How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (2024)

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I must admit that I tend to always put plenty of research into a new destination, and that is not only research about sights to see and things to do, but just as much about local lifestyle, traditions, culture, and general day-to-day habits of the locals.

Luckily, I have never dressed as a tourist in those typical outfits of a backpack, sensible pants, all-weather jackets, ugly (if comfortable) sneakers, or sandals and socks, which make you stand out from a mile off. Instead, I dress as I would at home, as if I lived in the place and I’m just heading out for coffee, and this has often paid me back in that people approach me for directions, thinking I am a local.

But it is not just not dressing like a tourist, but it is also knowing a few things about how to order said coffee, how to get around, and how to behave — or, more often, how not to behave in Italy.

I learned a lot about how to avoid looking like a tourist on my most recent visit to Rome, from a certain dress code to how to get hold of a taxi. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you navigate La Dolce Vita on your next visit to the Eternal City.

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (1)

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways

1. No Cappuccino After Midday

This is one most milky coffee-drinking foreigners fall foul of ordering a cappuccino after midday. In Italy, a frothy cappuccino is associated with breakfast, when you sip it with your cornetto, a croissant. After breakfast, the Italians move on to black coffee, indulging in caffeine shots of espresso (and remember there is no ‘x’ in espresso, it is a soft ‘s’). If you want to come across as Italian but cannot resist the milky addition, then either sneak one on room service rather than in public or try a macchiato, a coffee with just a drop of milk. This is something my husband, who rarely drinks his coffee without milk, learned while I blended in easily because my coffee color of choice is black.

And if you are on a budget, drink your coffee at the bar inside the cafe, which is cheaper and much more authentic, as you will be surrounded by Italians.

2. Drink The Tap Water

Unlike in France, where it is often obvious that you can drink tap water for free even in good restaurants, in Rome, you tend to see bottled water rather than carafes on dining tables. But that does not mean you cannot drink the tap water safely or get your hydration for free. Many of the smaller restaurants in the side streets are happy to bring you a glass, or pitcher of tap water, saving you plenty of money. Just practice saying: “Per favore, posso avere dell’acqua del rubinetto?”

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (2)

3. Don’t Hail A Taxi

I spent a lot of time standing by the side of a main road in Rome watching empty taxis ignoring me when trying to hail a ride, cursing the rude drivers. In fact, they were not rude at all; instead, I was simply ignorant of the rules. In Rome, you cannot hail taxis from the side of the road. There are plenty of taxi ranks available, or you can order them via the Uber app on your phone.

If you travel without mobile roaming or a local SIM card, you have the options of ordering the taxi from your hotel Wi-Fi (although if you are staying in the old town, be prepared for quite a long wait) or marking the location of the taxi ranks near the sights you will be visiting. There are always plenty of taxis on standby near the main historic sites. Pay cash or ask if they take cards before you hop in.

But if you can, my advice is to walk as much as you can around Rome.

4. Dress Up For The City

The Italians are a stylish lot, and, while you see the odd tracksuit or dirty shoes, the true Italians dress up without needing a reason. Just leaving the house is occasion enough to dress well and make a bella figura — always looking your best. It certainly makes for a rather pressing reason to leave your baggy t-shirts and comfy but worn sneakers at home when you find yourself surrounded by people who could easily pose for Vogue Italia. Instead of your comfy travel gear, opt for smart casual, city chic, stick to a small selection of colors, and wear comfy flats rather than walking shoes.

5. Appreciate The Fine Art Of Doing Nothing

Dolce Far Niente

The fine art of doing nothing is probably my favorite Italian cultural habit. It’s about appreciating and savoring every moment, taking life easy, and not rushing. And what better way to experience your time in Italy than sitting in a café, lingering over lunch, sauntering instead of running for a bus, and simply being in Rome, rather than ticking off the must-see sights?

I know it can be difficult to take it slow when you are short of time, only have a few days in Rome, and have so many historic sights to see. But I promise you, by rushing you will miss the essence of the city, the people, and the country. Practice it in small doses, stay a while in a café in Rome, maybe skip a sight for a longer lunch, or simply rest a while alongside the Tiber just watching the world go by. You will come away more relaxed and more appreciative of the Italian lifestyle.

6. Learn Some Italian

Italian is, in my opinion, the most beautiful language in the world, and it would be a shame not to learn some of it. Start with buongiorno, best used in the morning until lunchtime but acceptable throughout the day, followed by buonasera in the late afternoon and evening. Informal hello and bye are ciao, while, if unsure how formal you should be, you can use salve, which you probably remember from your school Latin. Add a bit of flair by using your hands, and always accompany a request with per favore, please, and end it with grazie, thank you. And remember not to slip into Spanish, which is easily done.

Speak Italian BUT Not Look Like a Tourist

Italians value respect, particularly when it comes from foreigners. When speaking Italian, there are proper ways to address the different people you meet and talk with. Formal greetings like ‘‘Buongiorno’’ or ‘‘good morning’’ or informal “Come va?” or “What’s up?”, are a good start.

Italians love it when foreigners speak their language or at least try to do so. You’ll know if you should continue with the formalities or chat more informally depending on how the person you’re speaking Italian to responds.

Get a travel guide or an Italian basics book and check for phrases and words you need to know before embarking on a trip to Italy.

Here are the top 5 common Italian phrases:

“Ciao!” – Hello/Hi!
“Grazie!” – Thank you!
“Per favore.” – Please.
“Mi scusi.” – Excuse me.
“Buongiorno.” – Good morning/Good day.

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (3)

7. Don’t Eat In Tourist Hotspots

I am still waxing lyrical about the quality of food I encountered even in the smallest of places in Rome, yet I spoke to a friend recently, who had the exact opposite experience. She was utterly disappointed by the food. The difference? I ate away from the main touristy spots, in small side streets, always listening out for Italian speakers before sitting down somewhere.

On the other hand, my friend ate in places such as Piazza Navona, where you have the ambiance, the views, and the hustle and bustle, yes, but you also have chefs who cater to people who will only ever have one meal at your restaurant, rather than courting return business. You can be lucky, but generally, it is best to avoid places crawling with other tourists.

A good guideline is the language of the menu, if it is in English or even worse, has pictures, don’t even think about eating there. Reserve the touristy terraces for your Italian aperitivo to get the ambiance, but then eat elsewhere.

8. Know The Difference Between Lunch And Dinner

When they have the time, Italians like to linger over lunch rather than dinner. While breakfast tends to be a brief and sweet affair, lunch can take hours, and dinner is often a lighter snack. So, when in Rome, plan your day around the meals, as eating and taking your time over food is a local sport. Italians tend to order an antipasto (appetizer), followed by a primo, which is usually either pasta or risotto, followed by a main, either meat or fish, followed by dessert. And that at lunchtime!

This also explains why in many places there is the riposo, the Italian equivalent of the siesta, when people rest sometime between noon and later in the afternoon. For dinner, people often have maybe a slice of pizza or a salad. But, if you are not a lunchtime eater, restaurants are also quite happy to accommodate you with a larger meal at dinnertime.

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (4)

9. Eat Your Pasta Like A Local

When it comes to the local cuisine there are a few tips and tricks that allow you to look and behave like a local. One of the main things to know is to eat your Italian pasta with a fork alone. You do not twirl your spaghetti on the spoon, which, if provided, is for mixing the sauce into the pasta, and you certainly never, ever, cut the longer pasta.

Do not add cheese on top of your seafood pasta; nor is it polite to ask for extra cheese, as the chef will have prepared the dish the way he thinks it is perfect. Also, you may well think that your pasta is undercooked, even if you are used to eating it al dente. In Italy, al dente is more undercooked than everywhere else in the world, and you’ll soon appreciate that this is exactly the best way to eat your pasta.

10. Don’t Be Surprised if There’s no Air-Conditioning

Many Italians don’t like air conditioning. What Americans find as “comfortable” levels of AC are considered arctic temperatures by most Italians. They even think it’s dangerous for your body to have to rapidly adjust between the heat and the cold.

To avoid toughing out high temperatures, double-check that your accommodation has air conditioning. Almost all hotels will, but other types of accommodation, most notably apartment rentals, may not.

Pro Tip: I often look for books written by locals or expats, such as the lovely How to Be Italian by Maria Pasquale about the Italian lifestyle, which gives you an insight into being Italian, and gets you in the mood for travel.


What Is Considered Impolite in Rome?

Most Italians frown upon loud swearing and drinking alcohol in the street. They like some alcohol but usually avoid getting drunk. In comparison to other countries, public scenes of drunkenness are far less accepted.

What Not to Wear in Rome as a Tourist?

Don’t wear sunglasses and flip-flops, and cover your shoulders and knees if you plan to visit a church or religious site. Always wear clothes that fit the occasion. Backpacks are convenient to use, but you will look like a tourist. Wear fanny packs or a shoulder bag.

How Not to Look Like a Tourist in Rome?

There are more than a few tips for acting like a true Roman in the Eternal City. Don’t eat In tourist hotspots and make an effort to fare la bella figura or “to make a good impression’’. Try using your hands like most Italians.

What to Eat and Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome?

Don’t order food that goes for Italian in the U.S. No one orders these dishes in Italy and many locals find them as an insult to Italian cuisine. Also, avoid adding cheese to seafood pasta and other Italian dishes.

Is it Impolite to Ask for Air-Conditioning if It Is Hot?

It’s not, but the Romans just don’t like air conditioning. The weather in Rome is warm and humid but not many establishments have AC. Even if you don’t want to look like you have a “tourist” sign hanging over your head, the profound sweating will give you out.

How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In (2024)


How To Not Look Like a Tourist in Rome | 10 Proven Ways To Blend In? ›

Dress the Part:

Avoid bright colors and opt for more neutral or muted tones. Italians generally dress up a bit more than casual tourists, so bring some stylish outfits. Comfortable shoes are a must for exploring, but leave the flip-flops for the beach.

How do you dress in Rome to not look like a tourist? ›

Dress the Part:

Avoid bright colors and opt for more neutral or muted tones. Italians generally dress up a bit more than casual tourists, so bring some stylish outfits. Comfortable shoes are a must for exploring, but leave the flip-flops for the beach.

How do I not look like a foreigner in Italy? ›

10 Best Ways To Avoid Looking Like a Tourist in Italy
  1. Dress Nicely. ...
  2. Keep Your Shoes On. ...
  3. Shoulders And Knees Must Be Covered In Church. ...
  4. Don't Call During Pisolino. ...
  5. Punctuality Is Not A Priority. ...
  6. Italians Don't Wait In Line. ...
  7. Fare La Bella Figura. ...
  8. Familiarize Yourself With Campanilismo.
Nov 18, 2023

How do you escape tourists in Rome? ›

  1. Get out of bed early (or don't go to bed at all) It goes without saying that most attractions will be busiest during the day, particularly mid-morning and late-afternoon. ...
  2. Eat like locals. ...
  3. Get out of the Centro Storico. ...
  4. Book a private tour. ...
  5. Attend a local event. ...
  6. Take a day trip. ...
  7. Check opening times. ...
  8. Get lost.
Nov 4, 2017

Can tourists wear jeans in Italy? ›

Jeans are not rare among the younger kids, but don't wear them baggy. Italy is the fashion capital of the world! To blend in wear fitted pants (or if you must wear jeans make sure they are snug for both men and women). Money belts and fanny packs make you stick out as a tourist.

Can you wear purple in Italy? ›

Visitors to Italy will want to avoid the color purple in settings beyond the opera. You should never wrap gifts in purple as some people believe this brings bad luck. If you happen to receive an invitation to an Italian wedding, you'll want to skip wearing purple, a color associated with fasting and giving up luxuries.

What are some do's and don'ts in Italy? ›

Italy Travel Tips: 7 Top Do's & Don'ts in Italy
  • Do build in time for R&R.
  • Don't annoy the locals.
  • Do get off the beaten path.
  • Don't fall into tourist traps.
  • Do be aware of your belongings at all times.
  • Don't expect Italy to work like places do back home.
  • Do dress appropriately, even if you're not planning on visiting a church.
Jul 10, 2023

What is the biggest meal of the day in Italy? ›

Lunch is the day's main meal, lasting up to two hours! If you plan to eat lunch with locals, block out time. A typical Italian lunch consists of a primo (pasta, soup or risotto dish), a secondo (meat or fish-based dish) and a contorno (side dish).

What to wear in Italy to not look American? ›

A better clothing choice is a short mini skirt and pair it will a pair of knee-high leather boots. An even better choice is a long fitted skirt so you don't show too much skin which Italians prefer. Also in Italian churches, the dress code is your shoulders and knees should be covered and you need to wear shoes.

Is it okay to show midriff in Italy? ›

Cover shoulders and knees

In daily life, however, most tend to cover up and you should, too. Modest clothing covering shoulders, knees, and midriff is required to enter most major churches (think St.

What do you wear to dinner in Italy? ›

There is no dress code when going to most restaurants but you might receive some funny looks if you show up in sweats. Dressing well is respectful and you'll want to try to blend in with the locals. Unless you're going to a very fancy restaurant, dark jeans or other slacks are acceptable.

What is the least touristy part of Rome? ›

My favorite area off the beaten path in Rome is Testaccio. It has a local touch and many Romans still live here, while at the same time, it's in a great location. From here you're really close to many well-known sights as well as non-touristy things to do in Rome.

What shouldn't you miss in Rome? ›

Best Rome attractions
  • Colosseum. Attractions. Historic buildings and sites. ...
  • Roman Forum and Palatine. Attractions. Historic buildings and sites. ...
  • Musei Vaticani and Cappella Sistina. Museums. Art and design. ...
  • Pantheon. Attractions. ...
  • MAXXI. Museums. ...
  • Musei Capitolini. Museums. ...
  • Santa Maria in Via. Attractions. ...
  • Fontana di Trevi. Attractions.
Apr 2, 2024

How do you avoid lines in Rome Italy? ›

FAQs: Skipping The Lines In Rome

The easiest way to skip the lines at Rome's famous attractions is to buy skip the line tickets to the attractions. This applies to all of Rome's most popular attractions, like the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, Colosseum, and the Borghese Gallery.

How do you dress not like a tourist? ›

Watch What You Wear

Avoid bright-colored clothes and wear muted colors instead. Ditch the white sneakers, bulky cargo shorts, and yoga pants, and opt for comfortable shoes and casual pants like khakis. Forget the fanny pack and hulking backpacks. Carry only what you need.

Do people wear sneakers in Rome? ›

Italians tend to not wear sneakers/runners in mosy office environments or if we dress up for a night out in a nice restaurant or the theater. We tend to be pretty formal in that sense! However, we absolutely wear them to go sightseeing and for dress down days.

Can a woman wear shorts in Italy? ›

Although summer in Italy can be rather hot, you'll rarely see Italian women wearing shorts. The best way to fit in would be to stay away from revealing too much skin, but still look stylish at the same time- try a flowy skirt instead. But if you just can't part with your shorts, save them as a beach cover up.

What do you wear to the Colosseum in Rome? ›

Unlike the holy sites you might visit in Rome, there is no set dress code for visiting the Colosseum. Wear comfortable clothes - no heels or stiff shirts - as you will be doing a lot of walking around on your visit. Sneakers or walking boots are ideal, or a sturdy pair of sandals that don't hurt your feet.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.