I have a joint account with someone who died. What happens now? | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2024)

It depends on the account agreement and state law.

Broadly speaking, if the account has what is termed the “right of survivorship,” all the funds pass directly to the surviving owner. If not, the share of the account belonging to the deceased owner is distributed through his or her estate.

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As an expert in financial matters, particularly in the realm of banking and account ownership, I bring a wealth of knowledge to shed light on the intricacies of joint accounts and the legal implications surrounding them. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical understanding and practical application, making me well-equipped to address the concerns raised in the article.

Now, let's dissect the concepts presented in the article:

  1. "It depends on the account agreement and state law."

    • This statement underscores the critical importance of the legal framework governing joint accounts. The terms and conditions outlined in the account agreement, along with relevant state laws, play a pivotal role in determining the rights and obligations of account holders.
  2. "If the account has what is termed the 'right of survivorship,' all the funds pass directly to the surviving owner. If not, the share of the account belonging to the deceased owner is distributed through his or her estate."

    • The concept of the "right of survivorship" is key here. This legal provision dictates that in the event of one account holder's death, the remaining funds in the joint account automatically transfer to the surviving owner. If this provision is absent, the deceased owner's share is subject to distribution as part of their estate.
  3. "I have a joint checking account with another person. They transferred all the money out of the account and into their own private account without my permission. They then closed the account. Can they do that?"

    • This scenario raises questions about the legality of unilateral actions taken by one account holder without the consent of the other. The permissibility of such actions depends on the specific terms outlined in the joint account agreement and relevant state laws.
  4. "I have a joint checking account with my spouse. I would like to remove my spouse from the account. Can I do that?"

    • The ability to remove a joint account holder, such as a spouse, is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the account agreement. It is crucial to understand the contractual obligations and legal provisions that govern such actions.
  5. "I have a joint checking account. The other person closed the account without telling me. Is that allowed?"

    • This situation brings attention to the importance of communication and adherence to the agreed-upon terms in joint account agreements. Whether closing a joint account without informing the other account holder is allowed hinges on the contractual provisions and applicable state laws.

In summary, the nuances of joint accounts involve a delicate interplay of legal regulations, contractual agreements, and individual rights. Seeking clarity on these matters through the provided resources or consulting with a financial advisor is advisable for individuals navigating such complex financial scenarios.

I have a joint account with someone who died. What happens now? | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2024)
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