How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (2024)

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is becoming more and more popular with a lot of writers in modern times. The idea of skipping the dubious process of finding and submitting your works to a publisher is truly very compelling, especially to new writers.

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (1)In June2020, the KDP Global Fund size had reached $32.3 million, from a low $2.5 million in July 2014 when Kindle Unlimited first started. This is good news for KDP ebook authors, as this growth in sales is projected to continue.

An average indie writer can make $1,000 a year, which is an excellent starting point, especially if you want to create more books and build a massive fanbase in the future. Other writers can push this for up to $2,000 a month, especially if they publish a lot of books that appeal to a lot of people.

How To Increase Book Sales

1. Write the ‘Perfect’ BookHow To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (2)

Follow the Trends

You feel like you have a writer’s block, or you can’t write the perfect poem that can earn you money. The key thing you can do is follow the trends of the successful authors on Amazon KDP.

There are over 16,000+ Amazon categories. You have to find the balance of choosing the genre that a lot of people love, but alsonot too populated that you have a lot of competition.

Write With a Specific Audience In Mind

Do not try to appeal to the general audience, and instead, have specific people in mind who you want to write for. Having a niche may mean that you appeal to a particular group of people. Write to make sure that those people will love your book no matter what.

With this technique, you are making sure that you have a substantial audience to cater to. You do not need to cater to the general audience as the chances of making everyone like your book are slim, to begin with.

Use The Amazon ebook Format

Writing your book does not end after the last editing process. You still have to make sure that the format of your book is in the right format to avoid difficulties when your readers have bought the book. For example, page numbers do not always translate well to an ebook that may be sized.

If you are selling eBooks, multiple free tools can turn your manuscript into a well-formatted eBook. You can also do it by yourself if you think you can.

You can also sell a paperback version of your work. This can also appeal to readers who prefer reading a physical book than a digital version.

2. Have An Eyecatching Cover

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (3)Hire A Graphics Artist

It is no secret that the cover of your book is one of the most critical factors in trying to get new readers. You can do your own cover, especially if you are great in graphic design, but you can also hire graphics artists to make sure that your cover looks professional.

Do Your Cover Yourself

Amazon’s Cover Creator is a free tool to help you create your cover. If you are low on funds, this is a perfectly good option. It offers templates, images and tips to aid you in your cover creation, for both ebooks and paperbacks. This is especially useful for beginners.

One thing you have to remember while creating a cover is that you should avoid copyright problems and use works that are either free for commercial use, or you have paid for yourself.

A Title That Grabs Attention

Not only does the cover have to be visually appealing, but you also should have a title that makes people think about the contents of your book. While your title should be related to your book, you could consider adding a subtitle, that will give just a little more information about your book, and set it apart from other books in your niche.

3. Use Amazon’s KDP Tools

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (4)Amazon KDP has a lot of tools that can help indie authors to become successful in their platform. This is one of the many reasons why a lot of authors are flocking to Amazon, aside from their vast customer base.

Build your Brand – Create Author Page In Amazon Author Central

The Amazon Author Central Page is a place where your readers can know more about you. You must write a well-written bio and add an eye-catching profile picture. Your main goal is to make yourself look professional so that people are more encouraged to buy from you.

You can also link your blog on your Amazon Author Central Page, which is extremely useful for building your brand.

KDP Select Program

The Kindle Select Program is free program that expands your audience to include paperback customers, kindle unlimited customers and any Amazon Prime member that owns a kindle. Kindle Unlimited customers can rent any number of books per month. Amazon Prime members are entitled to one free rental a month. Although the last two groups are rental customers, these are still groups that result in exposure of your work, which could in turn increase outright book sales. However, at the very least, it will result in increased income of either pure royalties or payment per pages read.

You should note that on signing up to Kindle Select, the digital copy of your book must be exclusive to Amazon for the duration of the term that you are signed up to the program.

Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR)

There are Kindle Best Seller calculators found online that you can utilize to see how many books you need to sell to become the #1 best-selling on BSR.

For authors who have more than one book on Amazon KDP, you can utilize this calculator to check which of your books has the best potential to go higher. Then, you should focus on advertising that book until it reaches the top.

Once you achieve a high ranking, customers are more likely to buy your other books, especially if they loved the first one they read.

4. Get More Authentic Reviews

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (5)The first thing you should do after publishing your book is to get a lot of authentic reviews as fast as possible. You do not want your book to be ignored by a potential reader just because it does not have any reviews.

Send Your Books To Bloggers

There are a lot of book lovers who have become influencers in the community. A lot of people like hearing their reviews about certain books before buying them. As an author, you can send a free copy of your books to these bloggers and encourage them to write an honest review.

Aside from having more reviews on your book, you are also encouraging their followers to check out your book. Just make sure that you find a blogger who reads the same genre as your book. If you send your book to a blogger who has a large following but does not enjoy the genre of your book, you may have a scathing review that can discourage people from reading.

Ask Friends To Read Your Books

Your friends and family are the first people who will support your book. You can directly ask them to buy your book and give an honest review. While they do not have a lot of followers like the influencers, their thoughts and opinions about your book can provide more insight for potential buyers of your book.

5. Build Your FanbaseHow To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (6)

As soon as you publish your works, you should start thinking of building your fanbase who can support your upcoming books. This is an important step in how to increase book sales quickly.

Hook In The Readers With The First 10% Of Your Book

For a new indie author, the struggle lies in trying to get people to read your book. A lot of buyers do not want to read a newly published book from someone they do not know. However, with the free sample chapters, you can easily hook people into reading the first roughly 10% of your book and hopefully buy the rest.

Kindle has instant previews that are embedded in the web or email, that can show some of the content. This lets your potential customers have access to a free sample of your book so they can decide if they will buy it to read more.

This is vital on how to increase book sales as people want to see for themselves firsthand if they’re going to buy your book. You should make sure that the first 10% is compelling enough to hook your potential fans easily.

Newsletter Swaps With Authors

Now that you have a substantial fanbase, you can start having a newsletter to update your readers. However, for most authors, you may feel like there isn’t enough content you can write in your newsletter. The key is to partner with other indie authors who have almost the same status as you so your works can be introduced to other people through each other author’s mailing list.

Multi-Author Anthology

One of the most popular techniques in increasing your fanbase is collaborating with other authors to create an anthology of works that is in the same universe or a collection of the same theme.

6. Advertise Your Book

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (7) Even if you write a very compelling story, it may not get the exposure you want , if nobody knows your book exists.

Have A Social Media Presence

One of the advantages of modern times is that it is way easier to advertise your products for such a lower price. It is evident that a lot of people like being able to talk to their favorite authors. One of the best ways of making sure that your readers become your fans is to interact with them more.

You can simply have a social media profile where you reply to your readers, or you can also have your own Facebook group where you can let your fans post their thoughts and extensive reviews of your works. Other authors also create groups with multiple authors to appeal to a broader range of audiences.

Make Use Of Blogs

If you do not have a blog yet, maybe it is time to create one. While a lot of people think that blogs are outdated, it is still actually incredibly useful, especially for authors who want to sell their books. Aside from social media profiles and email subscription lists, professional authors have their website optimized for how to increase book sales.


Being in the community of readers and writers for Amazon KDP is one of the most critical steps in successfully advertising your book. Swapping newsletters and creating multi-anthology works are a few ways of cross-promotion, but there are also other ways, such as utilizing social media profiles of other writers. Cross-promotion helps other readers discover new authors whose works they can also enjoy.

7. Repeat The Methods That Worked For You

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (8)Study Your Data

If you have one bestselling book, then analyze what you did right so that you can repeat the pattern. Some people are good at collaborating with other authors, while others succeed with their social media efforts. There are a lot of factors to consider, and what may work for you might not work for others.

You have to study your data and look at where you are excelling so you can recreate the factors for your other books. Continue to strengthen your techniques and try to improve where necessary.

Experiment A Little

You already know what works, but you can also check your data for the things that did not work. You can start trying to improve yourself and experiment a little bit to find the perfect formula on how to increase book sales.


How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (9)The process of how to increase book sales in Amazon KDP can be a little overwhelming, especially for beginners. However, your effort will certainly pay off! (no pun intended 😊)

You must always remember that even though you want to have more book sales, you should still enjoy the writing process. More readers will be able to enjoy your work if you also had fun writing it.

How To Increase Book Sales On Amazon KDP - 7 Steps • AKreport (2024)


How do I get more book sales on KDP? ›

How To Increase Book Sales
  1. Write the 'Perfect' Book. Follow the Trends. ...
  2. Have An Eyecatching Cover. Hire A Graphics Artist. ...
  3. Use Amazon's KDP Tools. ...
  4. Get More Authentic Reviews. ...
  5. Build Your Fanbase. ...
  6. Advertise Your Book. ...
  7. Repeat The Methods That Worked For You.

Why am I not making sales on KDP? ›

If you are an author that sells on Amazon and consistently struggles with book sales it's because you are making one or all of these 3 mistakes: Your book is not ranked high enough on Amazon search. Your book doesn't look appealing to readers. Your book description doesn't convert browsers to buyers.

How to make $1,000 with Amazon KDP? ›

Earning $1000 is not very difficult on Amazon KDP. You just need to publish a book with a $10 profit and sell it to 100 people. If you know who those 100 people are before you start writing, it should be fairly easy to write so that you meet their need.

How long does it take sales to show up in KDP reports? ›

eBook orders will show in your reports after the order is placed. Print book orders will show in your reports after the order ships. The accumulated total of all Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read in Kindle Unlimited (KU) can take between 24-48 hours to appear in your Sales Dashboard report.

How can I get more book sales? ›

12 book promotion ideas to boost book sales
  1. Run a pre-order. A pre-order is the selling period before the official launch of a product, or in this case, a book. ...
  2. Do social media. ...
  3. Set up a website. ...
  4. Start an email list. ...
  5. Use a reader magnet. ...
  6. Throw a launch event. ...
  7. Network and attend book events. ...
  8. Run price promotions.
Jul 14, 2022

How many KDP books can you publish a day? ›

You can publish a maximum of 500 books on KDP in one day.

Why my book is not selling? ›

Here, the book isn't selling because it isn't appealing to readers. The title is vague. The cover looks amateurish or is obviously from a template. The quality of the text is poor: it's not ready for market, it's a rough first draft, the prose is hard to read, there are lots of errors, and so on.

Is Amazon KDP still profitable? ›

Overall, profitability on Amazon KDP depends on many factors and can vary widely between authors and books. However, with careful planning, quality production, and effective marketing, it is possible to create a profitable book on Amazon KDP.

How do I run a sale on KDP? ›

Go to the Marketing tab. In the Run a Price Promotion, select Kindle Countdown Deals. Click Create a Kindle Countdown Deal. Select your eBook and click Continue.

How much does Amazon KDP pay monthly? ›

Amazon takes care of everything! For eBook sales, KDP will pay you a 70% royalty for eBooks priced between $2.99 – $9.99 and 35% for all other price points. You can get paid via direct deposit, wire transfer, or by check and can switch payment methods anytime.

How much does Amazon KDP pay writers? ›

KDP offers a fixed 60% royalty rate on paperbacks sold on Amazon marketplaces where KDP supports paperback distribution. Your royalty is 60% of your list price. We then subtract printing costs, which depend on trim size, page count, ink type, and the Amazon marketplace your paperback was ordered from.

What percentage of book sales happen on Amazon? ›

Amazon holds a dominant market share of 60-70% in book sales, with 1.4 million self-published titles in 2018. This shows the immense power and influence Amazon has in the book market. With such a large market share, Amazon is able to dictate the terms and conditions of book sales, as well as the prices of books.

How long do you have to stay in KDP select? ›

KDP Select is a free 90-day program for Kindle eBook only. It gives you the opportunity to reach more readers through Amazon and Kindle promotions. All authors regardless of where they live, are eligible.

How to sell 100 books a day? ›

How To Sell 100 Books Per Day: 6 Things You Need To Do
  1. 1) Write a lot of good stories. This point, though obvious, bears restating. ...
  2. 2) Have a great product description and a professional cover. This is self-explanatory. ...
  3. 3) Price your book right. ...
  4. 4) Promote your books. ...
  5. Related reading:
Jul 17, 2012

What is the fastest book sales? ›

“Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” — the final novel of J.K. Rowling's series — currently holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest selling book of all time after it sold 8.3 million copies — or 345,833 books per hour — when it was released in July 2007.

How do I get my book noticed? ›

Subscribe to receive this extra resource.
  1. Start by Creating Your Brand. ...
  2. Create a Website. ...
  3. Create an Email List. ...
  4. Choose the Right Audience for Marketing. ...
  5. Reach Out to Book Reviewers. ...
  6. Choose the Right Book Cover. ...
  7. Offer Your Book for Free on Amazon. ...
  8. Use Ads on Amazon to Boost Your Sales.

How many pages must a KDP book have? ›

The minimum page count is 24 pages, and the maximum page count depends on ink, paper, and trim size options.

Is 50 pages enough for a book? ›

The general consensus, however, is that a novel should be at least 50,000 words long, is approximately 200 pages. This means that 200 pages is a sufficient length for a novel.

What is KDP minimum list price? ›

KDP Print minimum and maximum pricing

Of course, you can't sell a print book for less than it costs to print it, so Amazon calculates that number for you. The formula for this is: Printing cost / 60% (royalty rate) = minimum list price.

What is a good number of books to sell? ›

Qualifications aside, if you are a new writer at a big publisher and you've sold more than 10,000 copies of a novel you are in very good shape — as long as you didn't have a large advance. It should be easy for you to get another book contract. If you sold more than 5,000, you are doing pretty well.

Why is my low content book not selling? ›

Be sure to watch the video for some practical solutions and some tips to keep in mind while in the early stages of your publishing journey. You haven't given your book enough time to sell. You didn't properly validate your book idea. You didn't use highly relevant, low-competition keywords.

How do I turn my book into a best seller? ›

Learn how to become a best-selling author and elevate your reach and status with this highly sought after title.
  1. Write a Relevant Book. Most bestseller lists are determined by the number of copies sold. ...
  2. Enhance Your Name Recognition with PR. ...
  3. Engage a Publicity Campaign. ...
  4. Enlist in a Best Seller Campaign. ...
  5. See the Results.
Aug 3, 2022

What type books sell the most Amazon KDP? ›

The top five selling categories for ebooks on Amazon are:
  • Religion and Spirituality.
  • Biographies and Memoirs.
  • Business and Money.
  • Self Help.
  • Cookbooks, food, and vine.
Feb 10, 2023

Is Amazon KDP worth it 2023? ›

From our own research, the short answer to that is yes for fulfilling reasons. Started in 2007, Amazon KDP is an amazing platform especially for authors looking to get their books published and having them available to a wide network.

Can you make money on KDP 2023? ›

In this article, we will discuss some of the most successful KDP niches that have high probability of cutting through the clutter in 2023. All of these niches have the potential to generate a very good monthly income if you choose the proper categories and write books within them that entice people to buy.

How do I make my book more visible on Amazon? ›

How To Get Your Book Noticed On Amazon (Top 11 Ways)
  1. Book Cover.
  2. Editorial Reviews.
  3. A+ Content.
  4. Focus On Keywords.
  5. Use More Than One Platform.
  6. Make Use Of A Publishing Partner.
  7. Author Central.
  8. Your Author Bio.
Nov 23, 2022

Do I need an LLC to sell on Amazon KDP? ›

You do not need an LLC to sell on Amazon. You can start selling immediately under your name as a sole proprietor. If you are beginning to explore ecommerce and want to test the waters of selling on Amazon, having a sole proprietorship is perfectly fine.

How long does it take to sell on Amazon KDP? ›

Once you've submitted your book for publication, it takes 3 to 10 business days for your book to be Live on Amazon. The time it takes to publish depends on the book type. For more details on publishing timelines, visit our Timelines page.

How to be successful on KDP? ›

But you can maximize reader excitement by making sure your book stands out.
  1. Create a compelling cover. ...
  2. Edit and proofread your book well. ...
  3. Write a compelling description of your book. ...
  4. Introduce yourself to your readers. ...
  5. Promote your book online. ...
  6. Publish paperbacks through KDP. ...
  7. Upload videos and book trailers.

What type of books sells fast on Amazon KDP? ›

However, some genres that tend to do well on KDP include romance, mystery/thriller, and self-help. In addition, books that are well-written and have a strong hook are more likely to sell well on KDP. Independent authors can sell e-books and print-on-demand books through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

How long does it take to make money with KDP? ›

How long does it take to make money on KDP? You can start earning on Kindle as soon as your book goes live. Realistically speaking, you can expect consistent sales after the first month, provided you have used the keywords wisely and published your book in a low competition niche.

How much do you get paid per page read on KDP? ›

Current KDP Per Page Payout:

April 2023: $0.00412.

How much does it cost to promote a book on Amazon? ›

When you publish your book on Amazon you can advertise to people shopping on Amazon for books in your genre. Your cost can start at about $3 a day and up depending on your budget. Amazon advertising is a successful way to promote your new book. You can enroll in KDP Select to run price promotions on Amazon.

How much royalty does Amazon pay? ›

After a customer purchases a hardcover book on Amazon and a copy is manufactured for the order, a royalty is paid out. The royalty given is 60% of the listed price, minus printing costs (page count, ink & marketplace).

How many books does the average author sell on Amazon? ›

Some research shows that 250 to 300 books per year is pretty average. However, as an indie author, you can expect to earn much more in royalties per book than you would if you went the traditional publishing route.

How much do authors get paid for their first book? ›

How much can authors expect to earn from their books? A first-time author with a traditional publishing deal might expect an advance of $1,000-$10,000 and 5-18% royalties once they “earn out” their advance. Self-published authors do not receive advances, but their royalties can reach up to 70% for ebook editions.

What is the average income for self-published authors? ›

The survey found that the average income for self-published authors rose 53% last year over 2021, reaching a median of $12,749, a figure higher than those of authors at traditional publishers. The most recent Authors Guild survey in 2018, for example, found the median income to be $6,080, down 24% from 2014.

What is the 10% rule for KDP? ›

To provide an optimal customer experience, bonus content should make up no more than around 10% of your book. If you would like to include multiple stories within your book, consider creating a collection of works. When selecting your book's title, always make sure to follow the Metadata Guidelines.

How many KDP author names can you have? ›

Note: you can only have 3 author pages per Amazon KDP account, so make sure you use your names carefully and maybe even cross-genre! For example, group all of your romance, erotica, or chick-lit under one romance-oriented pen name. Group your thrillers, mysteries, and cop procedurals under another.

How many books do you have to sell to be #1 on Amazon? ›

“How many books will I need to sell?” In order to hit #1 on Amazon, you'll need to sell somewherebetween 3,500 and 5,000 copies in 24 hours. Want to hit top 10? You'll need to sell roughly 300 for print, or 2,000+ copies for combined formats.

How many copies does the average self-published book sell on Amazon? ›

90% of self-published books sell less than 100 copies. 20% of self-published authors report making no income from their books. More than 1,000 self-published authors made $100,000 last year from Amazon.

What retailer sells the most books? ›

Amazon is the largest book retailer in the world with a catalog that includes more than 33 million titles, and they will ship them just about anywhere.

What are the disadvantages of publishing with KDP? ›

The disadvantages:
  • Amazon earns between 30 and 65% of your sales.
  • A high quality of book printing is unfortunately never guaranteed.
  • Amazon can only print in four colours, which can make the printing price very high.
  • Trial and author copies are subject to a charge.
May 12, 2022

How long does it take for KDP to show sales? ›

eBook orders will show in your reports after the order is placed. Print book orders will show in your reports after the order ships. The accumulated total of all Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read in Kindle Unlimited (KU) can take between 24-48 hours to appear in your Sales Dashboard report.

Does KDP select increase sales? ›

Firstly, yes, KDP Select can certainly increase ebook sales. Plus, by gaining access to Kindle Unlimited readers via KDP Select, page reads should start to happen in the first 90-day period.

How fast can you make money on KDP? ›

How long does it take to make money on KDP? You can start earning on Kindle as soon as your book goes live. Realistically speaking, you can expect consistent sales after the first month, provided you have used the keywords wisely and published your book in a low competition niche.

Do KDP author copies count as sales? ›

Do author copies count as sales on Amazon? No, you will not earn royalty payments or receive any gain in your book's sales rank. Author copies are sold to you by Amazon KDP at printing cost only. Even though they can become expensive with other charges, you don't earn a cent.

Why would KDP reject a book? ›

You will still be prompted to upload a high-resolution version to KDP, which will replace the one inside the book. Your book may be rejected if your other images are very large (e.g. 3000x4000). If you experience a book rejection without explanation, try reducing your image sizes.

How do I not get banned from KDP? ›

If your book description, keywords, or categories do not reflect the actual content of your book, this could be grounds for suspension. This is why it is important to pick keywords and categories that are genuinely relevant to your book, and that your book title, subtitle, and description are accurate.

Can I publish on Barnes and Noble and KDP? ›

P.S. If you have your manuscript and cover files handy, it's free to upload them to PublishDrive and start selling on Barnes & Noble plus Amazon KDP, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and thousands of other book stores.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.