How to Get a Collections Stain Off Your Credit Report - NerdWallet (2024)

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Collections accounts generally stick to your credit reports for seven years from the point the account first went delinquent, even if the account has been paid in full.

But you may want them off sooner than that because unpaid collections can make you look bad to potential creditors. And while newer versions of FICO and VantageScore credit scores ignore paid collections, many lenders still use older formulas that count even paid collections against you.

Here are steps to remove a collections account from your credit report:

  1. Do your homework and gather your evidence.

  2. Dispute the account if there's an error.

  3. Ask for a goodwill deletion if you paid the collections.

  4. Confirm the change you sought was made on your credit reports.

1. Do your homework and gather evidence

Get information on the debt from two places: your own records and your credit reports.

First, gather your records for details on the account in question, including its age and your payment history. If available, you'll want to have a personal banking statement or similar document handy that shows the date of your last payment.

Next, print our your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — and highlight the differences when looking for errors. Not all lenders report to all three bureaus, so your reports might not be identical.

The good news: Until the end of 2023, you can get a free credit report every week from each bureau by using In addition, you can check your free credit report at NerdWallet as often as you like, along with a free credit score, both from TransUnion.

Using your credit reports, verify these details:

Once you have the details straight, you can decide which approach works for you.

2. If a collection is on your report in error, dispute it

You may have a collections account on your credit report that shouldn’t be there. Maybe it’s too old to still be reported, or the collection itself is incorrect. Here's what to do based on where the error originated:

What to do if the credit bureau made an error

Delinquent accounts should fall off your credit report seven years after the date they first became and remained delinquent. But that doesn’t always happen. For debts that linger longer than they should, file a dispute with any credit bureau that still lists the debt.

If a credit bureau has made a mistake on your report — if you don’t recognize the account or a paid account shows as unpaid, for example — gather documentation supporting your case. Then, file a dispute by using the credit bureau's online process, by phone or by mail. The bureau has 30 days to respond.

Did you know...

It's free to dispute errors on your credit report with the bureaus, and it won't harm your score. You can dispute online, by phone, or by mail.

What to do if the debt collector made an error

If you think the error is on the part of the debt collector, not the credit bureau, ask the collector to validate the debt to make sure it’s yours. A debt validation letter should include information like the amount owed and the creditor that is seeking payment, among other things.

Note that you have 30 days from the date the collector first contacted you to dispute the validity of the debt. If the collector can’t validate, the collection should come off your reports.

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How to Get a Collections Stain Off Your Credit Report - NerdWallet (1)

3. If you already paid the debt: Ask for a goodwill deletion

You can ask the creditor — either the original creditor or a debt collector — for what’s called a “goodwill deletion.”

Write the collector a letter explaining your circ*mstances and why you would like the debt removed, such as if you’re about to apply for a mortgage. There’s no guarantee your request will be accepted, but there’s no harm in asking. A record of on-time payments since the debt was paid will help your case.

Your credit record will still show the late payments leading up to the collection action, but removing the collection itself takes away a source of score damage.

Sample letter requesting a goodwill deletion

[your name]

[your address]

Account Number: [your account number]


To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I’m writing because I noticed that my most recent credit report contains [a late payment/payments] reported on [date/dates] for my [name of account] account.

I want you to know that I understand my financial obligations, and if it weren’t for [circ*mstance that caused you to miss a payment], I’d have an excellent repayment record. I made a mistake in falling behind, but since then, [description of how your circ*mstances have changed or how you’ve improved your money management]. Since then, I’ve had a spotless record of on-time payments.

I’m planning to apply for [a mortgage/auto loan/etc.], and it’s come to my attention that the missed payment on my record could hurt my ability to qualify. I truly believe that it doesn’t reflect my creditworthiness and commitment to repaying my debts. It would help me immensely if you could give me a second chance and make a goodwill adjustment to remove the late [payment/payments] on [date/dates].

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you’ll approve my request.


[your name]

4. Check your credit reports after 30 days to make sure the change was made

Whether you're disputing an error with the credit bureau or a creditor or you're trying to get a paid debt removed earlier than the typical 7-year period, there is a 30-day window in which your claim must be addressed. Even if all goes well during the dispute process, it's a good idea to pull your credit reports after 30 days to make sure that the change was made.

How to Get a Collections Stain Off Your Credit Report - NerdWallet (2024)


How to Get a Collections Stain Off Your Credit Report - NerdWallet? ›

Successfully disputing inaccurate information is the only surefire way to get collections removed from your credit report. If you've repaid a debt and the collection account remains on your credit report, you can request a goodwill deletion from your creditor, though there's no guarantee they'll grant your request.

How do I get collections off my credit report easily? ›

Successfully disputing inaccurate information is the only surefire way to get collections removed from your credit report. If you've repaid a debt and the collection account remains on your credit report, you can request a goodwill deletion from your creditor, though there's no guarantee they'll grant your request.

Will paying off something from collections be taken off your credit? ›

Having a debt in collections is a serious negative item that will stay on your credit reports for seven years, even if it has been paid. The impact on your credit scores is harshest at first but diminishes over time.

Will removing old collections increase credit score? ›

Will deleting collections improve credit score? In most cases, deleting a collections account from your credit report can improve your credit score. In other cases, it may have little-to-no effect on your credit score.

What is the 11 word credit loophole? ›

In case you are wondering what the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors is supposed to be its “Please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately.”

How do I delete a collection? ›

Delete a collection
  1. On an Android phone or tablet, open the Currents app .
  2. At the bottom, tap Collections.
  3. Tap a collection.
  4. Tap More. ​Delete collection.
  5. Check the box, then tap Delete.

How much does removing a collection raise your credit score? ›

One of the ways to delete a collection account is to call the collection agency and try to negotiate with them. Ask them to delete the collection in exchange for paying off your debt. Also, get the agreement in writing. If they accept it, your credit could increase by as much as 100 points.

Should I pay off a 5 year old collection? ›

The best way is to pay

Most people would probably agree that paying off the old debt is the honorable and ethical thing to do. Plus, a past-due debt could come back to bite you even if the statute of limitations runs out and you no longer technically owe the bill.

Why did my credit score drop when I paid off collections? ›

This is because your total available credit is lowered when you close a line of credit, which could result in a higher credit utilization ratio. Additionally, if the account you closed was your oldest line of credit, it could negatively impact the length of your credit history and cause a drop in your scores.

Can you have a 700 credit score with collections? ›

It is theoretically possible to get a 700 credit score with a collection account on your credit report. However, it is not common with traditional scoring models. A derogatory mark like a collection account on your credit report can make it incredibly difficult to obtain a good credit score like 700 or over.

Why didn t my credit score go up after removing collections? ›

It is not uncommon for credit scores to drop after paying off a collection account. There are several factors as to why your credit score dropped. The first is to look at the age of the debt. The older the date of the debt, the less impact it has on your credit score.

How bad is a 600 credit score? ›

Your score falls within the range of scores, from 580 to 669, considered Fair. A 600 FICO® Score is below the average credit score. Some lenders see consumers with scores in the Fair range as having unfavorable credit, and may decline their credit applications.

How fast can I add 100 points to my credit score? ›

For most people, increasing a credit score by 100 points in a month isn't going to happen. But if you pay your bills on time, eliminate your consumer debt, don't run large balances on your cards and maintain a mix of both consumer and secured borrowing, an increase in your credit could happen within months.

What is the 15 3 credit trick? ›

With the 15/3 credit card payment method, you make two payments each statement period. You pay half of your credit card statement balance 15 days before the due date, and then make another payment three days before the due date on your statement.

Why does the 15 3 credit hack work? ›

The 15/3 hack can help struggling cardholders improve their credit because paying down part of a monthly balance—in a smaller increment—before the statement date reduces the reported amount owed. This means that credit utilization rate will be lower which can help boost the cardholder's credit score.

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Tips to Perfect Your Credit Score
  1. Pay your credit card bills often. ...
  2. Keep a solid payment history. ...
  3. Consider your credit mix. ...
  4. Increase your credit limit. ...
  5. Don't close old accounts. ...
  6. Regularly monitor your credit report. ...
  7. Only apply for credit when you really need it.

What happens when you delete a collection? ›

Deleting a collection deletes any target device member records within the collection. The records can be recreated by manually adding them or using the Auto-add feature.

Can credit repair companies remove collections? ›

Credit repair services can help consumers remove false information from credit reports and thus improve their credit scores. Incorrect information can include late payments that aren't yours, or paid collections that are older than the seven years they're allowed by law to be on credit reports.

Can Lexington Law remove unpaid collections? ›

If you dispute the notice and Collections Unlimited can't verify it, it could be removed from your credit report. Lexington Law Firm is a professional credit repair organization that helps individuals remove false, unsubstantiated, unfair or inaccurate negative items, such as charge offs, from their reports.

Will my credit score go up if I pay a collection in full? ›

With most of the current standard credit scoring models, paying a collection account off likely won't increase your credit score since the item will remain on your credit report. It will show up as “paid” instead of “unpaid,” which might positively influence a lender's opinion.

What happens if you never pay collections? ›

If you ignore a debt in collections, you can be sued and have your bank account or wages garnished or may even lose property like your home. You'll also hurt your credit score. If you aren't paying because you don't have the money, remember that you still have options!

How do I rebuild my credit after collections? ›

Taking Steps to Rebuild Your Credit
  1. Pay Bills on Time. Pay all your bills on time, every month. ...
  2. Think About Your Credit Utilization Ratio. ...
  3. Consider a Secured Account. ...
  4. Ask for Help from Family and Friends. ...
  5. Be Careful with New Credit. ...
  6. Get Help with Debt.

What not to say to debt collectors? ›

If you get an unexpected call from a debt collector, here are several things you should never tell them:
  • Don't Admit the Debt. Even if you think you recognize the debt, don't say anything. ...
  • Don't provide bank account information or other personal information. ...
  • Document any agreements you reach with the debt collector.
Nov 23, 2021

What age is most in debt? ›

The average American debt totals $59,580, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit card debt. Debt peaks between ages 40 and 49, and the average amount varies widely across the country.

How much in collections is bad? ›

A collection on a debt of less than $100 shouldn't affect your score at all, but anything over $100 could cause a big drop. In many cases, it doesn't even matter how much it is if it's over $100. Whether you owe $500 or $150,000, you may see a credit score drop of 100 points or more, depending on where you started.

How can I raise my credit score 40 points fast? ›

Here are six ways to quickly raise your credit score by 40 points:
  1. Check for errors on your credit report. ...
  2. Remove a late payment. ...
  3. Reduce your credit card debt. ...
  4. Become an authorized user on someone else's account. ...
  5. Pay twice a month. ...
  6. Build credit with a credit card.
Oct 19, 2022

What credit score is good for buying a house? ›

It's recommended you have a credit score of 620 or higher when you apply for a conventional loan. If your score is below 620, lenders either won't be able to approve your loan or may be required to offer you a higher interest rate, which can result in higher monthly payments.

How accurate is credit karma? ›

Here's the short answer: The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma come directly from TransUnion and Equifax, two of the three major consumer credit bureaus. The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma should accurately reflect your credit information as reported by those bureaus.

Can I go from 500 to 700 credit score? ›

The time it takes to increase a credit score from 500 to 700 might range from a few months to a few years. Your credit score will increase based on your spending pattern and repayment history. If you do not have a credit card yet, you have a chance to build your credit score.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear? ›

Most negative items should automatically fall off your credit reports seven years from the date of your first missed payment, at which point your credit scores may start rising. But if you are otherwise using credit responsibly, your score may rebound to its starting point within three months to six years.

How to go from 700 to 750 credit score? ›

How To Increase Your Credit Score
  1. Check Your Credit Report. The first step you should take is to pull your credit report and check for errors. ...
  2. Make On-Time Payments. ...
  3. Pay Off Your Debts. ...
  4. Lower Your Credit Utilization Rate. ...
  5. Consolidate Your Debt. ...
  6. Become An Authorized User. ...
  7. Leave Old Accounts Open. ...
  8. Open New Account Types.
Apr 12, 2022

How long does it take to rebuild credit after a collection? ›

While an account in collection can have a significant negative impact on your credit, it won't stay on your credit reports forever. Accounts in collection generally remain on your credit reports for seven years, plus 180 days from whenever the account first became past due.

Is it true the only way to improve your credit score is to pay off your entire balance every month? ›

Paying off your credit card balance every month may not improve your credit score alone, but it's one factor that can help you improve your score. There are several factors that companies use to calculate your credit score, including comparing how much credit you're using to how much credit you have available.

How many points is a collection? ›

At a Glance: If you have a debt collection on your credit report, it could lower your credit score by 110 points. You might lose even more points if your score is high when you start the year with a good credit score.

How do I get a goodwill deletion? ›

If your misstep happened because of unfortunate circ*mstances like a personal emergency or a technical error, try writing a goodwill letter to ask the creditor to consider removing it. The creditor or collection agency may ask the credit bureaus to remove the negative mark.

How many years does it take to remove collections on credit report? ›

How long will collections stay on your credit report? Like other adverse information, collections will remain on your credit report for 7 years. A paid collection account will remain on your credit report for 7 years as well.

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