advantage? ›

For example, if a company advertises a product for a price that's lower than a similar product from a competitor, that company is likely to have a competitive advantage. The same is true if the advertised product costs more, but offers unique features that customers are willing to pay for.

What are the 4 types of competitive advantage? ›

The four primary methods of gaining a competitive advantage are cost leadership, differentiation, defensive strategies and strategic alliances.

What are the 5 types of competitive advantage? ›

Five types of competitive advantage
  • Cost-based advantage. This is the most obvious way of achieving competitive advantage. ...
  • Advantage from a differentiated product or service. ...
  • First mover advantage. ...
  • Time-based advantage. ...
  • Technology-based advantage.

What are the 3 forms of competitive advantage? ›

The three main types of competitive advantage are differentiation, cost advantages, and focus advantages.

What is an example of a value proposition in a business model? ›

Let's look at another example: Uber – a travel service provider that meets low-cost and on-demand needs. Immediacy, convenience and simplicity are at the heart of their value proposition.

What is your core value proposition? ›

Your core value proposition is not your product or service. It's the overall essence that makes your business stand out from the competition. It is not necessarily about monetary value (although it may be). Rather, it's the key benefit that keeps customers coming back to your business again and again.

What is Starbucks unique value proposition? ›

Starbucks unique selling point

The unique selling proposition for Starbucks is simple enough: “Love your beverage or let us know. We'll always make it right”. Starting off as a small coffee shop in Washington, Starbucks had a long way to go in order to become one of the most recognised brands in the world.

What is the 4 basic elements of value proposition? ›

The key elements of a value proposition are relevancy, benefit, energy, and risk. Relevancy is how well the value proposition aligns with the needs of the customer.

What are the 3 types of proposition examples? ›

Propositions of fact focus on establishing that something “is or isn't” or is “true or false.” Propositions of value focus on persuading an audience that something is “good or bad,” “right or wrong,” or “desirable or undesirable.” Propositions of policy advocate that something “should or shouldn't” be done.

What is a basic value proposition? ›

What is a value proposition? A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business.

What are the five steps needed to develop a value proposition? ›

Chambers, who advises entrepreneurs in Calgary, suggests following these five steps to create a value proposition that will supercharge your sales.
  • Define your ideal customers. ...
  • Match benefits to customer needs. ...
  • Be specific. ...
  • Be unique. ...
  • Test your value proposition.

What are the six competitive advantages? ›

There are six items that are considered very important to competitive advantage. They are: location, selection, service, quality, price, speed, and turnaround.

How do you write a competitive advantage in a business plan? ›

Business plan tips: how to identify your competitive advantage
  1. Identify your competitors. Start by making a list of your direct and indirect competitors. ...
  2. Find their strengths and weaknesses. Identify what your competitors are doing right. ...
  3. Figure out your “special ingredient”
Oct 23, 2017

What are the 4 C's of global competitive advantage? ›

Toward global competitive advantage: Creation, competition, cooperation, and co-option.

What is strongest competitive advantage? ›

The strongest competitive advantage is a strategy that that cannot be imitated by other companies. Competitive advantage can be also viewed as any activity that creates superior value above its rivals. A company wants the gap between perceived value and cost of the product to be greater than the competition.

What are the two major types of competitive advantage? ›

Types of Competitive Advantage. The major types of competitive advantages include: Cost competitive strategy. Focused differentiation strategy.

What is the value proposition of a strategy? ›

While the value chain focuses internally on operations, the value proposition is the element of strategy that looks outward at customers, at the demand side of the business. Strategy is fundamentally integrative, bringing the demand and supply sides together.

What is a value proposition for starting a business? ›

The value proposition is what defines the business model of your company, and explains how it will generate revenue and profit. It explains who your customers will be and why they will use your product. Investors won't look twice at a company that hasn't nailed the value proposition.

What is Apple's value proposition? ›

Value Proposition for Apple: Apple's value proposition is to provide premium, high-quality, innovative and user-friendly technology products and services that enrich the lives of its customers.

What is an example of a value proposition for yourself? ›

For example, you can say, “I am confident that I can increase brand awareness while cutting your marketing budget by at least 10%, as I did at Company X.” Emphasize value. Employers want to know what tangible results they will get by hiring you.

What should a value proposition answer? ›

It must answer three questions. What is your product or service? Who is the target customer? What value does your product or service provide?

What is the value proposition of McDonald's? ›

McDonalds: McDonald's value proposition was written by its founder Ken Croc: “McDonalds stands for friendliness, cleanliness, consistency, and convenience”. It's is this convenience or speed and the fact you always know what you're going to get which is McDonald's value proposition.

What is Dunkin Donuts value proposition? ›

Dunkin Donuts provides a competitive customer value proposition; as we mentioned earlier, the core business of Dunkin Donuts is providing Accessibility, Adaptability and Affordability (3As) to their target customers. In other words, the company satisfies customers' needs of convenience, rapidity, and economy.

What is Starbucks competitive advantage? ›

Starbucks has maintained its popularity through time by being flexible. It has been open to adapting to changing consumer tastes and preferences. Its flexibility is also a part of the reason that allowed it to succeed in the tough and primarily tea-drinking market of China.

What will you do to achieve your value proposition? ›

6 Ways to Improve Your Value Proposition
  • Know your target customer in detail. ...
  • Understand your business' strong point. ...
  • Tell how your product or service offers value. ...
  • Track the market to find out what competitors are doing. ...
  • Quantify your value. ...
  • Use interactive content to promote your value proposition.
Nov 20, 2020

What are two examples of proposition? ›

For example, "Grass is green", and "2 + 5 = 5" are propositions. The first proposition has the truth value of "true" and the second "false". But "Close the door", and "Is it hot outside ?"are not propositions.

What is a simple proposition example? ›

So, for example, in the sentence "It is possible that snow is green", we can find the simple sentence "Snow is green" and the operator "It is possible that".

What is a proposition given two examples? ›

A proposition is a declarative sentence that is either true or false (but not both). For instance, the following are propositions: “Paris is in France” (true), “London is in Denmark” (false), “2 < 4” (true), “4 = 7 (false)”.

What is the main value proposition to the customer? ›

What is a customer value proposition? A customer value proposition (CVP) is a statement that a company uses to convince a customer to purchase its products or services over others. Its purpose is to convince customers that this company's product provides more value than competitors' products.

How do you write a unique value proposition? ›

How do you write a unique value proposition?
  1. Define your target market. First, you need to figure out who your customers are. ...
  2. Explain why customers should buy from you instead of a competitor. ...
  3. Define the pain point your product or service solves. ...
  4. Connect to your company mission and what you stand for. ...
  5. Craft a single message.
Mar 8, 2023

What is another term for value proposition? ›

Another word for a value proposition is a benefit statement. A value proposition or brand statement promises what a product or service can do for the customer.

What is the value proposition? ›

What is a value proposition? A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business.

What is the main purpose of a value proposition? ›

What Is the Purpose of a Value Proposition? A value proposition is meant to convince stakeholders, investors, or customers that a company or its products or services are worthwhile. If the value proposition is weak or unconvincing it may be difficult to attract investment and consumer demand.

What is the difference between competitive advantage and unique selling proposition? ›

Is There A Difference Between Unique Selling Proposition And Competitive Advantage? Not really. A USP is a subset of a company's competitive advantage. This peculiar competitive advantage, known as the unique selling proposition, is a single feature that a brand decides to identify with.

What is Nike's customer value proposition? ›

Nike offers four primary value propositions: accessibility, innovation, customization, and brand/status. The company creates accessibility by offering a wide variety of options. It has acquired numerous footwear and apparel firms since its founding, including Converse and Hurley International.

What are the 5 different types of value propositions? ›

5 Value Proposition Categories
  • Productivity.
  • Profitability.
  • Image.
  • Experience.
  • Convenience.

What are the types of value proposition? ›

A “value proposition” can be classified into three types: All Benefits, Favorable Points of Difference, and Resonating Focus.

What are the core benefits of value proposition? ›

5 Benefits of a Strong Value Proposition
  • Provides the foundation for your offering. ...
  • Is a critical factor in conversion success. ...
  • Creates a strong differentiation between you and your competitors. ...
  • Increases not only the quantity but also the quality of prospective leads. ...
  • Helps your organisation internally.

Why is competitive advantage important? ›

The purpose of having a competitive advantage is to distinguish a company from its competitors by offering something different and of superior value to its customers. Competitive advantage also means the business can outperform its competition in the market and make a higher profit.

What are competitive advantages in business? ›

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than its rivals. These factors allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared to its market rivals.

What is Starbucks value proposition? ›

We make sure everything we do is through the lens of humanity—from our commitment to the highest-quality coffee in the world, to the way we engage with our customers and communities to do business responsibly.

What is Netflix customer value proposition? ›

Netflix's Value Propositions

Users can stream 24-7, minus the ads! View shows & movies in high-definition. Stream content conveniently anywhere without going to a DVD store or theatre. Get unlimited access to TV shows and movies.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.