How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (2024)

[This is a guest interview with Jenn Leach from Master Her Money on how to make money website flipping! Jenn is a successful website flipper who has made six figures flipping websites, and I’m so excited for her toshare her top secrets in this post! Jenn is a pro at creating multiple blogs and selling them for profit! Now she teaches others how to make money flipping websites! Stay tuned till the end for a special coupon codeand bonus just for my readers thatyou can use to learn from Jenn who has helped 700+ students make money flipping websites!

Table of Contents

1.Can you tell us about yourself and your blog?

My name is Jenn Leach and prior to blogging, I worked in personal finance and banking for a decade in San Antonio, Texas.

I’m a wife to a Navy vet and mom to an awesome 2nd grader.

By day I thrive on Starbucks coffee and work from home, which I absolutely love.

I started my adventure into the world of entrepreneurship around 6 years ago.

My start was in e-commerce and I eventually transitioned into blogging.

I have launched nearly 20 blogs and I call home, Master Her Money, a blog dedicated to helping women reach financial freedom by making extra money, learning how to blog and running a thriving small business.

2. What first inspired you to start Master Her Money?

I remember working my 9 to 5.

I was exhausted, unhappy and I knew it was NOT the place for me.

The company was great but at the same time it was rigid, inflexible, and I was micromanaged. I held my breath any time I asked for time off for a doctor’s appointment, to have a few days to spend with my fiancé who would travel from Japan to the U.S. for leave, etc.

So, in my final year or so at the company, I set out to really give it a good try to start my own business.

It was a lot of early mornings and long nights.

I remember fighting the urge to fall asleep in meetings and only getting around 3 hours of sleep during the week.


A year into running my e-commerce business, I was making enough money to replace my day job so I quit!

My boss was so shocked when I told her. She thought I was joking. I felt bad for like a second, ha, then excitement and happiness set in.

E-commerce was great but what made me turn to blogging was all the benefits it provided that I just was not getting from my e-comm business.

I was running a successful store and got it up to 50,000 monthly visitors and $30K per month in its peak but it was running me ragged at the same time.

I loved work.

I loved running the store.

But, it was taking over my life.

It was turning into an addiction that left me neglecting myself, my family, and everything around me.

So, I decided to let it go and I flipped it for a profit.

That was the very first website I flipped and after the sale, I took my first blog full-time.

I started Master Her Money this year and my goal was to help struggling women like myself who may feel trapped in their job. I want to share my best practices and advice to help others pursue their dream of entrepreneurship. I also want to help people find ways to make extra money so they can feel financially free.

And so, Master Her Money was born.

[Omg, I can totally relate to falling asleep in meetings and barely getting 3 hours of sleep! I still work full-time as a lawyer while I run my six-figure blogging business on the side. I love my job but running my business with a full-time job is NOT easy. It sucks up so much energy and time! So I’m really glad you were able to quit your job and have a better quality of life!]

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (1)

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (2)

3. How did you start website flipping?

It all started with my first website.

I ended up flipping that site after running it for a few years and that was my start! It had me hooked on website flipping.It sold for just under six figures.

My second flip sold for $12,000.

Once you start one flip, you want to keep going.

I’ve seen it happen to other entrepreneurs in this space.

There is nothing like building something from scratch, making it valuable then selling it for a profit. It’s super rewarding.

Today, I’ve created and sold nearly 20 websites.

[Wow, that’s amazing! You have found a special way to make money online with website flipping because not many bloggers know about it yet]

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (3)How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (4)

4. What is website flipping?

Website flipping is buying and selling websites for profit.

You can profit from buying (or building) and selling websites.

You buy or build low and then you sell high.

For example, you can build a website for $30, spend a few months growing it, increasing the traffic and income and then flip it in month 3 for $300.

That would profit you $270!

One of my students did just this, a few weeks after taking my training.

This is just from one website too. Imagine if you worked on 10 sites a month like this. That would be $2,700!

Website flipping can be extremely lucrative.

It’s very fulfilling and gives you so much freedom:

  • Make your own rules and call the shots
  • Flexible schedule
  • Pick what projects you want to work on
  • Unlimited income potential
  • And, more!

I have earned more than six figures flipping websites.

Flipping is literally everywhere:

  • Real estate flipping
  • Retail flipping
  • Electronics flipping
  • Pawn shops

[Website flipping definitely sounds like a great side hustle! You can pursue it at your own pace and doesn’t require a huge investment either! Love the concept and like you, I know some other bloggers who are also making six figures just flipping websites! You might be asking, “is it easy to become a website flipper”? Find the answer below!]

5. What are your favorite tools for running your website flipping business?

Some of my favorite tools I’ve been using for years include:

I have tried many tools but I keep coming back to this bunch, which helps me run my business successfully.

6. How can someone become a website flipper?

It’s easier than you might think.

One thing I love about flipping is that literally anybody can do it.

You don’t need formal education, a background in websites, or tech experience. If you have basic computer skills, you can flip websites.

Here are the requirements for flipping a website:

  • Internet access (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
  • Your Time (around 1-3 hours/week)
  • Budget of $20 to $100 (website startup costs)

2 Ways to Flip Websites

There are two ways you can approach website flipping:

  • Building your website
  • Buying your website

Building a website means you will start with an idea and a website name and then build your site around that.

Tasks include:

  • Picking a niche for your site
  • Picking the site name
  • Getting your hosting and domain

Going this route, building a site, means that you will create a brand new website from scratch, building it from the ground up.

This is perfect for creatives and great for introverts.

You will work independently and create your site exactly how you want it.

Building a site is definitely the approach I love to take.

I am a creative at heart so this is perfect for me.

The second route to take is buying a website.

Buying a website comes with a larger investment but cuts out a lot of the startup work and time.

You will find a website to buy that will come with a site name, domain, site files, and content.

When you choose to invest in buying a website, you’ll be doing things like:

  • Researching a good website to purchase
  • Negotiation of the price
  • Migrating the website to your host
  • Developing and building out the website

For example, you can invest in a 4-year old website for $2,000, spend your time and effort, around 6 months building and growing it, then flip it for $10,000.

One of my clients bought a website for $2,400 and less than 6 months later, sold it for over $6,000!

[I love how easy it is to flip websites! Like you said, you don’t need much. If you have created a blog, for example, you can build it for few months and then flip that blogto make money!]

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (6)

7. What’s your favorite part about website flipping?

My favorite part about website flipping is the flexibility and freedom or running my own business.

It’s different from other businesses because you truly are the boss.

When I used to freelance, I worked for myself but I also reported to my boss. It’s kind of like working a 9 to 5 in a lot of ways, though there is more freedom.

With website flipping, you have total freedom.

You make the rules, decide on your own projects, report to nobody except yourself!

I really love this!

It’s a big perk in this industry.

8. What’s your least favorite part about website flipping?

My least favorite part about website flipping is the struggle to maintain work/life balance.

This isn’t specific to website flipping necessarily as work/life balance can be tough with any job, 9 to 5 or self-employed.

Finding a job you love means that it does not work but as such, it can be tough to separate yourself from it and dedicate time to home life.

It’s something that has been tough for me but I’m getting better and better at it year after year.

[My sentiments exactly! As an entrepreneur, this is my struggle too – maintaining work/life balance and like you said, whether you work for someone or have your own business, the struggle is still there! It’s tough to strike a work-life balance and this is one of the blogging lessons I learned after making money]

9. How much can you make website flipping?

The big question!

You can really earn an unlimited amount of money with website flipping.

Again, my first flip was nearly $100,000 and my second flip was $12,000. My third and fourth flips were $7,000 and $8,000.

In my course, The Art of the Microflip, I teach students how to create successful profitable website flipping businesses, making up to a $2,500 per month (or more).

[I’ve taken your course and absolutely love it! You simplify everything and walk us through all the steps – launching the blog, writing content, promoting it, creating social media presence and monetizing your blog, so we can easily flip our blogs and make money!]

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (7)

10. How does someone get started with website flipping?

To get started with website flipping, I recommend getting training from an expert.

Learning from someone who has been successful with flipping is the way to go.

Through training, you can learn all about website flipping to help improve your understanding of the business, get step-by-step instructions to create a profitable business, and more.

You have the support and a great foundation to build your business.

Taking a course can help you gain the skills needed to run a successful website flipping business.

[I completely agree! No point of wasting time trying to figure out all the stuff on your own and losing money when you make mistakeswhen you can easily take a course and learn from an expert like you!]

11. Please tell us about your course –The Art of the Microflip.

The Art of the Microfliphas been taken by 700+ students, teaching them how to build, grow, and flip starter websites.

A starter website is a new website, generally under 6 months old and it’s the focus of the course because starter sites are both easy to flip and require a lot less work and startup capital than more seasoned, established websites.

My course will teach students all about flipping websites or blogs, so you can pursue seasoned sites at any point in time.

Here’s a recentstudent testimonial:

Jenn’s course is amazing! I have taken lots of blogging courses, and read lots of blogging e-books, and to put it bluntly, most of them sucked. Jenn’s is the only course I have taken that actually taught me something I didn’t know or couldn’t find online for free. Her step-by-step process showing exactly how to flip a blog made it extremely easy – so easy, in fact, that I have already flipped my first blog and netted over $200 within a month after finishing her course!-Bee Lev,

The best partis that this is a business that can be done part-time or full-time.

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (8)

[I must say Bee is correct to say that your course does simplify the entire process because I felt the same way after finishing it! It’s a perfect guide to flipping websites and anyone can use your strategies to make money easily!]

12. Is Website flipping beginner-friendly?

Yes, website flipping is beginner-friendly.

You will learn the skills and strategies of how to successfully flip websites

How website flipping works:

  • Pick a niche
  • Website name
  • Domain and hosting
  • WordPress
  • Launch

It starts with picking a website niche.

Your website niche is your website’s main topic, like budgeting, lifestyle, fashion, or cooking, for example.

There are actually niches that are more profitable than others and in the course I’ll show you which ones those are.

Next, you pick the name of your site, which is a fun part of the process. And then, grab your domain and hosting, and add WordPress.

This might sound like a lot so far, but the entire process can be done in about a half-hour.

Lastly, you will add website content and then launch the website. Done!

In the course, you get:

  • The support of the instructor and student community
  • Access to the student community
  • Secret strategies for promotion and monetization
  • Learn how to scale the business
  • Learn how to creative profitable websites
  • And more!

13. Can this be done on the side, if I still have a 9 to 5?

Yes! Website flipping can be done on the side and if you still have a 9 to 5.

You will love how flexible website flipping is.

[This is the best part really that you can pursue website flipping at your own pace. I started my blog in 7 days while working full-time as a lawyer so clearly, you can flip websites to make extra cash while you continue with your day job! Believe me, the extra cash you earn from this side hustle will be worth it because you can use that money to pay off your debtsquickly. In my case, my extra income from blogging helped me pay off $60,000 in student loans!!! So are you ready to make some extra money with website flipping?]

Final Thoughts- How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach

The Art of the Microflip is a 25+ text-based and video tutorial lesson course and has an active student community, tons of resources and more.

For a limited time, I will be offering A Self Guru readers 20% off my course, The Art of the Microflip using coupon code – ASELFGURU at checkout.

[This is soo amazing! Thank you, Jenn for taking the time to answer all the questions and for providinga special discount to my readers for your course.Remember guys, this is a limited time deal, so don’t miss out! Also, this coupon code is onlyvalid if you purchase through my link here, so take advantage of this offer before it’s gone!]

Special Bonus For A Self Guru Readers

If you decide to take advantage of this deal above andenroll in Jenn’s website flipping course, you will receive another special bonus from me!

All new customers who sign up here with A Self Guru discount get 20% off the course but you will also get 50% off a Website Sale / Purchase Agreement template that you can use to flip your websites!

The Website Sale / Purchase Agreementis a comprehensive contract template that covers all the legalities of buying and selling a website. It has all the essential terms included in there to facilitate your website selling and buying transaction.

Just like when you fliphouses, yousign a legal contract to complete the sale, same waywhen you flip websites, you need a legal contract! So all you need to do is send me a copy of your receipt showing you purchased Jenn’s course through my link here, and I will give you my Website Sale / Purchase Agreement template 50% off!

This is a limited time bonus offer, so don’t miss out!


How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (9)

My name is Jenn Leach, and I thrive on Starbucks coffee and YouTube, blogging about lifestyle and money at I teach others how to live financially free by finding opportunities to make money, save, and balance life while working from home.

When I’m not blogging, I enjoy spending time with my family in Houston, Texas. My superpower? I have a boredom shield when it comes to blogging. I literally never get tired of it. I’ve created nearly 20 blogs and have sold over six figures in my website flipping adventures! Find me on Pinterest here.


Article Rating

How to Make Money Website Flipping: Interview with Jenn Leach (2024)


Can you make money from website flipping? ›

Though Website flipping is not for everyone once you become a pro in buying and selling websites, you will be making huge money. There are many other ways to make money online, like AdSense, CPM ads, Affiliate marketing, and Selling eBooks to name a few.

What is the most profitable item to flip? ›

Here are some of the most popular and profitable things to flip:
  • Websites (find available sites on Empire Flippers)
  • Email newsletters (read about the best email marketing software here)
  • Sports memorabilia.
  • Furniture.
  • Appliances.
  • Designer shoes and sneakers (check out eBay)
  • Exercise equipment.
Apr 8, 2024

How to make money by flipping? ›

How to Flip Items for Profit
  1. Buy something on Amazon and then resell it there for a higher price. ...
  2. Buy items on other websites (eBay, Walmart, Craigslist, etc.) ...
  3. Take people's free stuff. ...
  4. Buy products locally at stores or garage sales and then resell them on Amazon.
6 days ago

How long does it take to flip a website? ›

The time it takes to flip a website will depend on the complexity of the website's design and the amount of improvements made. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to several months to completely flip a website. The process of flipping a website starts by identifying a potential website to purchase.

How do I get into website flipping? ›

5 Steps to Start a Website Flipping Business
  1. Find a website to flip.
  2. Buy your first website to flip.
  3. Transfer ownership of the website.
  4. Improve the website.
  5. Sell the website.
Aug 10, 2023

Is domain flipping risky? ›

You might be wondering, "Is domain flipping risky?" The answer is that it can be, especially if you dive in without a solid understanding of the market. The risks range from financial loss to legal complications, and it's essential to be aware of them before getting involved.

What is the 70% rule in flipping? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

What's the easiest thing to flip? ›

The 15 Best Items to Flip
  1. Apparel. Whether you're simply looking to clean out your closet or want to turn reselling into a part-time gig, apparel of all kinds is perfect for flipping. ...
  2. Cameras. ...
  3. Smartphones, Tablets and Tech Accessories. ...
  4. Exercise Equipment. ...
  5. Household Appliances. ...
  6. Used Books. ...
  7. Designer Bags. ...
  8. Vintage Jewelry.

Why is flipping illegal? ›

Usually, when someone flips a property, he or she makes repairs and improvements beforehand. It can become illegal if the person falsely represents the condition and value of the property. This equates to fraud, which carries serious consequences.

What is the best thing to flip on marketplace? ›

15 best things to flip
  1. Vintage clothing & accessories. Old is truly gold, and vintage clothing is a prime example of this. ...
  2. Toys & games. Toys are another great item to flip. ...
  3. Consumer electronics. If tech-savvy, consider consumer electronics. ...
  4. Furniture. ...
  5. Books. ...
  6. Clearance items. ...
  7. Watches. ...
  8. Musical Instruments.

How much do domain flippers make? ›

A full-time domain flipping business can generate upwards of $100,000+ per year. If you are just doing domain flipping part-time, you can expect to make $200 - $500 per month. Where can I buy good domains from? There are lots of places to buy good domains from.

What are the disadvantages of flipping? ›

Con: Costs

Flipping houses can create cost issues that you don't face with long-term investments. The expenses involved in flipping can demand a lot of money, leading to cash flow problems. Because transaction costs are very high on both the buy and sell sides, they can significantly affect profits.

Is domain flipping legal? ›

It is a legal way to make money from domain names. A domain flip generally consists of the following steps: Research. Find out what domain names are in demand and what prices they are fetching.

Is domain flipping actually profitable? ›

Domain flipping can be a lucrative business if done strategically. Success in domain flipping requires research, market knowledge, and a keen eye for valuable domain names. Profitable domain names often have desirable keywords, high domain authority, and a strong backlink profile.

Is domain flipping still profitable? ›

Is domain flipping profitable? Yes, domain flipping can be very profitable. But it takes time and patience before you really start to create an income out of it. If you are dedicated to making it work, you can make a lot of money from domain flipping.

Does domain flipping actually work? ›

Conclusion. Domain flipping is a viable way to make some extra money while getting involved in the world of online real estate. You'll need a bit of expertise, a discerning eye, and some lucky timing, but if you're consistent, you can make a reliable stream of income from the practice.

How successful is domain flipping? ›

Averagely, a beginner can earn between $100 to $10,000 by flipping domains. However, seasoned domain flippers can flip undervalued domains for millions of dollars.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.