How To Make $1,000 Fast When You Need Money Now (2024)

How To Make $1,000 Fast When You Need Money Now (1)

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Did you know 42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings? That’s the unfortunate truth of how people are struggling nowadays.

If you don’t want to be part of that statistic, you’ve come to the right place. Reading about different money-making opportunities is the first step to being ahead of most people.

There are a lot of options for you to make $1,000 a day, in a week, or month. The ways below don’t only help you earn that money but it allows you to build a long-term income stream and not just make a quick $1,000.

You can start a blog, offer cleaning services, or flip items on marketplaces. These can start out as a side hustle and eventually turn into a fully operating business.

By the end of this article, you’ll have new ideas on how you can quickly make $1,000 fast. All that’s needed is some action from your end!

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How To Make $1,000 Fast When You Need Money Now (2)

1. Make Money with Delivery Apps

One of the fastest ways to make money right now is by joining these delivery apps. People nowadays want stuff delivered to their doorstep whether that’s groceries, food, or other items.

It’s not that current consumers are lazy but it’s just an efficient way of shopping and buying essentials – and with this demand comes to an opportunity for you to make extra money.

You have a ton of choices on what type of items should you deliver:

The most popular option is food delivery. Apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Caviar are the ones that are always hiring. The process is simple – you get food from the restaurant and deliver it to the customer.

Gigs like this allow you to earn around $16.00 per hour. If you’re working 5 hours per day, you’re netting $80 per shift. That equates to $400 per week considering you take a break on weekends. In just three weeks, you’re well above the $1,000 mark and that’s not even including the tips yet!

You can also deliver grocery items and other parcels to people. Instacart, Shipt, Dolly, and TaskRabbit are companies you should look into for these types of deliveries. It also has the same rate as food deliveries but it can increase depending on the orders that come through.

Delivery jobs like this typically have the same requirements regardless of the deliverables. You need to have a driver’s license, a good driving history, and a means of transportation.

Pros: Delivery drivers get 100% of the tips. The hourly wage increases at certain times.

Cons: Wear and tear your vehicle. You would be the one to shoulder the expenses.

2. Start a Profitable Blog

Starting a blog is one of the best decisions I’ve made. Although making money with a blog isn’t immediate, it will be rewarding in the long term.

Your blog is your online space where you can talk about the different things you like that can help change and impact people’s lives. By starting a blog, it is possible to attract and build an audience that has the same interests as you.

And it is through your audience-building effort that you can monetize your website.

You can start a blog on almost any topic of your choice. Here are some niches that might be in line with your interests:

  • Sports
  • Digital Marketing
  • Personal Finance
  • Food and recipes
  • Health and Fitness
  • Travel and Lifestyle
  • Personal development

Let me be the first one to say that growing a blog can feel like a grind at first when you have no one but your mom reading your blog. It’s not easy but the process of building a passive income stream for the long-run is very fun and exciting!

What makes it worth it is seeing your blog income increase as you constantly put more effort into writing and bringing value to your readers.

My first documented income report on this website was the $700 that I made in July 2018. It was a joy to see that figure increase to $2,700 to eventually hit the five-figure mark of $27,600!

You too can earn the same or even bigger. But you need to take the first step by starting a website today. I highly recommend you to read and follow my how to start a blog tutorial for more details about this amazing opportunity!

Pros: Blogging is a great way to help your audience while monetizing it at the same time. What beats earning money with your passions?

Cons: It takes months to see some traction on your website.

3. Become a Freelance Writer

In a world where videos are the first choice of content, are freelance writers still relevant?

It’s a resounding yes from me and a whole generation that loves the side hustle economy!

Writing is a way to have a voice on the internet. It’s a great way to build a brand and expand your reach as a business.

However, not everyone has the ability to write lines of words that are persuasive enough to make a reader do action. And this is where you as a freelance writer can pitch your service.

Freelance writing work is usually found on websites like:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • FlexJobs
  • Craigslist

So what type of writing jobs can you see on these platforms? There’s a ton and each one can play on your strengths. To name some:

  • Ghostwriting for novels
  • Writing for blog websites
  • Writing for the blog section of companies
  • Ghostwriting tweets, threads, and LinkedIn posts
  • Summarizing podcasts, interviews, and Zoom calls
  • Writing newsletters for personal brands and businesses
  • Creating scripts for long-form video content (Youtube videos)
  • Creating scripts for short-form content video content (Youtube shorts, TikTok, Instagram Reels)

As you can see, there are a lot of writing opportunities out there. Jobs like summarizing Zoom calls and interviews allow you to learn and make money as you organize the conversation of your clients.

Pros: Writing is a lucrative job that can help you earn while you learn.

Cons: You’d have to settle for the starting rate of your prospect if you have zero experience or you have no portfolio to show.

4. Sell Items on eBay or Other Online Marketplaces

Flipping items is still one of the most fun ways of making money for me.

I used to flip furniture as a way to make extra money before I started a profitable blog.

There were times that the process was hard but finding old pieces of furniture was like looking for a treasure. It was lucrative for me as well since there were months that I made $800. But the average monthly income I made was $300.

Fun fact: While starting my blog, I was actually going to start a website about flipping furniture, home decor, or flipping items for extra money. Just a hint to you that this is something you could do too if you’re interested in selling items online and teaching others how to do it.

Anyway, you don’t have to be stuck selling pieces of furniture, especially when you use a platform like eBay. This flipper has been making around $8,000 to $10,000 per month just by reselling almost anything on the platform.

You too can sell items like NBA cards, old coins, military equipment, and others on eBay.

If you’re trying to sell your clothes, it’s best to sell them on websites that sell these clothes exclusively. It gives you a higher chance of getting your items sold quickly. Check out apps like TheRealReal, Poshmark, Depop, and ThredUp.

Now if you have your own crafts to sell like digital artwork, jewelry, sticks, and printables, the best place for that is Etsy. It’s the go-to platform for creatives that want their items to be sold quickly.

Sneakers are an item that’s often flipped too. Being a multimillion-dollar industry, there are websites that are dedicated to selling sneakers-only like StockX, Grailed, and GOAT.

The best thing about flipping items is you only need to sell two or three things to reach $1,000. Living room furniture could easily sell for more than $500. Rare collectibles are also at the same price or even higher.

Pros: Flipping and selling items can be a very lucrative side hustle.

Cons: There are items that don’t get sold immediately.

5. Manage Social Media

You’d be surprised how much social media managers are paid by brands and businesses. As long as you have the skills to monitor and grow the online presence of your client, you’d be an in-demand social media manager.

Aside from monitoring and growing an account, what else does this job entail?

  • Identify social media trends
  • Managing online community
  • Analyzing metrics and data of social media content
  • Overseeing the content that’s going to be published
  • Making sure the implementation of campaigns is followed

To be a social media manager, you should be scrolling social media platforms with intent. Observe what’s working and how people are responding to it. It’s how I managed my own Pinterest account for my blog and earn a full-time income from it.

You can see how I make money by using social media like Pinterest as a blogger. Yes, I was my own Pinterest manager, but I hired someone to help me manage my accounts.

Rather than mindlessly checking your timeline, study what receives good engagement from consumers. Doing this allows you to be creative and on top of trends.

However, don’t expect that this is a passive role. Managers in any position are active and are willing to give ideas and opinions on different matters.

You can check for open positions on these platforms:

  • Upwork
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • SimplyHired

When you’ve proven your competency and have social proof to show, this job can turn into a business of yours. A social media marketing agency is paid around $4,000 to $7,000 per month. Closing just a single client can put you way above your target of $1,000.

Pros: This can turn into a service you offer and eventually be a full-time agency handling multiple clients.

Cons: You need to be on a constant lookout for what social media trends are emerging.

6. Offer Tutoring Services

Great at a certain subject in school? You could be a tutor and earn $25 per hour.

So if you’re giving 4 hours per day to tutoring that means you’re earning at least $500 every week, not including weekends!

You can tutor kindergarten to college students. Even adults that are struggling with certain subjects in their advanced education can be tutored too.

The subjects you could teach could be as general as English. You could help students with proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Your service can also help people who are trying to gain citizenship by passing an English test.

There are two ways you can be a tutor in today’s time.

First, you can join a company or a website that does online tutoring for students. Examples of this are:

  • Udemy
  • Brainfuse
  • Chegg Tutors

The other way to become a tutor is by being your own brand. In this route, you can sell your service on platforms like Facebook and Craigslist.

You can also be creative on how to get your services known.

Start a Youtube channel using Instagram and TikTok as distribution platforms. Cut clips from your Youtube video and post it as a reel or Tiktok video – this way, you’re making use of one video content to the maximum.

Pros: High satisfaction job since you’re helping students progress in their education.

Cons: It can be draining at times especially if you do it aside from your day job. You’d have to be patient with questions and prepare materials for students.

7. Work As A Virtual Assistant

The virtual assistant industry is still seen to continue its growth in the years to come.

As more businesses go online, the demand for VAs also increases. Mary, a 24-year-old VA, has created a virtual assistant company and makes $8,000 in monthly revenue!

This shows that your job as a VA can be a pathway to owning your own agency someday.

If you’ve heard what a virtual assistant is but don’t know exactly what they do, it’s best that you learn more about the space.

Take a course like Work From Home as a Virtual Assistant course from Udemy. It’s cheap but packs the essential lessons on what it takes to be a VA.

In this line of work, you’ll be introduced to different software. The number of tools you’ll be using will depend on your employer.

If he has a lot of tasks needed from you like email management, content management, appointment setting, admin support, and customer service, then expect to be using various applications.

With that many responsibilities, you might be using apps like:

  • Mailchimp
  • Calendly
  • Hootsuite
  • WordPress
  • FreshBooks
  • Google Drive

However, you don’t need to be overwhelmed. These apps can be easily learned. And if you can’t find a certain feature, remember, Google is your friend. There’s someone out there that might have already created content on how you can better navigate the software.

Being a VA is actually a quick route for you to make $1,000. On average, a VA makes $21 per hour. Work for an 8-hour shift and you’re earning close to $170. In less than two weeks, you’ve hit you’re $1,000 goal!

To find jobs in this space, you can check these websites:

  • Kalibrr
  • Upwork
  • LinkedIn
  • Glassdoor
  • Learn4Good

Pros: You get to work anywhere you like – from your own home to coffee shops.

Cons: There will be a learning curve when you’re introduced to different applications.

8. Do Freelance Graphic Designing

Graphic designs are what make websites engaging and colorful. Imagine if you’re greeted with a wall of text when you log in to Facebook – it’s overwhelming and it’s tiring to look at.

That’s why graphic designers will never run out of jobs because they’re the ones who give life to pieces of content and websites.

Just like being a writer, one needs technical skills to be a graphic designer. Fortunately, in this creator economy, there are tons of free courses that help you be proficient in different graphic design tools.

Youtube is your friend when it comes to free resources. Hundreds of videos are posted to teach and guide on how to use different apps for graphic design.

I highly recommend that you master multiple tools and software. This makes you more valuable as a graphic designer since this allows you to cater to the different requests of your client.

As a freelance graphic designer, you’ll come across different jobs like:

  • Infographics
  • Data visualization
  • Graphic illustration
  • Lettering and type design
  • Web and application design
  • Marketing and advertising design

A tip I can give when you apply is to compile all your best graphic designs. You can add some explanations too so the prospect will have context on what you created.

If you’re doing commission work on the side wherein you can get paid by the hour, this is a good way to earn extra money aside from your full-time graphics design job.

Graphic designers earn $25 per hour on average. This means you’re earning $100 for every 4-hour shift that you do – making you earn at least $500 every week. This means that in just 10 days, you’ll hit your $1,000 goal!

Pros: You can take on multiple clients when you can still provide quality work and meet deadlines.

Cons: It would take some time to be good at every software you learn.

9. Become A Virtual Fitness Trainer

There’s no better time to be a fitness coach than now.

With video dominating all platforms, it has been easier for fitness influencers to grow their following.

Take Shannon for example. She was laid off as a waitress and started her online fitness coaching service. Before using social media, she was only making $1,000 to $2,000 per month.

But when she used apps like TikTok and Instagram, her reach increased and amassed 40,000 followers. Shannon shared she’s been making $8,000 passively through affiliate marketing and subscriptions to her program.

Leveraging social media is a hack for you to get an audience and eyes on your service. You could do the regular marketing campaigns by using ads but I believe it’s much more cost-efficient to just post a lot of content on your social media.

Once you start accepting clients, make sure to observe if you’re still efficient as a trainer. Beginner trainer mistakes include taking up too many clients. The consequence of this is you get mediocre results and unsatisfied customers.

Being a virtual fitness trainer is one of those jobs that allows you to earn $1,000 quickly. Trainers charge $400 to $500 per month for their service. Close two to three clients and you’ll consistently be earning above $1,000.

Pros: You don’t have to be physically there with your clients. You can talk to them in one video call.

Cons: You need to adjust your schedule to the availability of your clients.

10. Start A Youtube Channel

If creating fun videos is a passion of yours, then Youtube is your platform. It’s the place for creative minds that are up for the challenge to hold the retention of the viewer from the start of the video to the end.

But if you’re doing it for the money, you might give up on the process of building your subscribers. Understand that being a Youtuber isn’t an easy path.

You’d spend hours on idea creation, another set of hours shooting the video, and sometimes days editing the content. On top of all this, you have no assurance that anyone will watch it.

But if you’re willing to go through all that and see past those challenges, then you’ll eventually reap the rewards of having a Youtube channel.

Don’t know what channel to create? I suggest starting along the lines of your interest. This will make the creation process a lot more fun.

Here are some of the top niches on Youtube:

  • Tech
  • Fitness
  • Video Games
  • Lifestyle Vlogs
  • Making Money
  • Educational Content

Pros: Starting a Youtube channel can be lucrative especially when you get brand placements and sponsorship.

Cons: It will take time to build your channel and subscribers.

11. Clean And Organize Homes

There’s always a business for everything. Some have made a million-dollar business just solving one problem a person has.

If you want to do the same, an idea for you to ponder is cleaning and organizing homes.

You might think that cleaning can be done by any household owner. There’s some truth to that but in reality, not everyone wants to clean their homes. Some don’t even have the time of day to do that.

And this problem, which is a recurring one, can be an opportunity for you to make money.

If you want to start a cleaning service, you can post ads on Facebook and Craigslist. You can even create a post in your neighborhood group if you have any.

You can offer services like

  • Landscaping
  • Home organization
  • Chimney sweeping
  • After events cleaning
  • Whole house cleaning
  • End of tenancy cleaning
  • Carpet and upholstery cleaning

You’d be surprised at how many people are looking to get this service done for them.

As for the rate, you can set your own prices depending on how big the area is or how difficult it is for one place to get cleaned.

A home service company could charge above $100 for a small apartment. While 2,000-square-foot houses could be around $250.

The math tells you that you can make $1,000 in a week or two week’s time!

Pros: It’s a gig that solves a recurring problem for many, making it an in-demand service.

Cons: It requires long hours and a lot of effort from your end.

12. Earn Money As A Mystery Shopper

Earning money while shopping sounds too good to be true.

I thought the same thing years ago until I found out that people do get paid to purchase certain items at specific store branches.

If you aren’t familiar with the term, mystery shoppers or sometimes called secret shoppers are people hired by companies to pose as regular customers and fulfill a bunch of tasks.

You can also learn about the best mystery shopper jobs for extra money in my separate post.

Most people would think that this job only requires you to shop but it’s actually deeper than that. Mystery shoppers should be observant and well-organized with their thoughts.

Tasks here could be:

  • Purchase an item
  • Asking certain questions
  • Test the quality of products
  • Observe the in-store presentation
  • Take notes of the customer service

Companies hire mystery shoppers so they can gauge how their stores are doing.

When they let the manager know that a company executive is coming to check the store, employees will do their best to impress that person.

But if they hire a regular shopper to go to the store on a random Wednesday, executives will see what the day-to-day operations look like from the report of the mystery shopper.

To start your secret shopper journey, you must find an app that provides this service. Popular ones are:

  • Mobee
  • Gigwalk
  • EasyShift
  • FieldAgent

Once you’ve picked an app to work for, just follow the steps in their registration process.

Pros: You get to go out and visit different stores.

Cons: There’s no career growth as a mystery shopper.

13. Part-Time Server

Being a server is one of the most accessible jobs out there. Plus you can do this part-time even as a student. This is why a lot of college students and even adults consider being a server as a way to earn extra income.

It’s common for people to think that being a server requires a lot of jobs and that it’s exhausting. Sometimes that may be the case but being a server has a lot of benefits to it as well.

You get to meet a lot of people. Making new connections and friends on a daily basis isn’t something new to you.

The cash here is quick. Some establishments pay their servers bi-weekly. On top of that, you get to keep the tip of your customers. That extra cash will come in handy with surprise purchases.

The best benefit as a server for me would be the discount on the food. Just having a discount on the restaurant you work in will greatly lessen your food expenses on a monthly basis. Just think about it. It’s almost like getting paid to eat – yeah there’s such a thing if you’re wondering!

The schedule is pretty flexible as well. You can change shifts with your co-workers if needed.

To start being a server, just inquire about the restaurants near your place. Usually, they are hiring and in need of more staff.

Pros: Flexible time schedule. You can work part-time, full-time, only on weekends, or night shifts.

Cons: It can be physically demanding when the establishment is busy with customers.

14. Rent Out Your Home

There’s a reason why renting out properties or items are always recommended whenever there’s a list of how to make money or how to build a passive income.

This is because it is a cash cow that’s been leveraged for decades already. There will always be people looking for a place to rent.

So if you’re looking to make $1,000 fast, you can rent out your extra apartment or condo unit. There are a ton of platforms that you can use to list your extra homes.

You can list it on Airbnb. You won’t have to market your listing since almost anyone looking for a place will choose Airbnb first.

Another option is Facebook Marketplace. It’s a good platform wherein it shows your listing to people near you.

Zillow is another great option as well. Not only does it have a large database but it also has its own built-in tenant screening service.

Pros: It’s a passive income that needs little supervision.

Cons: There will be tenants that don’t abide by the house rules.

15. Rent Out Your Car

I never thought of renting out your car to strangers as an option to make $14,000 a month, let alone $1,000, only because it seems a bit uncommon. However, similar to renting out your home or spare bedroom, your car can prove to be a valuable asset despite its reputation as a depreciating asset. Who said you can’t make money with your car?

Services like Turo and Getaround have modernized the way we think about our cars, transforming them from depreciating assets into money-making machines. While you’re at home, catching up on some much-needed Netflix time, or busy at your 9-5 job (who knows, you might be using public transportation to get to work), your car could be out there, working for you, earning you passive income.

A luxury car or a unique vintage model could fetch higher prices, and timing is everything. A weekend rental or a booking over a holiday period could see you hitting your $1,000 target in no time.

Pros: Renting out your car can provide a significant additional income, helping you with financial goals or debts.

Cons: Your vehicle will experience more wear and tear than usual, including increased mileage, leading to more frequent maintenance and repairs, potentially offsetting some income.


How Can I Make $1,000 Dollars Fast Without A Job?

The fastest way to make a thousand dollars is to flip a high-end item from your belongings.

There was a time wherein I needed to make a quick $1,000. I didn’t have time to apply for a second job or pitch a service.

So what I did was look at my closet and check if I have any belongings that I don’t use anymore.

I found two of my luxury handbags. It was in great condition and was well-maintained.

Of course, I couldn’t sell it for the price I bought it for since I was looking for a quick sell but it was close to its original value. Though, I know if I was patient enough and waited for the right buyer, I could have sold it for much higher.

Anyway, for “fast cash”, I got to sell them for $2,000 each! I’m still looking for a buyer for my vintage coin which I’m selling for $1,000.

There’s a good chance that you might have luxury or designer items just lying around in your home. These are great items to sell to make an extra 1000 a month!

Other great options include flipping old furniture like what I did. You can use any old piece lying around your home, or even pick up free furniture from others who are begging you to take it away from them. Turn that trash into gold, and you’ll earn $1,000 fast without a job!

Enjoyed this post? Don’t forget to pin it! Also, don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest over here! 🙂

How To Make $1,000 Fast When You Need Money Now (3)

How To Make $1,000 Fast When You Need Money Now (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.