How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (2024)

  • by Charlie C
  • Investing


Yes, it is totally possible to retire or even retire early with dividend stocks. Just ask Mr. Money Mustache! However, it isn’t necessarily that easy to do – regardless of career field – because of how much money you’ll need to invest. But we have some tips for that too in Step 1, so keep reading!

Real estate agents typically have ZERO options to retire from real estate from their broker (unless you have equity programs or revenue share cash flow). So, while this isn’t one of our favorite options, it is ONE option and a fairly simple option to retire early – especially if you already have or know how to amass a lot of cash or equity.

To get started, let’s go over what dividend stocks and investing are and then jump right into the steps to retire early with dividend stocks!

Intro to Stocks, Dividends, and Stock Market Investing (for Retirement)

A stock is a share of a company. Companies sell shares in order to raise capital to grow their business. In return, an investor expects their stock prices to rise over time as the company flourishes and grows and reap the reward later when they sell the stock to another investor.

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (1)

A dividend is a distribution of earnings to shareholders. Dividends are particularly interesting because they can provide an opportunity to actually generate income without having to sell the stock.

The way most people invest in the stock market is by putting money away into an Individual Retirement Account (or “IRA”) or in a 401K (if you are a W-2 wage earner and your company provides one). They invest the money into stock/bond funds within that account in the hopes that it grows into a large nest egg by the time they reach retirement age of no earlier than 59 and a half years old.

There are a whole bunch of problems for real estate agents when it comes to trying to invest in an IRA (since we don’t have 401Ks) in order to retire – more on why real estate agents never retire in this post.

But the real gotcha in our mind is that you can’t use the money without penalty until age 59 and a half. You are locked into some sort of work-for-money arrangement until that age unless you come up with another plan!

I don’t know about you, but I DON’T WANT TO WORK UNTIL I DIE.

Enter cash flow from dividends. As far as we know, this is the only way that you can build an actual cash flow stream by investing in the stock market without having to sell your shares. So let’s talk how to retire early with dividend stocks!

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (2)

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

You need to decide two things:

  1. How much annual income do you need to achieve financial freedom?
  2. When do you want to retire by?

Part 1: Annual Income

Keep in mind when deciding how much annual income you’ll need to achieve financial freedom that once you get there you won’t need to be investing any more money. So if you’re currently budgeting for that, you can remove it as an “expense” in the equation.

Do this: add up all your current expenses, plus add a buffer for emergencies, and add on fun and vacation funds. No one should retire without money to play with and with enough income to make retirement stress free! That’s now your target number.

To use an example, let’s say $100,000 a year is a good target. That’d be awesome to make that much without working at all, right?! The next step to retire early with dividend stocks is to decide WHEN to retire.

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (3)

Part 2: Retirement Age

While it isn’t a bad thing to want to tinker or work in some capacity into your later years, it is far better for working to be TOTALLY optional at some point. For example, when I achieve financial freedom in about ten more years, I plan buy an RV and road trip across North America for a year! Because why not!

When would be your dream age to retire at? A better question may be, when would be your dream age to achieve financial freedom?

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (4)

The average retirement age in the USA is 61. Let’s say for this example we want to retire by 50 and spend more time travelling and enjoying life and family!

Step 2: Choose Your Funds

Picking Dividend Funds

So now comes the time to choose what dividend stocks you’ll invest in so that you can each your income goal by your planned early retirement age but without taking too much risk.

Here’s a secret: you can automatically minimize risk by investing in funds, which are a mix of a WHOLE BUNCH of stocks. That way you instantly have a diversified portfolio of stocks, so that losses from one may be offset by the gains of the others.

By investing in just a handful of funds, you automatically spread your equity across many many different stocks. While you can’t control stock market ups and downs, many dividend stock companies have long track records of continuing to pay out dividends in any market. This is good!

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (5)

So which funds to choose? This is something you must do yourself. But here are some good places to start:

The goal is to pick at least a few different funds that yield a decent dividend income with a proven track record. I know this isn’t an easy decision because retirement is at stake! But don’t stress, you can do this. To recap:

  • You want a FEW different funds to lower risk even further
  • You want to spread your investment across these funds
  • You want decent dividend yield
  • You want a proven track record

A decent yield is a debatable number. For me, I like to get around 5% as my average return. So I like to spread my equity equally between all my dividend funds and the average dividend payout across all of them is about 5% annually.

Working Backwards for Your Goal

Now that you have chosen your funds, what is your planned dividend return annually? We’ll use 5% because that’s what I think is doable. The most proven funds are usually not higher than this.

So we want $100,000 a year in income, remember? To do this, simply divide by 5% and we get $2,000,000. Yes, that’s two MILLION dollars. Don’t despair! It is actually completely doable to put this amount of money away in order to retire early with dividend stocks.

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (6)

I know two million sounds like a lot of money, but in the next step I’m going to let you in on a few secrets to amassing this much money either over a shortened career (say age 20-50) or by working creatively to build equity fast over just a few years. After all, if you are a real estate agent then you already have a few advantages over the public to build equity faster!

Check out the Best Wealth Building Platform for Agents!

Step 3: Maximize Equity to Invest

Now, about that lump sum of cash we need to invest in order to retire early with dividend stocks: don’t be dismayed, we can do this! By leveraging the following ways to amass equity, we can immediately invest it and then reinvest dividends we earn into more dividend stocks. Pretty soon, your investments will be taking off!

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (7)

Here are the quickest four ways to amass enough equity to invest in dividend stocks for an early retirement:

Reduce the Top 3 Biggest Expenses

Most people’s top three expenses are:

  1. Housing – Live within your means, keep interest rate low, rent out a room on AirBnB, etc.
  2. Transportation – Carpool, buy gently used and reliable vehicles with low fuel consumption, shop around for insurance, buy reasonable vehicles now so you can have the fun car later!
  3. Food – cook more and dine out less, drink water at restaurants, go out on deal nights, get a crock pot or insta pot, find a value grocery store

Penny pinching is far less effective than reducing the BIG three expense. Reducing your phone bill by $20 is great. Reducing your mortgage payment by $400 with a refi (I just did this) is WAYYYYY more effective at building wealth!

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (8)

Flip Properties in Your Market

Real estate agents are perfectly positioned to be fantastic house flippers in their markets! They know how a home should be priced, how to negotiate, know lenders and contractors, understand how to determine After Repair Value (ARV), and what finishes sell! Plus they can get into properties faster, keep 100% commission on personal investment transactions, and more!

To learn more about flipping houses and real estate investing as a real estate agent, go read this right now!

Start an Agent Team

By starting your own real estate agent team, you can create a steady and scaleable income source! Support your agent team and they will do amazing things for you. Provide leads and split commission.

Start your team with a favorable commission split broker who will provide all the tools, training, support, and liability coverage you could possibly need while you focus on growing your team and transactions!

My team lead started his team while he was a fighter pilot in the US Air Force! So even if you didn’t think you had the time, he’s living proof that you do!

Leverage Revenue Share

Revenue share is just another way to build a cash flow stream as a real estate agent. By getting paid by your broker to attract agents to the company, you can create an ever growing payment source that you can then reinvest into dividend stocks for an early retirement!

Consider this: by leveraging revenue share, you can reduce how much equity you need for dividend stocks. Let’s say you find a forum to attract agents to the company and bring 10 highly productive (and capping) agents to the company and then they all go out and bring 1 more capping agent. That would hypothetically bring in over $50K a year! (See a Demo)

That’s HALF your goal, so now you only need to invest $1 Million instead of $2 Million into dividend funds – you just cut the required cash to retire early with dividend stocks in half and attained retirement that much faster!

Learn How to Cashflow with Revenue Share Here!

Goal Reached!

So now you’ve either invested enough cash to then live financially free off the dividend income or you mixed some dividend income with some other source, like real estate investments or revenue share!

CONGRATS! Now you can literally do WHATEVER you want. Every. Single. Day. There ya have it: you can retire early with dividend stocks.

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (9)

Now keep in mind, that there may be a recession or some other event that might mean many of the companies in your portfolio have a bad year and pay out less dividends. This is unlikely because most companies pride themselves on never having missed dividend payments to investors. But it is possible to have a bad year. So just be smart, have some reserves on hand, and live free!

A Multi-Million Dollar Secret Benefit to a Dividend Retirement

Think about this: most people “retire” by investing in the stock market, hoping to amass some huge nest egg in their 60s, and then “retire” by spending a fraction of that so that the money can last 30+ more years. They have to live frugally and make sure the money lasts… which will – as planned – eventually go to ZERO.

But compare it to this: you amass your $2 Million, which provides the $100,000 in cash flow. When you kick the bucket, what happens? You can let your heirs inherit the money! So not only did you get a a super baller retirement cash flow, but your family gets to benefit for a LONG time as well!

How to Learn More

As real estate agents, we don’t enjoy many of the perks that W-2 employees have when it comes to sustainable equity plans through company stock purchasing programs. Since it is extremely difficult for real estate brokerages to go international or even national, there has never been a way for agents to earn stocks by working with their brokerages. Until now.

If you want to learn more about a platform that allows agents to earn their company stock through recognition programs and sustainable equity plans, while also providing agents with new technologies to better help their clients then check out this article here!

Learn more about building wealth through stock market investing for real estate agents!

How to Retire Early with Dividend Stocks (in 3 Steps) - Agent Wealth Hustle (2024)


How do I retire with dividend stocks? ›

How to Retire on Dividends: Step-by-Step Guide
  1. First Things First – Start Investing Today (or a Few Years Ago, Ideally!)
  2. When Retirement Comes Around, Move Cash to Stocks and Bonds.
  3. Build a Bulletproof Portfolio.
  4. Reinvest Dividend Income Back Into Dividend-Paying Stocks.
Apr 9, 2024

How much money do you need to make $50000 a year off dividends? ›

If, for example, your portfolio gets to a value of $1.5 million, you could invest in a fund or multiple investments that yield an average of 3.3%. At that rate, you could generate $50,000 in annual dividends. With a lower portfolio balance of $1 million, you would need to target an average yield of 5%.

Can you get wealthy from dividend stocks? ›

Can an investor really get rich from dividends? The short answer is “yes”. With a high savings rate, robust investment returns, and a long enough time horizon, this will lead to surprising wealth in the long run. For many investors who are just starting out, this may seem like an unrealistic pipe dream.

How to make $5,000 a month in dividends? ›

To generate $5,000 per month in dividends, you would need a portfolio value of approximately $1 million invested in stocks with an average dividend yield of 5%. For example, Johnson & Johnson stock currently yields 2.7% annually. $1 million invested would generate about $27,000 per year or $2,250 per month.

Can you live off dividend stocks? ›

It is possible to achieve financial freedom by living off dividends forever. That isn't to say it's easy, but it's possible. Those starting from nothing admittedly have a hard road to retirement-enabling passive income.

How much money is needed to live off dividends? ›

If you are considering a dividend-focused strategy, you should carefully assess your income needs and risk tolerance. For example, if you require an income of 100,000 per year and were looking at a dividend yield of 10%, you would need to invest 1,000,000.

How much dividends to make $1,000 a month? ›

In a market that generates a 2% annual yield, you would need to invest $600,000 up front in order to reliably generate $12,000 per year (or $1,000 per month) in dividend payments. How Can You Make $1,000 Per Month In Dividends?

How much money do I need to invest to make $3000 a month in dividends? ›

If you were to invest in a company offering a 4% annual dividend yield, you would need to invest about $900,000 to generate a monthly income of $3000. While this might seem like a hefty sum, remember that this investment isn't just generating income—it's also likely to appreciate over time.

How much to make $1,000 a year in dividends? ›

Image source: Getty Images. About $11,900 spread evenly among these stocks is enough to secure $1,000 in annual dividend income. Moreover, there's a good chance they will be able to raise their dividend payments, and your income stream, for many years to come.

What are the 3 dividend stocks to buy and hold forever? ›

7 Dividend Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever
Dividend StockCurrent Dividend Yield*Analysts' Implied Upside*
Home Depot Inc. (HD)2.5%10.5%
Procter & Gamble Co. (PG)2.4%15.4%
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)3.1%25.3%
Merck & Co. Inc. (MRK)2.4%10.6%
3 more rows
Apr 9, 2024

What is the safest dividend stock? ›

Top 25 High Dividend Stocks
TickerNameDividend Safety
CCICrown CastleBorderline Safe
WPCW. P. CareySafe
KMIKinder MorganSafe
6 more rows
5 days ago

Do billionaires live off dividends? ›

The Billionaires live on Dividends and do not sell their Stocks. They hold the Stocks and enjoy Dividends. They do not Invest in Real Estate for enjoy Hefty Profits.

How much do I need to invest to make $500 a month in dividends? ›

Shares of public companies that split profits with shareholders by paying cash dividends yield between 2% and 6% a year. With that in mind, putting $250,000 into low-yielding dividend stocks or $83,333 into high-yielding shares will get your $500 a month.

How much do I need to invest to get 500 a month in dividends? ›

To generate $500 a month in passive income you may need to invest between $83,333 and $250,000, depending on the asset and investment type you select. In addition to yield, you'll want to consider safety, liquidity and convenience when selecting the investments you'll employ to provide monthly passive income.

How much do I need to invest to make $200 a month in dividends? ›

To collect $200 every time the company makes a dividend payment, you would need to invest a little less than $14,300 into the REIT.

Can you live off of dividends in retirement? ›

A Dividend Portfolio Preserves Your Retirement Savings:

Ideally, the portfolio can be created in such a way that you can live off a dividend stream of payments without withdrawing from your principal balance. The strategy helps you avoid dipping into your savings thus helping your retirement funds last longer.

Do people retire on dividends? ›

Dividend growers are popular for an early retirement portfolio. These are companies known for consistently increasing their dividend payouts over time. Their attractiveness lies in their ability to potentially offer a reliable and growing stream of income, a crucial factor for individuals aiming to retire early.

Is dividend income good for retirement? ›

Like most things used in moderation there isn't anything wrong with dividends, or the stocks that pay them. In fact, higher-dividend paying stocks are usually older, established, and strong companies. They can be good components of retirement income plans and help provide some diversification in investment portfolios.

Should I invest in dividend stocks for retirement? ›

Although rates have been relatively low recently, inflation still has a corrosive effect on investment returns. Investors who hold positions in dividend-paying stocks may be better able to navigate higher inflation rates while saving for retirement.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.