How to Pour a Concrete Slab (2024)

Concrete slabs are multi-purpose surfaces or foundations for homes and gardens. For walkways, patios, and floors, concrete slabs are inexpensive to install and durable enough to last for years. When you pour a concrete slab, you're giving yourself a design material that is adaptive to many of your outdoor design needs while saving money that would have been spent on a contractor.

Working With Ready-Mix Concrete

It's not too difficult to DIY a concrete slab. And, if you mix it yourself, it's the cheapest way to make your slab. For most do-it-yourselfers, the best material for building a concrete slab is a ready-mix, crack-resistant concrete product. The wet mix is poured into a prepared wood form, then left to cure. After the concrete has hardened, the sides of the form are knocked off, and the slab is ready to use. You don't want to do the project alone; recruit at least two assistants.

Ready-mix concrete is a blend of gravel, sand, cement, and other additives. Bagged and available in most home centers, ready-mix concrete contains all the materials to make concrete except for water. Buy a crack-resistant, ready-mix to avoid setting a reinforcing bar (rebar) for strength. Its synthetic fibers eliminate the need for rebar on small-scale concrete slabs.

Working concrete by hand in a wheelbarrow requires strength, organization, and speed. For a 3-foot by 3-foot slab, you will need two assistants. Two people will need to mix the concrete in the wheelbarrow, while a third person should spread the mixed concrete into the form.

When to Pour a Concrete Slab

Wait for dry, warm conditions to pour your concrete slab. For most ready-mixes, the temperature should be 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for five days after pouring. You can pour the slab in colder temperatures, down to 50 F, but extend the curing time to seven days.

Never pour concrete when temperatures are expected to dip below 40 F since it may cause the concrete to crack. Also, it's best to refrain from pouring concrete when rain is expected; although it's not a deal-breaker, it might slightly compromise the concrete's integrity.

Concrete Slab Costs

To calculate the materials for your concrete slab, you must determine the length and width of space and thickness of the slab. This table provides an average of the costs that you can expect.

Average Cost by Square Feet
Size (sq. feet)Cost
10 by 10 (100)$400 to $800
12 by 12 (144)$576 to $1,152
10 by 20 (200)$800 to $1,600
20 by 20 (400)$1,600 to $3,200
20 by 30 (600)$2,400 to $4,800
30 by 30 (900)$3,600 to $7,200
40 by 40 (1,600)$6,400 to $12,800
Costs by Slab Thickness
Slab ThicknessPrice Per Sq. Foot
2 to 4 inches$5
6 inches$6
8 inches$8

Safety Considerations

Always use breathing protection when working with dry concrete mix since it irritates breathing passages and lungs. Eighty-pound bags of concrete are very heavy, so have help when moving them to protect your back. Most home centers and hardware stores also carry 60-pound bags of concrete.

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What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Hammer
  • Level
  • Electric miter saw or circular saw
  • Concrete hand float
  • Mixing hoe
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel
  • Tamper
  • Eye and breathing protection
  • Latex or nitrile gloves
  • Speed square or carpenter's square


  • 3 80-pound bags of ready-mix crack-resistant concrete
  • 8 50-pound bags of all-purpose gravel
  • 3 2 x 4s, 8-ft each
  • 4 Wood stakes
  • Deck screws
  • Twine or mason's line
  • 16d galvanized nails, 3 1/2 in
  • Vegetable oil or release agent


  1. Roughly Outline the Slab Location

    In the desired location, use the tape measure and a rope or hose to lay out the general area of the concrete slab. Use the speed square or a carpenter's square to set the perpendicular lines.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (2)

  2. Stake the Location

    With the hammer, drive the four stakes into the ground at each of the four corners of the intended slab. Run the twine tightly between the stakes to define the slab area.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (3)

  3. Remove the Turf

    Use a shovel or a turf-cutting tool to remove turf or lawn about 6 inches beyond your marked area. The intent is to provide yourself with extra working room on all sides.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (4)

  4. Lay the Sub-Base

    Open the bags of all-purpose gravel and pour them into the slab construction site. Use the tamper tool to compact and flatten the gravel.


    After it is first poured out, the gravel sub-base will be about 1 inch too high. However, tamping will bring down the level to its correct height.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (5)

  5. Set the Concrete Slab Form

    If you're building the slab forms yourself, mark off four sections of the two-by-fours, each measuring 3 feet, 3 inches, and use the circular saw or electric miter saw to cut them. Drive the 16d galvanized nails into the boards to build the form. Place the form on the sub-base.

    Cut four scrap pieces of two-by-fours to about 12 inches long and sharpen each one to a point (one end only). Pound each stake into the ground near a corner of the form. With the cordless drill, screw each stake into a side of the form to help stabilize it.

    Depending on the price of wood, renting slab forms can be less expensive than building your own, and renting can also save you time.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (6)

  6. Coat the Concrete Form

    Coat the inside of the form with vegetable oil or a concrete-form release agent, such as Kleen Kote's water-based release agent.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (7)

  7. Wet the Sub-Base

    With the garden hose, lightly wet down the sub-base.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (8)

  8. Mix and Pour the Concrete

    Mix the ready-mix concrete according to the manufacturer's specifications with the wheelbarrow, hoe, and hose. When it has a peanut butter-like consistency, pour it into the form. Push the concrete around the form with the hoe and with gloved hands.

    Using slightly more water than specified makes the concrete easier to work. Too much water will reduce the cured strength of the concrete. Only add more water if necessary. Add the water in 2-ounce increments; a little goes a long way.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (9)

  9. Screed the Wet Concrete

    With a scrap 4-foot-long piece of two-by-four, screed the top of the concrete slab. This is done by moving the piece of lumber (the screed) back and forth in a sawing motion to level the concrete and remove excess. Let the excess drop off the side for later removal.

    After screeding, tap all around the outside of the form with a hammer. This will remove air and spaces on the edges that would give a "honeycomb" look.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (10)

  10. Float the Wet Concrete

    Let the concrete settle until the surface water evaporates. Then, using a concrete hand float, smooth and compact the slab's surface.

    A metal concrete trowel can be used 10 to 20 minutes after floating for a smoother finish. It can be left smooth or textured by lightly dragging a broom across the surface. An edging trowel can be used for rounding the perimeter edges for a stronger and more finished look.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (11)

  11. Let the Concrete Cure

    Let the concrete cure for about 48 hours. Keep the slab continually wet by misting it with the garden hose and keep it covered with plastic during this period. Full strength is typically achieved after 28 days, though it can be walked on after two days. It's best to wait 7 to 10 days before putting patio furniture on the slab.

    How to Pour a Concrete Slab (12)

Tips For Pouring a Concrete Slab

  • Be mindful of the concrete hardening time and work quickly.
  • Adjacent concrete slabs can be laid—even using the same forms—to build an overall larger slab.
  • Letting the concrete dry out too fast is the main cause of cracking, so be sure to keep it moist.
  • Clean your tools quickly after use to keep the concrete from ruining them.


  • Can you pour concrete straight on dirt?

    You can pour concrete on dirt, but it must first be prepared by compacting the soil. You might need to add a gravel layer if the ground is clay.

  • How thick does a concrete slab need to be to not crack?

    For walkways, patios, garages, and driveways, pour a concrete slab at least 4 inches thick. Make the slab at least 5 to 6 inches to accommodate slabs for trucks or heavier vehicles.

  • What are the disadvantages of a concrete slab?

    Concrete slabs are durable and versatile, but their most significant disadvantage is they can crack if not maintained well. They are prone to more cracks when exposed to harsh weather conditions. You will need to seal and repair it if a crack appears.

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  1. Zeleke ZK, Moen BE, Bråtveit M. Cement Dust Exposure and Acute Lung Function: A Cross Shift Study.BMC Pulm Med. 2010;10:19. doi:10.1186/1471-2466-10-19

How to Pour a Concrete Slab (2024)


Can I pour a concrete slab yourself? ›

Yes, you can pour your own concrete slab if you use ready-mix concrete and have at least one other person, if not two, to help you. Read the directions on the concrete mix bag and plan the project carefully before beginning.

What do you put down before pouring a concrete slab? ›

A base of gravel will help prevent erosion and keep the slab from settling. Pour concrete sand to fill the gaps in the gravel base. Use a tamper or plate compactor to flatten the gravel base. If needed, add more gravel and compact until you have a 4-inch base.

Do you need rebar for 4 inch slab? ›

For slabs thicker than 5 inches, a rebar web is required to prevent cracking.

How much gravel goes under concrete? ›

For gravel, you'll need 4–6” of ¾ minus crushed gravel. One yard of gravel covers approximately 80 square feet. For the sand, you'll need 1” of concrete sand. One yard of sand covers about 200 square feet.

Can you pour concrete directly on dirt? ›

It's better not to pour concrete directly onto the dirt. Instead, use a layer of gravel underneath your concrete slab. Because concrete is porous, it absorbs water. If you place concrete directly onto dirt, water will collect under the concrete and slowly erode the bottom of the pad.

Is it better to put gravel or sand under concrete slab? ›

As a general rule, stay away from using sand as a subbase. You're better off using gravel. Your concrete will last longer and have less of a chance of cracking over time.

Should you compact gravel before pouring concrete? ›

If you use stone, you can typically avoid compacting in place, as it is considered a self-compacting material. If you use gravel, you will need to compact in lifts of 8 to 12 inches. An alternative is to use a cementitious product such as flowable fill.

Do I need rebar in my concrete slab? ›

Does every single concrete job need rebar? Not necessarily. Concrete surfaces that support large trucks, heavy machinery, or steady traffic need concrete rebar reinforcement, and any structural concrete, like walls in buildings, should definitely include rebar.

How much does a 30x30 concrete pad cost? ›

A concrete slab costs $6 to $12 per square foot on average installed, or $5,400 to $10,800 to pour a 30'x30' slab. Concrete materials cost $3 to $7 per square foot. Most concrete slabs are 4" to 6" thick and are used to build a garage floor, patio, or house foundation.

What is the best base for a concrete slab? ›

The most commonly used materials for a sub-base include gravel, crushed stone, and sand. Gravel: It's a popular choice due to its excellent drainage properties and ability to distribute the load evenly. Gravel also resists frost heaving in cold climates.

Is it worth it to pour your own concrete slab? ›

Yes. In general, you can save up to 40% or more if you pour a concrete slab yourself. If you decide to mix your own concrete, you can save even more.

Can one person pour a concrete slab? ›

400 square feet would be a tall order for one person especially if you haven't placed and finished a slab before. A 20x20x4" slab would take 5 cy, which weighs about 10 tons. Even of you place by chute, that's a lot of material to move, not to mention the difficulty of screeding a floor with one person.

Is it cheaper to mix and pour your own concrete? ›

Mixing your own concrete can be cheaper if you have access to the necessary equipment and materials, and if you are able to mix the concrete in bulk. However, if you only need a small amount of concrete or if you do not have the equipment and resources to mix it yourself, it may be cheaper to have it delivered.

How much does it cost to pour a concrete slab DIY? ›

How much will it cost to pour a 20×30 slab of concrete? Concrete costs $4–$8 per square foot on average. This means a 20-by-30 foot concrete slab will cost $2,400–$4,800, depending on the slab's thickness and the type of concrete needed.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.