How to Pick a Profitable Blog Niche That Makes Money in 2023 (2024)

If you want to start a blog and make money, it helps to pick a profitable blog niche from the start. But with so many blog niches to choose from, how do you know which one to choose?

In this blog post, I’m going to go over the 4 simple steps to pick a niche, and I’ll end it by sharing the most profitable blogging niches.

Blog niche FAQ’s

What is a blog niche?

A blog niche is the topic you plan to blog about.

Every blog post you write in your blog should be about this one specific topic. While this sounds limiting, it’s actually a good thing.

When you blog about just one topic (niche), you’re more likely to find people with an intense interest in this topic. This can help you build a loyal following.

Examples of blog niches are healthy eating, personal finance, parenting, or travel.

Why do you need to pick a blog niche?

It is difficult, if not impossible, to build a successful blog that blogs about everything. The reason comes down to audience size.

While it seems like a general blog would have a wider reach, the opposite is true. Imagine a blog about weddings, football, politics, and pet care. Unfortunately, the number of people who have an intense interest in all of those topics isn’t very big.

But when you decide to pick one niche to blog about, you’re going to attract an audience passionate about the one subject you blog about.

Picking a niche helps you connect on a deeper level with your audience. This connection is key to building a relationship with your readers and ultimately converting them into paying customers.

Who is my target audience?

When you choose a blog niche, you’re also choosing your target audience. For example, if you choose to blog about early retirement, your target audience would be people in their 40’s who are interested in saving and investing.

Have ideas for what you want to blog about? Think about who your target audience is and ask yourself these important questions:

  • What are their goals and desires?
  • What are their fears as it relates to this topic?
  • What is their biggest problem they face?
  • Do you care about Can you help them? How?
  • How can you able to help?
  • Do you care about their problems?

You need to not only care about the problem you can help with (the niche), but you also need to care about the person (your target audience).

With so many blogging niches to choose from, how do you go about finding the niche that’s best for you? Let’s find out.

4 steps to choose a profitable blog niche

Your niche will determine whether you will make money blogging or whether monetizing your blog will always be an uphill journey.

Picking the wrong niche is the number one reason people quit their blogs. So it’s important to choose a profitable niche so you can start making money from the jump.

You can pick the best blog niche in 4 simple steps:

  1. Find a blog topic that interests you
  2. Pick a topic you’re knowledgeable about
  3. Find a blog niche that’s popular
  4. Choose a blog niche that’s profitable

Step 1. Find a blog topic that interests you

First, when you choose a topic you’re already interested in; it ensures you won’t quit when time gets tough. And trust me, times are going to get tough during your first few months of blogging.

I’m not saying you need to love this niche, but you do have to like it. Because over the next few months and years, you’re going to spend a lot of time writing about this topic.

You don’t need to blog about your passion

Don’t mistake this with needing to find your passion, though.

When you blog about your number one passion, you end up allowing your emotions to make business decisions. Pretty soon, you end up ruining your passion as it becomes your day-to-day work.

How to identify your interests

To find what blog topics interest you, look at what communities (like Facebook groups) you belong to, what YouTube channels you subscribe to, and what Instagram accounts you follow.

You also want to look at what blogs you follow. If you find several successful bloggers in this niche, it’s a good sign there’s money to be made. After all, if they can make money in this niche, so can you.

Step 2. Pick a topic you’re knowledgeable about

Let me state this upfront. You don’t have to be an expert. But you do need to know what you’re talking about.

How to find what you’re good at

While you may not consider yourself an expert, are you the go-to source for your friends & family on a particular subject?

– Look at your hobbies. Love flying drones? Taking pictures? Graphic design? Hitting the gym? Eating healthy?

– Look at your career. Are you in the business world, marketing, sales, a CPA, attorney,

– Finally, look at your life experiences. What do you have experience in? Motherhood, losing weight, overcoming self-doubt?

Your personal experience is more useful than anything you could learn in a textbook.

You don’t have to be an expert

In your blog, you are going to be taking readers from point A to point B. You don’t have to be an expert to do this! You just have to be further along the path than where your readers are currently at.

Not being an expert makes you relatable. It means you and the reader speak the same language. It means there won’t be a need to “dumb yourself down” to speak to your audience.

Remember, you don’t need to be an expert – you just need to be one step ahead of your ideal reader.

Find a topic you want to learn more about

The advantage of not being an expert is that you have more to learn on this topic. That thirst for knowledge is going to be what keeps you going through those rough early days of blogging.

That’s why it’s important to find a niche you’re not only knowledgeable about but one you want to continue to learn about.

To better help me write my content, I use Grammarly. And boy, do I need it. My content straight up looks like a murder scene when I drop it in for final editing.

Grammarly works as a Chrome/Firefox extension, but they also have a standalone desktop app. It also works in Google Docs, Word, and within WordPress too. It’s a must-have tool in your arsenal if you’re starting a blog.

Step 3. Find a blog niche that’s popular

Many new bloggers think they have to choose a niche that nobody else is doing. But I advocate for taking the exact opposite approach.

If you find a popular and competitive niche, that’s actually a sign this niche is very profitable.

Another benefit of choosing a popular niche is that there are plenty of experienced bloggers to learn from.

How to find a popular blog topic

The most popular blog topics either help you improve your health, finances, or love life. But don’t think this means you should blog about something broad and generic.

Successful blogs tend to laser focus on one specific topic (the riches are in the niches).

To become a successful blogger, you’re going to want to become an authority in your space. And when you blog about everything, you’re an authority on nothing.

How to niche down

To start niching down, pick a broad niche and then find an angle to make this topic more focused toward your ideal reader.

Here are some examples of how to dive deeper into each subject to find your perfect niche.

  • Health blog > Nope, try Weight Loss > Go deeper, do Nutrition instead.
  • Cooking blog > Nope, try Recipes > Go deeper, do Vegetarian Recipes instead.
  • Finance blog > Nope, try Saving Money > Go deeper, do Frugality/Couponing instead.
  • Fitness blog > Nope, try High-Intensity Interval Training > Go deeper, do HIIT For Women instead.
  • Relationship blog > Nope, try Dating Advice > Go deeper, do Millennial Dating Guide instead.

One good way to know if you picked a good niche is to see how many categories your blog can have.

If you can branch off into 5 sub-topics, that’s great. However, if you can find 10+ sub-topics, it’s too broad.- If you can’t find any sub-topic, it’s just too narrow of a niche.

A new way to look at niches

Rather than going nuts on finding the perfect blog niche, focus on catering to your ideal reader instead.

Think about this. If your niche is nutrition, wouldn’t it stand to reason that your readers may also be interested in fitness?

There’s nothing wrong with trying different topics for a while. But, if you do, what you’ll find is that oftentimes your niche will find you, not the other way around.

When you put your energy into solving the problems of your ideal reader, you can’t go wrong.

You don’t need to choose a sub-niche when you first get started. You can niche down later. The benefit of starting broad is that you can see what type of content gets higher audience engagement. Once you have this data, you can niche down.

You can take this approach only if you choose a domain name that’s not too specific.

Step 4. Choose a blog niche that’s profitable

If you don’t choose a profitable niche, you will quit.

The problem is that many people wing it and start a blog before they have a monetization strategy in place.

As I answered in this Quora question, you don’t need to have all the answers, but you need to know there’s a path to making money.

How do you know if a niche is profitable?

Do a Google search for blogs in your niche. The first page of results will be the authority bloggers in your niche. Next, see how the top bloggers in your niche monetize their blogs.

You will want to look at the following:

  • Do they sell physical products?
  • Do they sell digital products?
  • Do they make money selling affiliate products?
  • Do they work with brands? (sponsored posts)
  • Do they make money via display ads?

If you notice that the top blogs in your niche have multiple monetization methods, it’s a good sign it’s a profitable niche you should pursue.

List of the most profitable niches to start a blog

Here are 17 profitable blog niche ideas that make money.

Food (recipes)

There is an insane demand for recipes and plenty of traffic to go around in the food niche.

How to monetize a food blog: With display ads

Best food blog example: Two Peas & Their Pod


Do you have an eye for fashion and spotting the latest trends? Start a fashion blog!

How to monetize a fashion blog: With display ads and brand partnerships

Best fashion blog example: Who What Wear


Beauty influencers are all the rage on YouTube and Instagram. On your beauty blog, you can either review products or do tutorials.

How to monetize a beauty blog: Working with brands on sponsored content

Best beauty blog example: The Beauty Minimalist


In the category of lifestyle blogs are DIY, home decor, crafts, etc.

How to monetize a lifestyle blog: With display ads

Best lifestyle blog example: A Beautiful Mess

Healthy eating

You can start a healthy eating blog and share your favorite healthy recipes.

How to monetize a healthy eating blog: With affiliate marketing

Best healthy eating blog example: Erin Alderson


If you’re into building muscle mass, start a bodybuilding blog – there’s a “huge” demand for this type of content.

How to monetize a bodybuilding blog: With affiliate marketing

Best bodybuilding blog example: Breaking Muscle

Diets (keto, paleo, etc.)

Rather than starting a generic health blog, choose a specific topic, such as a vegetarian blog or a blog about a popular diet plan.

How to monetize a diet blog: By recommending products and earning a commission

Best diet blog example: Meat Free Keto


There are plenty of products to promote in the fitness space, making fitness a popular niche to blog about.

How to monetize a fitness blog: With affiliate marketing

Best fitness blog example: Nerd Fitness


Love to travel and take pictures? Then, share your journey with your very own travel blog.

How to monetize a travel blog: Working with companies to review their hotels or restaurants

Best travel blog example: Nomadic Matt


Like talking about money? Share your best tips and tricks to manage your finances by starting a personal finance blog.

How to monetize a finance blog: With display ads or product recommendations

Best personal finance blog example: Penny Pinchin’ Mom


Want to dish out parenting tips to new moms and dads? Consider launching a parenting blog!

How to monetize a parenting blog: Working on marketing campaigns directly with major brands like Pampers

Best parenting blog example: Your Modern Family


Another term for marketing would be blogs in the “make money online” niche.

How to monetize a marketing blog: Selling online courses

Best marketing blog example: Do Six Figures, of course!


Know a thing or two about investing in stocks or early retirement? Share your knowledge and start a blog about investing.

How to monetize an investing blog: With affiliate marketing

Best investing blog example: Retire by 40


If you have a background as a dating and relationships expert, you can start your very own dating advice blog.

How to monetize a relationships blog: Promoting a dating site and earning commissions

Best relationships blog example: Love in 90 Days


You can share your work and your expert tips on taking better pictures if you’re a professional photographer.

How to monetize a photography blog: Selling online courses

Best photography blog example: Expert Photography


Blog about entrepreneurship, starting a business, and more with your own business blog.

How to monetize a business blog: Selling your own digital products like an ebook

Best business blog example: Noobpreneur

Freelance writing

Are you a freelance writer, and do you want to share your experiences with other aspiring writers? Then, consider launching a blog in this niche.

How to monetize a freelance writing blog: Selling online courses

Best freelance writing blog example: The Write Life

Wrapping it up

Have some ideas for starting a profitable blog? Right now is the time for action!

Research this niche and find other bloggers in this space. See what products they promote and what type of content they create. The blueprint to starting a successful blog is right in front of you. If they can do it, so can you!

Ready to get started?

Pick a blog niche, choose your domain name below, and launch your blog!

If you’ve found this post helpful in finding a profitable niche for your new blog, please save this post on Pinterest!

Until next time,

How to Pick a Profitable Blog Niche That Makes Money in 2023 (2024)


What is the most profitable niche 2023? ›

Now, let's dive into some of the most profitable and sought-after blog niches:
  • Health and Wellness. The health and wellness niche is a juggernaut in the blogging world. ...
  • Personal Finance. ...
  • Technology and Gadgets. ...
  • Travel and Adventure. ...
  • Home Improvement and DIY. ...
  • Food and Cooking. ...
  • Sustainable Living. ...
  • Affiliate Marketing.
Oct 25, 2023

Is blogging still profitable in 2023? ›

In 2023, blogging is still a relevant and growing industry, but it is also a highly competitive field with many established bloggers and new ones entering the scene every day. It's difficult to ensure FUTURE OF BLOGGING because we've seen our world rapidly every year.

Which blog niche makes the most money? ›

If you want to pick the perfect topic for a new blog to make money, these seven great niches are the right place to start.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Tech and AI.
  • Blogging and making money online.
  • Health and fitness.
  • Personal finance and investing.
  • Recipes and food.
  • Personal development and self-care.
Apr 5, 2024

How do I find a profitable niche for my blog? ›

How to Brainstorm Blog Niche Ideas (with Proven Demand)
  1. Write Down a List of All the Things You're Interested In. ...
  2. Think About the Blogs, Magazines and Books You Read. ...
  3. List Your Past Jobs, Hobbies, and Experiences. ...
  4. List Significant Things You've Accomplished. ...
  5. Run Through a List of Perennially Popular Topics.
Feb 23, 2024

What are the big 3 niches? ›

Three evergreen niches

The three major markets that are never going to go out of style are health, wealth, and relationships.

How do I find untapped niches? ›

10 ways to find an untapped market
  1. Study behavioral data. ...
  2. Do keyword research. ...
  3. Read blogs and articles. ...
  4. Assess competitors. ...
  5. Ask for feedback. ...
  6. Listen to complaints. ...
  7. Think about longstanding industry challenges. ...
  8. Consider tangential opportunities.
Jan 6, 2023

What is replacing blogging? ›

Alternatives to blogging include vlogs, podcasts, newsletters, social media influencing, and other content formats.

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How To Make Money With a Blog
  1. Brand Partnerships. Bloggers often team up with brands to create sponsored content. ...
  2. Advertising Networks. ...
  3. Affiliate Links or Codes. ...
  4. Digital Products. ...
  5. Physical Products. ...
  6. Premium Content or Memberships. ...
  7. Consulting or Coaching.
Feb 16, 2024

What is the trend in blogging in 2023? ›

Another Blogging Trend in 2023 is Increased Interactivity

The answer: interactive content. With built-in interactivity, your readers get a chance to engage with your content in new and innovative ways. If you are looking to add some, here are a few good options.

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6 Blog Ideas That Make Money
  • Affiliate Marketing: Dive into the world of affiliate marketing by reviewing products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. ...
  • DIY and Crafting: ...
  • Online Course Reviews: ...
  • Healthy Living & Fitness: ...
  • Personal Finance & Investment: ...
  • Traveling on a Budget:

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For example, if you love singing, reading, cycling, or even washing dishes, you can create a blog to teach people how to do it better. The advantage is that you're starting in very low-competition blog niches. Since this isn't an internet marketing niche, it is not saturated.

What niche is popular right now? ›

Fitness and Sports

Health and fitness have become top priorities for many, giving rise to the thriving niche of fitness and sports products.

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Research the competition and the market to determine if there is a need for your product or service. Consider any potential legal or regulatory issues that could affect your business. Finally, make sure you have a plan in place to manage any potential risks and maximize your potential profits.

Which niche should you choose? ›

While it is easier to follow current trends, we recommend choosing a niche with high search volume and lower competition. However, if you want to target a popular niche, search for well-known influencers within your niche and try to find a different angle on how to promote your products.

How do you find profitable niche keywords? ›

Here are five tactics to uncover the best niche keywords for your website and marketing campaigns.
  1. Determine Your Target Audience. To choose a niche keyword, you need to get to know your target audience. ...
  2. Research The Market. ...
  3. Evaluate Your Competitors. ...
  4. Browse Online Communities. ...
  5. Compile Preliminary Keywords and Research Them.
Nov 6, 2023

What niche is in high demand 2023? ›

Fitness and health are evergreen niches that continue to thrive in 2023. With the growing awareness of health and wellness, people are actively seeking ways to stay fit and lead healthier lives. This presents a fantastic opportunity for print on demand businesses to create merchandise that caters to this niche.

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The top 3 sectors — energy, finance, and technology — emerge as the most profitable among the world's largest companies in 2023, collectively contributing to a massive 63% of the total global profit, amounting to $1.8 trillion.

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Most profitable businesses by industry
Industry% of employer firms that responded to the 2022 Small Business Credit Survey
Healthcare and education13%
Leisure and hospitality11%
Finance and insurance6%
4 more rows
Feb 29, 2024

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10 most profitable dropshipping niches
  • Home décor and accessories.
  • Kitchen tools and accessories.
  • Fitness and exercise equipment.
  • Pet supplies and accessories.
  • Car accessories.
  • Gaming accessories.
  • Eco-friendly products.
  • Arts and crafts supplies.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.