How to Pass Transcription Tests Online and Get Hired (2024)

Transcription companies generally take a battery of online transcription tests that will thoroughly judge you on the important skills required to do transcription work. It includes your language, grammar, spelling, punctuation and listening skills, knowledge of the required computer software, and good keyboarding skills.

The 8 Simple Hacks to Pass Transcription Tests Online

Here are tips to keep in mind for passing a transcription test taken online by the transcription companies before they hire you for work:

    1. Practice Typing Regularly

      While eachcompany sets its own standards for acceptable typing speed, you should set a goal to type at least 60 words per minute (wpm) without errors. It's possible to type as slowly as 35 wpm and passtranscription tests, but any slower than that can be challenging. Learn to place your fingers on the keyboard without looking at them in yourtranscription practice sessions.

      It's helpful topractice audio transcription from videos that you enjoy, even if you don't own transcription equipment yet. If you really want a career in this field, you will need to make typing a regular habit. Keep in mind that in most cases accuracy is more important than speed, although both are important skills.

  1. Listen Carefully

    Being able to hear words from audio recordingsproperlyis a major requirement for passing a transcription test online. Typing too many wrongwords during testing can adversely affect your score. Make sure when you practice and test that you are completely focused on the audio without distractions. That usually means turn off the TVor any other background noise that may disrupt your performance.

    There may be times when words are completely unintelligible, in which you will either insert this term in brackets such as [unintelligible] or whatever thestudy guide for a specific testcalls for. Transcription tests are timed so you will have to use your best judgment and move on.

  2. Understand Proper Punctuation

    Punctuation is a tricky topic because different rules for punctuation are applied by different sources, depending on the purpose. Academic writing, for example, has strict punctuation rules in which the USand UKdiffer. In the US, periods and commas are usually placed inside quotes but are placed outside in the UK. Remember in your transcription practice to already know which method you will use, as determined by where the testing is based.

    Transcribing for a media firm may have different punctuation rules. While much of AP style conforms to American academic punctuation rules, media outlets that are more commentary-based often have looser rules. So it's easy to be thrown off "proper English" rules if you read a lot of pop culture literature. To be safe, you shouldpractice audio transcription using standard academic rules for testing. Then in yourtranscription practice, follow the rules according to your client or employer.

  3. Brush Up on Grammar and Spelling

    Proper grammar and spelling are extremely crucial intranscription tests. Use a spellcheck program when youpractice audio transcription to gauge your accuracy.Make sure that you understand the functions of each of the following eight classifications of words used in the English language:

    • nouns (persons beyond pronouns, places or things: kid, playground, toy)
    • pronouns (relateto people: me, him, her)
    • adjectives (descriptive words: beautiful, smart, happy)
    • verbs (action words: walk, run, swim)
    • adverbs (expresshow something is done: slowly, moderately, quickly)
    • prepositions (relateto another word: on the beach, at the park, in the air)
    • conjunctions (words that connect thoughts: and, but, or)
    • interjections (emotional standalonewords: hey, hi, yes)
  4. Learn Transcription Formatting

    In order to score high on a transcription test online, you will need to have a clear understanding of transcription formatting. Transcription services and schools usually require specific formatting, which you will need to review in the particular institution'sstudy guide.Typically, you will insert a line break between speakers. Identifiers such as "speaker" or "audience" are usually typed in bold. Transcription tests often ask participantsto save a file, using the appropriatefile name and extension (such as - Test.mp4). Page layouts, margins, font types, and sizes are also part of formatting.

    Also Read: Everything About Transcription Guidelines for Transcribers

  5. Use Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is essential totranscription practice. There will be times when you must make decisions on what the speaker says and the context in which words are used. Since many words have multiple meanings, you will need to make judgments, such as whether a person said "here" or "hear."

  6. Invest in Transcription Tools

    If you work independently, you will need to invest in your own audio recording equipment and accessories, such as a headset and transcription software. A headset will help you be more comfortable and concentratebetter whentaking atranscription test online.

  7. Free Resources and Practice Files to Polish Your Transcription Skills

    If you are looking for some quality resources and practice files to pass transcription tests, you can find a few listed below:

    1. Free Typing Training: It offers a free, fun and engaging classroom learning program for both the teachers and students
    2. Accuracy Assessment Tool: You can try this link to test and practice your transcription skills.
    3. Listen and Write: This is a useful resource to test your listening ability.
    4. Express Scribe Practice Transcription Files: This again, is a useful resource to judge your transcription skills.

Wondering how much money you can make as a transcriptionist? Watch this video! It's for you!

Over to You!

Passing transcription tests aren'tcomplicated if you prepare yourself accordingly and practice audio transcription. While typing speed comes with time, the main concerns during testing deal more with accurate interpretation of what you hear and type. You must have a strong command of grammar and spelling. It's best to develop a full understanding of what transcription involves as far as tools and requirements before attempting to take a test for certification.

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How to Pass Transcription Tests Online and Get Hired (2024)


How do I pass an online transcription test? ›

The 8 Simple Hacks to Pass Transcription Tests Online
  1. Listen Carefully. ...
  2. Understand Proper Punctuation. ...
  3. Brush Up on Grammar and Spelling. ...
  4. Learn Transcription Formatting. ...
  5. Use Critical Thinking. ...
  6. Invest in Transcription Tools. ...
  7. Free Resources and Practice Files to Polish Your Transcription Skills.
May 22, 2019

How can I be successful in transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  1. Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  2. Typing skills. ...
  3. Communication. ...
  4. Computer skills. ...
  5. Editing. ...
  6. Multitasking. ...
  7. Time management. ...
  8. Attention to detail.
Mar 10, 2023

Why do I keep failing my GoTranscript test? ›

It's possible that the GoTranscript quiz is providing an incorrect answer for one of several reasons: Technical glitches: Sometimes, online quizzes can experience technical difficulties, causing the system to display an incorrect answer.

How many mistakes are allowed in transcribing? ›

With the exception of measurements, numbers one to nine should be transcribed in letters. There should be no more than 2 mistakes for every 10 comprehensible words spoken.

What is a good typing speed for transcription? ›

While most transcriptionists can type at around 50 words per minute (WPM), make it your goal to type at least 60 WPM. By improving your typing speed, you can get more work done in less time, which seriously increases your earning potential!

Can I make a living doing transcription? ›

Transcription is a well-paying career with many opportunities. A transcriptionist's salary is generally around $19.02, while an advanced transcriptionist earns around $25 to $30 per hour. With this rate, you can easily earn an average of $1141.2 every month if you work 2.5 hours per day for 24 days.

How hard is it to get into transcription? ›

It requires patience and serious training. The job might involve transcribing recordings of legal, medical, and other topics. Becoming a transcriptionist requires having excellent typing skills and keen hearing. It requires accuracy and a commitment to producing a written document of high quality.

Has anyone passed GoTranscript test? ›

A lot of people have passed it before you and there's no reason you should not. There are certain guidelines for you to pass the transcript test.

How long does it take to get hired by GoTranscript? ›

Fast, because they want to take your work and don't pay for it. It will take at least 1-2 years to get hired theier for a work. It takes around 5 days to get hired depending on how quick he gets things done. But it is really easy, you just transcribe the video and submit it.

How many times can I apply for GoTranscript? ›

Can I have multiple accounts on GoTranscript? No. That is against our rules. All applications submitted from the same IP are declined.

How long does it take to transcribe 1 hour? ›

When it comes to individual transcribers, the average time to transcribe one hour of audio is approximately four hours. But, some transcribers quote four hours as the minimum since it can easily reach 10 hours. Transcription time by audio hour varies so much mostly because each audio file is different.

Which transcription type is the most challenging? ›

The first kind is the verbatim transcription. This type of transcription is the most difficult, complicated and time-consuming.

What is your most important skill as a transcription? ›

As transcription is the conversion of audio into text, the first of the important skills that transcribers need to have is an enhanced ability to listen. 2. Multitasking is a must as they must be able to listen, understand and type simultaneously.

What is the basic rule in transcribing? ›

Transcripts should be at least 99% accurate. Grammar and punctuation are important for providing maximum clarity. Speaker identification helps users identify who is speaking. Essential to communicate non-speech sounds.

Should you correct grammar when transcribing? ›

Never paraphrase or reconstruct the speech in the audio you are transcribing. Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers. Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words.

What are the do's and don'ts of transcription? ›

Do – make sure you transcribe everything verbatim, including any 'you know', 'like' and so on. Remember, false starts can be a vital clue in a legal case. Don't – correct grammar mistakes and slang, or leave out hesitations, pauses or anything else. Exactly what was said, as well as how it was said, is important.

How long does it take to transcribe 20 mins of audio? ›

That means you should expect any audio that is less than 15 minutes to be transcribed within an hour. Some experienced transcriptionists can transcribe files much faster. It's not unheard for experienced transcriptionists to transcribe 20 to 30 minutes of audio in one hour.

How long does it take to transcribe 15 minutes of audio? ›

Transcription Speed for the Average Person

It takes most people about one hour to transcribe 15 minutes of a clear, slow audio file. If any of the factors we mentioned above change the quality of the recording, that time might go up.

Is it easy to pass TranscribeMe test? ›

Is the TranscribeMe test easy? Yes, the TranscribeMe test is easy. The exam is passable for anyone that attempts it. All you have to do is to read through all the instructions given to you just before the exam starts.

How long does it take to transcribe 1000 words? ›

How long does it take to transcribe 1,000 words or more? An average typist can transcribe 1,000 words in about 25 minutes. However, a professional typist can achieve this same feat in less than 13 minutes with 99% accuracy.

How many words does a good typist type per minute? ›

The average typing speed is around 40 words per minute. To achieve a high level of productivity, aim for 60 to 70 words per minute instead. The following table presents different levels of assessment for an adult.

How many words typed per minute is good? ›

A good typing speed for most people is 40 words per minute or over. This would give you a word count of 2400 words per hour if you could sustain the pace for sixty minutes. There are people who can type a whole lot faster than 40 words per minute.

How much do beginner transcriptionists make? ›

Most transcriptionists can make between $15 and $25 an hour when they're just starting out and don't have a specialization or expertise. Some fields pay more for transcription services, like legal or medical companies.

How much do remote transcriptionists make? ›

A Work From Home Transcriptionist in your area makes on average $18 per hour, or $0.72 (4%) more than the national average hourly salary of $17.43. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Work From Home Transcriptionist salaries.

How much do transcriptionists make monthly? ›

How Much Do Transcriptionist Jobs Pay per Month?
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$45,500$3,791
75th Percentile$38,000$3,166
25th Percentile$28,000$2,333

How long does it take to transcribe 1 minute? ›

Transcription speed for an average person

An amateur transcriber typically types between 40 and 60 words per minute. As a result, it takes the average person about four hours to transcribe one hour of audio.

Is there a course for transcription? ›

Online transcription courses are classes where you can learn the basics of transcription, improve your skills as a transcriber, and develop new skills in the field. These courses teach students how to transform audio recordings or spoken words into written or typed text.

How do you get certified in transcription? ›

You can become certified by taking and passing an exam provided by the AHDI. The organization offers two types of certifications for medical transcriptionists: Registered Healthcare Documentation Specialist (RHDS) and Certified Healthcare Documentation Specialist (CHDS).

Which is better Scribie or GoTranscript? ›

GoTranscript is best for users who need highly accurate human transcriptions at the lowest possible price. While other services like Rev and Scribie offer the option of choosing an AI or human transcription every time you make an order, their prices for human transcription are higher than what you pay for GoTranscript.

Which is best GoTranscript or TranscribeMe? ›

Both GoTranscript and TranscribeMe offer high levels of accuracy. However, GoTranscript's accuracy rate is slightly higher (99%), while TranscribeMe's is 98%. Why? Because in the battle of AI vs human transcription, the latter will always win.

Is GoTranscript good for beginners? ›

GoTranscript Rating

GoTranscript is a decent site to earn extra cash from provided you are a good transcriber. Accuracy is a must if you want to earn from this site, so I only recommend you join this site if you are confident in your transcription skills.

Does GoTranscript really pay? ›

Stay away from Gotranscript

But not anymore... it started to look like a scam. Don't waste your time (2$ per 10 min of a transcription that might take appr. 3 hours of your time). And by the way, you'll not get paid if a few of the tasks you've done, will be evaluated below 3.2.

What is the accuracy rate of GoTranscript? ›

Accuracy is the key in transcription document. GoTranscript guarantee 99%+ accuracy.

How long does it take to transcribe a 15 minute interview? ›

For skilled transcribers, it takes about one hour to transcribe 15 minutes of recorded audio accurately. You need to consider how long it might take you and put aside the right amount of time for yourself, particularly if you have not transcribed anything before.

What should you do with curse words in transcription? ›

a. transcribe them word for word. Explanation: If the audio contains swear words, transcribe them word for word.

How should you transcribe a spelled word answer? ›

How should you transcribe a spelled word : Still, the spelled words must be transcribed as in over, If a speaker spells out to word during the recap. For illustration, If a speaker spells a word/ name, for Example, My name is Johnson. J-O-H-N-S-O-N.

Do you have to transcribe stutters full verbatim correct answer? ›

When part of a word is repeated and the same word continues after, then we note this with a single hyphen and no space. This is called a stutter. ​All stutters must be included in a Full Verbatim transcript.

What are the four major skills needed for transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  • Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Research.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the correct way to transcribe time? ›

As an example, TranscriptionWing's standard format for timestamps is [HH:MM:SS] - that is the accurate hours, minutes, down to seconds - placed in different ways within the transcript.

How long should a 30 minute transcript be? ›

For novice writers, it's best to shoot for 22-25 pages to get you under that 30-minute gauge.

What are the mistakes of transcription? ›

Transcription errors occur when data (words, letters, numbers, special characters) are incorrectly entered into an information system. The system is often a computer text file or some kind of electronic records system.

How can I make my transcription job easier? ›

How Do You Transcribe Easily?
  1. Find a quiet place to work.
  2. Improve your typing velocity.
  3. Remove all distractions.
  4. Use Word's advanced tools (such as autocorrect)
  5. Buy a foot pedal for your work.
  6. Buy a text expanders.
  7. Use the right transcription software.
Nov 13, 2020

Is transcription stressful? ›

Lots of stress.

The work is hard and must be precise. Audio files are not always clear of background noise and are often hard to transcribe; doctors who vocally record their notes for a transcriptionist don't always think about the person transcribing what they say.

How can I improve my transcribing skills? ›

Tips to Improve Transcription Skills
  1. Focus On Speed Typing Skills: Transcription could not be done properly if your typing skills are not good. ...
  2. Communication. ...
  3. Listen To The Entire Audio & then Transcribe. ...
  4. Work on your Proofreading Skills. ...
  5. Focus on Editing Skills. ...
  6. Understand The Terminologies.
Apr 16, 2022

What is your strength as a transcriptionist? ›

Typing. It's vital for transcriptionists to have strong typing skills to transcribe files quickly. The average typing speed for transcriptionists can vary, but these professionals can usually type between 60 to 80 words per minute (WPM).

What are the 3 types of transcription? ›

The types of transcription are mainly categorized into three types – verbatim, edited and intelligent transcription. All these transcriptions can be used for audio or video files only the process could be different, depending upon the requirements and resource availability.

What to expect in a transcription test? ›

In general, transcription tests involve typing out a passage of speech from an audio or video recording within a set amount of time. The typing speed and accuracy of the person taking the test is then assessed. Transcription require both fast typing speeds and critical thinking skills.

How long does it take to transcribe 12 minutes of audio? ›

That means you should expect any audio that is less than 15 minutes to be transcribed within an hour. Some experienced transcriptionists can transcribe files much faster. It's not unheard for experienced transcriptionists to transcribe 20 to 30 minutes of audio in one hour.

How long does it take to transcribe 30 minutes of audio? ›

Various factors affect how long it takes. As a very broad rule of thumb, many transcribers say it takes four hours for every one hour of audio. Obviously, if you're wondering how long to transcribe 30 minutes of audio file, around two hours.

What is a good typing speed for a transcriptionist? ›

While most transcriptionists can type at around 50 words per minute (WPM), make it your goal to type at least 60 WPM. By improving your typing speed, you can get more work done in less time, which seriously increases your earning potential!

How do you know if you'd be a good transcriptionist? ›

What Skills Should a Transcriptionist Have?
  • Listening skills. Transcription is all about taking what you hear and putting it on a page, so good listening skills are a must.
  • Fast typing. ...
  • Attention to detail. ...
  • Written communication. ...
  • Independent work ethic. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Research skills. ...
  • Meeting deadlines.
Jan 24, 2023

Does transcribing get easier? ›

Eventually, the more tunes that you learn by ear and the more solos that you transcribe, the easier it will get because your ears improve each time. The key is to get over that initial barrier and learn that first tune by ear.

How much does a beginner transcriptionist make? ›

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $58,500 and as low as $20,000, the majority of Entry Level Transcriptionist salaries currently range between $26,000 (25th percentile) to $42,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $51,500 annually across the United States.

How much can you realistically make transcribing? ›

Transcription is a well-paying career with many opportunities. A transcriptionist's salary is generally around $19.02, while an advanced transcriptionist earns around $25 to $30 per hour. With this rate, you can easily earn an average of $1141.2 every month if you work 2.5 hours per day for 24 days.

How many lines can you transcribe per hour? ›

Manual Transcription Earning Potential

Manual transcriptionists are expected to average 150 lines per hour, as almost every national service vendor requires staff to deliver 1,200 lines per eight-hour shift to be considered a full-time employee.

How do you transcribe fast? ›

Let's have a look at these tips to get a faster transcription.
  1. Make use of an Autocorrect Tool.
  2. Practice Typing to perfection.
  3. Making use of High-Quality and noise cancellation headset.
  4. A comfortable and quiet environment.
  5. Type Smartly.
  6. Get your hands on a good transcribing software.
  7. Take Breaks.
  8. The final word.

How much should I charge for transcribing? ›

Average transcription rates are around $25 to $40, with the highest cost for transcribing interviews (which are priced at $50 per hour on average). So, what are some typical transcription costs? The standard transcription cost per hour of audio in the U.S. and Canada is around $90, or $1.5 per audio minute.

How much does it cost to transcribe 1 hour of audio? ›

Standard rates for professional transcriptionists (especially those professionals from North America) range from $1.5 to $3 per audio minute or $90 to $180 per audio hour. If your project has extra requirements, such as a quick turnaround time, you may be forced to pay more to have the job done.

What are the basic rules a worker should follow while transcribing the audio? ›

Never paraphrase or reconstruct the speech in the audio you are transcribing. Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers. Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words. Example: If a speaker pronounces "niche" [neesh] as nitche.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.