How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (2024)

We youngsters, who are nowadays referred to as the millennials and Gen Z, often have a different take on many aspects of life when compared to previous generations.Whether it's about how we are more adaptive towards passive income ideas, follow the YOLO motto when it comes to living life, and increasingly preferring to retire early as well, our preferences when it comes to money differ a lot from the previous generations.

Be that as it may, one thing that often acts as a glue and has largely remained as a common interest for most generations is the power of real estate.

Whether it's our parents, grandparents or us, this asset in the form of real estate is or has been a common element in most of us’ investment portfolios.But what if we told you that you can invest in real estate without going through the hustle of finding and actually buying the ‘right' property?Sounds crazy, right? After all, real estate is all about owning property...

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How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (1)

This is where REITs comes in! This relatively new but promising investment vehicle has been gradually transforming the real estate sector.Read on as we unfold the concept of REITs.

How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (2) shutterstock

Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs)

REITs are companies that own, operate or finance income-producing real estate.They were created with the main purpose of channelising the funds that could otherwise be invested in operational functions or ownership of the real estate, into further income generation for the investors, thus making them an investment vehicle.

Just likemutual fundsinvest your money into securities like equity,debt, money market instruments etc., REITs invest in real estate and are listed on stock exchanges.

Simply put, when you invest and buy a unit of REIT, it represents partial ownership of that real estate asset held by the trust, thus entitling you, the unitholder, to a share of the income generated by the REIT.

While the governing rules surrounding REITs are time to time being tweaked and updated in order to make them more investor-friendly and increase the scope of these investment instruments in India, currently a company can qualify for being REIT if it satisfies these conditions:

#1 90% of the REIT’s income must be distributed to the investors in the form of dividends

#2 80% of the investment by REIT must be made in revenue-generating projects and properties. Rest 20% can include an allocation to investments in under-construction properties, mortgage-based securities, equity shares deriving at least 75% of income from real estate activities, government securities, money market instruments, cash equivalents, etc.

#3 Only 10% of the total investment of REIT should be made in real estate under-construction properties

#4 The REIT must have an asset base of at least Rs 500 crore

#5 REITs must update the NAVs twice in every financial year

Also, as per guidelines, there is a full valuation of the REIT every year along with a half-yearly audit, to ensure transparency. And to promote diversification, REITs have to invest in at least two projects with the value of one asset comprising 60% of the investment.

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How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (3) shutterstock

History of REITs

Although REITs were first introduced in the USA in the 1960s, it was much later in 2007 that they were first introduced in India by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), almost five decades after they were first incorporated as an investment vehicle.

Subsequently, there has been continuous framing of regulations to facilitate the operational functions of REITs in India. REIT companies listed on the Indian stock exchanges are monitored and regulated by SEBI, just like mutual funds.

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How to invest in REITs?

Just like ETFs, Exchange Traded Funds, REITs are listed and traded on stock markets, and as a result, purchasing units on the stock market is amongst the best way to invest. That is why a demat account is mandatory for investing in REITs in India.

And just like ETFs, the price of REITs units on stock markets changes depending on both the demand for units and the performance of the REIT.

At present, investors can invest in three REITs in India, which include:

Embassy Business Park REIT, Mindspace Business Parks REIT and Brookfield India REIT.

Besides stock market purchases, you can also invest in REITs through mutual funds. There are few international and domestic funds that have been investing varying proportions in REITs, which can be invested in if you wish to dip your feet into REITs in India.

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How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (4) shutterstock

How Do REITs Generate Returns?

REITs provide both the benefits of wealth creation and regular income to unitholders. Investors can receive periodic dividends and/or interest payouts that provide regular income and at the same time, the sale of REIT units on stock markets can provide capital gains to the investor.

While the dividend and interest payouts are done by REITs from their Net Rental Income, the capital gains are earned as the REITs are listed and traded on stock exchanges, so the price of individual units changes depending upon their performance as well as market demand.

So just like equity stocks and mutual funds, good performance by an REIT leads to an increase in the price of REIT units that can hence be sold at a profit and provide capital gains to the investor.

SEBI’s Steps To Encourage Investors

To encourage investors, SEBI has made two significant amendments to the rules of investing in REITs in India.

Initially, there was a minimum requirement of ₹50,000 for an investor to invest in units of REITS. But this has been done away with and now, the minimum investment criteria is ₹10,000-15,000.

Second, the minimum lot size of REITs traded has been reduced to 1 unit, which not only brings it at par with equity shares but is also expected to increase liquidity for the entire REIT market

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Still A Relatively New But Growing Market In India

Although REITs are still a relatively new asset class in the Indian markets and many investors are unaware of it, steps are being taken to make them more accessible to retail investors through relaxations in terms of minimum lot size and investment value.

Ever since their launch in April 2019, Indian REITs have been aiming to pave the way for retail investors to participate in the commercial real estate sector. And the various steps being taken by SEBI towards REITs are also in the same direction, to encourage more investors to enter the REIT market.

Overall, this promising investment vehicle can boom in the future and let investors enjoy the benefits of real estate investment without actually purchasing a property directly. As this asset class begins to gain prominence, its structure, concept, returns, risks and other key aspects will gradually become clearer and polished, to fill whatever loopholes which might be present or come up as the market grows.

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How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property (2024)


How To Invest In Real Estate 'Without' Actually Buying A Property? ›

Subleasing. “A more creative way to actually invest in real estate without actually owning property is to lease a property with a one- to two-year lease and then subsequently sublease the property for use as a short-term rental or STR,” Hager said.

How can I build equity without buying a house? ›

You can build wealth while you rent by directing some of your available cash flow to savings, retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, or even other investments like education or a business startup.

What is an example of a passive real estate investment? ›

These include real estate investment trusts (REITs), crowdfunding opportunities, remote ownership and real estate funds. With these types of investments, you can make extra income without doing any physical labor or acting as a landlord.

How do I invest in real estate indirectly? ›

Indirect real estate investing involves buying shares in a fund or stocks/shares in companies that invest in real estate. Most commonly, this is done via REITs or Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).

What is the easiest form of real estate investing? ›

REITs are undoubtedly the easiest form of real estate investing for beginners, making them an attractive option for beginner investors. REIT stands for "real estate investment trust".

How do I retire if I don't own a house? ›

A guaranteed way to retire without a mortgage is to sell your current home at a profit and use the proceeds to rent a place to live in during retirement. Although it might seem as if you'd just be writing a check to a landlord instead of a lender, the differences between renting and owning can be considerable.

Can you build equity without a mortgage? ›

Yes, you can take out a home equity loan on a home with no mortgage. Not having a mortgage only increases the amount you can borrow with a home equity loan. Borrowing against your home carries risks that you'll want to consider.

What is the most passive investment style? ›

Index investing is perhaps the most common form of passive investing, whereby investors seek to replicate and hold a broad market index or indices. Passive investment is cheaper, less complex, and often produces superior after-tax results over medium to long time horizons than actively managed portfolios.

What is the Brrrr method? ›

The BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) Method is a real estate investment approach that involves flipping a distressed property, renting it out and then getting a cash-out refinance on it to fund further rental property investments.

How to start investing in real estate with as little as $500? ›

Don't have $500 — or even $100 to spare? If you don't have that kind of time or money, you may want to look into real estate investment trusts (REITs). These are funds pooled together from thousands of investors to invest in one property, like a mutual fund.

How to smart invest in real estate? ›

With that in mind, here are five top ways to invest in real estate.
  1. Buy your own home. You might not normally think of your first residence as an investment, but many people do. ...
  2. Purchase a rental property and become a landlord. ...
  3. Consider flipping houses. ...
  4. Buy a REIT. ...
  5. Use an online real estate platform.
Mar 28, 2023

What are at least 3 types of real estate investments? ›

Let's explore a few of the options available to you.
  • Residential Real Estate.
  • Commercial Real Estate.
  • Raw Land.
  • Real Estate Trust Investments (REITs)
  • Real Estate Crowdfunding.
Apr 21, 2023

How to invest $500 K in real estate? ›

And with this amount of capital, you have plenty of options for adding real estate to your portfolio like:
  1. Purchasing a rental property and becoming a landlord.
  2. Investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs) to earn dividend income.
  3. Buying and flipping houses.
  4. Investing with real estate crowdfunding sites.
Apr 6, 2023

What is the 1 rule in real estate investing? ›

What Is The 1% Rule In Real Estate? The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price.

How to invest in real estate as a beginner? ›

Best ways to invest in real estate
  1. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts) REITs allow you to invest in real estate without the physical real estate. ...
  2. Use an online real estate investing platform. ...
  3. Think about investing in rental properties. ...
  4. Consider flipping investment properties. ...
  5. Rent out a room.
Apr 14, 2023

How to retire in 5 years with no savings? ›

How You Can Retire in 5 Years Even Without Savings
  1. Make a Plan. First, you'll need to do some in-depth analysis of your spending, future costs and the steps you'll need to take in the next five years. ...
  2. Cut Costs. ...
  3. Pay Off or Refinance Debt. ...
  4. Save and Invest. ...
  5. Enlist an Expert. ...
  6. Bottom Line. ...
  7. Retirement Planning Tips.
May 10, 2023

How to retire in 10 years with no savings? ›

How to Retire In 10 Years with No Savings
  1. Make the Commitment. The first step in preparing to retire in 10 years is simply deciding that you want to do it. ...
  2. Cut Your Costs. ...
  3. Save 75% of Your Income. ...
  4. Invest Your Savings Wisely. ...
  5. Invest for Income.
Jan 25, 2023

What age do people retire with no savings? ›

About 27% of people who are 59 or older have no retirement savings, according to a new survey from financial services firm Credit Karma. To be sure, that's the same share as the overall population, yet boomers have less time to save for retirement given that the generation is now between the ages of 59 to 77 years old.

Can I get a home equity loan with a 500 credit score? ›

If you have bad credit, which generally means a score less than 580, you probably won't qualify for a home equity loan. Many lenders require a minimum credit score of 620 to qualify for a home equity loan. However, to receive good terms, you should aim to have a credit score of 700 or higher.

Do you have to pay back equity? ›

When you get a home equity loan, your lender will pay out a single lump sum. Once you've received your loan, you start repaying it right away at a fixed interest rate. That means you'll pay a set amount every month for the term of the loan, whether it's five years or 30 years.

What happens if your house is worth more than your mortgage? ›

If you owe $150,000 on your mortgage loan and your home is worth $200,000, you have $50,000 of equity in your home. Your equity can increase in two ways. As you pay down your mortgage, the amount of equity in your home will rise. Your equity will also increase if the value of your home jumps.

How to passively make $2,000 a month? ›

One of the best ways to make $2,000 a month in passive income is by blogging. By writing blog posts and adding affiliate links, you can easily generate passive income. You might need to establish yourself a bit before you can get $2,000 a month so stay focused and keep promoting yourself.

How can I make $200 a day passive income? ›

8 Ways To Make $200 in Just a Day
  1. Freelancing. Many skills can make you money as a freelancer. ...
  2. Drive for Uber or Lyft. ...
  3. Deliver Food. ...
  4. Complete Tasks on TaskRabbit. ...
  5. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking. ...
  6. Sell Items Online. ...
  7. Participate in Paid Focus Groups or Surveys. ...
  8. Rent Your Space.
May 5, 2023

How to make $100,000 per year in passive income? ›

6 Ways To Make $100K Per Year With Passive Income
  1. Start a Niche Blog. Chelsea Clarke, founder of HerPaperRoute, says starting a niche blog requires a lot of upfront work. ...
  2. Create a Course. ...
  3. Invest in CDs. ...
  4. Buy Stocks. ...
  5. Consider Bonds. ...
  6. Purchase Real Estate.
May 12, 2023

What are the disadvantages of passive investing? ›

Downsides to passive investing
  • Live by the benchmark, die by the benchmark. Index funds follow their benchmark index regardless of the state of the markets. ...
  • Lack of flexibility. ...
  • Fewer windfalls. ...
  • Less pain but less gain.
Jul 18, 2022

Who are the big three passive investors? ›

As blockholders in most public firms, the "Big Three"" passive fund managers — Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street — have an outsized influence on shareholder voting.

What is one disadvantage of the passive strategy? ›

Drawbacks of Passive Investing

Passive investing is also subject to market risks because the index funds involved track the performance of the entire market. As a result, if there is a fall in the prices of overall stock market or bond market, the index funds will also fall.

What is the 70 rule in BRRRR? ›

The BRRRR strategy is no different. Flippers like to use the “70% rule” for determining a strike price. This rule states that the most an investor should pay for a property is 70% of the After Repair Value minus the estimated rehab cost.

What is the bird method in real estate? ›

What is Bird Dogging Real Estate? In real estate investing, bird dogging is the process of locating properties with investment potential, and then passing those properties on to a real estate investor in return for a commission.

What is the 1% rule in BRRRR? ›

What is the 1% Rule in BRRRR? The 1% rule is a quick method to figure out how much rent to charge as a landlord. If you follow the 1% rule, the rent you charge your tenants should equal at least 1% of what you paid for the house, including renovations, repairs, and other improvements.

Is $40 K enough to invest in real estate? ›

While $40,000 can start you toward significant earnings, it likely won't be enough to purchase property outright. However, there are still several ways you can use it to start investing in real estate. For some, $40,000 can be a sizable portion of your down payment.

How to invest $150k in real estate? ›

Where To Invest $150k In Today's Real Estate Market
  1. Wholesaling properties.
  2. Fixing and flipping homes.
  3. Buying and holding rental properties.
  4. Investing in mortgage debt.
  5. Private money lending to other investors.
  6. Stocks, REITs and partnerships.

How to invest $20 000 dollars in real estate? ›

Now, let's look at eight different ways to invest in real estate with only $20,000.
  1. #1. Low down payment purchase. ...
  2. #2. Seller carryback. ...
  3. #3. Fix-and-flip. ...
  4. #4. Wholesale real estate. ...
  5. #5. Rent-to-own. ...
  6. #6. Buy shares in single-family rental property. ...
  7. #7. Real estate crowdfunding. ...
  8. #8. Real estate ETFs and REITs.
Oct 7, 2021

Where do most millionaires make their money? ›

Millionaires have many different investment philosophies. These can include investing in real estate, stock, commodities and hedge funds, among other types of financial investments. Generally, many seek to mitigate risk and therefore prefer diversified investment portfolios.

Why do billionaires buy so many houses? ›

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

Is $5,000 enough to invest in real estate? ›

Despite the common misconception that you need a lot of financial capital to begin investing in real estate, you can start with as little as $5,000. Your chances of success can increase if you diversify your investments — especially should some deals not go as planned!

What is the biggest risk to a real estate investment? ›

Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problem tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems, and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market.

What are the three C's of real estate? ›

They evaluate credit and payment history, income and assets available for a down payment and categorize their findings as the Three C's: Capacity, Credit and Collateral.

What property is best to invest in? ›

The best commercial properties to invest in include industrial, office, retail, hospitality, and multifamily projects. For investors with a strong focus on improving their local communities, commercial real estate investing can support that focus.

How to invest $100k to make $1 million? ›

Invest $400 per month for 20 years

If you're earning a 10% average annual return and investing $400 per month, you'd be able to go from $100,000 to $1 million in savings in just over 20 years. Again, if your actual average returns are higher or lower than 10% per year, that will affect your timeline.

What is the 50% rule in real estate investing? ›

Like many rules of real estate investing, the 50 percent rule isn't always accurate, but it can be a helpful way to estimate expenses for rental property. To use it, an investor takes the property's gross rent and multiplies it by 50 percent, providing the estimated monthly operating expenses. That sounds easy, right?

How to make $1 million dollars as a real estate agent? ›

How To Make A Million Dollars In Real Estate
  1. Learn About Real Estate Investing.
  2. Establish Your Goals.
  3. Start Now, But Start Small.
  4. Write Offers For Affordable Deals.
  5. Generate Cash Flow.
  6. Start Growing Your Portfolio.
  7. Invest In Larger Properties.
  8. Continue Growing To 1 Million Dollars.

What is the 80% rule in real estate? ›

The 80% rule means that an insurer will only fully cover the cost of damage to a house if the owner has purchased insurance coverage equal to at least 80% of the house's total replacement value.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

This is a general rule of thumb that determines a base level of rental income a rental property should generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a gross yield from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

What is the 50% cash flow rule? ›

The 50% rule in real estate says that investors should expect a property's operating expenses to be roughly 50% of its gross income. This is useful for estimating potential cash flow from a rental property, but it's not always foolproof.

Is 100k enough to start in real estate? ›

Real estate represents a huge investment opportunity that welcomes investors with as little as $100,000. This amount will let an investor purchase a single property for rent or resale. Crowdfunding or joint ventures enable smaller investors to buy more costly commercial or residential properties.

Is investing in real estate a good way to get rich? ›

Can real estate make you rich? It can, but it's not a sure bet. The real estate market has boom and bust cycles, and real estate investors can lose money as well as make money.

Can you have equity without ownership? ›

Key Takeaways. Equity typically refers to the ownership of a public company or an asset. An individual might own equity in a house but not own the property outright.

What is the fastest way to build equity in your home? ›

How To Build Equity In A Home
  1. Make A Big Down Payment. ...
  2. Refinance To A Shorter Loan Term. ...
  3. Pay Your Mortgage Down Faster. ...
  4. Make Biweekly Payments. ...
  5. Get Rid Of Mortgage Insurance. ...
  6. Throw Extra Money At Your Mortgage. ...
  7. Make Home Improvements. ...
  8. Wait For Your Home's Value To Increase.
Mar 29, 2023

How can I tap into my home equity without selling it? ›

A home equity line of credit, also known as a HELOC, is one of the best ways to access equity in your home without selling it. Instead of taking out a loan at a fixed amount, a HELOC opens a pool of money that you can utilize, but you don't have to take it all at once or use it all.

How do you establish home equity? ›

8 ways to build home equity
  1. Make a big down payment.
  2. Avoid mortgage insurance.
  3. Pay closing costs out of pocket.
  4. Increase property value.
  5. Pay more on your mortgage.
  6. Refinance to a shorter loan term.
  7. Wait for your home value to rise.
  8. Avoid a cash-out refi.
Mar 7, 2023

What are the disadvantages of owners equity? ›

The main disadvantage to equity financing is that company owners must give up a portion of their ownership and dilute their control. If the company becomes profitable and successful in the future, a certain percentage of company profits must also be given to shareholders in the form of dividends.

How many stocks should I own with $100 K? ›

A good range for how many stocks to own is 15 to 20. You can keep adding to your holdings and also invest in other types of assets such as bonds, REITs, and ETFs. The key is to conduct the necessary research on each investment to make sure you know what you are buying and why.

Do you get paid if you own equity? ›

Yes. Companies aren't required to offer their employees equity as compensation. Therefore, if they are in full control over who they offer equity to and when. For example, a company may offer you equity as compensation, but there may be specific requirements regarding when you can have access to it.

How do you turn home equity into wealth? ›

Here are the best ways to use your home equity to your advantage.
  1. Paying off credit card bills. ...
  2. Consolidating other debts. ...
  3. Home improvements. ...
  4. Home additions. ...
  5. Down payment for an investment property. ...
  6. Starting a business. ...
  7. Emergencies.
Jun 10, 2022

How many years does it take to get equity in your home? ›

Stay in your home at least five years

For most homeowners, it takes around five to 10 years to build up 15% to 20% of home equity. So if you plan to move before five years, it may not make sense to try and tap into your home equity because you may not have established enough yet.

What is a good amount of equity to have in your home? ›

What is a good amount of equity in a house? It's advisable to keep at least 20% of your equity in your home, as this is a requirement to access a range of refinancing options. 7 Borrowers generally must have at least 20% equity in their homes to be eligible for a cash-out refinance or loan, for example.

Is it a good idea to take equity out of your house? ›

Taking out a home equity loan can help you fund life expenses such as home renovations, higher education costs or unexpected emergencies. Home equity loans tend to have lower interest rates than other types of debt, which is a significant benefit in today's rising interest rate environment.

Can you convert home equity to cash? ›

But you don't have to wait to completely repay your mortgage or sell your home to access that equity. You can convert what equity you have into cash and continue paying off your mortgage with cash-out refinancing.

How much equity can I borrow? ›

Typically, lenders allow you to borrow up to 80% of your home equity. So, if your equity is $150,000, you may be able to borrow up to $120,000. If your equity is $200,000, you may be able to borrow up to $160,000. The exact amount you're approved for depends on factors such as your credit score and income.

What proof of income is needed for a home equity loan? ›

Income history of at least two years: You'll likely have to provide proof of income, such as through tax returns or pay stubs. You may be asked for a profit and loss statement if you're self-employed.

What is an example of home equity? ›

For example, let's say you bought a $250,000 home with a $200,000 mortgage. A few years later, your home appraises for $300,000 because the housing market is hot. If you'd paid the loan down to $150,000, you'd have $150,000 in home equity.

How can I get equity out of my house without refinancing? ›

Sale-Leaseback Agreement. One of the best ways to get equity out of your home without refinancing is through what is known as a sale-leaseback agreement. In a sale-leaseback transaction, homeowners sell their home to another party in exchange for 100% of the equity they have accrued.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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