How to Obtain Permanent Residence in Italy - Updated for 2022 (2024)

Immigrating to Italyimpliesapplying for a permanent residencebefore acquiringItalian citizenship. If you are interested inimmigration to Italyand want to apply for one of the visas available for foreigners, our lawyers can guide you.

Below, ourlocal lawyerswho specialize inimmigration mattersin Italyoffer a guide on how toobtain a permanent residence permit.We can also assist those who want to come to Italy as entrepreneurs or those who want toobtain Italian passports or digital nomad visas.

Quick Facts
Temporary residence permit types

– seasonal work,

– self-employment,

– study,

– medical treatment,

– family reunification,

– refugee status,

– humanitarian grounds,

– elective residence

Time needed to obtain the temporary residence permit (approx.)

up to three months

Temporary residence permit validity

It depends on the reason of issuance and it varies from min. 6 months to max. 2 years

Documents for obtaining temporary residence

–the temporary residence application form,

– the passport,

– the visa,

– recent photographs,

– proof of paying a fee of EUR 14.62,

– document attesting the purpose of stay

Mandatory registrations with state authorities (i.e. with the population/municipality register)

The state authorities vary based on the type of permit needed; they can refer to:

– local municipalities,

– Patronati offices,

– Prefectures,

– post office

Dependents can join the temporary permit holder

No – not available for first-time applicants (those who renew their residency from Italy can bring their family members in certain situations)

Temporary or permanent residency for investment purposes

Yes, for certain categories of visas (investor program)

Minimum temporary residence before applying for permanent residenceAfter 5 years of uninterrupted stay in Italy
Documents for obtaining permanent residence

– passport or identity document,

– copy of the income statement,

– evidence on housing in Italy,

– the current residence documents,

– proof of payment of fees

Naturalization requirements

– permanent residency for 5 years,

– overall stay in Italy of 10 years,

– tax residency in Italy,

– proof of having at least the minimum income established in Italy,

– proof of knowing the Italian language, culture and history

Citizenship after permanent residenceOne can apply for citizenship after 5 years of being a permanent resident.

Table of Contents

Who can apply for permanent residency in Italy in 2022?

Permanent residencyis available for both EU and non-EU citizens who have livedin Italyfor the prescribed periods under the country’s Immigration Law. Non-EU nationals have the right toapply forpermanent residence permitsafter 5 years of continuously livingin Italy, while for EU citizens the requirements are less stringent. They can apply for permanent residence if they intend to live in Italy for more than 90 days or 3 months.

Permanent residence for non-EU citizensis also available under the Golden Visa Scheme, however, this program targets wealthy individuals who want to move toItalybased on investments. The residence by investment program in Italy offers various advantages to the applicants.

Ourimmigration lawyers in Italycan offerexpat supportto non-EU citizens seeking to apply forpermanent residence permits. Then, they can apply forItalian citizenship.

Types of residence permits in Italy

There are twotypes of residence permitswhich can be obtainedin Italy: the temporary residence permit and thepermanent residence permit. It must be noted that in order toobtain permanent residency in Italy, a temporary residence visa must first be obtained.

The temporary residency visa must be obtained bynon-EU citizenswhen first arriving in Italy. EU citizens must only register with the police department in the city they live in without being required to apply for a temporary residence permit. However, both categories of individuals must live for a minimum period of 5 years beforeapplying for permanent residence in Italy.

The residence permit can also be acquired by:

  • the spouse of the applicant;
  • the parents of the applicant;
  • the minor children of the applicant;
  • children above the age of 18 if these can support themselves.

You can find out thesteps for obtaining the Italian residence permitin the video below:

In other words, the applicant is entitled to bring family members whenrelocating to Italy. However, the applicant must prove they have sufficient financial means to support themselves and their dependents, as well as submit proof of their relationship with the dependents. Only permanent residence permits can lead toItalian citizenship.

The main ways of obtaining permanent residency in Italy

There are several conditions imposed on both EU and non-EU citizens interested inobtaining permanent residency in Italy. Apart from living for 5 years in this country, these must also prove they earn sufficient money to support themselves and that they speak Italian fluently and know the national customs. They must also have clean criminal records.

There are several ways in whichthe Italian permanent residencycan be obtained:

  1. based on a work permit which entitles the applicant to live and work in Italy prior to applying for permanent residency;
  2. based on a residence permit for entrepreneurs which allows foreign citizens to start their own businesses here;
  3. based on an investment in a specific domain of interest acknowledged by the Italian government;
  4. based on a self-employment visa which allows the foreigner to act as a sole trader in Italy.

OurItalian immigration lawyerscan explain therequirements related to obtaining permanent residency by self-employment, as anentrepreneuror base on investment.

Italian permanent residence for EU citizens

It is very easy forEU citizenstoapply for a permanent residence permit in Italy, as they only need their valid IDs or passports when entering the country. In their case, a simple declaration of presence with the police station of the city they live in is sufficient. This declaration must be filed within 8 days from entering Italy.

EU citizenshave the right toapply for permanentresidence permitsafter living for more than 3 months in Italy. It should also be noted that it may take up to 3 months forobtaining the Italian permanent residence.

You can also read about thebenefits of permanent residence in Italyin the scheme below:

How to Obtain Permanent Residence in Italy - Updated for 2022 (1)

Applying for a permanent residence permit for non-EU citizens in Italy

Non-EU citizensmust follow specific procedures whenapplying for permanent residence in Italy. Those who want toimmigrate to Italymust enquire with the Italian embassy or consulate in their countries and ask information on the documents needed.

Non-EU citizensmust first apply for atemporaryresidence permitwhich is issued for a period of 5 years, followed by the application for theItalian permanent residence permit. In other words, a non-EU citizen must live in Italy for 5 years prior toapplying for permanent residence.

Our law firm can advise non-EU citizens on the requirements related toItaly immigration.

Documents required for an Italian permanent residence permit in 2022

The following documents must be filed bynon-EU citizens applying for apermanent residence permit in Italy:

  • proof that the foreign citizen has lived in Italy for 5 years (the temporary residence permit);
  • the registration certificate issued by the local police force upon entering Italy;
  • proof of having a legal address in Italy (a rental contract or a recent utility bill);
  • proof of means of self-sustenance (bank statements, tax returns, payslips issued by the employer);
  • the criminal record and the application form issued by the Italian authorities.

Restrictions for certain applicants for permanent residency in Italy

There are also categories of persons who cannot apply forpermanent residence permits in Italy. These are usually students who come to Italy based on student visas which permit a limited duration of stay. In the same category enter those who come for scientific purposes or for vocational training to Italy. Also, asylum seekers who in the process of obtaining recognition as refugees cannotapply for permanent residenceuntil their status are clarified.

Those whoenter Italy for humanitarian reasonsseeking temporary protection cannotapply for permanent residency in Italy.

Those who have valid temporary residence permits and have not met the 5-year living requirement are also restricted for applying forpermanent residencyuntil the last requisite is fulfilled.

The benefits of obtaining permanent residency in Italy

Obtaining the status of a permanent resident of Italycan bring many benefits for a foreign citizen. Among these, we mention the possibility of entering and exiting Italy without being required to apply for other visas. Also, foreign citizens can travel freely to other EU countries and can even work in such countries without being required to apply for a work permit. One is also entitled to state benefits, such as maternity or disability benefits.

The last and perhaps the most important advantage is the possibility ofobtaining Italian citizenship. In the case of EU citizens, the minimum period of stay is 4 years, while for non-EU citizens the minimum period of stay is 10 years based on thepermanent resident status.

Assistance in obtaining permanent residency in Italy

Provided that you meet the requirements imposed by the law, you can rely on ourimmigration lawyers in Italyforassistance in preparing the documentation for applying for a permanent residence permit. We can help during the entire application procedure, no matter if you have worked or if you are an entrepreneur interested inobtaining an Italian permanent residence permit.

Ourlawyerswill also explain the rights and obligations attached tobecoming a permanent residentwith the purpose of further applying for Italian citizenship. At first, one will be issued a temporaryresident permit in Italy.

Residence permits in Italy for corporate situations

Foreign investors who want to open a company in Italy canobtain a residence permitin specific situations. Foreigners may set up an Italian limited liability company following the legal procedures. At the same time, they may register abranch officeor arepresentative officeof a foreign company.

In these particular situations, the legal framework stipulates that a representative of the foreign company may apply for anintra-company transfer residence permit.

Investors may also obtain astartup residence permit, which was established under the local legislation for theregistration of startup companiesthat provide innovative products or services. In this case, the minimum investment is established at EUR 50,000.

Persons who want to enter theItalian workforcecan apply for aEuropean Blue Card, issued foremployeeswith ahigh level of skillsin a designated field of activity. The applicant should provide evidence on auniversity graduation certificate.

The Start-Up Visa for permanent residence in Italy

One of the main programs dedicated tonon-EU citizensis theStart-Up Visa programwhich was launched in 2012. Under this scheme, non-EU citizens can set up companies in Italy andrelocate here, therefore, they will be able to both live and work here. The main requirement for qualifying for this program is to invest 50,000 euros, however, the amount can be higher. Another requirement that does not have to do with money is for the company to operate in innovation. Among these, investments in research and development (R&D) activities are encouraged in Italy.

TheStart-Up Visacan be obtained by filing a business plan with the Evaluation Committee or by accessing it through a business incubator.

The following documents must be filed with the Committee in order toobtain a Start-Up Visawhich leads topermanent residence in Italy:

  • an application form;
  • the no impediment certificate;
  • a cover letter providing for the funds to invest in the project.

A great benefit of theStart-Up Visa Schemeis that the application can be filed directly in English. If the applicant desires, he or she can also file in Italian.

With the help of our lawyers,immigration in Italycan become simpler, as all the requirements will be explained in detail.

The Italian self-employment visa for foreign citizens

Entrepreneurs have another way ofrelocating to Italyand that is byobtaining a self-employment visa. This type of residence permit is not difficult to obtain, however, in terms of requirements, one of the most important refers to securing contracts that allow for sufficient means of supporting oneself. Employment contracts can also be considered for this visa which can lead topermanent residency in Italy.

If you are interested inobtaining permanent residence through a self-employment visa in Italy, our lawyers can fill you in with all the details.

The Golden Visa Scheme in Italy

Non-EU citizens benefit from various means through which they canobtain permanent residencyand evenItalian citizenshipif they want to. As a matter of fact, Italy is one of the friendliest countries in Europe when it comes to the facilities offered to third-country individuals moving here. Its immigration policiesinclude various integration programs supported by the government.

Returning to one of the best ways ofobtaining Italian permanent residency, we cannot skip the Golden Visa Program which requires:

  • a minimum of 500,000 euros to be invested in a start-up business;
  • 1 million euros if the investment is made under the form of a philanthropic donation;
  • real estate investment is also accepted, as long as the value of the property is 300,000 to 500,000 euros;
  • a minimum annual income of 100,000 euros of the applicant is also required.

This program targets high net worth individuals who want toimmigrate to Italyand one of its greatest benefits is that it offers the possibility of owning real estate in this wonderful country.

There are many ways anon-EU citizencan use toobtain permanent residency in Italyand with the help of our lawyers they can find the one suiting them best.

The elective residence visa in Italy

Foreign citizens who want to retire andlive permanently in Italycan apply for anelective visa. This type of residence permit is one of the simplest ways ofimmigrating to Italy. Among the requirements to fulfill in order toobtain an elective residence visais to have health insurance worth 30,000 euros.

Foreign citizens who want toretire to Italymust comply with a few additional requirements, among which havinga steady income of 31,000 euros per year. If a couple wants tomovetogetherto Italy, the minimum income is set at 38,000 euros per year.

Renewal of the Italian residence permit in 2022

Depending on the type ofresidence permit, foreign citizens are required to renew theirpermitson a regular basis.Foreign citizens living in Italyare required to apply for renewal as it follows:

  • 90 days before expiry, if theresidence permithas a two-year validity period,
  • 60 days before expiry, if theresidence permithas a one-year validity period,
  • 30 days before expiry in other cases.

The validity period oftemporary residence permitsdepends on the purpose of the Italian visa.Foreign citizens working in Italybased on a temporary work permit are required to apply for renewal depending on the sector they work in. TheItalian employment permitmay have a six to nine months validity period, while student visas may have a one-year validity period.

TheItalian permanent residence permitis granted under certain conditions and it depends on the nationality of the applicant. It is also good to know that even if EU citizens do not need to apply for a temporary residence visa, they canobtain permanent residency in Italy.

Below, we invite you to read about5 of the most important advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Italy. You can rely on ourimmigration lawyers in Italyfor specialized support in applying for all the visas available in this country.

Please mind that in the context of traveling restrictions that are imposed due to Covid-19 pandemic, theItalian governmenthas taken various measures forimmigrantsliving here, and this also refers to those who live here under aresidence permit. For instance, under theDecree of April 30th, 2021, thevalidity of residence permitsthat expired in 2021 was extended until 31 July 2021. If you want toobtain a residence permit in Italy in 2022, we advise toaddress to our immigration lawyers, as special conditions for traveling here are still applicable.

It is also important to know that the country will soon change its travel restrictions due to the fact that the pandemic is no longer considered a threat, and the state of emergency available inItalywill end on 31 March 2022. From 1 April, the coutnry will give up on various restrictions.

What are the greatest advantages of obtaining permanent residence in Italy?

There are manybenefits associated with obtaining anItalian residence permit, however, permanent residence is the first step toItalian citizenshipwhich makes one of the most important perks when relocating to Italy as a foreigner. However, we decided to present you with other5morebenefits of Italian permanent residency.

The other5 advantages which can be obtained alongside permanent residence in Italyare:

  1. the holders of permanent residence permits have similar rights to those of Italian citizens;
  2. foreign citizens applying forEuropean long-term residence permitswill be automatically granted permanent residency;
  3. Italy is one of the few European countries where permanent residence can be obtained after 5 years;
  4. the right to travel freely to all EU and Schengen area countries is another advantage of a permanent residence permit;
  5. access to a market in which a foreigner can work or even start his/her own business.

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italyis not difficult. Additionally, the procedure of applying for this type of residence permit is quite simple. Ourimmigration lawyerscan explain the requirements related toimmigrating to Italy.

Here are the5 advantages of obtaining permanent residence in Italy:

  1. Extended rights given by Italian permanent residence

Those whoobtain permanent residence in Italywill usually have similar rights to Italian citizens, except for voting rights. This is also becauseItalyhas veryflexible immigration policiesand many programs that help foreign citizens integrate with the local population. Apermanent residence permitwill also increase the holder’s feeling of belonging in Italy, especially in the case of non-EU citizens coming from afar and needing support in integrating.

If you plan toimmigrate to Italyand need information about the requirements related to various types of visas, our local lawyers can help you.

  1. The EC long-term residence permit one of the best ways of immigrating to Italy

As an EU-member state,Italy integrated many EUpoliciesin its national legislationand among these those related to immigration. This way, thoseapplying for a long-term residence permitwill be automatically grantedpermanent residence after 5 years of continuous living in Italy.

Ourimmigration lawyers in Italycan explain therequirements for obtaining permanent residence permits.

  1. Permanent residence in Italy can be obtained in 5 years

Indeed, this is one of the5most importantadvantages when seeking to obtain residency in Italy. In comparison, other countries offer permanent residence permits after longer periods of time or impose stricter immigration conditions.

If you need assistance inimmigration to Italy, we can help you with dedicatedexpat support services.

  1. Free travel rights

Holders ofpermanent residence permits in Italyhave the right to travel and even move to otherEU countries. However, they canobtain work permitsin other EU countries and commute for work.
Italy is a very appealing country to move to, so if you need guidance on the regulations you need to comply with, ourimmigration lawyerscan assist you.

  1. Access to an important labor and business market

Italy is one of the most prolific economies in Europe, so it can be a right fit for both those who want to work or have their own businesses here.

It is good to know that all applications forresidence permits in Italymust be filed with theNational Police.

What are the main 5 tips on how to move to Italy?

If you want tomove to Italybut are not acquainted on the ways you can do that, here are5 tips on how to relocate andobtain an Italian residence permit:

  1. you can move to Italy as a simple foreign citizen by applying for a job with an Italian company;
  2. you can also move to Italy as a businessman and start a company or register as a sole trader;
  3. another way for businessmen to move to Italy is by enrolling with one of the special investment programs created by the government;
  4. another way of moving to Italy is to retire here, however, there are a few conditions related to immigrating to Italy this way;
  5. if you are married to an Italian citizen and live abroad, you can move to Italy without any restrictions.

OurItalian immigration lawyersadvise you to consider your options and take into account that you will need to learn Italian if you plan onapplying for citizenshipafter obtaining residence here.

Moving to Italy by obtaining a job

If you want tomove to Italyand ajob opportunityis your option, then you should know that you will need to apply for a job first and then wait for the Italian company to obtain the necessary paperwork and send you the employment contract before coming to Italy. Also, the Italian employer will apply for theresidence permiton your behalf of Italy, following which you will also need to complete a few steps with the Italian embassy or consulate in your country.

Once youmove to Italy, you will be granted a residence permit for a limited period of time. You can obtain more information on how toimmigrate to Italythrough employment from our lawyers. You can rely on us for tailored support in obtaining aresident permit in Italy.

How to move to Italy as a businessperson

One of the most advantageous ways ofmoving to Italy is as a businessman. You will first need to apply for a short-stay visa following which you can apply for an entrepreneur visa. Once the visa is obtained, you will need to buy an Italian company or register as a sole trader.

If you decide tomove to Italy as an entrepreneur, you will also be allowed to obtain employment within the company you purchase.

For detailed information onhow to move to Italy and obtain residence as a businessman, we kindly invite you to ask ourItalian lawyers who specialize in immigrationabout the entrepreneur visa.

Moving to Italy through an investment program

The Italian government has enabled two programs under whichinvestors from non-EU countries canrelocate to Italy. These are the StartUp Visa and the Residency by Investment Scheme. Each program has its own requirements, and if you want tomove to Italythrough one of the two programs you are advised to consider the conditions imposed under both of them.

For example, the StartUp Visa program implies opening a business in the research and development field and have an annual turnover of less than 5 million euros.

If you want tomove to Italy under theResidency by Investment Scheme, the investment conditions start at 500,000 euros.

Ourimmigration lawyers in Italycan offer more information on these programs.

Move to Italy by retirement and obtain residency

If you want toretire to Italy and obtain residence, you will have every chance of succeeding by applying for an elective residence visa. The main condition for obtaining such a visa is to have a minimum annual income of 31,000 euros. Health insurance which covers expenses in the amount of 30,000 euros per year is also necessary.

Moving to Italy as a spouse of an Italian citizen

If you aremarried to an Italian citizenand are living abroad, you canmove to Italywith your spouse and apply for aresidence permit. You will need to file evidence of your marriage with the Italian citizen together with other documents in order to immigrate to Italy this way.

What is the best way of moving to Italy and obtain residence?

If you want tomove to Italyandobtain residence, here is a brief comparison between the ways in which you can achieve that based on the time, complexity of the procedure and the possibility of obtaining residency:

Moving to ItalyTimeframeComplexityResidency
By employmentA few monthsRelatively lowYes
As a businessmanA few monthsRelatively lowYes
By investmentUp to one yearComplexYes
By retirementA few monthsRelatively lowYes
By marriageA few weeksRelatively lowYes

For full information on how toobtain a permanent residence permitorimmigration to Italy, pleasecontact us.All ourItalian immigration services are personalizedso that you have the best chances of relocating here.

You can also rely on our lawyers if you need assistance on citizenship matters. If you want to permanently relocate here and you are of Italian descent, you can apply for citizenship in Italy following a simpler route compared to citizenship by naturalization.

One can apply for citizenship by descent regardless if they are related to Italians by mother’s or by father’s side.

If you will move to Italy for the purpose of becoming a citizen by descent, you will need to present specific documentation that will attest your connection with an Italian national.

For this, you must present your own identity documents and the birth certificates of the family members through which you can claim the citizenship. Please mind that the procedure can take up to 3 years to complete.

As presented above, another way to permanent residency is through the Golden Visa in Italy, which is a program addressed only to foreign investors who are able to invest/start a business in this country.

This program can also provide the possibility to become a citizen, but in this case, the foreigner must go through the standard naturalization process, which takes minimum 10 years.

How to Obtain Permanent Residence in Italy - Updated for 2022 (2024)
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