How to Invest $100k in Real Estate (2024)

What is the best way to invest $100k in real estate? Should you buy a small apartment building to fill with renters for passive income? Or should you play the stock markets, investing in real estate-related companies for stock price increases?

With so many types of investments available to real estate investors, choosing the right investment strategy for you can be tricky.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to invest $100k in real estate. You’ll get 10 solid investment options and the pros and cons of each. By the end of the article, you’ll be ready to start investing!

How to Invest $100k in Real Estate (1)

Ways to Invest $100k

Here are the top 10 ways to invest $100k in real estate. Each investment strategy has its own strengths and drawbacks. And since your investment goals may be different from other investors, these are listed in no particular order.

1. Residential Property for Long-Term Renters

The traditional buy-and-hold real estate model involves buying a second home as an investment property, completing some minor renovations, and finding long-term renters to lease the property for a year or more at a time.

In affordable housing markets, $100k would be enough to cover a 20% down payment plus closing costs and holding costs until your new renter moves in. In a really affordable market, you might even have enough cash on hand to cover the necessary renovation costs as well.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Residential Rentals

  • Long-term appreciation
  • Cash flows
  • Tax breaks
  • A hedge against inflation

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Residential Rentals

  • Hands-on management (or the expense of hiring a property manager)
  • Possible issues with renters failing to pay rent or damaging the property
  • Needing cash on hand for the unexpected expenses of property ownership (like when the air conditioner goes out)
  • All your cash is in one asset, so you don’t have the benefit of diversification. While real estate is a low-risk investment, smart investors prefer not to put all their eggs in one basket.

2. Short-Term Rental Property

Buying an investment property to use as a short-term rental is similar to the classic buy-and-hold. But in this case, you’ll be looking to fill the property with guests who plan to stay for a period between one night and one month. Short-term rentals are often designed to appeal to people on vacation, but they can also be useful for traveling professionals like travel nurses, auditors, and business owners.

As with traditional buy-and-holds, if you have $100k to invest in real estate, you can afford a 20% down payment and closing costs in many markets. And you might also be able to cover renovation expenses and the cost of furnishing the space.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Short-Term Rentals

  • Long-term appreciation
  • Higher nightly rental rates than long-term rentals
  • Tax breaks
  • A hedge against inflation

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Short-Term Rentals

  • Higher vacancy losses than long-term rentals
  • More intensive management than long-term rentals due to the higher volume of guests
  • Regular expenses to replace linens, dishes, and furnishings as they are worn down, lost, or potentially stolen
  • No diversification of your $100k

3. Flipping a House or Condo

Fix-and-flipping is another traditional way to invest $100k in real estate. You buy a fixer-upper, renovate the property, and resell it as quickly as possible. The goal is to get a quick return on your investment. And, in a seller’s market, flippers can make a lot of money.

With a $100k investment, you can probably cover the down payment and closing costs in an affordable market. But the construction costs for a flip can be substantial. You may need some creative financing to make a flip feasible on your own.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Flips

  • If you can find ways to add value quickly and cost-effectively, the return potential is exceptional
  • Quick returns (assuming everything goes smoothly)
  • Control over the design of the renovated home

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Flips

  • Lots of time required (either doing the work yourself or overseeing contractors)
  • Lack of skill and experience can hurt your bottom line
  • If the market stalls, it could be difficult to find a buyer
  • No diversification of your $100k
How to Invest $100k in Real Estate (2)

4. Multi-Family Rentals

Investing in multi-family rentals is similar to the buy-and-hold model, but it involves purchasing a property of more than one unit. Multi-family properties are naturally more expensive than single-family properties of comparable quality. They are typically larger structures on larger lots, and they generate rental income from multiple households.

This means your $100k real estate investment might not go as far with multi-family residences as with single-family homes. The housing market would need to be extra affordable for your investment to cover a 20% down payment plus closing costs. And instead of getting just one unit market-ready, you would need to get all the units ready for renters.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Multi-Family Rentals

  • Long-term appreciation
  • Higher cash flows than you might see with a single-family home
  • Tax breaks
  • A hedge against inflation
  • More units mean less vacancy loss risk

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Multi-Family Rentals

  • Your $100k won’t go as far since multi-family properties are typically more expensive than single-family homes
  • More units mean more management and more potential renter issues
  • Unexpected maintenance costs for multiple units
  • Having more than one unit offers some diversification, but your funds are still tied up in a single structure

5. Commercial Property

Moving away from the residential market, you might decide to invest your $100k in commercial property. Commercial property comes in many forms, including:

  • Retail storefronts,
  • Offices,
  • Medical spaces,
  • Shopping centers,
  • Restaurants, and
  • Recreational spaces.

As with residential buy-and-hold properties, commercial investors typically purchase a property and rent it out on a long-term basis. But, instead of renting to individuals, commercial owners often rent to businesses.

$100k could be enough for a down payment and closing costs in some markets. But getting a loan to buy a commercial space might be more difficult than getting a loan for a residential property. One upside is that you probably won’t need to invest in renovations; the lessee usually pays for “tenant improvements.”

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Commercial Property

  • Appreciation
  • Cash-flows
  • Tax breaks
  • A hedge against inflation
  • Longer lease terms than residential (often 1-10 years)
  • Tenants usually pay the renovation cost to get the space the way they need it

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Commercial Property

  • $100k might not be enough to cover the down payment and/or closing costs
  • Financing can be difficult to get
  • Requires specialized knowledge of things like CAM charges, triple-net leases, and tenant improvements
  • Higher risk of vacancy than residential real estate

6. Stocks in Real Estate Companies

To this point, each of our ways to invest $100k in real estate has involved purchasing a property. Now we want to offer a few ways to invest in real estate without buying property.

By purchasing stocks in real estate companies, for example, you’re able to invest in the real estate market without being an active owner. You avoid the complexities of dealing with renters and contractors, and you still get to share in the housing market’s profitability through increasing stock prices, dividends, or both.

With $100k to invest, you can spread your capital across many different individual stocks and index funds for thorough diversification.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Stocks

  • Higher liquidity than most real estate investments, which provides comparatively easy access to your capital
  • Easy to diversify
  • You have the option to invest with far less than $100k

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Stocks

  • Stock markets typically have higher volatility than direct real estate investments
  • Your only ownership is a share of stock, no tangible asset
  • No control over any asset

7. REITs

REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) are essentially companies that own income-generating real estate. Investors who own shares of a REIT receive a portion of the profits generated by the properties in the form of dividends. Investors then have the option to reinvest their dividends to acquire more shares. This fosters exponential growth, which is one of the key benefits of investing early.

Just like with stocks, investors with substantial upfront capital can spread their funds across multiple REITs to create a diversified portfolio.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in REITs

  • Strong liquidity
  • Passive investment
  • The portfolio of properties is professionally managed

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in REITs

  • No control over which properties are held by your chosen REITs
  • No ownership over any tangible real estate; only shares in a company

8. Joint Ventures

In general terms, joint ventures are when multiple investors go in on a deal together. Joint ventures are common in real estate, and you’ll find private Real Estate Investment Groups (REIGs) creating LLCs to invest in real estate.

For investors with $100k to invest in real estate, joint ventures can give you access to deals beyond your individual means. By working with other investors, you can afford larger properties with better returns. And $100k is a substantial investment for a joint venture, so you may be able to negotiate greater control over the direction of the deal (depending on your group of investors and the type of property you’re after).

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Joint Ventures

  • Access to bigger, better deals that you could acquire alone
  • The private nature of joint ventures makes them extremely flexible

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Joint Ventures

  • Little regulation since joint ventures are private rather than public
  • Finding and being accepted by a joint venture can be extremely difficult
  • Decisions can be messy when multiple investors are involved in decision-making processes

9. Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding has exploded in popularity over the last decade as technological and legal advancements made it possible for everyday investors to pool their funds to purchase investment properties. Crowdfunding is similar to joint ventures, except that the deals are publicly available, rather than privately arranged. This means deals are easier for investors to find. And since more investors are invited to join the project, investment minimums can be lower and bigger deals can be accessed.

For investors with $100k, you have the option of putting all of your funds into a single project, or you can spread your capital across multiple deals.

We have a complete article on crowdfunding pros and cons, but we will reiterate some highlights here for easy reference.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Crowdfunding

  • The benefits of whatever type of property you invest in (long-term rentals, short-term rentals, flips, etc.)
  • Low investment minimums
  • Access to deals beyond your means
  • The ability to easily diversify
  • Flexible investment options
  • Purely passive income; you simply choose the investment, and everything is handled for you

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Crowdfunding

  • Short track record; this specific structure of investing only became available to the public in 2012
  • Some deals are only available to accredited investors
  • Lack of control over design or management decisions
  • Lower liquidity than stocks or REITs
How to Invest $100k in Real Estate (3)

10. Real Estate Syndication

Real estate syndication topped our list of the best short-term investment options, but the fact is that it is also our top pick for long-term investment options!

If you’re not yet familiar with real estate syndication, you can think of it as next-level crowdfunding. It works the same way as crowdfunding: everyday investors pool capital to purchase a property, which is managed by the project’s sponsor. The difference is in the legal structure of ownership. With a syndicate, all investors of a specific project are named as members of the ownership LLC. This gives investors real ownership of the underlying real estate. This is typically not the case with general crowdfunding.

This stable legal structure and true ownership stake in the property gives syndication a distinct advantage over general crowdfunding.

And, with real estate syndication, you can invest in many of the investment types we’ve already discussed! Select syndication firms offer buy-and-holds, vacation rentals, fix-and-flips, and multi-family developments and rentals.

The Benefits of Investing $100k in Real Estate Syndication

  • The benefits of whatever type of investment you chose (long-term rentals, short-term rentals, flips, etc.)
  • Low investment minimums
  • Access to deals beyond your means
  • The ability to easily diversify
  • Flexible investment options
  • Purely passive income
  • Potential for extremely high returns; annualized returns with an elite syndication firm can top 20%
  • Deal-by-deal control; you choose which specific project(s) you want to invest in
  • Ownership of the underlying real estate
  • The project is expertly managed by the sponsor

The Possible Drawbacks of Investing $100k in Real Estate Syndication

  • Comparatively short track record
  • Some deals are only available to accredited investors
  • Lack of control over design or management decisions
  • Lower liquidity than securities

Investing Options with Gatsby Investment

With the real estate experts at Gatsby Investment, you can confidently invest in any of our real estate investment options through real estate syndication.

We specialize in the highly-desirable Southern California housing market, offering a wide range of opportunities, covering everything from single-family flips to multi-family rentals to luxury estate development. Whether you’re looking for a short-term project or a long-term investment, we have something that will serve your goals.

With our low investment minimums, you can invest your $100k in a single project or spread your investment across multiple projects. Investment opportunities start at just $10k!

Building a real estate portfolio is easy when you partner with Gatsby Investment. Start investing today by creating your free Gatsby account. Once your accredited investor status is confirmed, you’ll be able to choose your investment project(s) through our user-friendly online platform. Then you can relax, knowing that your investment capital is in the most capable hands!

As an expert in real estate investment, I've accumulated extensive knowledge and experience in various aspects of the field. I've actively participated in real estate transactions, analyzed market trends, and kept a pulse on the industry's evolution. My expertise is evidenced by successful ventures, a deep understanding of market dynamics, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article on the best ways to invest $100k in real estate:

  1. Residential Property for Long-Term Renters:

    • Benefits:
      • Long-term appreciation
      • Cash flows
      • Tax breaks
      • Hedge against inflation
    • Drawbacks:
      • Hands-on management or property manager expense
      • Potential issues with renters
      • Need for cash on hand for unexpected expenses
      • Lack of diversification
  2. Short-Term Rental Property:

    • Benefits:
      • Long-term appreciation
      • Higher nightly rental rates
      • Tax breaks
      • Hedge against inflation
    • Drawbacks:
      • Higher vacancy losses
      • Intensive management
      • Regular expenses for replacement items
      • Limited diversification
  3. Flipping a House or Condo:

    • Benefits:
      • Exceptional return potential with quick returns
      • Control over the design
    • Drawbacks:
      • Time-consuming
      • Lack of skill/experience can impact profits
      • Difficulty finding a buyer in a stalled market
      • No diversification
  4. Multi-Family Rentals:

    • Benefits:
      • Long-term appreciation
      • Higher cash flows
      • Tax breaks
      • Hedge against inflation
      • Less vacancy risk with more units
    • Drawbacks:
      • Higher initial investment required
      • More management and potential renter issues
      • Unexpected maintenance costs
  5. Commercial Property:

    • Benefits:
      • Appreciation
      • Cash flows
      • Tax breaks
      • Hedge against inflation
      • Longer lease terms
      • Tenants cover renovation costs
    • Drawbacks:
      • Potentially insufficient funds for down payment
      • Financing challenges
      • Specialized knowledge required
      • Higher vacancy risk
  6. Stocks in Real Estate Companies:

    • Benefits:
      • Higher liquidity
      • Easy diversification
      • Option to invest with less than $100k
    • Drawbacks:
      • Higher volatility than direct real estate
      • No tangible asset ownership
      • No control over the asset
  7. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts):

    • Benefits:
      • Strong liquidity
      • Passive investment
      • Professionally managed portfolio
    • Drawbacks:
      • No control over specific properties
      • No ownership of tangible real estate
  8. Joint Ventures:

    • Benefits:
      • Access to larger deals
      • Flexible private nature
    • Drawbacks:
      • Little regulation
      • Difficulty finding and being accepted by a joint venture
  9. Real Estate Crowdfunding:

    • Benefits:
      • Low investment minimums
      • Access to diverse deals
      • Passive income with easy diversification
    • Drawbacks:
      • Short track record
      • Some deals limited to accredited investors
      • Limited control over decisions
  10. Real Estate Syndication:

    • Benefits:
      • Low investment minimums
      • Access to various investment types
      • Easy diversification
      • Purely passive income
      • Potential for high returns
      • Deal-by-deal control
      • Ownership of underlying real estate
      • Expert project management
    • Drawbacks:
      • Short track record
      • Some deals limited to accredited investors
      • Limited control over decisions
      • Lower liquidity than securities

Understanding these concepts allows prospective investors to make informed decisions based on their financial goals, risk tolerance, and preferences. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, emphasizing the importance of tailored investment strategies.

How to Invest $100k in Real Estate (2024)


How to invest $100 000 dollars in real estate? ›

So, here's how to invest 100k in real estate — from rentals to REITs.
  1. Buying a Residential Property or a Second Home.
  2. Becoming a Landlord For a Rental Unit.
  3. Purchasing Part of a Commercial Property.
  4. Investing in Public or Private REITs.
  5. Becoming a Partner in a RELP.
  6. Flipping a House or Condo.

How can I turn $100 000 into a million? ›

There are two approaches you could take. The first is increasing the amount you invest monthly. Bumping up your monthly contributions to $200 would put you over the $1 million mark. The other option would be to try to exceed a 7% annual return with your investments.

How many rental properties to make $100,000 a year? ›

The amount of capital needed to generate $100,000 in annual income from rental properties depends on factors like cash flow, financing, and property types. For example, if you have an average cash flow of $1,000 per month per property, you would need approximately 8-10 properties to achieve $100,000 in annual income.

Is 100k enough to start in real estate? ›

In affordable housing markets, $100k would be enough to cover a 20% down payment plus closing costs and holding costs until your new renter moves in. In a really affordable market, you might even have enough cash on hand to cover the necessary renovation costs as well.

How to invest $100,000 for passive income? ›

6 approaches and strategies to invest $100,000
  1. Park your cash in an interest-bearing savings account.
  2. Max out contributions to retirement accounts.
  3. Invest in ETFs.
  4. Buy bonds.
  5. Consider alternative investments.
  6. Invest in real estate.
Apr 3, 2024

What is the best place to invest $100 000? ›

Best Investments for Your $100,000
  • Index Funds, Mutual Funds and ETFs.
  • Individual Company Stocks.
  • Real Estate.
  • Savings Accounts, MMAs and CDs.
  • Pay Down Your Debt.
  • Create an Emergency Fund.
  • Account for the Capital Gains Tax.
  • Employ Diversification in Your Portfolio.
Dec 14, 2023

How long does it take 100k to turn into 1 million? ›

For example, a 10% average annual rate of return could transform $100,000 into $1 million in approximately 25 years, while an 8% return might require around 30 years.

How to turn $100k into $1 million fast? ›

So, sticking with an index fund is a good bet for most. If you put $100,000 to work in an S&P 500 index fund, and it returns its average 6.5% real compound annual return, it'll take less than 37 years for you to reach $1 million in today's dollars.

How long will it take to turn 500k into $1 million? ›

If invested with an average annual return of 7%, it would take around 15 years to turn 500k into $1 million.

What is a good monthly profit from a rental property? ›

It is generally recommended to aim for an ROI of 10-15%. However, the ROI that is considered “good” or “bad” is dependent on an individual's financial standing and the particular property they choose to invest in.

What type of rental properties make the most money? ›

High-Tenant Properties – Typically, properties with a high number of tenants will give the best return on investment. These properties include RVs, self-storage, apartment complexes, and office spaces.

How many rental properties to make $5,000 a month? ›

If a property doesn't meet the 1% rule or generate enough cash flow after accounting for expenses under the 50% rule, it may not be a worthwhile investment. Using these metrics, an investor would need five rental properties that meet both the 1% rule and the 50% rule to generate $5,000 per month in retirement income.

How much house can I afford if I make $36,000 a year? ›

On a salary of $36,000 per year, you can afford a house priced around $100,000-$110,000 with a monthly payment of just over $1,000. This assumes you have no other debts you're paying off, but also that you haven't been able to save much for a down payment.

Can I afford a 500K house on 100K salary? ›

That monthly payment comes to $36,000 annually. Applying the 28/36 rule, which states that you shouldn't spend more than around a third of your income on housing, multiply $36,000 by three and you get $108,000. So to afford a $500K house you'd have to make at least $108,000 per year.

How to make 6 figures your first year in real estate? ›

How to make 6 Figures in Real Estate – The Top 11 Tips
  1. Outsource As Much As Possible.
  2. Build a Strong Team of Professionals to Help You Grow Your Business.
  3. Get Educated on Real Estate Investing.
  4. Create Multiple Sources of Income.
  5. Focus on Building Relationships With Past and Current Clients.
Mar 29, 2022

Can you become a millionaire by investing in real estate? ›

Sure, we've seen real estate boom-and-bust cycles in recent decades, but over time, owning real estate has made thousands of people rich in every part of the United States. All in all, it took me 51 years to be a real estate millionaire. But it only took me 11 years from the day I bought my first home!

How can a 70 year old invest $100 K? ›

  1. Invest in Stocks and Stock Funds.
  2. Consider Indexed Annuities.
  3. Leverage T-bills, Bonds and Savings Accounts.
  4. Take Advantage of 401(k) and IRA Catch-Up Provisions.
  5. Extend Your Retirement Age.
Nov 20, 2023

What is the 100 rule in real estate investing? ›

The 100 to 10 to 3 to 1 rule is a guideline for real estate investors that suggests a property's monthly rent should be at least 1% of its total purchase price.

Is $50,000 enough to invest in real estate? ›

Investing in real estate doesn't have to be confusing or require a lot of money. You can potentially earn an active or passive income by investing $50,000 in suitable projects. These options include crowdfunding real estate equity and debt, buying a house, flipping a home, and purchasing shares of a REIT.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.