How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (2024)

For most people, one of the biggest obstacles to travelis figuring out the money. But you don’t need to be rich to travel the world; a lot of the time it comes down to reassessing priorities.

Saving money can be a daunting task, but there are many ways to cut costs, and with a couple of creative strategies you might be amazed at how quickly you can build a travel fund.

Create a Savings Plan

The first step to successful saving is figuring out how much you need to save. If you don’t have a plan in place you’re less likely to stay motivated to reach your goals, and less likely to save any extra cash to put towards your travels.

Make sure yoursavings goal is realistic in terms of your current financial situation. For instance, if you’re saving with the idea of flying first class and staying in 5 star hotels, but can only realistically save enough for backpackers accommodation, you need to adjust your expectations.

Work out how much you need per week for the necessities (rent, electricity, petrol, food etc), and how much you spend per week on the non essentials (smoking, alcohol, new clothes etc).

Based on your assessment, decide whether you want to remove any expenses that aren’t necessary, have any room to cut down on those which are (ie riding a bike to work instead of driving the car), orpursueadditional income in order to meet your goals.

Pro Tip:It’s important to assess your progress as you go; to see if there is any room for improvement, if you need to cut costs even further, or if it’s working out even better than you hoped (in which case, maybe you can fly first class!).

How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (1)

Cut Out Unnecessary Costs

You would be amazed at how much you can save by cutting out unnecessary costs.Some will be fairly insignificant and easy to de-prioritize, like luxury purchases, or upgrading your iPhone every 3 months. Others may be more difficult to endure, like kicking a coffee addiction,or cancelling your Netflix.

My best advice is to sit down and weigh up whether your goals are worth the price, and what you’re willing to pay to get there. Are you willing to cook your own meals instead of eating out if it means you can fly to Iceland next month? Are you willing to quit smoking, if the money you save will pay for 4 weeks of vacation?

“Creating a physical list of wants vs needs as part of your savings plan, and adding a dollar amount next to each expense can really put your habits and routines into a new perspective.” – All World travel tips website.

You can also use onlinediscount sites like Selloto save money on all your day-today purchases such as clothing.

Cut Back On Starbucks

We’ve mentioned coffee above as an unnecessary expense, though I have a sneaking suspicion it’s landed in the “necessities” column of many people’s savings plan.

Eliminating coffee might seem like an impossible goal, and you might not be willing to even consider it, BUT, if you’re paying $5 every day, you’re spending $1,825 on coffee. If you have two coffees a day you’re spending $3,650.

Where could you travel with that kind of money?

If this is a non starter, consider cutting the cost of coffee by taking a flask to work instead of nipping into Starbucks. You can usually make your own coffee for a fraction of the price that it’s sold for in a coffee shop.

How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (2)

Track Your Spending

It’s one thing to say that you’ll cut back on unnecessary costs, but we’re all human, and we all slip up. But you need to know how often you’re slipping up to successfully manage your savings.

Tracking expenses is an important part of learning where you can cut back,and whether you’re staying on track. Write absolutelyeverythingdown, from how much you spend on food each week, to bottled water, magazines, and how much you spent at the movies.

Many people become disheartened with saving, and give up because they’re not meeting their goals. But this might be because you’re slipping back into old vices.

There are a huge range of free apps which make tracking your spending easy. Two to check out areFudgetandGoodbudget.

How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (3)

Travel With Friends

If you prefer to travel solo, that’s fabulous, but if you have friends who would be happy to tag along, this is a great way to cut your travel costs, which means it will be easier to save.

For instance if you’re traveling with a group of 5 + people, it ends up being cheaper to rent a farmhouse or a villa than a hotel or apartments. Food is cheaper because you can buy in bulk from local supermarkets, or split a main if you’re eating at a restaurant, and the same logic applies to car hire.

But the other fabulous thing about traveling with friends, is that if you’re all saving, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated and you can support each other through your coffee cravings!

Sell Your Stuff

If you’re looking for a quick way to save money for travel, selling stuff you don’t use anymore is a great way to boost a travel fund. Go through your closet, garage, and those dusty boxes in the attic to find items you are no longer using. You can list them onAmazon, Ebay or Craigslist, or go the more traditional route with a garage sale.

And, if you take a long hard look at your situation and decide to sell big ticket items like a TV, or your car, these create a flow on effect; you’ll save more in the long run by not needing to pay ongoing expenses like a cable bill, auto insurance, or petrol.

Once again, it comes down to an assessment of whether your goals are worth the price, and what you’re willing to pay to get there.If it’s worth good money which you could use for travel,ask yourself if it’s really worth hanging onto.


How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (4)

Apple 13.3″ MacBook Air Laptop

How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (5)

Canon LS-82Z Handheld Calculator

How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (6)Moleskine Classic Notebook


Saving money can be daunting, but there are many ways to cut costs. With these strategies you might be amazed at how quickly you can build a travel fund.

Saving money can be daunting, but there are many ways to cut costs. With these strategies you might be amazed at how quickly you can build a travel fund.

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How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (9)

Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mikeis the American naturalist and wildlife photographerbehindWaking Up Wild;a website dedicated to opening your eyes to the wild & natural world.

Having visited 50+ countries across all seven continents, Megan’s travels focus oncultural immersion, authentic discovery and incredible journeys.She hasa strong passion for ecotourism, aims to promote responsible travel experiences.

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  1. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (10)

    Siddhartha JoshiMarch 25, 2018

    I love the idea of a savings plan with travel in mind…wonder why I never did that. I hope banks have specific plans like these to invest or park your money in…

    Also, coffee tip is great and one where I fail often. Often coffee drinking is an experience for me in a new place, and I think I am going to fail miserably trying to skip that. But hey, it’s always good to give it a shot and then fail :)


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (11)

      Meg JerrardMarch 25, 2018

      Glad we could set you up with a couple of new ideas Siddhartha. The savings plan is one which really helps me put a goal into practice :)

      I think the coffee tip is one where most people fail miserably lol – but you’re absolutely right – you can at least give it a shot, and if it’s too painful, try and focus your savings somewhere else :)

  2. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (12)

    Brianna SimmonsMarch 25, 2018

    Like any goal it’s best to have a framework when saving for travel. I like the idea of tracking your savings that way you know what you need to adjust to stay on track for your big trip!


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (13)

      Meg JerrardMarch 25, 2018

      Absolutely Brianna, yes I found that keeping on top of your progress was the best way to stay on track – and it lets you assess whether different strategies are really working :)

  3. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (14)

    Kavita FavelleMarch 25, 2018

    Great advice for those looking to do better at saving for their travel. I still remember working with a colleague in my last permie job (which I left in 2002) and she would wistfully (and sometimes cattily) say how lucky I was to be able to afford so much travel. I have to admit that after the nth time she said this, I snapped and pointed out to her that she earned exactly the same as I did and that her rent was less than my mortage at the time. However, she spent literally hundreds a month on going out on town every single Friday and Saturday night, on buying a frankly shocking amount of make up, on new clothes, shoes and handbags, and on CDs (yep, this was that long ago). I didn’t spend on any of those things, and she was spending several thousand each year on them. Bingo, travel budget!!!!


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (15)

      Meg JerrardMarch 25, 2018

      Thanks Kavita, glad you enjoyed the post. It’s very funny because I have an almost identical story – the girls I would work with while co*cktail waitressing in the States would say the same, only difference being I went straight home after each of my shifts, and they went out drinking. Which is fine if that’s what you want to do, but don’t complain at me about wanting a lifestyle of travel when we earn exactly the same!! Lol

  4. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (16)

    knycx.journeyingMarch 26, 2018

    Some good ideas and traveling is a great motivation for us, the wanderlust to save up for our next trip. We should always cut down unnecessary expense and I do agree people should cut down on Starbucks but going somewhere else, they serve bad coffee! @ knycx.journeying


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (17)

      Meg JerrardMarch 26, 2018

      Haha I’m not personally a fan of Starbucks coffee either – glad you enjoyed the post! I agree, I don’t find it too difficult to stay motivated to save when travel is the end goal :)

  5. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (18)

    Chris BloomfieldMarch 26, 2018

    This article is so spot on. We have been traveling for about two years now and people are constantly asking us how we managed to hit the road for so long. It was exactly what you laid out in this article. First we set a goal, then we cut unnecessary expenses, then we tracked how we were doing and had budget meetings every month. Finally we sold our house and most of our stuff. It took three and a half years of dedication and hard work, but now we get to travel full time. It was worth it and if you follow the advice in this article I am sure you won’t be disappointed!


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (19)

      Meg JerrardMarch 26, 2018

      Thanks Chris, and congrats on achieving your goals! I’m glad that you could relate to everything we wrote – great minds must think alike right :D!

  6. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (20)

    Vanessa WorkmanMarch 27, 2018

    I have an entire ‘garage’ full of ‘stuff’ that I obviously don’t need or it wouldn’t still be in crates. Some of course are lifelong keepsakes, but goodness so much wasted money on clothes that were worn once or twice, rediculous appliances, etc.. Money was no concern when I had a full time job. It took moving over seas to learn to live with less, as well as paying cash instead of whipping out a credit card, because half the time the local stores wouldn’t take credit cards. Truly, saving for a trip is if nothing else an excellent exercise in self control and a big fat reward for your efforts. Wish I had known once upon a time, what I know now. My cost of living now a days is dirt cheap (less than 5oousd a month), but I still want to try the Fudget app and see where I can cut corners even more. Great inspiration read, Meg! (and definitely ditch the expensive coffees):D


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (21)

      Meg JerrardMarch 27, 2018

      I stopped collecting stuff after I returned from my first trip and realized I had forgotten what was in all of my boxes, lol so I figured if I didn’t know it was there after a year it couldn’t be that important! But you’re right, so many clothes, we’ve learnt to simplify down to a very small wardrobe, and only buy new clothes if I can’t mend them anymore!

      I think it takes living overseas for many people to learn that lesson in simplifying life and living with less. Definitely something the travel mindset does for you.

      Definitely agree that saving for a trip is one of the best lessons in self control and reward. So glad you enjoyed the post Vanessa – happy saving, and happy travels!

  7. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (22)

    RosemaryMarch 27, 2018

    Having a goal – in this case, travel, and a plan of attack are essential. One element that must not be forgotten is “patience.” It takes to review your budget and determine where to “cut the fat” and the apps you’ve provided are great. And then, it takes time for the savings to build up. These are all fantastic tips and resources and I would add a heavy dose of “patience” to the mix!


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (23)

      Meg JerrardMarch 27, 2018

      Absolutely Rosemary, and yes, I totally agree on patience often being the most difficult part. We live in a society where everyone seems to focus on instant gratification, so I think saving for travel is a definite learning curve in self control and patience – but as Vanessa commented above, also in associating hard work with reward.

      So glad you enjoyed the post!

  8. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (24)

    Julia JergMarch 27, 2018

    Great tips. I had never thought about using an app for tracking your expenses, this is for sure a good way to stay on top of things. Also, very good point to mention Starbucks! lol


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (25)

      Meg JerrardMarch 27, 2018

      Glad you enjoyed the post Julia, yes, there are a fabulous range of apps to track your expenses nowadays, and if any of it is tax deductible, there are even apps which will let you scan or photograph your receipts. Some fabulous technology out there :)

      Happy travels!

  9. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (26)

    VasuMarch 27, 2018

    I think you have got some sound ideas out there. Apart from cutting down on extravagant expenses and getting rid of unused and useless stuff I also try to explore more possibilities of making money. Of course when someone says “Oh how much I want to travel” , it all depends on how much is how much (I hope I am making sense) :) I guess it’s all about priorities.


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (27)

      Meg JerrardMarch 27, 2018

      Thanks Vasu – exploring options for additional income can be a great approach, especially as there are so many opportunities for working online in todays age. It’s definitely all about priorities, and in terms of how much you can save, and make, also about thinking outside the box :)

      Happy travels!

  10. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (28)

    Carol PerehudoffMarch 28, 2018

    That’s totally me. LOL I’m the one who wants to fly first class and stay in 5 star hotels without the budget. And I’m terrible at planning a budget as well. I am good at prioritizing (5 star hotels!), like you suggest, and I try to fly on points. And I’m willing to give up the fancy coffee shops if it means travelling longer. I also try to eat inexpensively except for those important splurges. It really does take a balanced approach, doesn’t it? (And I should definitely start selling my stuff!)


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (29)

      Meg JerrardMarch 28, 2018

      Haha I think we’ve all been guilty of a little far fetched day dreaming every now and then :D Flying on points is a great way to keep your costs down though and make those experiences accessible when you’re on a lower budget.

      Definitely takes a balanced approach – good work on giving up the fancy coffees!!

  11. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (30)

    Vicky and BuddyMarch 28, 2018

    I think the hardest thing for most is cutting out unnecessary costs. I hate when people complain they can’t afford to travel, but they just bought the newest phone or some really expensive purse. But I guess it’s all about priorities.


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (31)

      Meg JerrardMarch 28, 2018

      I agree, I think that there’s a really big emphasis on instant gratification in society today, and most people find it difficult to differentiate between wants and needs.

      I’ve had exactly the same conversations with friends and work colleagues lol where they say they would love to travel and that I’m so lucky – I’m like “we make the same salary!!!”

  12. How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (32)

    PaigeMarch 29, 2018

    These are phenomenal tips! I agree that it’s so important to assess your progress. I keep tabs at the end of each week (and try to beat the week before if I can). It’s amazing what a few simple changes can make to your travel budget. It truly does come down to your goals and very active choices in how you spend your money.


    • How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (33)

      Meg JerrardApril 1, 2018

      So glad that the post was helpful for you Paige :) Have a routine for checking your progress and turning it into a mini competition from week to week sounds like a great way to stay motivated – cool tip, I might try and implement that into my own savings strategy!

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How to Save Money For Travel - You'll be Amazed at How Quickly You Can Build a Travel Fund - Mapping Megan (2024)


How do I set up a travel fund? ›

How to build a travel fund
  1. Set a savings goal for your trip. ...
  2. Turn one big goal into multiple smaller goals. ...
  3. Keep your travel fund in a separate savings account. ...
  4. Curb your spending habits. ...
  5. Take advantage of freebies and discounts. ...
  6. Hack your way to savings with a cashback credit or debit card. ...
  7. Consider a side hustle.
Dec 5, 2023

How much should I save for travel fund? ›

Aim to accumulate at least enough to cover 3 to 6 months' worth of expenses. Then keep saving 5% of take-home pay for unexpected expenses.

How do I know how much money to save for a trip? ›

Determine Your Budget

One rule of thumb to try would be to use a 50/30/20 budget, where 50% of take-home income goes to non discretionary expenses like rent and utility bills, 30% goes to discretionary spending, including vacations, and 20% goes to savings accounts.

How can I save 100 or more when traveling? ›

Traveling on a Budget: 10 Tips to Save Cash
  1. Plan ahead. ...
  2. Create a budget before the trip. ...
  3. Travel during off-peak seasons. ...
  4. Check Groupon and LivingSocial for savings. ...
  5. Avoid hotels when possible. ...
  6. Look for discounts before you go. ...
  7. Travel with a friend. ...
  8. Don't be afraid to haggle.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Where is the best place to put a travel fund? ›

To help your travel fund grow faster, you may want to go with a high yield savings account. These accounts typically pay a much higher annual percentage yield (APY) than traditional savings accounts, giving you the ability to earn more on your money while still enjoying the security of a federally insured account.

What is a reasonable travel budget? ›

The average vacation for one person in the United States costs about $1,986 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,971 per week.

Is it better to save money or travel? ›

In the end, the choice is yours

The choice between saving money (for say, a first home deposit) and seeing the world is a difficult one. There's no doubt that traversing the globe expands your horizons and provides invaluable life skills like independence, strength, resilience and self-confidence.

How much does the average American travel? ›

Around a third of Americans enjoy two to three vacations per year. Meanwhile, just over a quarter have not traveled for non-business related trips at all in the past 12 months, and around a fifth of respondents have traveled once. Six or more vacations, on the other hand, were rarer.

What is the average cost of a vacation for a family of 4? ›

Average Costs for a 3-Day Vacation
For an IndividualFor a Family of Four
3 Nights at a Mid-Range Hotel$501.48$501.48
3 Day Car Rental$147.51$147.51
3 Days of Restaurant Meals$312.90$1,251.60
Total Cost$1,389.09$3,609.39
1 more row
Jun 13, 2023

How much money should I have saved to travel for 6 months? ›

Just take that $20,000 and divide it by 12 months to set your monthly savings goal. You'll need to save a bit more than $1,600 each month to make that happen. Or, if you're looking to travel for 6 months, you'll need about $10,000, which means you'll need to save just over $800 a month for a year to achieve your goal.

How much does it cost to travel the world comfortably? ›

In general, you should expect it to cost between $25,000 to $35,000 per person to travel around the world for a year. This rough estimate comes from reading travel budgets of other bloggers, various travel planning resources, and our own experience.

What food can you travel with to save money? ›

Carry something to nibble on—like fruit, nuts or a baguette—when you go out on a tour or excursion. With a snacking strategy, you won't be starving every time you sit down to eat—and you'll be less likely to over order.

How to save $5000 in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

What is the fastest way to save 100k? ›

7 tips for getting your first $100,000
  1. Figure out how much money you can safely save each month. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Maximize your employer-sponsored savings and investment accounts. ...
  4. Save your tax refunds and work bonuses. ...
  5. Pay off existing debt. ...
  6. Seek a raise or some other way to increase your income.

How does travel fund work? ›

Travel Fund is a virtual wallet used to store the value of your existing booking. Travel Fund stored in the MyCebuPacific account do not expire and may be used to book for anyone.

How do I start an independent travel agent? ›

If you're interested in how to become an independent travel agent, observe the following steps:
  1. Plan everything about your business. The first step toward building an independent travel agency is to have a clear vision. ...
  2. Consider a training course. ...
  3. Research the market extensively. ...
  4. Pick a host agency.

What is the purpose of a travel fund? ›

A travel fund is a powerful tool you can use to help you save money for travel. A “travel fund” or “vacation fund” is a dedicated bank account (checking, savings, or money market) devoted to your travel savings and expenses.

How do I start a family vacation fund? ›

Here are tips for setting your vacation goals and achieving them.
  1. Decide where to go on vacation. ...
  2. Calculate expenses and budget travel. ...
  3. Set a timeline. ...
  4. Open a savings account dedicated to the vacation. ...
  5. Cut back on costs. ...
  6. Create extra income. ...
  7. Track your savings goal progress. ...
  8. How to do a cheap family vacation?
May 17, 2023

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.