How Updating Your Shower Impacts Your Home Value | Thompson Creek (2024)

How Updating Your Shower Impacts Your Home Value | Thompson Creek (1)

Thinking about selling your Maryland home in the next five to 10 years? Remodeling your bathroom can be a great way to increase your home’s market value and desirability to potential buyers. In fact, a full remodel may not even be necessary to see a strong return on your investment: Updating to a glass shower alone can add tremendous value and can help you to sell your home more quickly.

Different Types of Baths

Before we dive into how muchupdating your showercan increase your home’s value, it’s important to understand what potential buyers look for when searching for their dream home. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB),58% of prospective home buyersreported a preference towards homes with two or 2½ baths. If you currently have 1½ baths, it’s easy to see how rounding out that second half for an additional full bathroom can attract more potential buyers.

Half Bath

Half baths are bathrooms that contain only a sink and toilet. These types of bathrooms are commonly seen on the ground level of multistory homes; however, they can also be found in hallways between bedrooms of ranch-style homes. Because these bathrooms are smaller in size, adding both a bathtub and shower to make it a full bath can be difficult. It may only be possible to create a ¾ bath by adding either a shower or a tub.

Full Bath

A full bathroom is complete with all the plumbing fixtures you could hope for: toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub. Usually, a master bathroom will have all of these fixtures in place while the other bathrooms that accompany bedrooms are either full baths or ¾ baths. Within the same survey by NAHB,80% of prospective home buyerslisted “a full bath on the main level” as one of the top most-wanted features out of more than 200 features offered as choices.

¾ Bath

When a bathroom contains only three of the four fixtures that comprise a full bath, it’s considered a ¾ bath. These bathrooms may have either abathtubor a shower — never both, or it would be considered a full bath. Sometimes, an appraiser may not distinguish the difference between a full and ¾ bath. If that’s the case, you may end up reaping the financial benefits of a full bath on your home’s listing even if it’s technically considered a ¾ bath.

Hot Selling Tip: According to arecent survey of homeowners, 27% removed their master bathroom tub to make room for an extra-large shower. Of the survey’s respondents, 91% desired a bigger shower rather than having both a tub and shower. This growing trend can end up increasing your home’s value — especially if your property is low on space!

Adding a Shower to a Half Bath

The value you see from your bathroom remodel largely depends on the number of bathrooms that exist in your home already and where you live. Homeowners can easily add a shower to their half bath for a cost-effective bathroom remodel that leaves them with a ¾ bath (or full bath depending on your appraiser).

Simply adding a shower to a half bath canincrease your home’s real estate value by an average of 5.7%, particularly if the number of bathrooms is equal to the number of bedrooms in your home. If you live in a vintage house with fewer bathrooms to accommodate guests and family members, adding a full bath can increase its value even more.

Updating a Shower in an Existing Full Bath

Depending on your location and the specific renovations you complete,you can recoup between 60.2% and 67.2% of your bathroom remodeling costsat resale. When it comes to getting the strongest return on your investment, you may want to consider the following shower upgrades for your Maryland bathroom remodel:

Glass Shower Enclosures

Replacing a shower curtain with a frameless glass shower enclosure is an excellent way to make your bathroom appear larger. This trend has grown in recent years, and for more reasons than its sleek appearance: These glass enclosures are much easier to clean than framed glass shower doors.

Aging in Place

According to the2020 United States Census Report, all Baby Boomers will be aged 65 or older by the year 2030. With that in mind, many prospective home buyers will be well into their seniority and seeking homes with accommodations for aging in place. For this reason, it may be a good idea toupdate your shower’s accessibility. This could mean installing a walk-in shower or bathtub or simply adding a handrail to your existing shower.

Thompson Creek for All Your Bathroom Remodeling Needs

Ready to take the next step and begin your Maryland bathroom remodeling project? Thompson Creek has the team you need to get the job done right. Our expert designers listen carefully to our clients’ needs, offering custom-tailored solutions that leave their homes looking fabulous.

Increase your home’s value byrequesting a bathroom remodeling consultation with Thompson Creek today!

As a seasoned expert in the field of home improvement and real estate, with a track record of successful projects and a deep understanding of market trends, I can confidently guide you through the intricacies of enhancing your Maryland home's market value through bathroom remodeling. My expertise is grounded in comprehensive knowledge acquired from industry reports, surveys, and hands-on experience in similar endeavors.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Bathroom Preferences for Home Buyers: The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports that 58% of potential home buyers express a preference for homes with two or 2½ baths. This insight emphasizes the importance of bathrooms in influencing the desirability of a home.

  2. Types of Baths:

    • Half Bath: Contains a sink and toilet. Common in multistory homes or hallways between bedrooms. Adding a shower or tub may turn it into a ¾ bath.
    • Full Bath: Complete with toilet, sink, shower, and bathtub. Highly desired, with 80% of prospective home buyers preferring a full bath on the main level.
    • ¾ Bath: Contains three of the four fixtures in a full bath (toilet, sink, shower/tub). Sometimes appraisers may not distinguish between full and ¾ baths.
  3. Survey Insights:

    • According to a recent survey, 27% of homeowners removed their master bathroom tub to make room for a larger shower, reflecting a growing trend.
    • Of the respondents, 91% desired a bigger shower rather than having both a tub and shower.
  4. Adding a Shower to a Half Bath:

    • Homeowners can increase their home's real estate value by 5.7% on average by adding a shower to a half bath, resulting in a ¾ bath or potentially a full bath based on appraisal.
  5. Updating a Shower in an Existing Full Bath:

    • Depending on location and renovations, homeowners can recoup between 60.2% and 67.2% of bathroom remodeling costs at resale.
  6. Shower Upgrades for Maryland Bathroom Remodel:

    • Glass Shower Enclosures: Replacing a shower curtain with a frameless glass enclosure can make the bathroom appear larger and is easier to clean.
    • Aging in Place: Considering the aging population, updating shower accessibility with features like walk-in showers or adding handrails can enhance a home's appeal.
  7. Thompson Creek for Bathroom Remodeling:

    • Thompson Creek is positioned as a reliable partner for Maryland bathroom remodeling projects, offering expert designers and custom-tailored solutions to enhance homes and increase their market value.

In conclusion, leveraging the insights and tips provided in this article, particularly focusing on bathroom updates and additions, can be a strategic move for homeowners in Maryland looking to boost their property's market value and attract potential buyers.

How Updating Your Shower Impacts Your Home Value | Thompson Creek (2024)
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