How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (2024)

Generating Leads Using Facebook Ads Just Got Easier

Looking for sellers? You may want to create real estate seller leads with Facebook ads.

“Facebook has made it clear that to reach anyone who has “liked” you on its platform, you’ll have to pay for Facebook ads.” ~BYDAVE KERPEN @DAVEKERPEN

What does that mean? When Facebook started they launched a product called “Fan Pages”. These were essentially micro websites for brands, personalities, products, etc. hosted on Facebook. The goal was simple. Get as many “fans” as you can. Why get fans? Back then, anyone that “liked” your page, or became a fan, would see content that your business posted on its “Fan Page”.

Read: FREE ADVERTISING (of course it was only free as the amount of time you invested in building up your “fan” base)

What has changed? Facebook is no longer showing the posts you enter on your page to your fans! (currently it is an average of 2% of fans, but is dropping all the time, and will probably be Zero soon)

Are all those fans you spent time accumulating worthless? Depends. You can still reach them with your Marketing if you Pay-to-Play.

For the record: I have told my clients for years to not worry about how many “Likes” or “Fans” their business page gets. (can you see me patting myself on the back?)

So is Facebook useless to us asGrowth Hackers trying to get more exposure to our businesses? Nope. Just have to pay for it directly now.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads

UPDATE: Facebook has launched a feature that makes Landing Pages, and Lead Capture Forms no longer necessary. That means that you can start generating leads Faster and Easier than before

I recently ran a Facebook Ad Campaign for a Corporate Real Estate Firm. My goal was to generate real estate seller leads with Facebook. Using a proven strategy of Lead Magnets, Landing Pages, Engaging Imagery, Lead Capture Form, & Facebook Ads!

I was able to produce 100 Seller Leads in 2 Weeks.

This number could have been significantly increased if we were only capturing email addresses. This campaign we were capturing, Name, Email, Phone Number, Location, and whether they were a buyer or seller.

Lead Magnets

In order to generate a lead you must offer the lead something they want in return for their contact information. This is called a 'Lead Magnet'Click To Tweet

Examples of Real Estate Lead Magnets:

  • Listings
  • Home Buyer’s Guide
  • Home Seller’s Guide
  • Relocation Packet
  • Neighborhood Market Report
  • Email New Listings
  • Property CMA
  • How To eBooks or Videos– How to Stage Your Home, How To Increase The Curb Appeal, How To Buy A Foreclosure, etc.
  • Reports – Neighborhood, School, Crime, etc.
  • Lists – Bank Owned, Short Sale, 203k eligible, etc.
  • Real Estate Related eBooks or Videos – Landscaping, Remodeling, Investment Opportunities, Flipping A House, etc.


To get started even easier you can use a list of hypercatorgized listings such as:

  • Single Story Homes In A City (Move Down)
  • Luxury Homes In A City (Move Up)
  • Foreclosure Homes
  • Shortsale Homes
  • Homes Close To A Major Employer

As real estate agents you all have access to links with filtered listings!

If you want to get started generating real estate seller leads with Facebookcampaigns like this and need a Lead Magnet, you can use this

Powerpoint Template to Create an eBook,

to get started. Once you have created the Powerpoint template you simply Print to: .PDF

Once you have printed the template to .PDF you now have a digital e-book that you can use as a Lead Magnet. In order to print to .PDF you will need a .PDF driver on your computer. I use Primo PDF it works well and is free.

How to “Print to PDF” from Powerpoint:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (1)

In my example I used a Market Report as the “Lead Magnet” because I was trying to attract Sellers.

Landing Page


Using this portion of the article will give you more control and customization, however, it is no longer necessary.

Below I show you how you can create Facebook ads without needing to make custom landing pages with lead capture forms.

A landing page is just a single page of a website that is dedicated to 1 single purpose. Generating a lead! And 1 single Lead Magnet. In this example the purpose is to create real estate seller leads with Facebook Ads.

Landing pages should be:

    • Free of clutter
    • Have a clearly defined “Call To Action
    • Use engaging imagery or videos
    • Contain a Lead Capture Form

Landing pages can have in addition to:

    • Social proof or testimonials
    • Text explaining the benefits of the Lead Magnet

Landing Pages should not have:

    • Pictures of you
    • Your company bio
    • Multiple messages
    • Navigation Buttons
    • Overly spammy, salesy, or wordy text

It is my experience that the Simpler a Landing Page the better it Converts!

This is a Sample of one of the many landing pages I used for the campaign. How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (2)

This particular landing page converted at 16%

(again this number could have been much higher if we were asking for less Personal Information)

I use a service called Lead Pages to create my landing pages. There are many companies that offer easy to create landing pages:

If you are on a budget… create a clutter free page on your WordPress Website, or create a “Tab” on your Facebook Business Page using the Static HTML Facebook App.

Lead Capture Form


Using this portion of the article will give you more control and customization, however, it is no longer necessary.

Below I show you how you can create Facebook ads without needing to make custom landing pages with lead capture forms.

Probably the easiest way to build and/or incorporate a lead capture form into any of the above landing pages is with Mailchimp. I have written about and used Mailchimp for my business for many, many years, and love it.

You can create custom Lead Capture forms with Mailchimp or you can connect your Mailchimp account to most of the landing pages above.

Mailchimp is primarily an email marketing service. As part of that service they give you the ability to collect leads (Lead Capture Forms), they store the leads (CRM), and then you can send the leads emails (Lead Incubation).

Popular Lead Capture Form Builders:

  • MailChimp (Email Marketing Software)
  • Gravity Forms (WordPress Plugin)
  • Formidable Forms (Wodpress Plugin)
  • AWeber (Email Marketing Service)
  • Constant Contact (Email Marketing Service)
  • WuFoo (Form Builder Service)
How To Set Up the Lead Capture Form

This varies depending on how you set up your Landing Page.

> You will need a form that collects the data that you want for your campaign

> You will need it to send an auto reply email that has a link to your Lead Magnet, or a redirect to a “Thank You” Page that has a link to your Lead Magnet.

> You will need a way to get access to your leads for follow-up.

For this real estate seller leads with Facebookcampaign I used the form that is provided by Lead Pages. I linked it to a new MailChimp List. I sent the user to the tool that creates the Market Report, and used the “Auto Reply” feature to send the user an email with a link to the Lead Magnet. (I know this information is somewhat vague, but there are so many ways to set this part of it up, depending on your budget, what you already have in place, your strategy, etc…)

Facebook Ads

So far we have talked about how to capture a lead once we get it to our Landing Page… but how do we get them to our Landing Page? Facebook Ads is a great way to generate traffic right now. (I say right now, because everything in this industry changes, and changes quickly. What works good today, may just be average in a month. In other words, if you are going to try this.. do it TODAY!)

No truer words were ever said 🙂

It has all changed and now you can start generating leads with Facebook without Landing Pages and Lead Capture Forms.

3 Reasons Why Facebook is a great way to drive traffic, right now? 1. It is a the biggest CRM in the world 2. You can direct your ads at your desired client 3. Price per click is still reasonableClick To Tweet

How To Create Facebook Ads

Create A Lead Generating Facebook Ad With NO Landing Page or Contact Form

Go to your Facebook “Ads Manager”:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (3)

+CREATE a New Campaign

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (4)

What Is Your Marketing Objective

I generally go with “Traffic” this will give you the most results… but if you want to fine tune your ad you may want to go with “Lead Generation”.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (5)

Select Split Test and Give Your Campaign A Name

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Select Your Facebook Page and Accept The Terms Of Service If You Have Not Already

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Select The Split Test Variable: Delivery Optimization

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (8)

Set One Ad Set to Manual and Enter a Bid Amount and the other Ad Set to Automatic

You can test to see which way produces the best results for the best price.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (9)

Select Your Audience

Many people will suggest you get detailed in your audience setting… but that is old school. Facebook is so good at serving its ads that it will optimize your audience. Probably better than you can.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (10)

Select Your Ad Placement Location: Automatic

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (11)

Set Your Ad Budget

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (12)

Select Format: Carousel

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (13)

Add Images, Text, Headline, and Call To Action

Here you are crafting the ad.

In this example I am using the Single Story homes (move down) lead magnet. I added images of single story homes and asked people living around Seattle to click on the images to see all the single story homes available in Seattle. I like to use the “learn more” call to action.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (14)

Create Lead Form

This is the new features that eliminates the need for landing pages and capture forms.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (15)

Lead Form Content

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (16)

Select What Information You Would Like To Collect

Name and Email address is the minimum amount of data you should collect.

You can add phone number, address, and custom questions.

In this example I am collecting, Name, Email, Phone, and a Custom Question. Are You Considering Selling Your House… with some multiple choice answers.

*The more information you collect the lower your conversion rate will be.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (17)

Add Your Company Privacy Policy Link

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (18)

Thank You Page

This is where you can add the link to the list of single story homes.

Once the visitor has completed the form they will be automatically directed to this link.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (19)

Save Your Facebook Form

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (20)

Certify Compliance

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (21)

Review and Confirm Your Ad

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (22)

Have Your Leads Automatically Sent To Your CRM

In our case we use both Mailchimp and Hubspot so either would work… but we selected Mailchimp.

*This service is not necessary it is provided by Zapier and it is a pay to play service.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (23)

Your Facebook Lead Capture Ads

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (24)

Sit Back And Watch The Leads Start Coming In

Create An Ad To Your Custom Landing Page

+CREATE a New Campaign

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (25)

What Is Your Marketing Objective

I generally go with “Traffic” this will give you the most results… but if you want to fine tune your ad you may want to go with “Lead Generation”.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (26)

Select Split Test and Give Your Campaign A Name

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (27)

Select Your Facebook Page and Accept The Terms Of Service If You Have Not Already

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (28)

Select The Split Test Variable: Delivery Optimization

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (29)

Set One Ad Set to Manual and Enter a Bid Amount and the other Ad Set to Automatic

You can test to see which way produces the best results for the best price.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (30)

Select Your Audience

Many people will suggest you get detailed in your audience setting… but that is old school. Facebook is so good at serving its ads that it will optimize your audience. Probably better than you can.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (31)

Select Your Ad Placement Location: Automatic

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (32)

Set Your Ad Budget

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Select Format: Video or Images

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (34)

Facebook even gives you the option of using their free stock images to make creating ads simple. Although, I do not recommend it.

Add Landing Page Link, Video or Images, Text, Headline, and Call To Action

Add the link to your landing page:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (35)

Next You Will Start Crafting The Ad.

In this example I am using the Single Story homes (move down) lead magnet. I added images of single story homes and asked people living around Seattle to click on the images to see all the single story homes available in Seattle. I like to use the “learn more” call to action.

  • Attention Grabbing Headline
  • Benefits of your Lead Magnet Offer
  • Call to Action Statement
  • There is a “Call To Action” setting that if activated will put a button on your ad. I am not sure which one performs the best.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (36)

Adding a Conversion Tracking Pixel is a bit advanced but super effective for tracking your results:

(get a detailed explanation of what it is here: Facebook Conversion Tracking Pixel)

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (37)

In a nutshell you will need to create the code in the “Power Editor” version of Facebook Ads. Choose what you want to track and create the code.

Once you have the code you will need to enter it on your Landing Page. How to add it to your Landing Page will depend on how you built your Landing Page. But you need to put the code in the <head> section of your landing page, before the </head><body> section.

With Lead Pages there is a feature called “Tracking Code” that makes it simple to add your code:
How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (38) How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (39)

Choosing your audience:

  • This can be as general or laser focused as you want.
  • You can create a custom Audience that you can use for all ads if you think you may want to target the same audience with different ads.
  • You can also upload your current CRM via excel or Mailchimp. The same way you send your leads emails for lead nurturing you can also “send” them Facebook Ads.

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (40)

  • Choose what Country, State, City or zip code you would like to see your ad
  • Choose what Age Group you would like to see your ad
  • Choose what Gender you would like to see your ad
  • DEMOGRAPHICS – You can choose marital status, home owners, renters, generation, employment, etc. (be careful here: you may have a conflict with the EHO laws)

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (41)

Finally you have to set up your pricing and budget:

  • Give your Ad a Name: Make sure if you are going to be doing A/B Testing that you give each ad a descriptive name so you can easily keep track of them.
  • You can set a daily budget or a lifetime budget. I like to use a lifetime budget… that way I don’t get any surprise charges on my credit card.
  • Bidding: I suggest that you optimize for clicks, not impressions. However, if you are running a PR campaign, impressions may be better.
  • I manually set my “Per Click Bid” at the minimum suggested. If I am not getting the level of traffic I need, I can always increase the bid after testing.

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Place Your Order!

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (43)

Track The Results

This may be the most important step. Of course we need a place to convert leads. And we need traffic to convert, and a tool to convert them… but if we are not getting good results then what’s the point.

We are going to track and read Analytics, and then make adjustments as necessary.

Landing Page Analytics Example:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (44)

This graph tells a story. Such as what days of the week are the most effective for your campaign. For this campaign the 22nd of June, a Sunday, saw a bunch of traffic, but low conversions. Apparently, people do not want Market Reports on Sunday 🙂 This page saw an average of 16% conversion. That is a strong number. One I was happy with.

Facebook Ad Analytics Example:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (45)

This was one of 10 Campaigns I tested.

This was 1 of 9 Ad Sets in the above campaign:

As you may notice there are 4ads in this ad set. The ads were all the same but each had a different image. How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (46)

The most successful ad used an image of the exterior of a home and the second best was the interior of a home: I am most concerned with Results but also want my Click Through Rate (CTR)to be good. I was hoping for a 2-3% CTR. An interesting note is that the one Ad had 116 clicks but only half of those people clicked on form on my landing page.

Future Adjustments:

Focus More On Images Of Homes

Change Landing Page Image to Images Of Homes

Stronger Call To Action Language

All adjustment can be made with confidence backed by data and not just guessing!

Now all you have to do is convert those real estate seller leads to sales!

I would love to hear what you think about generating Real Estate Seller Leadsin the comments below:

How to Generate 100 Real Estate Seller Leads with Facebook Ads in 2 weeks (2024)


How do I get real estate leads from Facebook ads? ›

  1. 5 Steps to Finding and Winning More Real Estate Leads on Facebook. ...
  2. Complete Your Facebook Business Page. ...
  3. Create and Post Free Quality Content. ...
  4. Add Gated Content to Grow Your Client Base. ...
  5. Take Your Real Estate Facebook Ads to the Next Level. ...
  6. Create a Unique Real Estate Landing Page Experience.

How do I get maximum leads on Facebook ads? ›

Explore some ways you can optimize your promotions to improve results.
  1. Target ads to different demographics. ...
  2. Target ads to people who look similar to your current customers. ...
  3. Reach people near your business. ...
  4. Narrow your audience. ...
  5. Don't run the same ad for too long. ...
  6. Test different visuals. ...
  7. Create different ads.

How many leads can you generate per month? ›

50% of marketers consider lead generation a top priority in their marketing campaigns. Organizations generate 1,877 leads per month on average.

Are Facebook ads worth it for real estate agents? ›

For real estate agents, Facebook ads have the best chance of generating leads if each campaign is targeted toward one group for one reason. Researchers have proven time and time again that highly focused messages that speak to the heart of a particular audience segment always outperform generic “catch-all” ads.

Can Facebook ads generate leads? ›

Lead ads enable you to find people who may be interested in your products or services. You can then collect information from them on Facebook and Instagram. You can set up lead ads from your Facebook Page, Meta Business Suite or Meta Ads Manager.

How much do Facebook ads cost per leads? ›

According to our benchmark data, the average cost per lead in Facebook ads across all industries is $19.68, ranging from $12.91 for food and drink to $56.89 for news.

What is the best way to generate leads on Facebook? ›

Generate leads
  1. Meet people where they are. Connect with potential customers through their preferred mode of communication – via forms, calls or messages. ...
  2. Generate quality leads at scale. Enhance quality of leads through integrations, optimisations and features. ...
  3. Test your ads and measure your results.

How do you generate maximum leads? ›

12 Lead Generation Examples
  1. Direct Engagement. ...
  2. Generate Leads on LinkedIn. ...
  3. Advertise and Retarget. ...
  4. Ask for Referrals from Current Customers. ...
  5. Write Guest Blogs. ...
  6. Rank in search engines to generate leads. ...
  7. Answer Forum Questions. ...
  8. Offer a Free Tool or Lead Generation Magnet.

Why am I not getting leads on Facebook ads? ›

Facebook requires at least 1,000 users in a given target audience. So if your targeting parameters don't have as many people or if your customer list doesn't match the number of people expected, your ads might not deliver.

How many leads before a sale? ›

The simple answer is: more than most people think! According to our Top Performance in Sales Prospecting research, it takes an average of 8 touches to get an initial meeting (or other conversion) with a new prospect.

Who pays the most for leads? ›

What Industries Pay the Most for Leads
  • B2B Lead Generation. B2B lead gen is one of the most lucrative markets when it comes to obtaining leads. ...
  • Healthcare Lead Generation. ...
  • Real Estate Lead Generation. ...
  • Automotive Lead Generation. ...
  • Finance Lead Generation. ...
  • Legal lead generation.
Jul 13, 2023

How much should you pay for lead generation? ›

Price ranges of lead generation services

Lead generation costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month, depending on the scale and complexity of the campaign. For small businesses, basic services might start at $500 to $1,500 per month.

Is Facebook or Google ads better for real estate? ›

For a real estate business, Google search ads (PPC ads) are the best way to generate leads. For lead generation, every real estate agent should try Google Search Ads (PPC Ads).

How many leads should you generate a day? ›

By analyzing historical data, businesses can estimate how many leads are required to achieve desired sales goals. For instance, if your conversion rate from lead to sale is 10%, and you aim for 10 sales per day, you'd ideally require 100 leads daily.

Is lead generation still profitable? ›

Are lead generation businesses profitable? Your lead generation business can be very profitable if you can find the right margin between your cost to acquire leads and the price you sell the leads for. There are 500+ successful lead generation companies currently listed on Clutch.

How do you calculate the number of leads needed? ›

You can calculate the close rate by dividing the total number of leads you generated in a period of time over the number of customers that came from those leads. Then simply divide the number of customers you need by the close rate to calculate the number of leads you need to generate.

How often should you reach out to leads? ›

How many times should you follow up a lead? Generally speaking, it's best to follow up with a lead 3-6 times over the course of two weeks after the initial contact in order to increase your chances of conversion. According to research, five contact attempts are usually required before a sale is made.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 6287

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.