I Want You to Want Me (2024)

Mike: If you wanted me to be your associate, why didn't you just ask?
Louis: Because you would've said no.
Mike: Louis, come on.
Louis: No, Mike. I know what people think of me, and I know what you think of me. I knew you'd remember all the bad things about working with me. [...] I remember you once said that my actions matter and that it's not water under the bridge. You've changed me. You make me want to be a better man.

Mike Ross and Louis Litt

I Want You to Want Me is the second episode of the third season of Suits and the 30th overall. It first aired on July 23, 2013.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Cast
    • 3.1 Main Cast
    • 3.2 Guest Cast
  • 4 Major/Highlighted Events
  • 5 Cultural References
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Goofs/Inconsistencies
  • 9 Gallery


Louis offers Mike a future-changing case; Harvey and Jessica work together to bring down an old nemesis.


Donna reacts to Harvey's plan of overthrowing Jessica as managing partner with shock, but nonetheless tells him that she will still support him in his plan if he is sure about his decision. Mike enters and tells Harvey and Donna that he has made sure Jessica can no longer blackmail him into doing anything, but is still met with contempt from them as Harvey tells him Jessica should have never been able to blackmail him anyway if he were loyal, and tells him to shut the door on his way out. Mike enters the bullpen with Rachel to see Louis giving his goodbye speech to the associates as he steps down from being head of the associates, with Louis leaving in tears after Mike helps complete his facsimile of the emotional complex from "Dead Poet's Society". As Louis returns to his office, he finds Jessica waiting for him. Jessica expresses her apologies that she does not have the means to reinstate his position, but comforts him by giving him a choice to mentor any associate of his choosing. Excited, Louis goes to see Donna to see if Harvey would be okay with Mike being his new associate. After an amusing conversation regarding Louis' senior prom, Harvey tells Louis that he can make Mike his new associate and promises will not regret giving him permission.

Jessica goes to see Cameron Davis to clarify that in their previous encounter, she was the one who went against him and Harvey didn't betray him. When Cameron is still upset about the matter, Jessica realizes he wasn't upset that Harvey might have betrayed him, but that ultimately when Harvey left the DA's office he chose Jessica over him. Cameron tells her that he resents that Harvey chose what Jessica stands for, someone who lets "bad guys do whatever they want" as opposes to him who puts them away. He then reaches for a disc which he hands to Jessica, claiming that it holds proof of Ava Hessington's guilt.

In his endeavor to convince Mike to become his new associate, Louis has taken him to a restaurant with amazing food and introduces him to the owner as a client. Louis explains to Mike that the restaurant is currently in the middle of an eminent domain case, and if they lose, this restaurant will be converted into a shopping center. Mike points out that eminent domain cases are infamously unwinnable, as Louis replies in the affirmative and expresses his view that this is an opportunity for them to rewrite the law, which Mike expresses his interest in.

Jessica returns to the firm and is met with Harvey who is infuriated that she went to see Cameron Dennis, as it painted the picture that Harvey cannot face Cameron by himself. Jessica clarifies that he is fighting Cameron WITH him and not for him, as the two agree to work together on the case. Jessica hands him the disk that Cameron gave to review. Together with Ava, they watch the footage on the disc, which shows Ava's second in charge showing a colonel a briefcase full of cash. As there is no audio on the disk, they clarify that if the audio did exist, it would not show either party explicitly mentioning anything about a bribe. Since this would not be enough evidence for Cameron to use, Harvey wonders if the colonel in the video would testify, but Jessica refutes this as the colonel is still a foreign leader and cannot be deposed. This leads them to the conclusion that Cameron instead has convinced Nick, Ava's second in charge and protégé to testify against her instead, confirmed when Nick refuses to answer Ava's call. Ava is furious at her protege's betrayal, and Harvey tells her he empathizes with her situation after Mike's betrayal. Ava suggests bribing Nick into not testifying, making Harvey realize that this was Cameron's endgame: he wants to catch them in the act of attempting to bribe Nick. Harvey goes to see Nick, who claims he did not initially want to testify, but believes he has no choice. After confirming that Nick does care about Ava, Harvey tells him that without his testimony Cameron does not have a case and that going through with betraying her would prove to be the biggest regret of his life.

Mike finds Louis in the library, who has been researching eminent domain cases since they returned. Several hours later, Mike is still researching for the case, as Rachel tells him it is possible that Louis is attempting to recruit him to become his new associate. As Mike expresses disbelief, Louis enters with a trolley of lavish food items, prompting Rachel to smile as it confirms her suspicions. Mike asks Louis how he managed to obtain all this food in the middle of the night, as Louis tells him that he is the firm's quartermaster and has the means to do so. Mike tells Louis of an idea he had from Money Ball that could be used in the case, although he fears it is outside the scope of the case. Louis is confident that Mike's idea can be used however, as long as they can trick the opposing counsel to bring it into the scope first. The next day they attempt to do so, but is still unable to overrule the judge's ruling. Undaunted, Louis tells Mike that this is not the time to be sorry, and takes Mike to his mudding treatment. Although uncomfortable, Mike obliges and is forced to enter his own tub of mud nude as Louis pointed out wearing his undergarments into the mud would mean not having them later. After settling into his tub, Mike asks Louis why he did not simply ask him to become his associate if he wanted him to. Louis replies that he is aware of how others see him, and wanted to remind him of the good that comes with working with him. Mike assures him that he remembers the good times he had with Louis, but unfortunately also the bad times, particularly when Louis fired someone in front of him on his first day just to scare him. Louis reassures Mike that since then, Mike has helped him change and want to become a better person. Their conversation inspires Mike of an idea on how to win the case, prompting Louis to stand up abruptly from his tub of mud while nude, as he refuses to "mix mudding with pleasure". They call for a meeting before the judge to point out that after a revised valuation, the restaurant is worth potentially 100 million dollars. The opposing counsel argues that this value cannot be guaranteed, but Louis points out that the opposing counsel's argument relies on a similar hypothetical, as the judge decides to give a ruling the next day. The following night, Louis goes to Mike's apartment to tell him the judge ruled in their favor, and tells Mike the difference between him and Harvey is that Harvey is only a lawyer as he likes to win, while Louis himself loves the law. Mike tells him he loves the law himself, but also loves wining, prompting Louis say he believes that Mike is half Harvey and also half like Louis, now that he has spent time as Harvey's associate it could now be time for Mike to see what it is like to be Louis' associate.

Meanwhile, Rachel attempts to warn Donna that Louis is attempting to have Mike become his new associate but she is already aware, and so is Harvey. Rachel asks if Donna would be willing to convince Harvey to change his mind, but Donna refuses as she is also of the opinion that Mike betrayed Harvey and should not be forgiven. Rachel tells Mike of their argument, prompting Mike to be upset as by asking Donna to help him with Harvey, it gives off the impression that he is weak, especially if it comes from Rachel. When she asks why it would be especially bad coming from her, Mike confesses that Harvey did not approve of their relationship. After further prompting, he also confesses that it was the initial reason they did not get together initially, as Mike did not want to have a relationship with Rachel without telling her the truth, something which Harvey forbid him form doing. Infuriated, Rachel expresses her contempt for Harvey, and after Mike attempts to defend him, she tells him Harvey is aware of Louis wanting Mike to become his new associate and gave his approval. Upset, Mike asks Harvey what it would take to be forgiven, but Harvey instead points out the numerous wrongdoings that Mike did while working for him and asks why he told Rachel. Mike tells him this was after Harvey fired him, and Rachel was the only person who was there for him. Thinking Harvey sent him to work with Louis as punishment, Mike tells him that he actually enjoys working with Louis and is considering becoming his accomplice. Harvey insists that he is in fact indifferent to Mike's situation, and could not care about Mike anymore as their relationship is now over.

Harvey goes to the roof to have a drink, as Jessica attempts to approach him. Realizing he is still resentful, Jessica gives him an analogy of how in every rift, both sides will be convinced that the other side started the problem. The two begin to argue about who began this rift between them, as Harvey asks her to tell the truth, to which she complies and admits that she didn't fight to get him on the Hessington case, Darby did, but she used it as an opportunity to reconcile with Harvey. He asks her if she would do it all again, as she changes the subject to the deposition with Cameron tomorrow. The next day, the two arrive with Ava at Cameron's office, as Cameron tells them that Ava's competitor has footage of her bribing the colonel, who in turn gave it to her shareholders who want to file a lawsuit against her. Cameron tells them Harvey's attempt to appeal to Nick sentimentally failed, and asks Jessica what she did to the person he mentored in the DA's office. Harvey comes to Jessica's defense that Cameron was never his mentor: only Jessica was. During the deposition, Nick gives his testimony on how he and Ava bribed a colonel. Harvey and Jessica instead, put in a new perspective: that Nick alone was responsible for bribing the colonel, and now that it has come to light, he is attempting to pass the blame to Ava. Cameron tells them this is irrelevant to the deposition, to which Harvey tells him this is a taste of what would happen in court if Nick were to testify, especially since Nick is unable to look at Ava without an expression of guilt. Later that night, Cameron goes to Harvey to tell him he will still manage to win in trial, before Harvey calls his bluff and Cameron admits that he is under orders to make a deal. Harvey tells him the only deal they will accept if it is only a fine with no admission of guilt, which Cameron reveals was the deal he was told to make with one adjustment at his prompting: Ava is to admit to being guilty of bribery, making it official that Cameron has still beaten Harvey. In Jessica's office, Harvey tells her he refuses to take the deal, something which Jessica suggests they do since it is practically the same deal with only a single technical change, something which Darby would consider to be acceptable. Harvey still refuses to take the deal, prompting Jessica to answer his earlier question: she would indeed do everything she has done again, even though it caused a rift between them. She also tells him they have already accepted the deal, behind his back.

Rachel confronts Donna about Harvey forbidding Mike from telling her, as Donna tries to explain it was for Rachel's protection as well. Rachel expresses disbelief, since Harvey hardly knows who she is as if he did, he would know she would never tell anyone Mike's secret. Donna then tells her that if she wanted to be angry at Harvey for his decision, she should be mad at her too since she also told Mike the same thing: specifically that Mike should have gotten over Rachel, even after Rachel had told her then about her feelings for Mike. Rachel accuses Donna of choosing Harvey over her, which she confirms, but insists that it is part of her job, prompting Rachel to comment how everyone cares about their job but have no life, something she implies is inclusive of Donna, prompting the latter to walk out of the room. Later that night, Mike goes to Rachel's apartment where they both apologize for their earlier argument. Mike tells her that Louis has asked him to become his new associate, and they spend the night together.

The next day, Ava signs the deal as Harvey assures her that this is a good deal. She tells him she is aware it is, her only hesitation being that she will be returning to London without her protégé . When Harvey points out that Nick betrayed her, she points out however that Nick did not do so for personal gain, but because he had no other choice. As Harvey insists a betrayal is still a betrayal, she replies that regardless of his betrayal, she will still miss her protégé. After she leaves, Donna enters to confirm if Harvey is still going through with overthrowing Jessica, something which he replies in the affirmative since she confirmed that she does not regret her actions. Donna then suggests that since the entire blame is on Jessica, perhaps they should consider forgiving Mike.

Mike enters Louis' office to accept his offer of becoming his new associate, and the two begin quoting from the Jerry Maguire movie. Louis excitedly tells him that he has already prepared something to celebrate this and rushes out of his office. After Louis leaves, Harvey enters and quotes the movie with Mike as well, to show he has forgiven him. As Mike tells him he cannot go back on his word to Louis, Harvey tells him it would not be going back on his word, just going back to where he belongs: as Harvey's associate. Harvey tells Mike to take the night off to celebrate with Rachel, unaware that Louis is outside the office holding a cake. Realizing that Mike will not be his associate, Louis quietly leaves and throws the cake into the trash, the cake revealed to have icing which reads: Welcome to Team Litt.


Main Cast

Guest Cast

Major/Highlighted Events

  • Louis receives Harvey's blessing to have Mike as his own associate, and they work together on winning an eminent domain case. Harvey, who has been unwilling to forgive Mike for his betrayal, is informed by Donna that if Harvey is blaming Jessica for the merger, then he should forgive Mike. As Louis decides to make his mentorship with Mike official, Harvey swoops in to reclaim Mike as his associate, and Mike accepts.
  • Harvey represents Ava Hessington in her bribery charge, clashing against special prosecutor Cameron Dennis. Ava's pipeline in an African nation was built after bribing the foreign government, and Dennis has video footage of the bribe, although it lacks audio. Despite Dennis' insistence on going to trial, his superiors demand a deal, and Dennis amends it; Hessington Oil pays a $50,000,000 fine although Ava is convicted guilty of bribing a foreign official; the prison sentence is waived, and Ava accepts the deal.

Cultural References


  • Goddamn Counter: 0
  • As of this episode, the background music playing during the credits has changed.


  • Donna tells Rachel that she was aiding Mike with covering his secret for the past year; however, Donna discovered Mike's secret in "Pilot", which took place in 2011, while this episode, given the timeline established thus far, takes place in 2013.


Louis: Good morning, Ms. Paulsen.
Donna: Spit it out.
Louis: Is that any way to start the day?
Donna: You want something.
Louis: I need the 411 on the breakup.
Donna: Are we in high school?
Louis: Life is high school. And I need to know if the prom king and his boy wonder are still an item.
Donna: What high school did you go to?
Louis: Donna, it's a simple question. Did Mike and Harvey break up break up, or did they take a time-out and, like, say to each other, "Hey, let's see other people and make sure that we're sure."

Harvey: Well, let me get this straight. You want my permission to take Mike and force him to be your associate.
Louis: No, I would never force him to do anything. It has to be consensual. Not like Sally Jones and senior prom.
Harvey: Wait a second. Did you just admit to a crime?
Louis: No, a crime was committed upon me.
Harvey: Okay, I don't want to, but I have to. What crime?
Louis: My mom felt bad for Sally, so she forced me to take her.
Harvey: Well, what was so bad about her?
Louis: She had four nipples.
Harvey: Okay, if that date was so bad... [laughs] I mean, how did you find that out?

Ava: That disloyal piece of filth.
Harvey: Believe me, I know how you feel.
Ava: Do you? Because I've heard you prefer to work alone. Well, I don't. I may have been above him when we started, but for the last two years, we worked together side by side. I'm not a sentimental person, but it meant something to me, and I thought it meant something to him.

Rachel: Hi, Donna. I love your dress.
Donna: And I love when you compliment me before you ask for something.
Rachel: You're so insightful. Look, I know we said Harvey and Mike's problem isn't our problem, but Louis is stealing Mike.
Donna: It's not stealing when someone's available for the taking.
Rachel: You knew?
Donna: When do I not know? Louis asked for Harvey's blessing with Mike, and he gave it.
Rachel: Why didn't you tell me?
Donna: Because we agreed that their problem isn't our problem.
Rachel: I know. But Harvey doesn't really want this.
Donna: And you know that because?
Rachel: Because he can't. Look, he needs you to do your Donna thing and help him get over it.
Donna: Harvey listens to me because I tell him what I believe.
Rachel: What do you believe?
Donna: That Mike betrayed Harvey.
Rachel: Mike was blackmailed.
Donna: And then he betrayed Harvey.
Rachel: Donna, how can you–
Donna: How can I what? I just spent the last year hiding your boyfriend's double life. I'd say I'm a pretty understanding person. But what I don't understand is when someone takes loyalty like that, and they throw it in the garbage. Would you like me to say that to Harvey?
Rachel: Sorry I asked. Won't happen again.

Mike: You went to Donna about me and Louis?
Rachel: I thought she could help.
Mike: You what?
Rachel: I thought if she knew, she'd go to Harvey, and they'd just put an end to it.
Mike: Someone butting in and telling him what to do is only going to push him further away.
Rachel: I didn't tell him what to do. I went to Donna.
Mike: If Donna tells him, all it says is that I'm too weak to fight my own battles. God, if it's coming from you, that makes it so much worse.
Rachel: Why? What?
Mike: Harvey forbid me to tell you anything.
Rachel: You and Harvey talked about me?
Mike: After we went out, I went to him, I said I wanted to tell you–
Rachel: And he said I wasn't trustworthy.
Mike: It's not that.
Rachel: He didn't want you to go out with me.
Mike: No, it's not that either. He didn't have a problem with us going out, he–
Rachel: Oh, so it's okay if you screwed me so long as you lied.
Mike: Rachel...
Rachel: Oh, my God. That's why you cut things off with me.
Mike: I didn't want to lie to you.
Rachel: I can't believe him.
Mike: Rachel, he didn't just risk everything he had for me once. When Jessica found out, he put everything he had on the line for me again.
Rachel: I hope you know as you stand here defending him, he has no intention of ever forgiving you. Because I found out when Louis asked Harvey for his blessing, he said, "Take him. He's all yours." So instead of getting mad at me for trying to get Harvey to forgive you, maybe you should get pissed at Harvey and think about moving on.

Mike: What the hell is wrong with you? I said I was sorry, I gave back the office, I helped you with your case, I even blackmailed Jessica. Harvey, I get that you are pissed off at me, but eventually, you are going to have to forgive me.
Harvey: Forgive you for what, making me hire Katrina? Getting high on the job your first week? Betraying me with Jessica? Or for telling Rachel about your secret?
Mike: You cut me loose. Okay? You fired me. I was at my lowest point. She was there for me. She's still there for me.
Harvey: Congratulations. I hope you two are happy together.
Mike: So you're gonna punish me by giving me to Louis? Well, let me tell you something. It failed. I actually like working for Louis. He makes me feel like I'm working with him, not for him.
Harvey: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Because I didn't give you to Louis as punishment, I gave you to Louis because you and I are done.
Mike: Harvey, I regret what I did. But I'm telling you right now, you're gonna regret this.
Harvey: Maybe you didn't hear me. I said you and I... We're done.

Donna: Do you have a second? I want to talk to you about how we left things.
Rachel: I don't know, did you run it by Harvey first?
Donna: What?
Rachel: I understand that he has final say on who his employees fraternize with.
Donna: Look. Harvey wasn't just trying to protect himself, Mike, Jessica, and me. He was also trying to protect you.
Rachel: Right, my protection's at the top of Harvey's agenda. He barely knows who I am.
Donna: Rachel–
Rachel: And if he did know me, he would know that I would never tell anyone.
Donna: Okay, look. You want to be mad at Harvey, fine. But you might as well be mad at me, because I told Mike the same thing.
Rachel: What?
Donna: I dragged Mike into Harvey's office, and I told him that Harvey was right.
Rachel: That Mike should lie to me?
Donna: No. I told him that he should get over you.
Rachel: Was that before or after I came to you and told you that I kissed him and that I called him and told him how I felt?
Donna: It was after.
Rachel: You told him not to be with me, and then you let me think that he didn't care about me.
Donna: No, I told him what I thought, and then I tried to help you move on because their truth wasn't mine to tell you.
Rachel: I thought you were my friend.
Donna: I am.
Rachel: You cared more about protecting Harvey than protecting me.
Donna: Yes, Rachel! That's my job!
Rachel: I get that everyone's jobs are important. This wasn't about a job for me. It was about having a life. But I guess you wouldn't understand that.

Mike: Sorry.
Rachel: Me too.
Mike: You were just trying to help me.
Rachel: Yeah, but I shouldn't have said something I knew would hurt you just to end an argument.
Mike: I don't want to keep secrets from you.
Rachel: You don't have to.
Mike: So Louis asked me.
Rachel: And what did you say?
Mike: I told him I needed some time to think about it, and then I came straight here.
Rachel: So you're really just apologizing because you need my advice.
Mike: Well, I also want sex.
Rachel: You can have one or the other
Mike: I really don't need any advice.


I Want You to Want Me (1)

I Want You to Want Me (2024)
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