How to Invest in a Volatile Market (2024)

The week of March 23, 2022 marks the second birthday of what has been a rapidly charging bull market.

Since hitting its nadir on March 20, 2022, the S&P 500 has logged a total return, including reinvested dividends, of 102%. That means a $1,000 investment in an ETF tracking the index, had you invested at the very beginning of the bull, would be worth roughly $2,020 today. In other words, you’d have more than doubled your money in just two years.

Those outsized gains followed the fastest and steepest bear decline in history, when the broad market fell nearly 34% in a matter of 33 days at the start of the pandemic.

How to Invest in a Volatile Market (1)

Note: Data through March 22, 2022.

Source: YCharts

The next bear market may not be as swift or as steep, but it will happen eventually. And when you next see red numbers in your brokerage account again, let the recent bull market be a reminder that you have a couple of very good things going for you as a long-term investor.

“We’ve come from hell and back in this bull market, but younger investors need to look back to 1929. You’ll see that the market has generally gone up over time,” says Craig Ferrantino, president of Craig James Financial Services in Melville, New York. “Plus you have something that older investors don’t have: time. Time is the greatest predictor of success in markets.”

Accept volatility as a long-term investor

Over the course of an investor’s life, there will be plenty of ups and downs. Navigating through them successfully comes down to understanding that market volatility is a natural part of reaching your long-term investing goals.

“If we go into running water, we’ll probably get to the direction we want to go in faster than if we were walking on dry land,” says Ferrantino. “You just have to be willing to accept that the river will have rough and smooth patches.”

Despite recent pullbacks, investors who have been willing to go with the flow of the market over the past two years have had a remarkably fast ride. The enormous two-year gains dwarf the average annual historical return of the broad stock market, which clocks in at around 10%.

Even after only two years, things look remarkably good. Consider: In the roughly five-year period between the end of the 2000-2002 bear market and the precipice of the Global Financial Crisis in 2007, the S&P 500 returned 101.5%.

Don’t try to time markets

Still, you may be thinking, what if I stay invested during good runs but sell before things go bad? That would almost certainly net you amazing returns. But even investing pros find timing swings in the stock market extraordinarily difficult.

“Timing the market is impossible, because you have to make two decisions: when to get out and when to get back in,” said Ellen Rogin, a certified financial planner and co-author of “Picture Your Prosperity.” “And if the market went up during a pandemic and after an insurrection, if you’re trying to guess what moves markets, you’re not going to be able to.”

Rather than trying to figure out what the market will do, you’re better off investing consistently during downturns. By employing a strategy known as dollar-cost averaging, in which you invest a consistent amount at set intervals, you’ll buy more shares when stocks are cheaper and fewer when they’re expensive.

Say you were the unluckiest investor in the world and plunked $1,000 in an ETF tracking the S&P 500 on February 14, 2020 — the day the index peaked before the pandemic-fueled bear market. Had you stayed invested throughout and not put in another dime, you’d have earned a total annualized return of 16.3%, for a total of $1,368 by the close of March 18, according to data from DQYDJ.

Had you invested $100 per week over that period, your return bumps to 18.45% annualized, for a total of $4,294.

Diversify your investments

It’s worth noting that even during the market’s meteoric rise during the current bull, not every investment performed as well as others. Energy stocks have performed brilliantly since the start of 2021, but had a brutal 2020, with energy firms in the S&P surrendering 32.5% on the year.

And after a gangbusters run for tech stocks during the early part of the bull, the sector has shed 11% so far in 2022.

This uneven performance speaks to the need for investors to own a broad array of assets that will produce different types of returns under different market conditions. “Building a portfolio where nothing moves in the exact same direction will give you a blended return,” said Lauren Hunt, a CFP and senior advisor at Monetta Group. “Research has shown that those portfolios will get you a higher risk-adjusted return over time.”

You may also want to consider how your overall financial picture would be affected by a sharp drawdown in the stock market, especially one triggered by events, such as a pandemic, which have wide ripple effects across financial markets. “Diversification is your friend, and like most things in life, you don’t want to have all your eggs in one basket,” says Grant Sabatier, author of “Financial Freedom” and creator of the Financial Freedom Course. “You don’t want to rely fully on your full-time job, or one side-hustle income stream, or rental properties for income — you want multiple irons in the fire.”

The goal, he says, is to make sure you have enough money to live on so that you won’t have to withdraw money from your long-term investments when the value of your portfolio is down. One solution, besides having multiple income streams, is to build a large safety net in the form of an emergency fund. “I always have a two-year cash buffer, so I don’t have to sell my investments when they’re down 40%,” he says. “Once things have gone up, I sell some of my investments to refill that cash bucket.”

The views expressed are generalized and may not be appropriate for all investors. There is no guarantee that past performance will recur or result in a positive outcome. Carefully consider your financial situation, including investment objective, time horizon, risk tolerance, and fees prior to making any investment decisions. No level of diversification or asset allocation can ensure profits or guarantee against losses.

This material has been presented for informational and educational purposes only. The views expressed in the articles above are generalized and may not be appropriate for all investors. The information contained in this article should not be construed as, and may not be used in connection with, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or hold, an interest in any security or investment product. There is no guarantee that past performance will recur or result in a positive outcome. Carefully consider your financial situation, including investment objective, time horizon, risk tolerance, and fees prior to making any investment decisions. No level of diversification or asset allocation can ensure profits or guarantee against losses. Article contributors are not affiliated with Acorns Advisers, LLC. and do not provide investment advice to Acorns’ clients. Acorns is not engaged in rendering tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult a qualified professional for this type of service.

How to Invest in a Volatile Market (2024)


How do you invest in a highly volatile market? ›

To summarize, when it comes to investment strategies in a volatile stock market, diversifying your portfolio, investing in low-cost index funds, rebalancing regularly, and staying informed are all key steps to take.

Should you invest in a volatile market? ›

Volatile markets are usually characterized by wide price fluctuations and heavy trading. One way to deal with volatility is to avoid it altogether; this means staying invested and not paying attention to short-term fluctuations.

How do you survive a volatile market? ›

Stay Diversified

One way to minimize the pain of a volatile stock market is to maintain a diversified portfolio that matches your investment objectives and risk tolerance. Although a diversified portfolio can't prevent losses, it can reduce risk because all of your assets won't be moving in lockstep.

How do you handle volatile markets? ›

Strategies for dealing with market volatility
  1. Invest regularly — in good and bad times. ...
  2. Avoid jumping in and out of the market. ...
  3. Maintain a diversified portfolio. ...
  4. Don't forget history. ...
  5. Talk with your financial professional.

How do you make money on high volatility? ›

Derivative contracts can be used to build strategies to profit from volatility. Straddle and strangle options positions, volatility index options, and futures can be used to make a profit from volatility.

How do you make money in market volatility? ›

10 Ways to Profit Off Stock Volatility
  1. Start Small. The saying 'go big or go home,' while inspirational, is not for beginning day traders. ...
  2. Forget those practice accounts. ...
  3. Don't be overconfident. ...
  4. Be emotionless. ...
  5. Keep a daily trading log. ...
  6. Trade only a couple stocks. ...
  7. Be content with small profits.
Jun 25, 2019

Which indicator is best for volatility? ›

8 best* volatility indicators to know
  • Bollinger Bands.
  • ATR – Average True Range Indicator.
  • VIX – Volatility Index.
  • Keltner Channel Indicator.
  • Donchian Channel Indicator.
  • Chaikin Volatility Indicator.
  • Twiggs Volatility Indicator.
  • RVI – Relative Volatility Index.

Which market is most volatile market? ›

Commodities. Commodities are typically more volatile than currency and equity markets due to the lower levels of liquidity or trading volume than other asset classes, as well as the constant exposure to weather events and other production issues that might affect supply and demand.

What is the most volatile stock? ›

Top Volatile Stocks 2022
  • Sun Pharma.
  • Suzlon Energy Ltd.
  • Garden Silk Mills.
  • Madhucon Projects Limited.
  • KM Sugar Mills.
  • 3i Infotech Ltd.
  • GVK Power & Infrastructures Ltd.
  • Jubilant Industries.
Apr 27, 2023

What is a volatile strategy? ›

Quite simply, volatile options trading strategies are designed specifically to make profits from stocks or other securities that are likely to experience a dramatic price movement, without having to predict in which direction that price movement will be.

What hours is the market most volatile? ›

Rush hours
  • 9:30–9:40 a.m. Stocks that open higher or lower than they closed typically continue rising or falling for the first five to 10 minutes…
  • 9:40–10:00 a.m. … ...
  • 10:00 a.m. In either case, you should know by this time whether the opening trend will hold or reverse itself.

How do you keep calm during market volatility? ›

How to keep calm during market volatility
  1. Focus on your goals. If you are investing, you most likely have long-term goals for your money – such as saving towards retirement or your children's education. ...
  2. Take solace from history. ...
  3. Remember that investing beats cash. ...
  4. Don't check your investments. ...
  5. Stay diversified.
Jun 27, 2022

What to do in times of market volatility? ›

5 steps you can take when the market is volatile
  • Establish or revisit your financial plan. ...
  • Increase your emergency fund. ...
  • Re-assess your risk tolerance level. ...
  • Make sure your portfolio is properly diversified. ...
  • Talk with your financial professional.

Should I take all of my money out of the stock market? ›

Although the stock market produces volatile returns, it has a long history of outpacing inflation in the long run. So, if the money you have invested in the stock market isn't going to be used in the next few years, it's likely safer to keep your money invested than to take it out.

What are the biggest volatility funds? ›

The largest Volatility ETF is the ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF UVXY with $666.00M in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing Volatility ETF was SVIX at 78.86%.

Which indicator most traders use? ›

Best trading indicators
  • Moving average (MA)
  • Exponential moving average (EMA)
  • Stochastic oscillator.
  • Moving average convergence divergence (MACD)
  • Bollinger bands.
  • Relative strength index (RSI)
  • Fibonacci retracement.
  • Ichimoku cloud.

How do you find the most volatility in stocks? ›

How do you identify a volatile stock? You could identify with a volatile stock by beta index. This index takes into account the impact created by stock market fluctuations on a specific share price and compares the same with changes in the benchmark index.

Which index has most volatility? ›

The S&P 500® Volatility – Highest Quintile Index is designed to measure performance of the 100 most-volatile stocks in the S&P 500. Constituents are selected based on their volatility and are then weighted by their corresponding volatility.

Which index has high volatility? ›

In the European region, the DAX 30 of Germany and the AEX index are among the most volatile. In the Asia Pacific, the Nifty 50 is the most volatile with over 100% volatility.

Which investment has the most volatile returns? ›

Equity securities are subject to market risk which means their value may fluctuate in response to general economic and market conditions and the perception of individual issuers. Investments in equity securities are generally more volatile than other types of securities.

Are cheap stocks more volatile? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Penny Stocks. Due to their low volume, penny stocks tend to be more volatile than established equities.

What are the four 4 types of volatility? ›

Understanding the Four Measures of Volatility
  • historical volatility;
  • implied volatility;
  • the volatility index; and.
  • intraday volatility.
Mar 12, 2007

What are 3 examples of volatile? ›

Chemistry and typical use
Volatile compoundCAS Registry Number
Butane, iso-butane, propane, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)106-97-8
Chloroform, trichloromethane67-66-3
Diethyl ether, ethyl ether, ether, 1,1'-Oxybisethane60-29-7
Dimethylether, Methyl Ether, Oxybismethane, DME115-10-6
15 more rows

What are the three types of volatility? ›

Volatility can be calculated by using many methods but three types—historical, implied and future-realized volatility—are the most common and generally used in the decision-making process.

How do you go long on volatility? ›

Higher implied volatility translates to higher option prices. - A 'long volatility' strategy usually involves buying options and profits when either realised or implied volatility rises, and vice versa for a 'short volatility' strategy.

What increases stock volatility? ›

An individual stock can also become more volatile around key events like quarterly earnings reports. Volatility is often associated with fear, which tends to rise during bear markets, stock market crashes, and other big downward moves.

What is the 10 am rule? ›

By 1935, the “10 a.m. rule” was in place, stating that all wildland fires were to be completely out by 10 o'clock on the morning following the initial report. In 1968, the National Park Service shifted its policy to recognize fire as an ecological process.

How much money do day traders with $10 000 accounts make per day on average? ›

Profit Margins

Day traders get a wide variety of results that largely depend on the amount of capital they can risk, and their skill at managing that money. If you have a trading account of $10,000, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, or $500.

What months are most volatile stocks? ›

In fact, looking at the chart above of monthly average returns, September averages the worst among the calendar year. The October effect is also salient for some investors. Even though October, on average, has been a positive month historically, many of the worst market crashes have occurred in this month.

What to do in bad stock market? ›

Make the best of it—here's how.
  1. Do Nothing During a Market Crash. ...
  2. Go Shopping During a Market Crash. ...
  3. Dollar-Cost Average, Even on the Way Down. ...
  4. Hunt for Dividends during a Stock Market Crash. ...
  5. Ride the Sector Rotation. ...
  6. Buy Bonds during a Market Crash. ...
  7. Cut Your Losses during a Crash (and Save on Taxes)
Apr 28, 2023

Should a 70 year old be in the stock market? ›

Seniors should consider investing their money for several reasons: Generate Income: Investing in income-generating assets, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate, can provide a steady income stream during retirement. This can be especially important for seniors who no longer receive a regular paycheck from work.

Will the stock market recover in 2023? ›

A recovery is coming, but no one knows when.

The stock market rallied modestly in the first two and a half months of 2023, but that has not been enough to make up for an abysmal 2022 during which the S&P 500 index plunged by nearly 19%.

At what point do I pull my money out of the stock market? ›

You can withdraw the money you have invested in stock markets anytime as no rules are preventing you from it. However, there are fee, commissions and costs that you have to consider. When stock markets fall, investors feel comfortable withdrawing money and holding cash.

What stocks do well with high volatility? ›

Top Volatile Stocks 2022
  • Sun Pharma.
  • Suzlon Energy Ltd.
  • Garden Silk Mills.
  • Madhucon Projects Limited.
  • KM Sugar Mills.
  • 3i Infotech Ltd.
  • GVK Power & Infrastructures Ltd.
  • Jubilant Industries.
Apr 27, 2023

What is the most volatile type of investment? ›

Stock prices are more volatile than those of other securities. Government bonds and corporate bonds have more moderate short-term price fluctuation than stocks but provide lower potential long-term returns.

Which US stock is most volatile? ›

US stocks with the greatest volatility
SymbolVolatility 1DPrice
IIONM D149.38%1.93 USD
ZURA D132.23%7.43 USD
SBFM D112.96%0.9000 USD
BBLN D89.81%1.19 USD
28 more rows

Which index has the most volatility? ›

The S&P 500® Volatility – Highest Quintile Index is designed to measure performance of the 100 most-volatile stocks in the S&P 500. Constituents are selected based on their volatility and are then weighted by their corresponding volatility.

What is the riskiest stock to invest in? ›

7 High-Risk Stocks for Aggressive Investors
StockBeta (as of March 28)
Tesla Inc. (TSLA)2.03
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD)1.90
Boeing Co. (BA)1.43
Intuit Inc. (INTU)1.17
3 more rows

What is the riskiest investment strategy? ›

Penny Stocks

The vast majority of penny stocks will instead provide you with substantial volatility, unpredictability, and big losses if you are not careful. Stocks that trade on OTC Pink market typically have little working capital and often provide scant information to investors about their financial condition.

What are safe investments in a volatile market? ›

Defensive assets, such as cash and cash equivalents, Treasury securities and other U.S. government bonds, can help stabilize a portfolio when stocks are slipping.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

High-quality bonds and fixed-indexed annuities are often considered the safest investments with the highest returns. However, there are many different types of bond funds and annuities, each with risks and rewards. For example, government bonds are generally more stable than corporate bonds based on past performance.

What are the two highest risk investments? ›

While the product names and descriptions can often change, examples of high-risk investments include: Cryptoassets (also known as cryptos) Mini-bonds (sometimes called high interest return bonds) Land banking.

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