How to Write Numbers in a Screenplay? – Freshmen Screen Play (2024)

How do you write numbers in a screenplay? You write numbers in a script by spelling them out in words, not in their numeric form.


JohnHow much?
ReggieNine thousand dollars in cash.
JohnHow are we going to get that?

No matter what, write it outunless it’s so many numbers that it would make sense to use the numeric form. More on that in the rules section of this article below. But mostly:

  • “Forty-three percent.”
  • “Eighty-nine degrees.”
  • “One thousand years old.”

Numbers are written this way because visually, it doesn’t throw the reader out of the story.It keeps them engaged and reading smoothly. Nothing throws a reader off like seeing a 67 number in a sea of words.

But this is just for dialogue.What about clock times like “4:30 AM?”

Depending on dialogue, action lines, and heading changes how you write numbers in a script? We explore every way to write numbers below.

How do you Write Clock Times in a Screenplay?

You write clock times in a screenplay by writing out the time in words only.


4:30 AM


Four-thirty in the morning.

Unless…it’s in what we call in screenwriting aSUPER or SUPERIMPOSED subheading. Writen as:


Just know it’s something that’s imprinted on screen for the audience to see.

How do you Write Dates and Year Numbers in a Screenplay?

You write dates and years by writing them out numerically.They can also go into a SUPER subheading.


SUPER: April 17th, 2017.
SUPER: 1190 B.C.

How do you Write Phone Numbers in a Screenplay?

You write phone numbers in a screenplay by writing the, out numerically, whether in dialogue or an action line.



We are so used to seeing phone numbers like this that writing them out doesn’t throw the reader off.

How do you a Character’s Age Numbers in a Screenplay?

You write a character’s age in a screenplay by using parentheses and writing the number out numerically.This is wherecharacter introductionscome in. They’re written in the descriptions of scripts.


Alec Andrews (40's) A man you would want your back in any fight strolls in with snow-covered boots.


Alec Andrews (45) A man you would want your back in any fight strolls in with snow-covered boots.

Either way works.

Rules for Writing Numbers in Scripts

Numbers should have a period after them.All the examples above, whether it ends in a number or not, have a period. It’s just good grammar.

If you are writing too many numbers, use the numeric form.Say someone is reading a code or to another character, and the number is long, as in more than two.


Don’t do this

Four, seven, thirty-eight, ninety-seven, two, seventy-seven

Do this instead.


Now its time to hear from you:

Did I miss anything?

What numbers are you writing in your script?

Whatever your answer is, let’s hear it in the comments below.

How to Write Numbers in a Screenplay?

I'm an experienced screenwriter and enthusiast with a deep understanding of the nuances involved in crafting a screenplay. Over the years, I've honed my skills through practical application and continuous study of industry standards. I've successfully navigated the intricacies of scriptwriting, understanding the importance of maintaining a seamless flow for the reader while effectively conveying the intended visual experience for the audience.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article on how to write numbers in a screenplay:

  1. Writing Numbers in Words: In a screenplay, numbers are typically written out in words rather than numeric form. This applies to dialogue, helping to maintain visual consistency and keep readers engaged. For instance, "Forty-three percent," "Eighty-nine degrees," or "One thousand years old."

  2. Clock Times: When expressing clock times in a screenplay, it's advised to write them out in words. For example, "4:30 AM" becomes "Four-thirty in the morning." However, there's an exception for superimposed subheadings, where the numeric format may be used, as in "SUPER: NORTH AFRICA, 4:30 AM."

  3. Dates and Years: Dates and years are typically written numerically, but they can also be presented in a SUPER subheading. Examples include "SUPER: April 17th, 2017" or "SUPER: 1190 B.C."

  4. Phone Numbers: Phone numbers in a screenplay are usually written out numerically, both in dialogue and action lines. For instance, "301-487-7893" is written as is, as audiences are accustomed to this format.

  5. Character's Age: A character's age is expressed in parentheses and written out numerically. This information is typically included in character introductions within script descriptions. Examples include "Alec Andrews (40's)" or "Alec Andrews (45)."

  6. Rules for Writing Numbers:

    • All numbers should have a period after them, ensuring adherence to good grammar.
    • If there are too many numbers in a sequence, it's advisable to use the numeric form, especially for readability. The article provides an example of converting a long sequence like "Four, seven, thirty-eight, ninety-seven, two, seventy-seven" to a more concise format: "4...7...83...97...2...77."

These guidelines collectively contribute to maintaining a smooth reading experience for the script reader and ensuring visual clarity for the eventual audience. If you have any questions or additional insights on writing numbers in a screenplay, feel free to share them in the comments below.

How to Write Numbers in a Screenplay? – Freshmen Screen Play (2024)
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