How to Run a Successful Trucking Business (2024)

How to Run a Successful Trucking Business (1)

Justin Irvine | 7 min read

Trucking is one of the most profitable businesses in the US, with professional fleet owners earning around$500-$2000weekly per truck.

But earning such amounts doesn’t come easy. The trucking business is quite competitive, so if you’re a small business owner looking to run a successful trucking company, you must increase the number of trucks you own to expand your routes. Luckily, there are financing options such astrucking business loansto help you kickstart your expansion plans and scale up your business in the trucking industry.

There’s a lot to keep track of as a trucking owner:

  • You have to manage your finances
  • Make sure you have the proper permits
  • Maintain safety and quality standards for your trucks
  • Keep up with industry trends

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through some tips for running a successful trucking business. So read on for advice on everything from establishing a business plan and marketing strategy to choosing suitable vehicles!

7 Steps to Run a Successful Trucking Company

Starting your own trucking company was one of the highlights of your life, but running it is another story. Trucking businesses that have been in the industry for a few years must have already gotten the basics covered, like getting a commercial driver’s license, registering their company, opening a business bank account, and recruiting truck drivers.

To keep your business profitable and in line with current trends in supply and demand, you need to have a solid business plan to execute your expansion goals. Do you want to target new markets? If so, which markets are you interested in, and which one is feasible? Do you want to serve new areas? If so, which are those areas located within your state or outside?

Whichever goal you choose, having a clear plan and strategy will help you make better decisions and save you the cost of risking your trucking operation by jumping on an idea too soon. If you’ve created a business plan, the next part focuses on how you run your trucking company professionally. So check out these seven steps that will help you get there!

1. Choose a Niche and Establish Good Relationships

As a trucking company owner, it’s essential to establish a clear vision and mission for your company. This will help you stay on track and know what direction to take when expanding or scaling down.

Many fleet owners start by finding a profitable niche to grow their businesses around. For example, if you own a fleet of refrigerated trucks, you could begin to provide regular deliveries to grocery stores in the area.

Once you choose your niche, it’s time to build solid relationships with your partners. Remember, you’re not going to serve them for a few months; you’re looking for a long-term partnership. So ensure to pick up and deliver on time and with as few errors as possible to gain their trust.

2. Choose the Right Truck for Your Business Goals

There are endless variables to consider when choosing a vehicle for your fleet. To ensure your choice is profitable in the long term, you should take into account the cost of vehicle maintenance and fuel. You might also want to choose a vehicle that’s already popular in your market - having a fleet full of trucks with similar specifications can make it easier to find replacement parts.

It’s also important to keep track of the mileage on each truck, as this will help you plan your company’s expansion and replacement schedule. If your credit is good enough, you can always opt for a third-party leasing option or hire an individual owner-operator to run your trucks. This will allow you to stay lean and only pay for the services you need.

3. Manage the Maintenance of Your Vehicles

Taking good care of your fleet is essential to running a successful trucking business. Just like your trucks, you need to keep track of the wear and tear that comes with each job.

Trucking companies can find managing employees working outside of their regular hours daunting. This is where vehicle monitoring software can help you reduce costs and improve efficiency. You don’t even have to buy a tracking device yourself - some services offer a fully-managed GPS fleet tracking solution.

4. Get the Right Permits for Your Business

Different states have different requirements when it comes to commercial trucking. If you don’t have the correct permits, you could face steep fines for operating illegally - and it could even jeopardize your insurance.

If you plan to drive across provincial or state lines, you may need a special permit from government authorities. Some jurisdictions have checkpoints where drivers are asked for relevant documentation, so it’s a good idea to keep all your paperwork up-to-date.

Make sure you have the right insurance before heading out on the road as well. And guarantee that your employees are also aware of their responsibilities when driving across states.

5. Manage and Hire Qualified Drivers

The most important thing is to hire reliable and qualified drivers. As a business owner, you can’t be on the road 24/7, so you need to select who will be heading out in harsh conditions carefully.

It’s essential to have a clear company policy regarding speeding, driving under the influence, and keeping logs of hours behind the wheel. It can be tempting to cut costs by hiring cheaper labor, but you may end up regretting that decision if your drivers are constantly getting into accidents or getting on the wrong side of the law.

You also can’t expect to hire a new driver and immediately send them on long-distance trips for weeks at a time. It would be best if you relied on your fleet, so you will have to invest in some form of initial training before drivers are allowed to jump behind the wheel.

For long-distance trips, using dedicated fleet management software makes it easy to keep track of your drivers, their activities and routes, and any accidents they might be involved in.

6. Cut Down Costs Through Direct Shipping

Direct shipping may be worth considering if you have a long-standing client base. This means that your drivers will carry deliveries directly to customers. This reduces your organization’s reliance on third-party carriers and load boards and can help you avoid additional costs from using a broker.

You could also save money by being more efficient in the way you handle shipments - for example, if an order is received late, don’t send it out right away or pay for expedited shipping. You may be able to negotiate a better rate with your client the next time you make a delivery.

As long as you run your brokerage operation in an organized, efficient way, it’s possible to save money on your fleet without losing customers or profits. By cutting out unnecessary costs and reducing inefficiencies, you may be able to keep rates lower while still offering a high-quality service.

7. Market Your Trucking Company

Many small business owners ask how to market their trucking company. It can seem difficult to attract attention when you’re running a small company that is just getting off the ground. Here are some tips you can start marketing your business that won’t cost you a lot:

Truck Load Boards

Trucking load boards are designed for both trucking companies and customers in need of trucking services. By using a load board, drivers will be able to pick up countless loads from shippers and brokers.

The following sites will allow users to search two ways. First, as a transportation business owner, you can search for loads that need to be transported. There’s also an option for customers to visit the site and search for trucks in the area that can pick up a load. The following sites offer this service:

Ads in Trade Publications

Trucking companies with a presence in the industry can’t afford to be left behind. Print ads are just as important, and trade publications offer an excellent way for truckers looking at expanding their business or learning more about what they do have available resources on hand.

When it comes time to place your ad, you might consider publishing in trade publications that cover the services or products of your chosen target industry. This database is organized by industry so find what’s right for yours!

While many subscribers prefer the print version, others will read the publication online. To reach both audiences, you need to invest in digital advertising to target businesses in your geographic area.

Trade Association Events

Trade associations offer you the opportunity to get in touch with an engaged audience. For example, if you seek new drivers, you could set up a booth at a trucking industry trade show.

If you’re choosing to market your services to other businesses, you should attend B2B-focused events. Take a look at this list ofupcoming trade showsto find those that include trucking services that your company offers. Remember to create a visually appealing and informative display to attract customers and print marketing materials to send home with attendees.

Become a Successful Trucking Business Owner

Once you start a trucking company, you need to ensure that all challenges are handled as efficiently as possible. Creating a business plan, hiring the right truck drivers, keeping track of regulations and permits, and handling your marketing strategy should help you reach new heights sooner than you think.

No doubt, these steps cannot be done without additional financing, so if you’re ready to make your trucking business more successful, our lending experts at Select Funding will provide you with suitable financial solutions!

trucking business

I am an industry expert with a deep understanding of the trucking business, having accumulated extensive knowledge through firsthand experience and continuous research. My expertise is grounded in practical insights into the challenges and opportunities that trucking companies face, from managing finances to navigating industry trends.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the provided article:

  1. Trucking Business Profitability:

    • The article highlights that trucking is one of the most profitable businesses in the US, with potential earnings ranging from $500 to $2000 weekly per truck.
  2. Financing Options:

    • Small business owners in the trucking industry are encouraged to explore financing options, such as trucking business loans, to facilitate expansion plans and business scaling.
  3. Challenges Faced by Trucking Owners:

    • Trucking owners need to manage finances, obtain proper permits, maintain safety and quality standards for their trucks, and stay updated on industry trends.
  4. Steps to Run a Successful Trucking Company:

    • The article outlines seven steps for running a successful trucking business, covering aspects from establishing a business plan and marketing strategy to selecting suitable vehicles.
  5. Choosing a Niche and Building Relationships:

    • Fleet owners are advised to choose a profitable niche and establish long-term relationships with partners, emphasizing reliability and on-time delivery.
  6. Selecting the Right Trucks:

    • The importance of considering variables such as vehicle maintenance cost, fuel efficiency, and market popularity when choosing trucks for the fleet is emphasized.
  7. Vehicle Maintenance and Monitoring:

    • The significance of managing vehicle maintenance, tracking wear and tear, and utilizing vehicle monitoring software to improve efficiency and reduce costs are discussed.
  8. Permits and Compliance:

    • Trucking owners are reminded of the importance of obtaining the correct permits to avoid legal issues and fines. The need for proper insurance coverage is also emphasized.
  9. Hiring Qualified Drivers:

    • The article stresses the importance of hiring reliable and qualified drivers, implementing clear company policies, and providing initial training.
  10. Cost Reduction Strategies:

    • Direct shipping is proposed as a cost-cutting strategy, reducing reliance on third-party carriers and load boards. Efficient handling of shipments and negotiation with clients are also recommended.
  11. Marketing Strategies for Trucking Companies:

    • Various marketing strategies are discussed, including utilizing truck load boards, placing ads in trade publications, and participating in trade association events.
  12. Utilizing Truck Load Boards:

    • The article suggests using truck load boards to connect with shippers and brokers, facilitating the exchange of information about available loads and trucks.
  13. Trade Publication Advertising:

    • Print ads in trade publications are highlighted as important for trucking companies, and the benefits of digital advertising to reach a broader audience are emphasized.
  14. Trade Association Events:

    • Participation in trade association events is recommended as a way to engage with the target audience, attract new drivers, and showcase services to businesses in the industry.

By combining these concepts, trucking business owners can develop a comprehensive strategy to enhance their operations, achieve growth, and navigate the competitive landscape of the trucking industry.

How to Run a Successful Trucking Business (2024)


How do I make my trucking company successful? ›

How to Make a Successful Trucking Company: 8 Steps
  1. Support the right market niche. ...
  2. Charge the right rate (per mile) ...
  3. Determine your operating costs. ...
  4. Use the right fuel-buying strategy. ...
  5. Work directly with shippers. ...
  6. Run an efficient back office. ...
  7. Avoid cash flow problems. ...
  8. Expand your fleet the smart way.

What are the key success factors in the trucking industry? ›

7 Steps to a Successful Trucking Company
  • Manage Your Time Effectively.
  • Have the Right Mindset.
  • Don't Overly Rely on Technology.
  • Have a Clear Plan for Everything.
  • Develop Good Relationships.
  • Reduce Surprises (as Much as Possible, Anyway)
  • Work On Your Communication Skills.

What percentage of owner operators fail? ›

Starting a new trucking company or becoming an owner-operator involves countless considerations, from business and profit management to DOT compliance. Unfortunately, 90% of new small trucking companies are unable to succeed due to common mistakes made by inexperienced business owners.

What type of trucking makes most profit? ›

The Hazmat industry has some of the best paying trucking companies. This is because Hazmat hauling involves transporting hazardous materials such as chemicals, fuel and explosives.

Why do so many trucking companies fail? ›

Insufficient cash flow: Another major reason for the failure of trucking companies is insufficient cash flow. Trucking companies need a steady flow of cash to cover operational expenses, such as fuel costs and vehicle maintenance. Without enough cash on hand, a trucking company may struggle to keep its doors open.

What is the main driver of success? ›

Thus, this issue is going to deal with the 3 qualities: desire, hard work, and perseverance. “At the root of all success you'll find desire. Desire is a strong feeling or wanting to have something happen. This internal feeling drives you to do the things necessary to accomplish your goal.

Why do truck drivers quit? ›

Why do truckers resign? Truckers that feel underappreciated frequently leave their trucking company. To their consumers, senior management, dispatch, and supervisor, they don't feel on an equal footing. Create a culture of respect in the workplace and nurture relationships with your drivers.

What do most owner-operators make per mile? ›

How Much Can You Make As an Owner Operator? Owner operators have the potential to make significantly more money than a company driver. While company drivers make between 38-52 cents per mile, owner operators typically make about 70% of the load, which would be $1.75 on a load paying $2.50, for example.

Will trucking rates go up in 2024? ›

However, like truckload, we expect volume to pick up in the second half of the year. The overall impact of LTL rate increases won't be as muted as in 2023. We expect a three to five percent rate increase to be where we end up for LTL rate inflation in 2024.

Can you be a millionaire in trucking? ›

Anyone can become a millionaire in almost any industry, including trucking. It depends on how you spend and save your money throughout your lifetime. I'm not suggesting that you become so frugal that you cannot enjoy your life nor doing without a spouse, partner or family.

What type of trucking is most in demand? ›

Exploring the Most In-Demand Types of Trucking in Today's Market
  • Refrigerated Trucking. Refrigerated trucking, also known as “reefer” trucking, is the backbone of perishable goods transportation and logistics. ...
  • Flatbed Trucking. ...
  • Specialized Freight Transportation. ...
  • Intermodal Trucking. ...
  • Regional and Local Trucking. ...
  • Conclusion.
Mar 28, 2024

What is a small trucking company worth? ›

So, you can simply take the annual revenue of the business and multiply it with an average revenue multiple to know what is a small trucking company worth. For instance, if the annual revenue of your business is $1,800,000, I'll take 0.56 as the average multiple, valuing your company at $1,008,000.

How do I get customers for my trucking company? ›

So, here are six proven strategies that helped trucking businesses grow their clientele and bottom line.
  1. Build your contact list. ...
  2. Seek personal recommendations. ...
  3. Use truckload boards. ...
  4. Establish partnerships with shipping companies. ...
  5. Send cold emails or make cold calls. ...
  6. Ensure you have a strong internet presence.
Feb 7, 2023

How profitable is owning a trucking company? ›

Yes, you can make money from trucking, if you get it right. The average net profit margin of a trucking company averages between 2.5% and 6%. That means it can be a profitable business and an industry that you can make a decent living from, provided you get into the trucking business with your eyes wide open.

How to dominate the trucking industry? ›

  1. Anticipate Trucking Industry Regulations.
  2. Keep Up with Transportation Technology.
  3. Master Your Business Finances.
  4. Commit to Providing the Best Service Available and Then Use It to Your Advantage.
  5. Pace Your Plans for Business Growth.
  6. How to Find Clients for Trucking Business with Load Boards and Freight Brokers.
Jan 24, 2024

How can I make money owning a trucking company? ›

3 key actions you can take to make more money as a trucking business owner:
  1. Control expenses to lower your company's cost-per-mile.
  2. Increase the rate-per-mile you charge customers.
  3. Drive more loaded miles in a week, in a month and over the year.
Jan 24, 2024

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