How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (2024)

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Brittany and I went from home to on-campus apartments, and we grew up budgeting and having summer jobs to make money for school, so we felt pretty prepared.

But I had friends who moved into apartments, had no idea how to pay their bills online, and found out they weren’t making enough money to cover their bills.

I know that some of you may be really stressed trying to figure out how to move out from home.

Luckily, we have plenty of steps and tips you can take to make sure your transition into independence goes as smoothly as possible.

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How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (1)


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Here’s how to move out at 18 like a pro and take the stress out of growing into adulthood:

Table of Contents

How To Move Out At 18

1. Develop Your Moving Plan & Timeline

The first step of moving out is to develop a plan and timeline for moving out of your parent’s house.

A plan will help you stay organized so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Make sure to include all the tasks involved in transitioning from living at home to living on your own, including:

  • Finding a place to live
  • Setting up utilities
  • Making transportation arrangements (if needed)
  • Getting furniture
  • Payday and paying bills on time

You don’t want to start packing your stuff when you don’t move out for 2 months! Set realistic deadlines for each task; this will help keep you on track.

2. Get A Job Or Side Hustle

Before you move out at 18 and get your first apartment, find a job or start a side hustle.

That way, you can pay your monthly living expenses and have enough money month to month.

You can start working on the side around school, and you won’t be limited to finding jobs just because you’re young.

There are many jobs that require little to no experience, like freelancing writing, proofreading, and more.

Check out our full list of high-paying side hustles– you have many options to earn money right away!

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How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (2)

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3. Open A Bank Account

A checking account can give you more financial freedom and control over your money when you move out at 18.

With a bank account, you can deposit checks, write a check, and use a debit card, allowing you to stay organized and easily track your finances.

Although checks are becoming less popular these days, they’re still a great way to pay rent and other bills without worrying about carrying more money or using a credit card.

it’s smart to have a credit card to build a credit history for a house or other loans, but you need to be strict with them and have a regular account to put money in.

Opening a checking account is relatively straightforward; most banks require two forms of identification (like a driver’s license or passport) and proof of address (like recent utility bills).

4. Save Money & Start An Emergency Fund

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (3)

As a savvy person, even if you don’t want your own place, you should start saving up now! Even if it’s just small amounts here and there, every bit counts when you save money.

Look for ways to save extra money, such as eating out less or taking public transportation instead of your car to cut back on transportation costs.

You can also take this opportunity to start a proper emergency fund.

An emergency fund is your safety net if unexpected expenses happen (like a medical emergency) and you need to cover the costs.

You can open a savings account wherever your bank account is or open a high-yield savings account with Chime and earn 1.5% back on your money.

5. Create A Monthly Budget

It doesn’t matter if you move out at 18 or 30, a budget is a necessity for life, period!

Creating a budget will help you figure out how much rent and other living expenses you can afford in your new place.

Use a budgeting app like Empower (formerly Personal Capital) or Mint. Budgeting apps can help you visualize where your money is going and track your finances efficiently.

Your budget will have your fixed monthly expenses like rent, utilities, groceries, car, and loan payments, plus random other living expenses like new dishes, a lamp, and stuff for your new place.

And don’t forget about unexpected expenses- always set aside money for emergencies for your car or health.

Once you know how much money is coming in each month and how much is going out, you’ll know if you have any money left to save or if you’re overspending.

6. Build Up Your Credit History

Your credit score determines your eligibility for loans and other financial products, so it’s essential to start building up your good credit history now.

Building a payment history can lead to a good credit score, which will help you with everything in the future. Get store cards or gas cards, and start small- never use the total limit on a card!

Pay off any credit card debt in full each month to keep your credit score high and avoid paying interest.

You can also build your credit score by becoming an authorized user of someone’s credit card. The original credit card owner needs to have a good credit score and credit history.

If no one will add you as an authorized user, you can still build your credit score by getting an unsecured credit card.

A secured credit card requires a cash deposit that acts as collateral against potential losses if payments are missed or overdrafts occur.

Check your credit score with Credit Karma or another credit score app once you start using credit cards, and make sure you’re not overspending.

7. Learn To Adult

The valedictorian of my high school class confessed to me that she didn’t know how to do laundry at all one week before graduation and said she wanted me to give her a crash course.

Other friends had no idea how to make meals that didn’t involve a microwave- and I know some of you fall into this category!

Before you move out at 18. what life skills have you learned to use flying solo?

Take some time to learn basic life skills such as cooking simple meals, cleaning dishes, shopping for groceries, and doing laundry properly. These skills will help once you’ve moved into your new place.

You can take courses at the library or rec centers and get yourself more ready to move out.

8. Talk To Your Family

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (4)

Before moving out, unless it’s a dire situation, you should include your family in the decision to find your own place.

It’s important to remember that although they may disagree with your decision, they care about you and want what is best for you. Try to approach them with respect and understanding.

Show them the budget you created, talk about how you’re trying to work and save money, and show them exactly how much money you’ll need each month and where it will come from.

Having these details worked out ahead of time will help alleviate their worries and show them that you are serious about taking care of yourself.

9. Get Bills In Your Name

Now comes the fun part if you want to move out at 18- applying for utilities and insurance in your name!

This can include electricity, water, natural gas, internet/cable, cell phone services, garbage collection, and car insurance.

Make sure to research ahead so that everything is ready for use upon arrival when moving into your new home!

You may be limited to what companies supply your water and other utilities to your apartment or house because of where they are

But you have many insurance companies for renters insurance (yes, protect the stuff in your apartment!) and car insurance, plus cell phone options.

Look at multiple rates and compare prices to see what fits your budget.

10. Find Lodging In Your Budget

Moving out of your parent’s house is an exciting rite of passage, but it can be challenging to find affordable options.

Do your research and check the rental price and the security deposit for different housing types.

There are options for low-income residents that have low security deposits, so be sure to housing communities for budget-friendly places.

Make sure to read reviews of potential places to get a better idea of what living there is really like from people who have lived there before.

Reading over the contract before you sign is critical, too, as it may inform you about any unexpected expenses and fees you may have missed when researching.

I’ve seen hidden fees for stuff like parking fees, added fees for yard care, and more.

11. Get Roomies You Know Well

If the cost of living on your own is too much for your budget, but you’re firm on your plan to move out at 18, look for roommates so you can split rent and living expenses.

When possible, try to move in with someone you already know well- ideally, someone who has been a friend for at least a few years.

It takes away some of the risk associated with choosing a stranger as your roommate since chances are that you two already have similar values and lifestyles, which will make living together much easier!

But as you know, even family have their fights, so not every living situation may be perfect between friends.

Talk out expectations early on, know what stuff is yours, and have home or car insurance for sure.

12. Get Freebies For Your Place

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (5)

Furnishing a whole apartment or house can be expensive. Fortunately, there are various ways you can get free stuff for your place when you move out at 18!

One great way to get freebies for your new place is by visiting online freebie sites like Craigslist or Freecycle.

You can find everything from furniture to kitchenware on these sites- all for free! Inspect any items before taking them home, as some may not be in the best condition.And always wash things once you get them home.

Another great way to acquire free stuff when you move out at 18 is by reaching out to family and friends who might have items they aren’t using anymore. They’re usually happy to let you haul it away for them!

What NOT To Do When Moving Out

Avoid Keeping The Move A Secret

Keeping your moving secret may seem like the best way to avoid any potential arguments or drama, but it could actually be more harmful than helpful in the long run.

If your parents don’t know where you’re going or how they can contact you, it could create an atmosphere of worry and mistrust between both parties that could carry on for some time after the fact.

If you’re moving out for your own safety or want to move out before you turn 18, consider contacting a shelter or a domestic violence hotline for help to make sure you’re taken care of.

Don’t Skip The Planning Phase- No Winging It!

Even though it may seem time-consuming at first, planning everything before moving out of your family home is key!

You can’t just find an apartment and pay for it out of nowhere- you need work and money to get food and shelter, no matter how old or young you are.

Make sure you have your plan and research done to start off in the best place possible and make it work long-term. You don’t want to run out of options (and money!) and have to break your lease early.

Never Move In With Strangers

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (6)

It can be tempting to accept an offer from someone offering a room in their home for cheap rent. But this is one mistake that you definitely don’t want to make!

Living with strangers can expose you to all sorts of potential problems, including theft, sexual harassment, general discomfort, or worse.

Those things can happen with people you know, just like anything can happen, but stranger danger is a higher risk you don’t want to take in this situation.

Don’t Take Stuff From Home Without Asking

When it comes to your clothes, shoes, and some stuff, that’s all set to be packed up and moved. But what about the bed and furniture, that storage cabinet in the bathroom?

Taking some stuff from your parent’s home may seem like no big deal— but it might not all be a free game for you!

Taking things without permission can cause hard feelings and is disrespectful to your parents. If you want something, ask first!

Chances are they will be more than happy to give it to you if they can- and if not, you should respect their wishes by leaving it alone.

Avoid Over-Using Your Credit Card

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (7)

When you move out, relying on your credit cards for everyday purchases can be tempting. But it can lead to overspending and debt if you use too much of your credit limit.

To avoid this, make sure only to use your credit card when absolutely necessary and make sure your purchases fit your budget.

If you’re not sure you can pay it back, don’t do it! Most big purchases aren’t worth the extra debt hanging over your head.

Jobs For Teens & Young Adults

Moving out of your parent’s home is a big milestone, and as a teen or young adult, you want to make sure you can support yourself financially.

Money is necessary to cover your new apartment rent, utilities, food, and other necessities.

That’s why having a job or side hustle when you move out is so important!

1. Proofreading

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (8)

Proofreading is the process of carefully checking written material for errors such as typos, grammar mistakes, and inconsistencies.

It’s not just about finding mistakes in a text – it’s also about making sure that all formatting is correct and consistent throughout.

A free workshop by Proofread Anywhere can help you learn how to start a proofreading business and make the most money possible.

2. Freelance Writing

Becoming a freelance writer can be smart if you’re new to the workforce. You don’t need any prior experience or qualifications; you need the willingness to learn and improve your craft.

You can write for magazines, blogs, newspapers, social media, and more and make over $15 an hour as a new writer.

You can also choose when and how long to work, making it perfect for those who want flexible hours and online jobs but don’t want to commit to a full-time job right away.

You can find freelance writing jobs on job boards like Upwork and FlexJobs.

3. Food Delivery

Food delivery is one of the best options for teens and younger adults.

Why? It’s flexible, offers good pay, and is essential during these uncertain times.You can choose your own schedule and work around school or other commitments.

One of the main benefits of working as a food delivery driver for companies like Uber Eats, DoorDash, or PostMates, is that the hours are usually flexible.

Another great benefit of food delivery jobs is that you get tips on top of your hourly rate.

4. Tutoring

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (9)

Tutoring is ideal for teens and young adults because it offers the flexibility needed to balance school, work, and other activities.

I tutored English in high school and college, and it was basically like getting paid to help someone study or better understand the lessons.

You could tutor in math, chemistry, history, SAT prep, and anything else! Just be sure you know your stuff, or your students won’t improve in class.

You can find tutoring jobs on sites like BookNook. You can also reach out to local schools and universities in your area to inquire about available tutoring positions.

5. Babysitting

Babysitting can be a great way for 18-year-olds to earn some extra cash. It can also be a great way to get some experience working with children if you’re pursuing a career in early childhood education or something similar.

One of the best ways to find babysitting gigs is through word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors.

You can also join sites like or Sittercity to connect with families and get babysitting gigs lined up quickly.

Final Thoughts

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (10)

Learning how to move out at 18 can be overwhelming, but if you take it one step at a time and follow our Savvy tips, it doesn’t have to be as daunting as it may seem.

This can be an exciting journey into adulthood, and the more you prep, the fewer bumps you hit in the road!

You can make money with the best side hustles or a few quick bucks with apps like Survey Junkie, which will make it easier to afford an apartment at 18.

Make money, save money, and learn to be smart with money- that way, you can put your best foot forward!

How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (11)

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How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away (2024)


How To Move Out At 18: Guide To Afford Moving Away? ›

In general, you should have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up as emergency funds just in case something unexpected happens during your move. For example, if you're planning on renting an apartment for $1,200 per month, then you'll need about $4,000 in savings before moving out.

How can I make enough money to move out at 18? ›

Steps to Moving out at 18 with No Money
  1. Make a Budget & Assess Your Finances. Understanding your financial standing is crucial. ...
  2. Get a Job. ...
  3. Start an Emergency Fund. ...
  4. Start Paying Your Own Bills. ...
  5. Research Where You'll Live. ...
  6. Set Up A Savings Plan. ...
  7. Build Your Credit Score. ...
  8. Side Hustle.
Aug 19, 2023

How much should an 18 year old save before moving out? ›

In general, you should have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up as emergency funds just in case something unexpected happens during your move. For example, if you're planning on renting an apartment for $1,200 per month, then you'll need about $4,000 in savings before moving out.

How am I supposed to afford moving out? ›

Ideally, before you undertake the major milestone of moving out of your parental home, you would have six months' worth of living expenses saved up. However, in today's economy, that's not always possible, and some young people will move out with just one or a couple months' worth of living expenses in the bank.

Is 18 a good age to move out? ›

If you're looking for a good age to move out, start with 18 or whatever age your child graduates high school. Ending high school and going off to a career or college is a good goal to set. You can be flexible as the time approaches if needed, but it's important to be clear about expectations ahead of time.

Is 6000 enough to move out? ›

It's enough money to get you started, but it'll go quickly. You'll have deposits for electricity and rent, then first and last month's rent for starters. So, plan on maybe $500 deposit on where you plan to live, then the cost of rent times two… maybe $1600+ for the first and last months rent.

Can I move out at 18 even if my parents don't want me to? ›

When a teen reaches the age of majority, they have the legal right to leave home. Except in the following states, the age of majority in most states is 18 years old: The majority age in Alabama and Nebraska is 19.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Is 5000 enough to move out? ›

The answer depends on various factors, such as your location, lifestyle, and personal circ*mstances. While $5,000 can be a good starting point, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the costs associated with moving out and living independently.

How can I save 10k in 6 months? ›

How I Saved $10,000 in Six Months
  1. Set goals & practice visualization. ...
  2. Have an abundance mindset. ...
  3. Stop lying to yourself & making excuses. ...
  4. Cut out the excess. ...
  5. Make automatic deposits. ...
  6. Use Mint. ...
  7. Invest in long-term happiness. ...
  8. Use extra money as extra savings, not extra spending.

How much money should I have to comfortably move out? ›

A: Providing you have a job that can support living on your own, saving 6 months living expenses, plus first and last month's rent plus the security deposit, you would be in real good shape. You will need at least two times that much for the deposit and last months rent.

What is a realistic age to move out? ›

While there are a lot of factors involved, the average age when people move out of their parent's home is somewhere between 24 and 27. This makes logical sense – it's after many people have completed college and around the time when most people get married and/or are in a long-term relationship.

Is it OK to live with parents after 18? ›

If you feel ashamed about moving in with your parents, know that it's a common living arrangement for many young people across the United States. According to 2021 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, one in three American adults ages 18 to 34 live at home.

Can you still live with your parents at 18? ›

Whether they're looking to save money or aren't ready to leave the nest yet, adults living at home are becoming increasingly common. In fact, according to the 2021 data from the US Census Bureau, one-in-three US adults between the ages of 18-34 still live at home with their parents, per Pew Research Center.

How much money should I have saved up before moving out? ›

A general rule of thumb is to have three to six months' worth of living expenses saved up in case of an emergency. As movers with 30 years of experience, we can say for sure that sticking to your budget is crucial when living on your own for the first time.

What is the average age to move out? ›

While there are a lot of factors involved, the average age when people move out of their parent's home is somewhere between 24 and 27. This makes logical sense – it's after many people have completed college and around the time when most people get married and/or are in a long-term relationship.

How to move out at 18 with strict parents? ›

Talk to them about where you're going to live, your job, and anything that they may want to know about. Be completely honest with them; they will believe you can be trusted enough to move out and you don't want to lose that trust. Give your parents a key to your house if they are very sad that you are leaving.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.