How to Save Money on Backpacking (2024)




How to Save Money on Backpacking (2)

Whether you’re new to backpacking or an experienced backpacker, there’s one thing to remember about backing. What is that? You make the rules. First, you have to make a list and do the important things such as pick the country you want to visit and have money left over for your next adventure.

No matter whether you’re on a budget or wealthy, you’re trying to save money for your future, house or retirement. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy an incredible, exciting backpacking trip. The first thing you must do is balance finding ways to save money and plan an adventurous backpacking trip. Here are 10 tips to plan a backpacking trip, have a trip of a lifetime and save money in the process.

Planning Your Backpacking Trip

In the planning stages of your backpacking trip, you narrow down the country you want to visit and the time of year you want to go. Once you know these things, it’s important to do the following:

1. Do Research to Avoid Tourist Traps

You can do this during your trip by watching where the locals eat. However, it’s best to do some online research about tourist traps. These are places that just want your money. Make list about free walking tours, parks to visit and attractions that have great deals such as discount days. If you’re willing to wait, you can get some great discounts on park passes and gift cards during December.

2. Find a Backpacking Group to Join

A solo backpacking trip is such a freeing experience. You are one with the earth and can just do what you want. However, traveling with a backpacking group can save you a lot of money because you’re sharing various duties. If you’re a good cook, you may choose that duty. If you want to enjoy the backpacking trip, but hate planning the tiny details, let someone else in the group do it. Yes, sometimes a backpacking group complicates things because you may have to compromise, but don’t let that scare you from saving money. Remember, you can always spend some time solo backpacking, then meet back with your group later.

3. Book a Hostel with a Kitchen

You can camp while backpacking, you may not want to spend all your time in the outdoors. Many backpackers don’t know this, but there are hundreds of hostels across the globe for backpackers. The best backpacker-friendly hostels offer a communal kitchen and free breakfast. Making food on the trip will save a lot of money.

4. Take Snacks on Your Trip

Speaking of food, take snacks with you. Snacks seem like too much to carry around on a backpacking trip, but it’s worth it. Between meals and rest, snacks keep your energy levels high. It’s better to buy them before the trip than when they are experiencing. Many of the cheapest countries you visit will increase the price on the stack.

5. Invest in a Train Pass

In many countries, you can pre-purchase train passes. This means you can travel all over the country without worry about the cost. Train-hopping is always a great way to sightsee during your backpacking trip.

6. Pack Light

Backpacking requires packing light. Leave the stuff you don’t need behind and that is too valuable to take with you like your watch. Taking sentimental stuff is troublesome because it could get lost. Remember to only pack things that you can replace if lost. This will save money on any additional luggage fees when flying.

During Your Trip

When you are having fun on your trip, remember these tips:

7. Camp Out at Least Once

Camping is one of the best parts of backpacking. There are plenty of comfortable campgrounds around the country that won’t drain your wallet. So, you may want to take a tent along with you.

8. Walk Where You Want to Go

Cabs are convenient. However, they are also super expensive because of tripping the driver and the mileage costs. Unfortunately, some driver will take the scenic route to increase your fare. So if you can, walk or take public transit where you want to go.

9. Watch Out for Pickpockets

Pickpockets and scam artists are everywhere. They can spot a tourist mile away. Thus, keep your money save by wearing clothing with hidden pockets.

10. Visit a Liquor Store

This tip sounds odd, and it is. Local businesses make a lot of money off tourists. These businesses include nightclubs and bars. Tourists are often overcharged at these places. If you drink, it’s better to do it by buying liquor at the store. Also, check public restrictions before your trip. You may want to avoid drinking at all and make friends at the hostel or campground.

When you want to backpack and save money, focus on these 10 tips to help you. You’ll have money in your pocket and a great time backpacking.

How to Save Money on Backpacking (2024)


How to Save Money on Backpacking? ›

Pack Weight for Backpacking and Hiking

A loaded backpacking pack should not weigh more than about 20 percent of your body weight. (If you weigh 150 pounds, your pack should not exceed 30 pounds for backpacking.) A loaded day hiking pack should not weigh more than about 10 percent of your body weight.

What is the 20% rule for backpacking? ›

Pack Weight for Backpacking and Hiking

A loaded backpacking pack should not weigh more than about 20 percent of your body weight. (If you weigh 150 pounds, your pack should not exceed 30 pounds for backpacking.) A loaded day hiking pack should not weigh more than about 10 percent of your body weight.

How much money do you need to save to go backpacking? ›

Teaming up with another backpacker can save lots of money on hostels. As an approximate guide, I generally allow about $2,000 (£1,000 / €1,500) a month when backpacking around the world. Cities tend to be the most expensive places to stay so allow more if you are spending more than a few days in major cities.

How much money do you need to be a backpacker? ›

We set a budget of $50 USD per day, per person, including everything (accommodation, transport, food, attractions…) and managed to stick to the budget throughout the entire year. Some days we spent a little more, so the other day we tightened up to keep the balance.

How do people make money while backpacking? ›

Offer your services at hostels

You could also offer to organize events, teach yoga, cook meals or even give massages. Again, use the talents you have to your advantage and make some money while getting to know new people and enhancing other people's travel experiences as well as your own!

Is 50 pounds too heavy for backpacking? ›

If you are thru-hiking or hiking for weeks, then yes, 50 lbs is too heavy. 50 lbs puts a lot more strain on your knees and joints. It slows you down. Most long distance hikers try for 30–40 lbs.

What is the hikers rule? ›

Generally, hikers going uphill have the right of way, as they may have a limited ability to stop easily and need to maintain their momentum. Always be prepared to step aside or pause to let others pass safely.

Is 35 too old to go backpacking? ›

Well first off if you have the money, time, and urge to go, then go. I have met backpackers well through their 30's and into their 40's accross the world.

How much does 3 days of food weigh backpacking? ›

If you are a big person doing lots of miles, then that will be closer to 2 pounds per day. If you are a small person and if your total pack weight is not excessive, then you may get the food weight around 1.3 pounds per day. If you make poor choices for food, then add 50% more weight.

What is a good distance for a first backpacking trip? ›

As an experienced backpacker planning trips with beginners, overplanning mileage is one of my most common mistakes. If you are a beginner or backpacking with beginners I would suggest planning around 5-7 miles for a full day on trail.

What is the average age of backpackers? ›

The average age of a backpacker in 2013 was 25 years old, but in 2016 this has risen to 32 years old. The average duration of a trip has also dropped, from 217 days in 2013 to only 179 days in 2016.

Do backpackers hook up a lot? ›

Do backpackers hook up a lot? Backpackers often have a more adventurous and open-minded approach to travel, which can lead to more opportunities for casual encounters.

Is backpacking an expensive hobby? ›

One of the great things about backpacking is that going out into the backcountry costs essentially nothing – I often remark that as far as activities cost, backpacking is free!

Where do backpackers get their money? ›

Most people save up what they can for a backpacking trip, and try to live as cheaply as possible (staying in hostels, avoiding fancy restaurants). Some people will work on their trip in exchange for food, lodging or petty cash. And, yeah, some younger people will get the money from their parents.

How to start backpacking cheap? ›

7 essential tips to be a budget backpacker
  1. Try hitchhiking. Hitchhiking gets a bad reputation in many places, but it can save you so much money. ...
  2. Use your network. ...
  3. Avoid acting like a tourist. ...
  4. Bag the bargains. ...
  5. Budget backpack with a friend. ...
  6. Trade your skills for accommodation. ...
  7. Make money while traveling.

Does backpacking change you? ›

Having a new experience with yourself forces you to appreciate who you are and enjoy the time spent alone. It allows you to open up to other travelers and pushes you into learning and developing new skills.

What are the two big backpack rules? ›

Here are two big backpacking rules:
  • Watch that backpack! Like a pet, backpacks can get away from you sometimes, so keep an eye on yours. ...
  • Check out your blind spot. Before taking your pack off or putting it on, take a look around you and behind you.

What is a good distance per day backpacking? ›

As an experienced backpacker planning trips with beginners, overplanning mileage is one of my most common mistakes. If you are a beginner or backpacking with beginners I would suggest planning around 5-7 miles for a full day on trail.

Do backpackers check in their backpacks? ›

In many cases, as long as it's not larger than about 55L, yes, you can use many backpacking backpacks as a carry on. Or, if you want to check extra gear like tent stakes and trekking poles, check it all.

How many pounds do backpackers carry? ›

However, base weights that exceed twenty or thirty pounds does not work well for long distance hiking. The typical conventional backpacker has a base weight around 25 to 30 pounds. Conventional backpacker's total pack weight with food and water can easily exceed thirty to forty pounds.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.