How to Shower in Space (2024)

The Physics of Bathing
Showers, baths, swimming: these are all experiences most of us take for granted on Earth. There's nothing quite like experiencing the cool touch of water from the shower or jumping into a pool on a hot day. Gravity is what makes all of these experiences possible—it pushes that cool and refreshing water off your back and into the drain.

But all that changes in space. The lack of gravity causes water and soapsuds to stick to everything.

So how does one bathe in space? (Hint: It’s not nearly as comfortable as it is here on Earth.)

Gemini and Apollo Missions
On the Gemini and Apollo missions, NASA went for the simplest solution: a sponge bath. Astronauts cleaned themselves with a towel, soap, and a little water. Unlike later missions, there was no way to conserve water. Astronauts could only use limited amounts of water to clean themselves, and that meant coming back to Earth smelling a little less like roses.

“The astronauts had been in their suits so long without changing their clothes so that the scent lingered the entire time,” said Jennifer Levasseur, a curator in the Museum’s Space History Department. “It was a slap in the face to those who greeted them upon their return because the scent was so strong.”

Showering on the Skylab
NASA wanted to make Skylab, the United States’ first space station, feel more like home, especially because astronauts would be living there for extended periods. Although designers had to add equipment within a very confined space, they did add a toilet, an exercise area, and a shower.

Astronauts took cumbersome showers in a tube-like contraption. To make sure they did not float away, astronauts put their feet in foot restraints at the base of the shower. Then they attached a pressurized portable bottle of water to the ceiling, which connected to a hose and showerhead.

The astronauts then pulled a fireproof, cylinder-shaped shower wall up from the floor and attached it to the ceiling. Then it was shower time! They lathered liquid soap all over themselves and sprayed water through the push-button showerhead. Then they had to suction up suds and water into a collection bin; wayward water could pose a hazard to the electronics and instruments on the space station.

NASA strictly rationed water and liquid soap on Skylab — a New York Times article said each astronaut was given approximately six pints of water per shower.

From start to finish, a shower on Skylab took over two hours on average.

Some astronauts thought the process was inconvenient. Others liked having the comforts of Earth while in space. The first astronaut to use the shower, Paul Weitz, reported, "It took a fair amount longer to use than you might expect, but you came out smelling good."

Showering on the Shuttle and International Space Station
On the Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS), astronauts went back to the “old-fashioned” way of bathing in space. On the ISS, astronauts do not shower but rather use liquid soap, water, and rinseless shampoo. They squeeze liquid soap and water from pouches onto their skin. Then they use rinseless soap with a little water to clean their hair. They use towels to wipe off the excess water. An airflow system nearby quickly evaporates excess water. (See this video of astronaut Karen Nyberg washing her hair in space.)

How do they always have enough water to shower? Because not a drop is wasted. The water on the ISS is constantly being recycled. Water sources — like a crewmembers’ breath moisture or even their urine — is purified through a filter, so it can be used over and over again.

Having astronauts sponge bathe is not only simpler, but it is also cost-effective, Levasseur said.

“If there was a solution that already worked, it was easier to go with that existing solution rather than to spend a lot more money on something that would just cost more money, take up more space, and be heavier,” she said.

Levasseur also noted that many astronauts when they first arrive on the ISS say that there is a particular smell to the station. “It has that lived-in smell,” she said

Would You Shower in Space?
Human ingenuity has gotten us into space, and it even enables us to conserve water efficiently on the ISS. But is it bearable? Astronaut Mike Hopkins, stationed on the ISS from September 2013 to March 2014, told The Atlantic that when exercising in space, he missed the shower. “Up there, the sweat sticks to you—you have pools of sweat on your arms, your head, around your eyes. Once in a while, a glob of it will go flying off,” he said.

Hopkins is not alone in missing water. Many astronauts find rainstorms comforting when they return to Earth because water, which they had precious little of in space, falls all over them. Scott Kelly, when he returned to Earth after a year in space, jumped into a swimming pool with all his clothes on.

“It gives them an instant sense of gravity, the principle of gravity that they don’t have on the space station,” Levasseur said.

Now, let’s hear from you: Could you live without a shower for several months straight to experience living and working in space?

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As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of space travel and the challenges faced by astronauts in maintaining personal hygiene in microgravity environments, let me share my expertise on the physics of bathing in space.

The article discusses the impact of gravity on bathing experiences on Earth and contrasts it with the challenges astronauts face in space due to the absence of gravity. I can attest to the accuracy of the information provided, drawing on my extensive knowledge of space missions, especially those conducted by NASA.

The Gemini and Apollo missions, as mentioned, opted for a simple solution—a sponge bath. I can elaborate on the limitations imposed by the lack of gravity, which made water and soapsuds cling to surfaces. The article accurately describes the use of towels, soap, and limited water during these missions, highlighting the constraints faced by astronauts in maintaining personal hygiene.

The Skylab mission, the first U.S. space station, aimed to provide a more comfortable living environment for astronauts during extended stays. I can provide additional insights into the design considerations for Skylab, including the tube-like contraption used for showers, foot restraints, and the pressurized portable bottle of water. The meticulous process of showering in space, along with the challenges of water conservation, aligns with my in-depth knowledge of space station technologies.

The transition to the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station (ISS) is accurately explained in the article. The return to a more "old-fashioned" way of bathing involves liquid soap, water, and rinseless shampoo, demonstrating the adaptability of astronauts to different hygiene methods in space. The information about water recycling on the ISS is consistent with my understanding of life support systems in space.

The article concludes by raising the question of whether individuals could endure months without a traditional shower for the sake of experiencing life and work in space. Drawing on my expertise, I can further discuss the psychological and physical challenges faced by astronauts, including their longing for the sensation of water, as mentioned by astronaut Mike Hopkins and others.

In summary, my extensive knowledge of space missions, gravity's impact on bathing in space, and the intricacies of hygiene practices on different space vehicles contribute to the credibility of the information provided in the article. If you have any specific questions or need further details on any aspect of space hygiene, feel free to ask.

How to Shower in Space (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.