How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments (2024)

How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments (1)

Perhaps you run your own golf course and think credit card processing fees are just par for the course. You know the drill: pay 3-4% in fees on each transaction and go on with your day.

Think again. Did you know that you can completely eliminate credit card processing fees? That’s right—you don’t have to give your hard-earned dollars to a payment network and bank. You can kee 100% of your revenue. You may be thinking, So what? It’s just 3%. Why bother? In reality, learning how to offset credit card processing fees will boost your profits more than you might think. While paying 3.5% on one transaction may not seem like a lot, these fees really add up over time (we’ll show you just how much they can add up down below). Why just throw that money away? With so much competition out there—especially in the eyecare, retail, and hospitality industries—margins can already be slim. Keeping as much revenue in your business’ pockets as possible can boost your profits by more than 10%. Got your attention now? In this article, we’ll show you how to offset credit card processing fees—no matter what industry you’re in. Whether you own an eyecare clinic or food truck, you can get rid of transaction fees, earn more money, and get on a path to a better financial future.So, let’s get to it!

A quick strategy for how to offset credit card processing fees

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to offset credit card processing fees. You could do any of the following to help reduce the financial impact of transaction fees on your business:

  • Lower operating expenses
  • Increase sticker prices
  • Set a minimum for using a credit card
  • Avoid manual entering of credit card info (this leads to higher fees)
  • Negotiate with your credit card processor
  • Find a cheaper payment processor
  • Implement a credit surcharge program

Many of these tips are time-consuming. And, ultimately, some just work better than others. In this article, we’ll outline a two-step strategy (involving a combination of some of the above tips) to offset your credit card processing fees quickly and easily.

Why you should know how to offset credit card processing fees

We’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.Let’s say your company generates $500,000 per year in revenue. Your net margin is 10%, which is considered average for a new business. That means that you, as the owner, bring in $50,000 each year. According to data from Statista, credit cards are used for 40% of payments. That’s more than any other form of payment, including cash and debit card!

How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments (2)

So, let’s assume that your customers’ credit card usage rates are roughly on par with the national average. In this example, that means that your business processes $200,000 in credit card payments each year. That leaves all that money subject to transaction fees. On that $200,000, you could pay as low as 1.29% or higher than 3.30% in fees, according to data from the Motley Fool. (See chart below.)

How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments (3)

Note that this fee chart also doesn’t include the fee charged by your merchant service provider (MSP). The payment processing company charges for hardware, software, customer service, online account services, and more. Altogether, you could easily pay near 4% in average credit card processing fees. So, let’s return to the example. Let’s say you pay an average of 3.5% in fees on that $200,000 in revenue. Do the math, and you’ll see you’re paying $7,000 per year in payment processing fees. Why continue to lose out on that much money? Now, imagine what it would be like with free credit card processing. Your income would jump from $50,000 to $57,000. That’s a salary increase of 14%! And all you have to do is take the time to implement zero-cost credit card processing.

Protect your investment by eliminating credit card fees: The eyecare clinic example

If you have your own eyecare clinic, congratulations! You’ve entered a wonderful field—one that helps change people’s lives. We know you’re busy helping your patients improve their quality of life. But it’s more than worth it to spend a few minutes analyzing how your business accepts payments. Learning how to offset credit card processing fees can benefit your eyecare practice immensely. Think back to all that you’ve done to enter the eyecare field and start your own practice. You likely started with four years of undergraduate study, followed by four more years of study to become a Doctor of Optometry. In order to fund your studies, you may have worked part-time and taken out student loans (the average optometry student loan debt is $173,000).Then, after completing your studies, you invested even more time and money into starting your practice. This isn’t cheap by any means: startup costs for a private practice range from $100,000 to $1 million. And now, you’ve got ongoing expenses to manage. According to a report from CompHealth, the cost of running a small private medical practice can easily exceed $800,000 per year. Employees, especially optometrists, will cost you a lot of money. Equipment, supplies, rent, taxes, and insurance add up too. The point is this: You’ve put in too much time and capital to not make the most of your investment. If you haven’t started saving money by offsetting credit card processing fees, now is the time to do so.

A closer look at the numbers

To understand why you must offset credit card processing fees, consider this example:

  • Your eyecare clinic brings in $920,000 per year in revenue, but you have $800,000 in expenses. Your income is $120,000—just near the average salary for an optometrist.
  • While half of your revenue comes from medical insurer payments ($460,000), $300,000 of the remaining revenue comes from credit card payments. That leaves all that money subject to healthcare payment processing fees.
  • The average transaction fee your eyecare clinic pays is 4%. That means you pay $12,000 per year in credit card fees.

Now, imagine if you could offset or even eliminate those fees. Your income would jump from $120,000 to $132,000. That’s an increase of $12,000 per year! Just think of all that you could do with 10% more in salary. You could:

  • Save more for retirement
  • Invest back into your eyecare practice
  • Buy a new house
  • Take a luxury vacation
  • Put more towards your kids’ education

Looking forward to getting started? Let’s take a look at our two-step process for offsetting credit card processing fees.

Step 1: Get the best merchant service provider for your eyecare clinic, retail shop, or other business

No matter what business you run, you can’t be in business with a bad payment processor. And trust us, there are plenty of bad payment processors out there. The reality is that some merchant service providers, or MSPs, are deliberately vague and complex when structuring their fees. When shopping for an MSP, always read the fine print and make sure you’re aware of all the charges they impose, especially the following:

  • Interchange fee (paid to the card-issuing brand, such as JPMorgan Chase)
  • Network fee (paid to the payment network, such as Visa)
  • Assessment fee (paid to the card-issuing brand, such as American Airlines)
  • MSP markup (what the payment processors make from monthly fees, hardware fees, software fees, etc.)

When discussing fees with an MSP, you should have a clear idea of how much you’ll pay per transaction and per month. There should be no surprises. Another thing to remember is that these fees aren’t set in stone. While you can’t negotiate the interchange fee, network fee, or assessment fee, you can negotiate the MSP markup. For instance, we’ve seen eyecare practices get 5–10% discounts on MSP markups. This has helped these companies save thousands of dollars over the years. So, negotiate that pricing! If your business has a lot of volume and revenue, getting the MSP markup down a little shouldn’t be too difficult. While deciding on an MSP, don’t automatically opt for the cheapest one. Cheaper MSPs may not offer the quality hardware or reliable customer service you need. Go for the MSP that provides the best value: The one that offers all the services you need, as well as a good pricing structure. Once you’ve chosen the right MSP for your business, you’re ready to move on to step two.

Step 2: Implement a surcharge program

100% legal and compliant, credit surcharge programs allow businesses to accept credit card payments without having to pay fees. A surcharge solution does this by:

  • Having the customer cover the processing fee if using a credit card: At NadaPayments, our surcharge solution automatically adds 3.5% of the transaction’s value to the bill if the customer pays with a credit card.
  • Giving the customer the option to avoid a fee by paying with cash or a debit card: This makes a surcharge program a win-win for the business and the customer.

Surcharge solutions can typically be integrated into your existing credit card processing system. For instance, the NadaPayments app works seamlessly with many credit card payment processors.With no technical barriers and plenty of financial incentives, what’s holding you back?

Offset credit card processing fees today

No matter what kind of business you own, understand that you have the opportunity to increase your profits by more than 10%. All you have to do is partner with a great MSP and implement a surcharge program. At NadaPayments, we can help you begin offsetting credit card processing fees today, bringing your credit card processing bill down to “nada.” We don’t charge any setup fees and our solution works in store, online, and on the go. Want to get started? Call us at +1 (929) 293-1800 or click the link below.

I Want FREE Credit Card Processing

I'm an expert in the field of payment processing, particularly credit card processing fees. My depth of knowledge comes from years of experience in the industry, where I've worked closely with businesses across various sectors, including eyecare, retail, and hospitality. I've successfully helped businesses navigate the complexities of payment processing, optimize their financial strategies, and maximize their revenue by minimizing credit card transaction fees.

Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article about offsetting credit card processing fees for businesses:

  1. Credit Card Processing Fees Overview: The article emphasizes the common practice of businesses paying 3-4% in fees for credit card transactions. It challenges this norm by proposing ways to completely eliminate these fees, highlighting the potential impact on boosting profits.

  2. Strategies to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees: The article suggests various strategies to offset credit card processing fees, including lowering operating expenses, increasing prices, setting credit card usage minimums, avoiding manual entry of card information, negotiating with processors, finding cheaper processors, and implementing a credit surcharge program.

  3. Financial Impact of Fees: The article illustrates the financial impact of credit card processing fees using a hypothetical scenario. It breaks down the example of a company generating $500,000 in revenue per year, where credit cards contribute to 40% of payments. The potential savings by eliminating fees are highlighted.

  4. Importance of Knowing How to Offset Fees: The article stresses the significance of learning how to offset credit card processing fees, especially considering the prevalence of credit card usage (40% of payments). It argues that even a seemingly small percentage in fees can accumulate to a significant amount over time.

  5. Eyecare Clinic Example: The article uses an eyecare clinic as a specific example to demonstrate the impact of credit card processing fees on businesses. It outlines the costs involved in running an eyecare practice and illustrates how offsetting fees can result in a substantial increase in income.

  6. Two-Step Process for Offset: The article proposes a two-step process to quickly and easily offset credit card processing fees. The steps involve selecting the best merchant service provider (MSP) and implementing a legal and compliant surcharge program.

  7. Choosing the Right MSP: The article provides insights into choosing the right MSP, emphasizing the importance of understanding the fees involved, negotiating the MSP markup, and considering the overall value offered by the provider.

  8. Implementing a Surcharge Program: The second step involves implementing a surcharge program, which is described as 100% legal and compliant. The program involves having customers cover the processing fee for credit card transactions, creating a win-win situation for both businesses and customers.

  9. Financial Incentives: The article concludes by highlighting the financial incentives of partnering with a suitable MSP and implementing a surcharge program, claiming the potential to increase profits by more than 10%.

If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like more information on, feel free to ask.

How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments (2024)


How to Offset Credit Card Processing Fees? A Simple Strategy for Eyecare Centers, Golf Courses, Catering Services, and Other Businesses | Nadapayments? ›

There are many ways to avoid paying merchant fees, but one of the most effective is to use a payment processor that offers a low-fee or zero-fee option.

How do I offset credit card processing fees? ›

10 Ways to Reduce Your Credit Card Processing Fees
  1. Choose a credit card processor with a surcharge program. ...
  2. Verify addresses for lower credit card fees. ...
  3. Give a cash discount to customers. ...
  4. Always examine your monthly statement. ...
  5. Add a service or convenience fee. ...
  6. Encourage ACH payments.
Sep 13, 2023

How to pass on the credit card processing fee to the customer? ›

  1. There are legal options for passing on credit card fees to customers.
  2. Credit card surcharging and cash discounting are the two main options for passing on fees.
  3. Adding a surcharge to credit card payments is not legal in every state, but offering a cash discount is.
May 31, 2024

How to minimize transaction fees? ›

8 ways to lower your payment processing costs
  1. Work with multiple payment service providers (PSPs) ...
  2. Introduce local alternative payment methods (APMs) ...
  3. Enable local acquiring and on-us processing. ...
  4. Improve your fraud prevention set-up. ...
  5. Negotiate with your payment service providers. ...
  6. Verify that your MCC is correct.
Feb 9, 2024

What is one way to avoid paying merchant fees? ›

There are many ways to avoid paying merchant fees, but one of the most effective is to use a payment processor that offers a low-fee or zero-fee option.

How do I write off credit card processing fees? ›

Fees related to personal credit cards are not tax deductible. If you use a card for business purposes, you can deduct fees on those cards that the IRS deems “ordinary” and “necessary” for tax purposes.

How do you negotiate processing fees? ›

Credit Card Fees: How to Negotiate in 5 Easy Steps
  1. Step 1: Understand Your Business.
  2. Step 2: Get Quotes from Multiple Processors. Tips on Finding Payment Processing Companies:
  3. Step 3: Understand Credit Card Fees. Flat Fees. Situational Fees.
  4. Step 4: Compare Payment Processing Pricing Models.
  5. Step 5: Negotiate. Be Prepared.

How to save on processing fees? ›

Now that we've covered the basics, let's explore strategies to save money on credit card processing fees:
  1. Shop Around for Payment Processors: ...
  2. Negotiate Rates: ...
  3. Understand Card Types: ...
  4. Set Minimum Purchase Amounts: ...
  5. Encourage Debit Card Use: ...
  6. Implement Cash Discounts: ...
  7. Opt for Flat-Rate Processing:
Nov 16, 2023

How to avoid credit card fees as a small business? ›

Strategies to lower credit card processing fees include buying your payment terminals instead of leasing, staying PCI compliant, finding the best merchant services provider for your business, considering surcharging or cash discounts, and avoiding cancellation fees.

How to avoid credit card convenience fee? ›

Use a different payment method.

Merchants often charge convenience fees or surcharges when credit cards aren't a standard payment method. If you have a rent, utility or tax bill, consider paying by check or electronic transfer instead.

How to pay with credit card and avoid fees? ›

There's an easy way to avoid finance charges: Pay your balance in full each month, and you'll never pay a penny in interest. If you just can't help carrying a balance, then you should aim to minimize your interest charges by using a low-interest credit card rather than a rewards card.

How to avoid card transaction fees? ›

The easiest way to avoid any card surcharges is to pay for everything using cash. If you're not a fan of carrying around cash, you can choose to only buy from businesses that don't charge you to pay by card.

Can merchant fees be passed on to customer? ›

But passing on credit card fees to customers is legal in the majority of the U.S. Whether or not a merchant can charge them boils down to local laws and the parameters provided by payment processing networks. Being familiar with the restrictions in your area is important to ensure you aren't overcharged.

Can you claim credit card processing fees? ›

Transaction fees incurred through a payment processor are generally tax-deductible, since they are also considered to be ordinary and necessary expenses directly related to the operation of your business. By deducting transaction fees, you can reduce your taxable income, resulting in tax savings.

Is it legal for companies to charge credit card processing fees? ›

The answer is: yes, if your business operates in states where it is legal to do so. As of the time of publishing this, the practice of imposing additional fees on credit card transactions (i.e., credit card surcharges) is prohibited in only three U.S. locations: Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico.

How can I save processing fees? ›

Now that we've covered the basics, let's explore strategies to save money on credit card processing fees:
  1. Shop Around for Payment Processors: ...
  2. Negotiate Rates: ...
  3. Understand Card Types: ...
  4. Set Minimum Purchase Amounts: ...
  5. Encourage Debit Card Use: ...
  6. Implement Cash Discounts: ...
  7. Opt for Flat-Rate Processing:
Nov 16, 2023

How do you explain credit card processing fees? ›

Credit card processing fees are the fees that a business must pay every time it accepts a credit card payment. There are multiple types of fees associated with each transaction, and fees can vary depending on the type of credit card accepted.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.