How to Improve IELTS Score From 6.5 to 7 - Expert Tips (2024)

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a language proficiency test for non-native English speakers. The IELTS examination is usually taken by applicants seeking admission to top-ranked universities in countries like the USA, the UK, Canada, and Australia. To get admission to the best overseas educational institutions, applicants need an IELTS score of at least 7. An IELTS score of 7, as per the test conducting body IDP, means “Good User”. However, it is not an easy task to secure a band score of 7 in IELTS, and students often get stuck at 6.5. Therefore, here are some essential tips on how to improve IELTS score from 6.5 to 7.

Tips to improve your IELTS score from 6.5 to 7:

The IELTS examination has four sections—Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing–and students need to be an expert in all of them to get a band score of 7 or above.

How to Improve IELTS Score From 6.5 to 7 - Expert Tips (2024)
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