How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (2024)

Finding houses to flip can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean that you should jump at the first opportunity you come across. A rehabber also needs to know how to choose the right property. In this section, we explain how to choose housesto flip by looking at location, physical characteristics, financial considerations, and more.


How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (1)You’ve heard it before, and it’s true — location, location, location.

Nothing will determine the value of your house flip more than where it is located, starting with the city, and further consideration given to neighborhood, location within a neighborhood (busy street, quiet street, etc.), school district, and even school.

Proximity to positive factors such as stores and public transportation will increase value, while proximity to negative factors, such as highways and airports will decrease value.

When looking to choose a house to flip, you need to understand the property in the context of where it sits. To figure this out, you need to start with who you expect the purchaser to be.

  • Is the neighborhood full of young, single people? If so, the school district becomes less important.
  • Is the purchaser a young couple with small children? Then, the school district becomes highly important.
  • Is the environment urban, where owning a car is a luxury? If so, then you need to consider the proximity of your property to public transportation.
  • Is the area missing easy access to public transportation? Then you should find a house with parking included.
  • Does your neighborhood have ample parking? Does the property have a driveway or garage?

There are many questions like this that need to be understood before committing to a rehab project.

Do the same research that your buyers will do. Utilize websites to familiarize yourself with your area. Different towns and counties, can have dramatically different tax rates for school taxes and real estate taxes. Some townships may pick up trash twice as a municipal service. Others do not pick up trash at all and you will have to enter into a private contract for trash removal. You should know these things about your property.

If the quality of schools is an issue, research lists of the best schools in the area you are interested in working with. Look at the websites of school districts to see what kind of budget they have, what their expenditures per student are and what awards they have been given. You can be sure that the top school districts will let you know about their accomplishments on the website.

Know your customer and apply that knowledge to all aspects of your property’s location. By doing so, you can tailor your project to meet their needs and help make your project successful.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (2)Physical Characteristics of The Rehab Property

While you want your property to be different in some ways from other properties for sale in the area, you want it to fundamentally conform, or be better than the local competition for sale.

For example, if all of the homes in the neighborhood are 1,800 square foot, three bedroom, two bath homes, you may have trouble selling a home that is 1,500 square feet, two bedrooms and one bath, unless you are willing to make a considerable financial concession. You will want your house flip project in this neighborhood to be at least 1,700 square feet, three bedrooms and two baths.

Don’t over do it, though! A property with more than 2,100 square feet, four bedrooms and two baths, could be too expensive for that neighborhood. Your project should conform to the neighborhood in square footage, but be different in other ways through your choice of finishes, landscaping and overall curb appeal.

Larger than average lots in the neighborhood are generally favored. Be prepared for a price adjustment if the lot is smaller than average. Make the most of what you have. Providing privacy for the yard through fencing or landscaping, and making the yard appealing can make a significant difference in your house flip.

Use your imagination when picking a house to flip. Frequently, the most successful projects are the ones that need the most work. If the condition is poor, see if there is a similar nearby house for sale that’s in better condition. Tour the other house for sale to better visualize what is possible in the house you are looking at. Don’t let the poor condition deter you, as long as most of the fixes are cosmetic.

If you suspect structural issues, however, be very careful. Unless you have significant rehab experience, remediation of structural problems can be extremely difficult and costly.

When evaluating whether to buy a property for house flipping purposes, you need to understand what will make your property more interesting than other similar properties for sale in the neighborhood. For the end owner, buying a home can be an extremely emotional decision. You need to figure out what will make someone fall in love with the property. Although high end finishes on the inside are very important, you want to grab the customer at the street, so pay very careful attention to the overall exterior condition and curb appeal of the property.

Do the same research that your buyers will do so you can tailor your project to meet their needs.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (4)Financial Considerations

If you want to know how to choose a house to flip, there’s no way around it- you have to know how to look at the numbers.The financial considerations relevant to your property investment depend on whether you’re renting or flipping a property, and we’ll discuss both scenarios here.

Rental Properties

Some investors decide to rehab a property for the purpose of renting it. Here’s how you can evaluate the financials of these types of investments.

Example Scenario:

The following section details a number of financial equations that can be useful in the decision making process. For the purposes of consistency, all the following equations will use the following figures:

The Cap Rate (Capitalization Rate) is a methodology for figuring out the value of an income property. It is derived by dividing the annual Net Operating Income (NOI) by the purchase price. The resulting number is the Cap Rate. For example, assume that a property is priced at $125,000, and its NOI is $14,000. The cap rate would be 11.2%.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (5)It is easy to determine the sales price of a property, but how do you determine NOI? NOI is calculated by taking the projected gross income from rent on the property (with an allowance for vacancy) and deducting all of the costs associated with that property, including, but not limited to taxes, insurance and maintenance. Only after all of the potential expenses and vacancies are accounted for can a true NOI be derived.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (6)OK, now that you understand how to obtain a cap rate, what does it mean?

It’s a starting place for evaluating market value, if not the profitability of a given deal. It provides a tool for investors to use for roughly valuing a property based on its NOI. A comparatively lower cap rate for a property would indicate less risk associated with the investment (increasing demand for the product), and a comparatively higher cap rate for a property might indicate more risk (reduced demand for the product).

However, cap rates don’t really indicate what the return will be, unless the borrower is paying all cash. It assumes that the income and expense numbers are accurate. Accordingly, when someone is trying to convince you to purchase a property by throwing cap rates out, remember that cap rates are not the best measure for a property that is financed.

If financing the purchase, the price and net cash flow are both used to determine a cap rate, and then that rate is compared to the market cap of similar properties in the area. In this case the cap rate is determined by dividing your property’s annual net cash flow (without deducting your mortgage payments) by your total purchase price. This is used to evaluate the property income only and does not take into consideration how you might choose to finance your acquisition.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (7)Your “pre-tax cash on cash return” on the other hand, does take your financing into consideration. In this equation, you divide the net annual cash flow from the property (after deducting your debt-service payments) by your cash down payment to acquire the property (not the total purchase price).

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (8)In the end, make sure that you understand the analysis and that you are comparing apples to apples. Comparing the cap rate of a property that is a financed to a property that was paid for in cash, is like comparing apples to oranges – it is simply not the same thing.

Property Flip

Other investors choose to rehab a house for the purpose of a quick sale. Here’s how to calculate the financials for those scenarios.

Economic measurements such as cap rate and cash flow are not relevant when looking at a house flip. Instead of a stream of income over an extended amount of time, you must look for income at a single point when the property is sold. The fundamental analysis that needs to be done for a house flip is how much is it going to cost you versus how much are you going to sell it for.

The analysis required is not as easy as it seems, as almost all of the contributing numbers will be speculative. The only thing you will know at the beginning of the project is how much you will pay for it and the associated closing costs. Everything else will be speculation. You can make an educated estimate regarding how much the rehab work will cost, but there is rarely a rehab project without an unexpected expense.

You can think that the project will take six months, and budget accordingly, but if it takes longer, everything costs more. For example, you will need to pay taxes, utilities and insurance for the additional amounts of time, the cost of the financing of the project will continue to accrue each day that the loan goes unpaid.

Lastly, the best you can do to estimate the selling price at the end of the project is to do your homework, but be mindful that houses within a particular neighborhood sell within a range of prices. Rarely do similar homes sell for the exact same amount. Be aware that seasonality can affect home prices and certain times of year are harder months to sell homes in. Typically, prices are highest and homes sell most frequently in the late spring and early summer months while prices are lowest and marketing times are highest in the winter.

Control your costs, do your homework, project conservatively, and finish your rehab in a timely manner, and you are likely to have a successful flip project.

If your lender is telling you there is not enough equity in the rehab project, believe them!

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (10)Follow the Rules

Typically, most rehab lenders will lend between 65 and 70% of ARV (after repaired value). There is a very good reason for that. A house flipper is generally borrowing money on an investment property, with the expectation of making money from the project. If the cost of the property plus rehab exceeds 65 or 70% of the ARV, it is possible that there will not be enough equity in the deal for the investor to make money in the end.

It is important not to forget that in addition to the purchase and rehab, there are closing costs, carrying costs (including, but not limited to, taxes, insurance, mortgage payments and utilities) that will eat into the equity on a daily basis.

Also, remember that properties are not sold for free. When selling the rehab project, you will likely have to pay a real estate agent, transfer taxes, recording fees, etc. Buying, financing and selling a property can add up to 20% to the cost of the project, in addition to the purchase and rehab costs, reducing the 65-70% cost to ARV, to 85-90%, leaving little profit for the flipper.

Follow the advice! Lenders only make money when they make a loan. If your lender is telling you there is not enough equity in the project, believe them! You can always find other properties and choose a better house to flip.

How to Find Houses to Flip | Flipping Houses 101 (2024)


How do people find houses to flip? ›

The key to finding them for your house flip is to work with a realtor who has the inside track on these real estate listings and new rehab homes on the market. You can find them by doing specific internet searches for REO real estate agents and brokers within a specific geographic area.

How much money do you need to start flipping houses? ›

Flipping a house could require several hundred thousand dollars or almost no upfront money of your own at all. Everything from location, to condition, to your credit score can impact how much money is needed to flip a house. And no two flips are exactly alike, which means the cost changes from project to project.

How to flip houses with no experience? ›

Tips to Flip a House with No Experience
  1. Look for the Right Property. You can't start flipping if you don't have the property to flip. ...
  2. Ask For Referrals. Reach out to people and if they're not interested in selling their property, ask them for referrals. ...
  3. Build Your Team. ...
  4. Invest in a Business. ...
  5. Find a Lender. ...
  6. Set a Budget.
Nov 15, 2022

What is the 70% rule in house flipping? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

What is the hardest part about flipping houses? ›

What is the hardest part of flipping a house? Finding the right property (at the right price), budget management and unforeseen structural issues are often considered some of the biggest challenges that house flippers will have to face.

How long does it take to learn flip? ›

If you practice routinely and make sure that you're getting all the moves down correctly, you can learn a flip in approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

What are the red flags when buying a flipped house? ›

Check for obvious mistakes in the renovation.

During the showing, take note of loose outlets, drafty gaps in doors and windows, or fixtures in strange places; these could be red flags when buying a flipped house. It's also a good idea to turn on all the major systems and appliances and ensure they're working properly.

How hard is it to flip houses? ›

Flipping houses is a business that requires knowledge, planning, and savvy to be successful. Common mistakes made by novice real estate investors are underestimating the time or money that the project will require. Another error that house flippers make is overestimating their skills and knowledge.

Is it a good time to flip houses 2023? ›

If you are considering flipping houses in California, HomeLight always encourages you to reach out to an advisor regarding your own situation. Like many other areas in the U.S., the California housing market is seeing a decline in prices, and that decline will likely continue in 2023.

Does flipping a house count as income? ›

Flipping Houses and Capital Gains Rules

Normally, if you purchase a piece of real estate to fix up and sell it at later date, the profit is taxed under the capital gains rules. There are even more favorable rules if the property qualifies as your principal residence.

What is an illegal property flip? ›

A con artist buys a property with the intent to re-sell it an artificially inflated price for a considerable profit, even though they only make minor improvements to it.

What skills do you need to flip houses? ›

The reason that so many house flippers are professional builders and other skilled professionals is because they have the right skills to be able to fix and flip houses. People who already know how to do things like woodworking, plumbing, painting, and so on, will know how to flip a house better than people who don't.

How long does it take to flip a house? ›

The average time it takes to flip a home is around six months. Several factors can affect this, including market fluctuations, asking price, condition of the house, and others.

What is a good profit on a house flip? ›

How much profit should you make on a flip? On average, a rehabber shoots for a 10 to 20% profit of the After Repair Value, but it varies depending on the market and the specific project risks. A 10% profit would be on the lower end, and a 20% profit would be considered a 'home-run' by most rehabber's standards.

What is the 90 flip rule? ›

If you plan to purchase a flipped home with an FHA loan, you must abide by the FHA 90-day flipping rule. This rule states that a person selling a flipped home must own the home for more than 90 days before home buyers can purchase the property.

What is the average profit per house flip? ›

Home-flipping returns by state
State2022 Flipping Gross ProfitPercent Change in ROI
45 more rows
May 8, 2023

What state is best to flip houses? ›

Utah and Missouri establish themselves as the best places to flip houses in terms of low remodeling costs. New Jersey, meanwhile, has the lowest rental vacancy rate. West Virginia boasts the highest homeownership rate in the US and the lowest housing costs.

Is flipping houses a good side hustle? ›

Flipping houses part-time can be a great way to generate extra income on the side while you have a full-time job. It can also allow you to 'dip your toe in the water' to see if flipping houses is for you before you quit your full-time job.

Can you become a millionaire flipping houses? ›

You could make $1 million a year flipping houses, but it is not as simple as it may seem. To run an operation large enough to flip low-margin houses, you will need a team and a lot of help. There are many costs involved that eat into that profit.

Can you flip a house with 10k? ›

You absolutely can. Research your market, come up with a flip strategy (what type of house you will want to purchase, how you plan on finding this property, what area you want to purchase, how you will come up with financing), find the property that fits this strategy, secure the financing, and close on the deal.

How can I flip my house with no money and bad credit? ›

How to Flip a Home with No Money and Bad Credit
  1. Work With a Private Lender. When you have bad credit, a private lender could serve as a great source of funding for investors. ...
  2. Try a Hard Money Lender. ...
  3. Consider a Home Equity Loan. ...
  4. Try Wholesaling. ...
  5. Team Up With Another Flipper. ...
  6. Keep Your Profits With an Experienced Local Agent.
Feb 3, 2023

What type of flip is easier? ›

Backward rotation occurs when your hip joint is opened, so back flip is generally said to be easy and improved than front flip in human history.

Do you need to be strong to do a flip? ›

Strength building is also very important to do the backflip efficiently. The stronger your body is, the more force and power you'll be able to put for the movement onto the ground. Better force and power allow you to effectively complete the flip.

What questions to ask when flipping a house? ›

11 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Flipping Houses
  • Which is more important, purchase price or sales price? ...
  • How will you find the best deals? ...
  • Should you get an inspection? ...
  • Which improvements can you tackle? ...
  • Who's going to help you? ...
  • What's your timeframe — and is it realistic? ...
  • Does the market matter?
Dec 9, 2020

How many houses should you flip a year? ›

It depends on your finances, time management, and the availability of homes in your area. The average real estate investor flips 2 to 7 homes a year. You may flip more or less – depending on your capabilities, experience and time availability. So what determines how many houses you can flip in a year?

What is the down side of flipping houses? ›

Con: Costs

Flipping houses can create cost issues that you don't face with long-term investments. The expenses involved in flipping can demand a lot of money, leading to cash flow problems. Because transaction costs are very high on both the buy and sell sides, they can significantly affect profits.

Is 100k enough to flip a house? ›

$100,000 is plenty for the rehab, closing costs, and other fees that come along with real estate investing. You'll need a hard money lender for the bulk of your project, but you can flip homes for much less than $100,000—even less than $5k when done right.

Why buying real estate in 2023 could be a good idea? ›

Despite what some may think, 2023 is still a good year to invest in real estate, thanks to advantages like long-term appreciation, steady rental income, and the opportunity to hedge against inflation. Mortgage rates are expected to decline, but the housing market is likely to remain competitive due to low supply.

What is the Brrrr method? ›

The BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) Method is a real estate investment approach that involves flipping a distressed property, renting it out and then getting a cash-out refinance on it to fund further rental property investments.

Do flippers pay taxes? ›

In most cases, that would cause the IRS to classify you as a dealer. As a dealer, you have to pay regular income tax on the profit you make from flipping houses. You also pay a self-employment tax of 15.3%.

What occupation is flipping houses? ›

What is House Flipping? House flipping is a term used to describe real estate professionals who buy homes and buildings and renovate them before placing them back on the market to sell.

Can you deduct your own labor when flipping a house? ›

Flipping Expenses and Capital Gains

In terms of the flip itself, expenses the investor has like the cost of materials needed for the actual renovation, and the cost of labor on the property can be deducted.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

2% Rule. The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000.

Can you flip houses without cash? ›

If you want to flip a house without any money, your options are: 0% down loans (for a live-in flip), hard money lenders, private lenders, wholesaling, and seller financing. Read more about how to flip houses when you're strapped for cash.

What is a straw buyer? ›

What Constitutes a Straw Buyer Scheme? Straw buyer schemes typically involve a real estate agent who convinces a person with good credit to buy a home for someone with poor credit and financial problem. The person they buy a home for can be a friend, a family member, a stranger, or even a fictitious individual.

How do I become a full time house flipper? ›

Steps to Become a House Flipper
  1. Set your goals and create a business plan. ...
  2. Establish relationships with contractors, home inspectors, accountants, and attorneys. ...
  3. Decide on a budget and timeline. ...
  4. Scout out the best locations for your budget. ...
  5. Find a real estate agent or become one yourself.

Is it still profitable to flip houses? ›

ATTOM has measured house flipping activity since 2005 and found that the practice was most profitable, in pure dollars, in 2021 — when investors pocketed an average $70,000 per property. Investors profitted the least amount in 2008, racking in a mere $30,000 per flip.

What is the best location for flipping houses? ›

Utah and Missouri establish themselves as the best places to flip houses in terms of low remodeling costs. New Jersey, meanwhile, has the lowest rental vacancy rate. West Virginia boasts the highest homeownership rate in the US and the lowest housing costs.

How common is house flipping? ›

House flips as a percentage of all home sales

In 2022, 407,417 single-family homes and condos were flipped, roughly 8% of all home sales, according to Attom Data. That's the most houses flipped, and the largest percentage of home sales for flips in a single year, since Attom began collecting such data in 2005.

What is illegal house flipping? ›

A con artist buys a property with the intent to re-sell it an artificially inflated price for a considerable profit, even though they only make minor improvements to it.

What is the average profit on a flip? ›

How much profit should you make on a flip? On average, a rehabber shoots for a 10 to 20% profit of the After Repair Value, but it varies depending on the market and the specific project risks. A 10% profit would be on the lower end, and a 20% profit would be considered a 'home-run' by most rehabber's standards.

How much money does the average house flipper make? ›

The short answer

According to our house-flipping research, there were over 407,000 single-family homes and condos flipped in 2022. The average gross profit on a flip last year was $67,900. This equals a return on investment of 26.9%.

How many houses does the average house flipper flip? ›

It depends on your finances, time management, and the availability of homes in your area. The average real estate investor flips 2 to 7 homes a year. You may flip more or less – depending on your capabilities, experience and time availability.

Where is the best place to flip houses in 2023? ›

Top 5 Cities To Flip Houses In 2023
  • 1) Atlanta, GA. Atlanta is a top city for flipping houses due to its growing economy and increased housing demand. ...
  • 2) Hartford, CT. ...
  • 3) El Paso, TX. ...
  • 4) Jacksonville, Florida. ...
  • 5) Charlotte, NC.
Mar 13, 2023

Is it hard to get into flipping houses? ›

Flipping houses is a business that requires knowledge, planning, and savvy to be successful. Common mistakes made by novice real estate investors are underestimating the time or money that the project will require. Another error that house flippers make is overestimating their skills and knowledge.

How long does it usually take to flip a house? ›

The average time it takes to flip a home is around six months. Several factors can affect this, including market fluctuations, asking price, condition of the house, and others.

What are the red flags for property flips? ›

(Illegal) Property Flips

Some of the following red flags may occur in flips: Ownership changes two or more times in a brief period of time with the property value increasing significantly. Two or more closings occur almost simultaneously. The seller has owned the property for only a short time.

Why house flipping is bad? ›

House flipping has some serious downsides

Here are just a few reasons you might want to steer clear: You'll need a lot of money to flip houses: You need to spend money up front to purchase the home, to buy materials and pay laborers to fix up the property, and to pay carrying costs such as property taxes and insurance.

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.