How to prepare for an emergency (2024)

  • How to prepare your own home

  • What to do in case of flooding?

  • How to prepare a water supply

  • How to prepare a vehicle

  • What products to stock up for home and a survival kit

  • Products for a survival kit

  • What to cook when there is no electricity

  • What candles to buy in case there is no light

  • How to prepare a first aid kit

  • How to agree with relatives and friends on an action plan

  • How to take care of pets

Many establishments, such as shops, pharmacies, and banks, may be closed in an emergency. Therefore make sure you have a supply of food, water, medicine, cash, and the things you need at home. For tips on this, see the sections “How to prepare a water supply,” “What food to stock up on for home and a survival kit,” “How to prepare a first aid kit.”

The supply of electricity, water, gas, heat, telephone, mobile, internet, ATMs and bank terminals, shops, and pharmacies may be entirely or partially blocked in the event of military actions.

How to prepare your own home

Make sure you have:

  • the stock of long-term storage products;

  • drinking and technical water;

  • first aid kit;

  • cash;

  • flashlights, spare batteries or accumulators for them, candles;

  • gas burner with extra cylinders for cooking;

  • fire extinguisher;

  • warm blankets, sleeping bags, thermal underwear (in case of the cold season);

  • survival kit in case of evacuation or transition to shelter;

If you live in a private house, equip the simplest shelter in your basem*nt.

Offer older neighbors or people who cannot move on their own to help prepare a home and a survival kit and take them to the shelter if necessary.

What to do in case of flooding?

Due to the hostilities in Ukraine, there is a threat of dams, reservoirs, and locks being breached or deliberately destroyed by Russian troops. In the event of an emergency – flooding – it is important for the population to prepare in time.

The most dangerous places in cities and villages are

  • river basins
  • tributaries of rivers

First of all, it is necessary to follow the instructions and recommendations of local authorities and rescuers.

Flooding as an emergency situation

In the event of sudden flooding or the destruction of hydraulic structures, rescue services and local authorities will notify the public with sirens or loudspeakers.

If you hear such a warning or see water approaching, follow these rules when you are in the house:

  • Stay calm, don’t panic

  • Turn on the radio

  • Dress appropriately for the weather and take an emergency suitcase. It is advisable to put documents in airtight bags (see this section for what should be in an emergency suitcase)

  • Help children and the elderly get ready

  • Inform relatives, friends and neighbors about the emergency

  • Move domestic animals/birds to safe places or open doors for free exit

  • If possible, leave the flooded area immediately

  • Move important items to upper floors or attic, if possible

  • Close windows and doors of the house, seal them with boards if you have time

  • Turn off the electricity and gas supply in the house

  • Go to the upper floors or attic

  • Call the rescuers and let them know that you are stuck and where you are:

    • 112 – Single call number for all emergency services
    • 101 – Fire and rescue service
  • Stay on the upper floors until the rescuers arrive. Signal them so they can find you faster. This can be done with a flashlight or by hanging a bright cloth on the window.

  • Check if there are any injured people nearby. If possible, help them.

While in the car:

  • never risk driving through a flooded road
  • If it’s impossible to drive any further, quickly get out of the car, find a safer place on an elevated area and call for help

If you get into the water

  • take off heavy clothes and shoes
  • check for floating or elevated objects nearby that you can grab onto and use until help arrives
  • don’t swim near electric poles: the wires may be energized, stay away from them as far as possible
  • don’t overcrowd rescue boats or rafts

If you see a person who has fallen into the water, act carefully:

when rescuing, don’t enter water that is higher than the knee, because a strong current can knock you down and carry you away

find objects that can help: a rope, a stick, a boat

If possible, pull the person to the shore

  • If the person is conscious, turn him or her over onto his or her back and fix the cervical spine so that he or she can breathe freely. Cover the person to keep them warm. Call the rescuers.
  • If the person loses consciousness, call rescuers and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

If you have been informed of the flooding in advance and have time to prepare, listen carefully to the emergency information and keep your radio or TV on. Warn your neighbors and find out from the local authorities where to gather for evacuation. Prepare an emergency suitcase, turn off the electricity and turn off the gas. If possible, move things from the ground floor to higher floors and move cattle to a safe place. Put fuels, oil and hazardous substances in a safe place on higher ground so that they don’t contaminate the environment.

Seasonal flooding: how to prepare?

In the fall, winter, and spring, some regions of Ukraine suffer from seasonal flooding. If you live in a risk area or have been warned about flooding in advance and are unable to move to a safe place for a while, you should

  1. collect enough water for yourself and your cattle: it is strictly forbidden to drink water from flooded wells
  2. Prepare sandbags to block the entrance to the premises and exterior walls up to a height of 1 meter
  3. Keep valuables on the upper floor

What to do after a flood

After the water has drained and rescuers allowed to return home, check the following and follow the rules before entering and staying inside:

  • make sure the house hasn’t been damaged

  • Don’t use open flames (matches, candles) because of the danger of explosion of gasses accumulated in the room

  • Don’t live in a house where there is still standing water

  • don’t turn on the electricity until specialists check the condition of the network (don’t touch the gas and water supply until official permission is given)

  • make sure that electrical cables don’t come into contact with water

  • report damage to water, gas, and sewer lines to the utility companies

  • All property that has been flooded must be disinfected

  • Be sure to boil drinking water, especially from water sources that have been flooded

  • dry the house, clean it thoroughly and disinfect contaminated tableware

  • Drain basem*nts: remove about a third of the total volume of water daily

  • don’t eat food that has been flooded, and get rid of canned food that has been under water

  • Drain basem*nts: remove about a third of the total volume of water daily

  • Wear rubber boots

Ask local authorities for contacts of organizations that help those affected.

How to prepare a water supply

Calculate the stock for home use according to the number of members of your family. One adult needs per day:

  • 3 liters of drinking water (including liquid consumed with food);

  • 10-12 liters for hygiene and cooking.

Ensure that you have a water supply for yourself and your family for at least 72 hours.

If you are not sure about the quality of drinking water, we recommend having supplies for additional cleaning — filter jug ​​for mechanical water purification or tablets for quick disinfection of water.

How to prepare a vehicle

If you have a car, check in advance:

  • its technical serviceability

  • whether the tank is full of fuel

  • the expiration date of the insurance policy

  • the presence of additional fuel in the canisters

What products to stock up for home and a survival kit

Take care of nutritious foods for long-term storage. If needed, you can take them with you to a shelter. In addition, these products should not require much water for cooking.

Also, think about what foods you and your family eat. Make a three-day food supply for the home.

Even in the absence of electricity, keep food in the refrigerator: it will retain cold for several hours after turning off. Try to open the door as little as possible. Eat perishable foods first.

If the temperature outside is low, you can keep food there.

How to prepare for an emergency (1)

Products for a survival kit:

  • sublimated products (porridges, soups, noodles)

  • canned meat, fish, vegetables

  • bread and cookies

  • nuts

  • chocolate

  • dried fruits

How to prepare a first aid kit

Prepare two first aid kits – one for emergencies (for example, in case of injury), the other for your household needs (pain relief, elimination of symptoms of poisoning, elimination of allergic reactions, etc.).

Emergency first aid kit:

  • a valve with a film for artificial respiration;

  • supplies to stop bleeding (tourniquet or hemostatic bandage with hemostatic agent);

  • chlorhexidine or alcohol for wound disinfection;

  • hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes;

  • gauze napkins of different sizes, non-sterile gauze bandages;

  • elastic bandages with the possibility of fixation;

  • two pairs of rubber gloves;

  • special atraumatic scissors for quick cutting of clothes on the victim;

  • a large piece of cloth that can be used to fix the victim’s limb;

  • thermal blanket

Do not put those drugs and medicines you do not know how to use in the first aid kit. If you still want to take them, learn how to use them properly in advance.

Keep prescriptions for your medications (follow the expiration date), as well as the names and phone numbers of your doctors.

How to prepare for an emergency (2)

First aid kit for household needs:

  • patches of different sizes

  • activated charcoal to treat intoxications

  • medicine to reduce fever

  • painkillers

  • antiallergic medicine

  • diarrhea medication

  • gastrointestinal infection medicine

  • drops in case of infectious and inflammatory eye diseases

  • the medicine you are taking (dosage for at least a week) with a description of the method of application and dose;

  • the stock of masks.

What to cook when there is no electricity

In case of power outages and other emergency situations, we advise you to stock up on canned goods and dry sublimated food in advance. Nowadays, in stores, there is a large selection of such dishes: soups, porridges, purees. To use them, it is enough to fill them with cold water.

Some cereals do not need to be boiled, it will be enough to only pour water and leave them for a while. So we advise you to have them in stock.

Porridge, for the preparation of which boiled water is needed

  • Barley porridge. Pour boiled water and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Millet porridge. Pour boiled water and wait 1 hour for infusion.
  • Wheat porridge. Pour boiled water and wrap the bowl in a blanket to keep the warmth. Wait 30-50 minutes for infusion.
  • Bulgur. You can cook small or medium sized bulgur without boiling. Small bulgur is infused in boiling water in 20 minutes, medium – 40 minutes.

Porridge, for the preparation of which cold water (kefir or milk) is enough

  • Buckwheat porridge

Brown buckwheat is sold in stores already prepared. It is marked on the package that it is fried and dried. If there is no gas or electricity, cereals can be pre-soaked in room temperature water, milk or kefir. It should be infused for 5 to 10 hours. Therefore, it is better to soak it overnight.

  • Pearl porridge

This cereal can be poured with both boiling and plain water. But it should be infused in cold water for 10 to 24 hours. Therefore, it is better to pour it in the evening.

  • Couscous

Cereals filled with cold water are enough to leave for 20-30 minutes for preparing. If there is hot water, 5 – 10 minutes will be enough.

  • Oatmeal (or oat flakes)

To cook in cold water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes or an hour. In boiling water – 20 minutes is enough.

  • Semolina porridge

Pour cold water or milk over the semolina, cover and let it steep for 15-20 minutes.

  • Quinoa

Cover with cold water and leave overnight.

All the listed cereals can also be prepared in a thermos. One hour of boiling on the stove equals 4-5 hours of infusion in a thermos.

What candles to buy in case there is no light

Due to power outages, Ukrainians are advised to stock up on candles. We explain what types exist and how they differ.

Beeswax candles

The most ecological, safe and without pungent smell. Such wax practically does not burn, but only melts. When burning doesn’t leave soot.

Sometimes a part of paraffin is added to the composition of the mass in a strict percentage correlation so as not to break the natural properties of the wax. However, if the wax candle has horizontal cracks and crumbles easily, it means that it contains more than 30% of paraffin.

Such candles cost more than others due to the high cost of the raw materials. The price starts from 100 UAH for a set of thin (“church”) candles.

The burning time depends on the size, but the smallest ones from the store burn for up to an hour.

Vegetable wax candles (stearin)

Stearin is produced from various oils, for example, palm oil. Stearin candles are easy to recognize: they are matte, and after burning, a transparent layer with a pattern similar to snowflakes is formed.

  • Palm wax candles. Solid and non-greasy material. Burns almost without smell. However, it is fragile – it is easy to break.
  • Soy wax candles. Matte white in color, when heated, the material becomes liquid and transparent with a “milky” smell.
  • Coconut wax candles. More expensive than palm and soy, they also burn longer than others (1 cm – up to 5 hours). However, they are rarely found in stores.

Such candles emit a concentrated aroma, so they are recommended for use in large spaces.

Prices for candles made of vegetable wax: from 100 UAH for a small candle. The burning time depends on the size, but the smallest ones burn up to 45 minutes.


Paraffin is a product of oil distillation. Without impurities and without additional cleaning, it has an unpleasant smell. There are candles made of high-purity paraffin, those in which aromas are added.

The more poorly cleaned paraffin is in the candle, the more soot, uneven flame and black “fouling” during burning.

You shouldn’t overuse paraffin candles, burning them one by one. It is better to take short breaks and ventilate the room.

Their only advantage is that they are cheap. The price of the smallest paraffin candle starts at 20 UAH.

The burning time depends on the size, but the smallest ones burn in half an hour.

Gel candles

They are made from gel-like synthetic hydrocarbons. These candles are safer than those made of technical paraffin. But there is a nuance in gel candles – a decorative filler. When burning, fabric and plastic can give out an unpleasant smell, in addition, they ignite easily and the fire can become uncontrollable. Therefore, it is better to buy gel candles with stones that will not ignite.

The burning time is an average of 4 hours (but it depends on the size). The average price is 250 hryvnias.

How to make a candle with your own hands

Long-burning candle

From one 30 centimeters long wax candle, you can make 6 long-burning candles, each of which will burn for 10-12 hours.

What is needed:

  • a small jar, a glass or a cup with thick glass
  • paraffin candle
  • wax candle
  • pinch of salt
  • oil (refined without odor)
  • knife
  • matches or a lighter

How to make:

  1. Divide the wax candle into several parts approximately 5 centimeters each.
  2. Drop a little melted paraffin on the bottom of the container and, until it hardens, fix a piece of candle on it.
  3. Pour oil into the container, add a pinch of salt, which will remove moisture from the oil.
  4. A long-burning candle is ready.

Potato candle

What you will need:

  • small plate (made of glass or clay)
  • potato
  • improvised wick – a rope made of natural fabric, gauze, bandage or lace
  • oil (refined without odor)

How to make:

  1. Pour approximately 100 ml of oil into a plate.
  2. Cut a potato circle 1 centimeter thick and make a hole in the middle for the wick.
  3. Grease both the potato circle and the wick with oil.
  4. Pull the wick through the potato so that approximately half a centimeter is pierced out from the top.
  5. Put the potato in a plate with oil and light the wick.

Approximately 100 ml. of oil and 3-5 cm of wick will burn for up to 6 hours.

What to put in a survival kit

A survival kit is a capacious durable large comfortable backpack or bag. Put the necessary clothes, hygiene items, medicines, tools, and food. A survival kit is needed for a quick evacuation, not to waste time collecting things.

How to prepare for an emergency (3)

Put in the survival kit:

  • passport and copies of all necessary documents in plastic packaging;

  • money (bank cards and cash; distribute banknotes to different places);

  • the paper version of the COVID certificate;

  • house and car keys;

  • a map of the area, as well as information about the method of communication and the agreed meeting place of your family;

  • chargers for mobile phones and power banks (portable chargers);

  • small radio;

  • flashlight, matches, lighter, candles;

  • spare push-button telephone, set of walkie-talkies;

  • compass, digital watch (preferably waterproof);

  • spare batteries;

  • multifunctional tool (multitool) with a knife blade, awl, screwdriver, scissors, etc;

  • sharpened knife, ax;

  • signal supplies: whistle, hand flare;

  • garbage bags;

  • a roll of wide tape;

  • notebook, pen, pencil, or marker;

  • water purification tablets;

  • threads, needles;

  • synthetic cord 4-5 mm thick, about 20 m long;

  • first aid kit;

  • warm clothes;

  • underwear and socks;

  • reliable, comfortable shoes, preferably waterproof;

  • tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag (if space allows);

  • hygienic supplies;

  • utensils (cast iron pot, flask, spoon, mug);

  • two liters of drinking water per person (this amount should cover your minimum need for two days, and at the same time will not make your survival kit too heavy);

  • food for two days;

  • scanned archive of photos and documents.

Put a tag in your top or side pocket with your name and contacts if you lose your backpack. If possible, bring photos of family or friends with you — this will help you find them if the group splits.

After packing, try to lift your backpack and walk with it. If it is too heavy, optimize its contents: it is crucial to bring it to the shelter without problems.

Put a label with the child’s name, year of birth, home address, planned destination, and information about the parents – names and contacts in the backpack and pocket of the child’s clothes. Explain to your child when and how to use this note.

How to agree with relatives and friends on an action plan

Discuss all possible scenarios with relatives and friends: if the whole family is at home together and if one of the family members is absent.

An emergency can happen when you are in different places. Therefore, agree in advance on the meeting place, routes, and general action plan. In addition, decide on how you will communicate if the connection is lost (prepare walkie-talkies, arrange a meeting point or a place to leave a note with information).

Make a list of important numbers for each family member: write them down or print them out. Then, arrange for each family member to carry it with them.

How to take care of pets

  • prepare a supply of dry food and water;

  • prepare a carrier, leash, and muzzle;

  • make sure the animal is vaccinated against rabies;

  • put the animal’s passport in the survival kit;

  • hang a token with the name and contact of at least two people;

  • animals’ essential medications.

Please note that it is forbidden to take animals to shelter. If possible, arrange in advance with friends or family members who live in a safe place to hand over the animal.

Important information for the media, bloggers and all citizens who photograph or write about war and the army

According to the ORDER of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, GENERAL VALERY ZALUZHNY:

What is categorically prohibited to be covered by the mass media during wartime:

  • names of bases and subdivisions, as well as their locations

  • the number of soldiers in bases and units

  • the number of weapons and equipment, their condition and place of storage

  • conditional marks of objects

Any information about:

  • operations carried out or planned

  • system of protection and defense of military units

  • available military protection such as: weapons and equipment(except visible or obviously expressed)

  • procedure for engaging forces (military) and facilities (weapons)

  • intelligence gathering

  • movement and deployment of troops (names, numbers, routes)

  • military units and their tactics, methods of action

  • unique operations and their execution methods

  • the effectiveness of the enemy’s electronic warfare

  • postponed or canceled operations

  • missing or crashed aircraft, ship and search and rescue operations

  • plans for the security of our troops (disinformation, camouflage, countermeasures)

  • informational and psychological operations carried out or planned

  • propaganda or justification of russia’s large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine.

Do not post on social media:

  • consequences of hits by enemy’s missiles or projectiles or moments of their flight in the sky. By doing so you will help the enemy to adjust the fire.

  • time and place of “hits” (neither in publications nor in comments)

  • information about the work of the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces

  • a photo showing numbers, special markings and markings on destroyed or downed enemy equipment.

  • unverified information about victims or dead.

Read also

What to do if you were taken out of Ukraine by force?
How to survive kidnapping and captivity
A Guide to Handling the Threat of Mining
What to do during a chemical weapon attack
Psychological support during the war
Evacuation and organization of shelters
Acting in occupied territory
Preparation of civil defense in the siege
How to prepare for an emergency (2024)


How do you prepare for an emergency response? ›

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
  1. Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  2. Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  3. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  4. Flashlight.
  5. First aid kit.
  6. Extra batteries.
  7. Whistle (to signal for help)
May 10, 2022

What are the 4 basic responses to emergencies? ›

Current thinking defines four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

What are the top 3 things necessary for emergency preparedness and response? ›

Basic emergency kit
  • Water – at least two litres of water per person per day. ...
  • Food that won't spoil, such as canned food, energy bars and dried foods (Replace food and water once a year).
  • Manual can-opener.
  • Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight (and extra batteries)
  • Wind-up or battery-powered radio (and extra batteries)
Aug 4, 2022

What is the 3 step model for emergency response? ›

Training your brain before you find yourself in a high-pressure situation may help you save a life or potentially help someone in pain. There are three basic C's to remember—check, call, and care.

What are the five rules in emergency response? ›

Prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery are the five steps of Emergency Management.

What is the first rule of emergency response? ›

As in any emergency situation, the most important rule is to always think SAFETY.

What are the 6 basic actions to take in any emergency? ›

To safely work through an emergency, consider these 6 priorities.
  • Stop to assess the situation – watch out for danger. ...
  • Make sure it is safe to approach the scene. ...
  • Make the area safe. ...
  • Assess the victim. ...
  • Call for help. ...
  • Resuscitate and treat injuries as necessary.
Nov 1, 2022

What are the 6 essential factors to effective emergency response explain? ›

The Joint Commission has identified a hospital emergency operation plan's six key elements: communication, resources and assets, safety and security, staff responsibilities, utilities, and clinical and support activities.

What are the 2 most important things to remember in an emergency? ›

Plan for two situations – staying home or leaving. You should be prepared to stay in one place (like your house) or to evacuate. Deciding whether it is best to stay or go depends on the type of emergency. Officials may tell you what you need to do.

What are the first 3 things you should do in an emergency situation? ›

First Things to Do in Any Emergency
  • Stay calm. ...
  • Access the scenario for danger. ...
  • Once safely evacuated or sheltered-in-place, call for help using 911 and clearly explain what you know about the situation.
  • Provide first aid for any injured people.

What are the seven steps to successful emergency preparedness? ›

The Seven Elements of Successful Emergency Action Planning
  • Consider the situations. ...
  • Determine the correct actions. ...
  • Create rally points. ...
  • Verify safe routes. ...
  • Account for everyone. ...
  • Drill (or not). ...
  • Keep reviewing.

What are the steps of preparedness? ›

Preparedness is a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating and taking corrective action. Training and exercising plans is the cornerstone of preparedness, which focuses on readiness to respond to all hazards, incidents and emergencies.

What is the first priority in an emergency situation? ›

Check for Danger. Check for a Response. Open Airway. Check Breathing.

What should an emergency response plan include? ›

The best emergency response plans include a list of individuals to contact (and their contact information), evacuation routes, how to act during an emergency, how to mitigate risk to your people and facilities, and detailed communication procedures to follow during and after a specific emergency occurs.

What is the golden rule in an emergency situation? ›

Identify and avoid risks to yourself, the person affected and third parties. Request support early (first aiders, AED, emergency number 144). Be “suspicious” and primarily assume it is something serious. Deal quickly with any chaos and cope with the situation.

What are the golden rules of emergency? ›

Don't put yourself or the injured person at risk. Decide if you or the injured person needs medical aid; ask for advice if not sure. Reassure the injured person. If they are severely injured and under shock, and keep them warm.

What are the five things not to do during emergency? ›

Here are five of them.
  • 1) Panic. When things go wrong, you need to stay calm. ...
  • 2) Rush. You probably feel like you don't have much time to react, and you may not. ...
  • 3) Stop doing checklists. Checklists are there for a reason. ...
  • 4) Stop communicating. ...
  • 5) Stop flying the plane.
Feb 25, 2020

What is the emergency preparedness and response? ›

Emergency Preparedness and Response. The Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) Program prepares for, responds to, and researches chemical, biological, radiological and natural disasters. The program integrates and evaluates occupational safety and health topics to protect response and recovery workers.

What are the ABCs of emergency priorities? ›

A part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC),which are physiological elements that are needed for the body to survive and help determine one's level of health. Observing ABCs is a rapid assessment of life-threatening conditions in order of priority.

What is the ABC in the emergency situation? ›

The Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach is a systematic approach to the immediate assessment and treatment of critically ill or injured patients.

What is the most life threatening emergency? ›

A heart attack is a serious life threatening medical emergency where the supply of blood to the heart is suddenly blocked.

Who is the most important person in an emergency situation? ›

The most important person in a rescue attempt is the rescuer.

What does ABCD stand for in first aid? ›

Use the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach to assess and treat the patient. Do a complete initial assessment and re-assess regularly.

What are five 5 examples of emergency situations? ›

Types of Emergencies
  • Severe Weather (Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Hail) ...
  • Fire. ...
  • Hazardous Materials Accidents. ...
  • Chemical/Biological/Radiological (CBR) Emergencies. ...
  • Aircraft Crashes. ...
  • National Emergency (War, Terrorism) ...
  • Civil Disorder. ...
  • Active Shooter.

What not to do in emergency? ›

Don't drink, eat, or smoke anything during an emergency from a chemical source or unknown explosion until you are out of harm's way. Don't go anywhere except to your designated meeting place after escaping from an emergency scene.

What is basic preparedness? ›

Basic Preparedness • Create a network of neighbors, relatives, friends, and coworkers to aid you in an emergency. Discuss your needs and make sure everyone knows how to operate necessary equipment. • Discuss your needs with your employer. •

What are the 3 parts of an emergency action plan? ›

Evacuation Procedures, Escape Routes, and Floor Plans.

What should be the highest priority in emergency response plans? ›

When an emergency occurs, the first priority is always life safety. The second priority is the stabilization of the incident. There are many actions that can be taken to stabilize an incident and minimize potential damage. First aid and CPR by trained employees can save lives.

What is the most critical step in case of emergency? ›

Dialing 911 is the most critical step In case of emergency.

What are common responses to emergencies? ›

Shock and denial are typical responses to traumatic events and disasters, especially shortly after the event. Both shock and denial are normal protective reactions.

What are the responses in emergency situation? ›

Call 911 as soon as possible. Give them as many details as possible regarding the incident, any continuing danger and the condition of any victims. Thorough and accurate information gives them a better idea of how many rescue personnel or vehicles are needed.

Why do we panic in emergencies? ›

The natural drive to take some action in response to a threat is sometime described as the fight-or- flight response. Emergencies create threats to our health and safety that can create severe anxiety, stress, and the need to do something. Adrenaline, a primary stress hormone, is activated in threatening situations.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.