How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (2024)

This post will give you actionable tips and answer questions on how to save money for long-term travel, no matter where you are from or how much (or little) your job currently pays you.

Whether you are based in the USA or India – you probably dream of travelling extensively one day. Long-term travel is even harder to achieve than the yearly vacation because you need to plan much further ahead and there’s a good chance you’ll also be quitting your job and really disrupting the life you currently live.

It’s a big step, and hopefully, this post will not only give you great ideas to go towards your save for travel planning but that it also motivates you and helps you to keep dreaming and keep working towards bringing those dreams into fruition.

FYI: This post is pretty big. To easily navigate around this page – use the table of contents below. When you scroll further down, you’ll see the TOC pop up in the bottom left-hand corner so you can find your way at any point.

How Can You Afford to Travel?

I really can’t recall the number of times I’ve been asked: “how do you afford to travel so much?” and I know people are just interested and not to take it the wrong way. But the truth is, I can afford to travel so much because I save for it. For me travel is my main priority, it is what consumes me and it’s all I can think about. I am always saving for travel in one way or another. So because of this, I would say I’m pretty damn good at it now.

No, I am not of a privileged background or rich family… The opposite, actually. However, I am from Australia where our dollar is strong and I’m lucky that my mother taught me about the importance of saving money (out of necessity, mostly, since we never knew exactly where the next dollar was coming from growing up).

But, I am very aware that travel is not everyone else in the world’s priority and that they have families, houses and other things they need to spend their money on first. Or they are from a country where their currency isn’t as valuable and they can’t save very much because their wages are low.

These situations are common and it wouldn’t help anyone for me to just write about my own experiences and tips from saving money for travel. So I decided to ask people from all over the world who have saved money for long-term travel, what their absolute number one tip for saving money for travel was. I wanted the tips that absolutely kickstarted their travel fund and got them on the trip of their life.

Your 7-Step Personalised Savings Plan

This could be the save for travel motivation you’ve been looking for. I am so passionate about helping you save for long-term travel that I put together a quick and easy downloadable worksheet. All you have to do is follow my 7 steps and you’ll be motivated to start planning and saving for travel immediately. Especially when you’ve worked out exactly how much you can save and in what timeframe.

To receive your personalised savings plan just shoot me your email and I’ll send it to you right away!

How Long Does it Take to Save Money for Long-term Travel?

This is a complicated question that varies between a persons financial situation and where it is they want to travel. But let’s assume you are comfortable in your job, and you aren’t in serious debt and you are good at saving. I will also assume you are travelling in countries that are not too expensive and where your savings go further (no Europe, USA, Japan, or Australia, sorry!)

A rough hard and fast rule for this is it will take about as long to save as you will be travelling for. So if you want to travel for a year, you will have to save for about a year.

But for a better idea on how long it takes other people to save for travel, I asked everyone in this post to list how much they saved and how long it took them to save it. The answers can be found below, so read on!

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (1)

If you have been wondering how to save for world travel, this is the post for you! My biggest and best tip that always makes a huge impact on my travel savings is this:

Put the amount you want to save in a different online savings account (with a high return interest rate) and forget it even exists! Calculate how much your travel savings per week (or month) will be (you can use my form mentioned above to help you) and stick to this amount. By not caving and spending any of the money intended for travel you will see your numbers just go up and up!

But this is not the only way to save. To help you find your groove, I asked long-term travellers from ALL OVER the world, how they save for travel. Here’s what they said.


Audrey saved AUD $15,000 over a year by doing the following:

“We’ve found the easiest and most empowering way to save money for travel is to pay yourself first. Paying yourself first means saving money from your income before you actually spend it.

Most people save whatever money they have leftover at the end of the month. But this never seems to work. I know it didn’t for us! Work out how much you need to save from each pay. Then set up an automatic transfer of that amount into a bank account you can’t easily access. It might be a bit tricky at first, but it won’t be long before your spending adjusts to the change in available funds. And you’ll be off travelling the world!”


James is from the Philippines and hesaves for travel by making his travel savings a monthly expense. He explains;

“Think of travel as a regular monthly expense. One of the most effective ways to save up for one’s travels is to train the mind to treat travel costs as regular monthly expenses.

On your annual budget, set aside a fixed amount that you want and you can allocate for your travels. The amount need not be very hefty for as long as you can still live the life you want without that portion of your income. It is important, still, that you do not feel deprived with the amount you set aside.

By doing so, you’ll be surprised how, in the course of a few months, you can rack up a decent amount of money to fund your next travel!”


Jeana Marie saved USD $2, 000 over the space of two months. She uses a tracking app to help her save for travel quickly so she can spend more time in places like Taiwan.

“When I started saving for my trip I made an account on to track my expenses. They have a feature that allows you to input trip information and create a goal for yourself. I used this app for months to budget everything. It reminds you if you go over on spending in any category even!”

Some apps have the ability to automatically sync with your bank account so when you spend on your card, your expenditures are automatically added.

Other great tracking apps that you can use to save for long-term travel are YNAB, Wallet, and Acornsbut there are loads of them so have a look around and find one that suits you best. I tried three different ones before I found the right one for me.


Shivani who writes for The Wandering Core was able to save up a substantial amount in India by using the same saving system as me. But she also has some other tricks

“I work full-time as a software developer with a decent salary which is enough for my monthly expenses, along with the small amount my blog takes up. But saving for a trip can get tricky because I already have a loan & an EMI to pay for. So, I calculate my monthly expenses and try to cut down on Starbucks or a fancy restaurant unless it’s an occasion. And I shop online usually in sale season, which keeps my shopping in check. I am usually able to save 5-7k INR (roughly 100$) or sometimes, even more, around 10k INR.

My trick of blocking out this money is to leave it out of sight. I believe – “Out of sight is out of mind” – which means I’ll not spend it unnecessarily. After all, it’s all about priorities, right? So, I open a recurring deposit (RD) or recently did an iWish deposit too which is especially for my travels with my bank & it’s easily accessible online. RD gives me a fair interest too, ranging around 4%, that I consider my reward. I schedule to deposit a fixed amount, say 5k INR, into the RD monthly which helps me save for my next travel in 3 or 6 months. If I predict my expenses are going down, then I open more than one RD which pays for my international travels.”

Put Away Job Expense Reimbursem*nts

If you’re lucky enough to get reimbursed for any job expenses. Don’t just put the money back into your normal account. Hide those expenses away in your travel savings account and it will be like you just got given free money!

Wendy, who is now an Empty Nester, saved USD $2,000 over the space of a year, just doing this one act alone.

“While still working full time I would save all of my expense reimbursem*nt checks intoa travel savings account instead of adding these to my normal checking account.”

HEADING OS? Read This Huge Guide to Help You Pack!


Expatriate postings would only be available to people who are at a job that offers them. The Telegraph reports that more than two-thirds of companies look to fill local skills gaps and offer staff career progression by overseas postings. They say that for the last two years there has been an increase in the number of international assignments, overall.

If you are open and willing to move you and/or your family overseas, you could receive huge benefits that you simply aren’t able to access in your own country.

Leona, who moved to Qatar from the UK says;

“By taking expat jobs abroad you can get expat packages which include housing allowances and salary uplifts. By doing so you are able to save much more money than doing the same job in your home country.”

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (2)


Being healthy does not have to cost money. In fact, there are several things you can do for your health right now that will also save you money!

Patti from Tripping Unicorn proved this while saving in Singapore.

“If you decide to live a healthier lifestyle, you will be saving naturally. This is the amount I saved “by default” cutting vices like alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee. This could apply to any nasty habit you think you are indulging. Example: those huge muffins in the middle of the morning or those chocolate bars mid-afternoon.

If you ever feel that this is too hard for you, chose something easier: try to use your car less by trying public transportation (saving on gas, parking and helping the environment) or try to cover short distances by foot. These are little habits that can help yourself and/or the environment – and as a reward, at the end of the year, you get a few thousands of dollars to indulge in travels!”

By just cutting the vices, Patti was able to save $4, 800 Singaporean Dollars over the space of one year!

If animal welfare is a concern of yours, cutting out meat from your diet and replacing it with high-protein beans and legumes not only saves Mother Earth but also cuts your grocery budget substantially. If vegetarianism is is something you have been thinking of doing, NOW is the time. It’s a win-win situation!


While we are still on the subject of health, cutting down on the amount of food you eat can also be good for your health and your travel savings!

Jema, who does a lot of intermittent fasting and also travels non-stop, says you can save between USD $700-$1,500 a year, just by rationing the time you are allowed to eat per day.

“I love intermittent fasting. It’s where you confine your eating to a few hours per day. Some people only eat within a 4-hour window, some go up to a 10-hour window.

I do 8 hours. For me, that means I don’t usually have anything to eat until around mid-day. And I stop eating by 8 p.m. (20:00). I do it for health reasons and weight control, but I noticed it was saving me quite a bit of money as well!”


You’ve heard it before but this really is a tried and true travel saving tip that works. Don’t spend money on things you don’t need to. We all like a bit of luxury but if long-term travel is what you REALLY want – you need to prioritise this.

If you need a bit of help with this, use my Personalised Savings Plan to work out exactly what you can cut and how much money you will save from doing this.

Consider Cutting Out Your Phone Plan

Just by cutting out her phone plan, Jillian Michelle was able to saveUSD $3,500 over two years. That will pay for return flights to pretty much anywhere in the world.

“I sacrificed a lot of unnecessary items in order to save money, and one of the most shocking things I did was ditch my phone number. Monthly phone plans are super expensive, but we live in an age where they are no longer really necessary. Technology and messaging apps have made it possible to have phone conversations with people without needing a phone number, so it’s completely possible to get rid of it without sacrificing your connectivity to people or technology.

I still use my phone everyday to surf the internet, watch Netflix, browse Facebook, and write blog posts. I just use my home internet to connect my phone to WiFi to do all these things. To make phone calls to friends or family, I use the Facebook Messenger app. To text, I use this same app instead of using my phone’s built-in texting feature. There are other apps that will allow you to do the same thing if you’re not a fan of Facebook Messenger.

While I’m away from home with no access to my home WiFi, I connect to public WiFi spots and then use my phone’s internet and apps just like I do at home. Placing phone calls to places of business are a little trickier because it can’t be done through Facebook Messenger, but there are still alternative options for that as well. If I need to do something like make a doctor appointment, for example, then I either borrow my boyfriend’s phone or I use Google Voice. The Google Voice app provides users with a free phone number that they can use to make phone calls directly to any other phone number while logged into the app. It may seem overwhelming at first, but adjusting to life without a phone plan (or phone bill) is an easy way to save so much extra money for travel.”

This might sound like a seriously drastic way to save for travel, and by all means, if there are other things you can cut out then definitely do that. But this is a great example of how cutting out just one monthly expense can get you jetting off around the world!

Cut The Cost of Eating Out

Rhiannon fromThe Gypsy Heart Travels talks about the ways she cut out unnecessary dining out costs:

“Avoid going out for meals unless it’s for a special occasion or when using two for one voucher/discounts.

A great way to get discount deals and two for one meals when dining out is to get a Tastecard, which you can get free with certain bank accounts (so double check whether yours offer it!) or a small annual subscription fee. Take a look at local websites as plenty of places offering food will do mid-week deals to draw customers in. Dine Club is also a great one to sign up to.

Save money on recreational activities like going to the Cinema by purchasing a members card or by using two for one deals like Meerkat Mondays (which you can get by purchasing insurance through Compare The Market). Again, some bank accounts also offer cinema discounts depending on what type of account you have. Websites like Money Saving Expert and Groupon are also very useful for finding deals and discounts for lots of different things!”

Cut the Costs of Being a Woman

This tip can be implemented by anyone around the world, too.Su Bha Sun from Indian blog Traxsplorers was able to save Indian Rupee Rs.539,600 over the period of three years by cutting out everyday things.

“I don’t wear makeup which means no purchasing of beauty products. I don’t always wear branded clothes, that also means no expensive clothing. I don’t attend lavish parties, that prevents spending money on dresses. I don’t really wear expensive jewellery at all and I don’t always travel via plane. Instead, I find good options via train or drive.It all saves a lot of money in the end.”

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (3)


Similarly to the last point above, cutting out small things adds up. But sometimes there are things you actually need to go through life, like haircuts and coffee.

But this doesn’t mean you NEED to spend a lot of money on these things. Maybe you just need to think of creative ways you can make the expense smaller.

LeAnna Brown, a well travelled Nebraskan, explains how she’s saved hundreds of dollars over the years and travelled to over 40 countries by getting creative with her savings!

“Stop Spending money on the small things…

People are always surprised when they find out how much money we spend on daily life and activities in comparison to the AMOUNT of travel we do. But, what is more shocking is that people don’t realize just how much the SMALL things in your day to day life add up.

Here are just a few of the “quirkier” things we do to pinch our pennies and in the long run, it helps to fund our travels.

1) Learn how to cut your own hair: It’s actually relatively easy to cut men’s hair (if you are willing to wear a hat the first few tries!) with the help of google videos. I cut my husband’s hair monthly, adding up to pretty substantial savings over the year!

2) Cut the Coffee: I LOVE a good latte after living in Europe. But I’m not going to choke up $5 every day for one. We bought a cheap Aeropress espresso maker ($20ish) and a hand stick milk frother ($5) and I now make a cappuccino or latte DAILY! When I’m really feeling fancy, I’ll buy a bottle of flavouring, like caramel. I can’t even imagine the cost savings compared to if I went to a coffee house even weekly!

3) No More Cable: With so many streaming options today, having cable is such a waste. Some sites even allow multiple people on an account. We just got Youtube TV and split it with my brothers, so we are paying just a few bucks a month compared to over $50!!!

A lot of people think that penny-pinching is a waste of effort because you are, well….only pinching PENNIES. However, when you do a lot of small actions, it is often really surprising how much it adds up over the years. Get creative! Get Saving!”

Speaking of coffee,Nicole LaBarge knows it can be hard to cut it out completely. But, she has some tips that might help you.

New Zealand is known for its coffee culture. I can get asked up to 5 times a day if I want to go for a coffee. At $5 a cup that really starts to add up even if you only have one cup a day that’s still $25/week or $100/month. I decided to skip the cup of joe and start saving the money for travel.

It’s easy when your work actually provides good coffee or even better yet has barista quality machines in the kitchens. I currently use the coffee machines instead of going out to purchase a cup of coffee. If I need a break during the day, or I feel bad because I keep saying no when someone asks me out to coffee, I actually just go along and chat with them and don’t order a coffee. It gives me a break in the day to catch up with a colleague.”


Implementing this rule could change your life and absolutely kick-start your travel savings. But what is The One-Month Rule” exactly? Patrick from Complete City Guides explains the concept.

“While there are many obvious ways to save up money for a bigger travel fund, one great tip that I’ve used for a long time to limit my spending is to enforce a “1-month rule” on any new purchases. And every dollar, pound or euro not spent can be put into a travel fund!

The basic idea behind the “1-month rule” is that you wait a whole month before buying anything. (Obviously, this only applies to products you don’t need, such as food!). This is a great way to prevent impulsive purchases.

I quite often realise that if I come home with an unplanned purchase, that I rarely actually use that product and didn’t really need to buy it. Of course, this rule can’t be applied 100% of the time. But for me, it especially helps to stop wasting money on electronic products (such as new iPhones and cameras). I think that if you still have the urge to buy something after waiting 30 days, then you can justify spending the cash. But most of the time after a few weeks you end up forgetting about it and deciding you don’t need it.

Another related tip is to put the cash that you would have spent in a savings account for that month. It might not get much interest in just one month, but it is better than nothing.”


Cristina loves to use low-consumption appliances because the travel savings just keep on coming!

“When you move in your own place (that you own), the first thing to asses is whether the appliances are already low consumption. If not, check the age and consumption of each and replace them with A++ items.

Obviously, start with the oldest and which eats up the most energy. The fridge in the apartment was ancient so it was one of the first to go. Replaced it with A++ one. My washing machine eats as much as a light bulb. And, eventually, I also got rid of the Microwave (and got a kettle to heat water).

It is worth it to get rid of the desktop and get a laptop (that’s what I did back in 2006 for myself; my husband uses a desktop because of heavy video editing he has to do). Since energy prices also change over the years, it’s not easy to assess exactly how much you save. And I’ve only kept a sheet in the past two years (when I already had everything low consumption). This is not a short-term saving trick.”


This motivational saving tip comes up all the time. That’s because when you’re highly motivated to do something, the more likely it is to pay-off. So to motivate yourself to save for long-term travel, all you need to do is remind yourself at every opportunity why you are doing this in the first place.

Amazingly, Amy Smith was able to motivate herself to save GBP £1,000 in just three months. With this money, she jetted off to Australia and travelled this expensive country for a whole month!

“When I want to save money for a trip, I get a specific goal in mind and set reminders for myself in places I know I will see it. For example, I am currently saving to go to Iceland so I have selected some photographs that I found online as my phone background and lock screen. This means whenever I look at my phone I remember my goal and if I ever get it out to do something I shouldn’t (like order a takeaway) the photos make me think about why I am saving.

This also works with physical photographs too. You could print pictures out and stick them in your bedroom, on your fridge, on your desk at work etc. and when you see them you’ll be reminded of what you’re doing it all for and how much it will be worth it in the end!”

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (4)


Ingrid is a ‘clothes swapping’ enthusiast and has managed to save over AUD $1,500 a year by attending parties. Say what?

“Instead of buying new clothes for myself and my children I attend two clothing swap parties during the year. I take along clothes that I no longer want and clothes that the children have grown out of.

At the party, I swap these clothes for clothes that other people no longer want but that are still in perfect condition and that I love the look of. As a result, I spend minimal money on new clothes for myself or my children and the money I would have spent on clothing I am able to put towarda family holiday instead.”


Bruna, who loves both children and dogs, saved around €1,500 Euros in just five months by taking on extra jobs.

“Traveling can be expensive. Especially when your dream destination is an ocean away from you. That’s why I’ve looked for new ideas to create some extra income and save for my trips. I adore animals and children, so dog- and babysitting turned out to be fun ways to be able to afford my trips around Europe and my travel gears too, such as a backpack and camera.

Of course, not everything is a bed of roses. It can rain cats and dogs while you’re walking the dog (pun intended). And children can be quite stubborn sometimes. But it totally pays off, in my opinion. The awesome moments you have on your trips outweigh the difficult ones that brought you there. But don’t worry, you’ll know what I mean when you’re packing your bags for magical Europe,about to get on that plane.”


Nathan saved at least USD $400 in one year just by utilising cash back for his purchases online.

“Nowadays, almost all of us make purchases online. Whether you’re buying a hotel, a flight, clothes, or just random household products, there’s a way to save a little bit with every purchase. Just sign up for an online shopping portal like Ebates, which gives customers a small cash kickback of 2-10% of any purchases made through their links.

Ebates works with all sorts of common retailers like,Amazon, Ebay, and more. Sure, it sounds a little odd the first time you use it, but it really works! And though the cash back is only a few dollars per transaction, over the course of a year or more it really adds up! Plus, you get a free $10 just for signing up, and even more if you refer friends.”

If you’re in the US or Canada and want to know more about his system read the post on his website.

These sorts of travel hacks are especially useful in the USA but aren’t available in every country. If you’re not sure whether Ebates will work in your country, check them out to see if they will work for you.


Expedia not only has a really great interface, but they also trawl the internet for the best deals on everything travel-related. Hailey Harris has saved around USD $1,050 by booking with Expedia alone.

“Booking with is my favorite way to save money! You can create a free account with them and when you book you acquire points towards future travels! If you do a bundle deal you can save a ton of money. We saved about $600 by booking our flights and hotel together.

Also, by being a member you get exclusive deals. We saved about another $400 by booking through Expedia than through the actual hotel site.”


It’s important to keep your travel costs down while on the road. This is what will keep you going for longer – and ideally, that’s the goal.Khoi Nguyenis a long-term traveller and a master at saving. He saved for most of his travels while in Vietnam.

“For the ticket, I use Skyscanner in general, and Traveloka particularly for SEA. If you have time sitting in front of the lap or desktop try refreshing the page several times, it will find and may give you even better deals. For a place to stay, I think of Couchsurfing in the beginning. This may take time for you to get to know the host but it worth your while.

Secondly, trying Airbnb if you cannot find any free places. The host in Airbnb sometime give you a free tour guide, or they can give you a lot of tips and support for your trip.


You really never know when you are going to need to use a free cancellation and how much it will save your butt. I book almost all of my accommodation with, who give really great cancellation periods (on a hotel by hotel basis – so check before you book)!

Noel from Ten Thousand Strangers takes this a step further, and both books, as well as turns up to the hotel, so he can ensure he gets the best rate possible. This tactic saves him aboutUSD $17 per day when he puts it into action.

“The next time you book a hotel online, arrive at the hotel hours before the cancellation period. Compare the online and walk-in rates and choose whichever is cheaper. I first learned about this hotel reservation hack when we camped in the mountains of the southwestern region of Saudi Arabia. On our third morning at the campsite, all our power banks and camera batteries were empty so we needed to spend at least a day in the city.

At around 7:00 in the morning, I booked (under my name) the cheapest hotel I found in the downtown area which was SAR 232.29 (USD61.94). The allowed cancellation at was until 5:59 in the afternoon of the same day.

We arrived at the hotel at around 10:00 a.m., I told the hotel receptionist we didn’t have a reservation and inquired about the rates. We were told the available room costs SAR168.00 (USD44.8) so I asked my companion to complete the reservation while I secretly canceled my previous online reservation. That was an instant USD $17.14 saved for a day. Imagine how much we could save should we need to stay for more days?”

Aside from the above awesome travel hack, I book places with good cancellation policies when I think I might be going somewhere when it’s high-season and places are likely to book out. I make sure I also put a reminder in my calendar to cancel a day or two early so I don’t forget about it and incur a cost.

Booking.comalso have a decent phone app where you can easily see all of your bookings in one place.Doing this have saved me so much money and also ensured I always have a decent place to sleep.

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (5)


There’s really nothing better than trying local delicacies. An awesometravel quoteby Anthony Boudain;

“Do we really want to travel in hermetically sealed popemobiles through the rural provinces of France, Mexico, and the Far East, eating only in Hard Rock Cafes and McDonald’s? Or do we want to eat without fear, tearing into the local stew, the humble taqueria’s mystery meat, the sincerely offered gift of a lightly grilled fish head? I know what I want. I want it all. I want to try everything once.”

And doing this can save you money too. Because local food is ALWAYS cheaper.

Jeana from the Voyaging Teacher says:

“Once I got to Taiwan I figured out several things, first food was cheaper in 7-11s and food stalls and second, I could afford to travel further with less money. While I was in Taiwan I ate at mostly local food places with very little English available. While this may be an issue for some I saved so much money because I ate food locally instead of at tourist locations. Overall, I probably saved $200 just on food!

If you’re worried about the language barrier, just smile and point. You won’t regret it!


Clare saved about GBP £500 by driving herself instead of flying from the north to the south of France, and she got to stay in quaint bed and breakfast hotels along the way!

“Check the cost of driving to your destination instead of assuming you’ll have to fly. A few summers ago, we decided that instead of buying four flights to Provence in the south of France, we would drive. It’s around 13 hours from Calais in northern France to Provence in southern France. However, we took our time over the journey and enjoyed a few overnight stops in cheap Chambre d’Hotes (rural bed and breakfast establishments) on the way.

Driving instead of flying meant we saw a huge amount of France. We also met some wonderful people at the Chambre d’Hotes, as a feature of this type of accommodation is that there’s often a communal dinner where you eat with the other guests. The best part though was the fact we saved a lot of money on four flights in the height of summer, even taking into account the fuel and overnight stops. We’ve since repeated this approach to travel. It works brilliantly if you’ve got time for slower travel.”


Bradley has been able to save a total of GBP £10,000 by working random jobs while he travels long term. He says with a bit of hard work, you can earn when you travel.

“This might sound a little contradictory at first, but hang on there…

Imagine you found a way to earn £5 a day when you’re away. And say your trip is for three months. All of a sudden that’s £450 less that you have to save! If you’re not used to making money abroad then don’t worry, there are loads of things you can do with little to no experience. Such as freelance copywriting, graphic design or translation work. For other great ideas, check out this article here.”

Volunteer in Exchange for Food and Accommodation

You don’t even have to work and earn money, you can also just cut your travel expenses by volunteering. Before I was a blogger, I used Websites such as HelpX and WorkAway to volunteer in exchange for food and accommodation. For just a few hours a day, you can abolish your two biggest expenses, keeping you on the road for longer. Not only that but some of my BEST memories and closest friends were made while volunteering with WorkAway.

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (6)

In Conclusion

These are the best travel saving tips from across the globe and I hope this post has answered all your burning questions on how to save for long-term travel.

If you’ve been thinking about entering your email to receivethe 7-Step Savings Plan, just do it! You can unsubscribe at any time and I won’t even be mad, promise. I just want you to start living the life you dream of! Go on, do it! 🙂

READ:How to Find a Job in Australia

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How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (8)

Have you got a secret saving tip? Please, tell us below so we can all benefit!

Share the love, share this post with anyone who dreams of travel!

How To Save Money for Long-Term Travel | Castaway with Crystal (2024)
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