How to Finance Foreign Real Estate (2024)

If you are in the market to buy real estate abroad, chances are you won’t be able to secure a local mortgage to finance the property. Even in places where mortgage lending exists, the terms may be far less favorable than you would typically find at home. Depending on the country, you could pay a higher interest rate and a much larger down payment—30%, 40%, or even 50% of the property’s value. Also, you might be required to take out a life insurance policy for the mortgage amount, naming the bank as the beneficiary. Depending on the country—and how old you are—this could be a deal-breaker since insurers in some countries place upper age limits on who can take out a life insurance policy.

Since mortgages generally aren’t available to U.S. buyers overseas—and most U.S. banks won’t lend for purchases abroad—what are some alternatives if you want to buy a home in a foreign country? Here, we look at three ways to finance your foreign real estate purchase.

Key Takeaways

  • Purchasing real estate overseas, as a vacation home or an investment property, is achievable and can help diversify a broader asset portfolio.
  • Mortgages are not always available for foreign borrowers, so cash or funds from investment accounts may be your best option.
  • Each country will have its own rules and laws that apply to foreigners buying property, so be sure to check local regulations before diving in.


They say cash is king, and this can certainly be true when buying property abroad. Not only will you be able to close the deal faster, but you will also likely get the best price through discounts or upgrades—or both.

In general, paying cash is recommended only if the property in question is already built—and not in the pre-construction stage. If you pay cash upfront for something that’s not built yet, there is always the risk that the developer might run out of money or have some other problem that would delay or prevent project completion. In these situations, it could be challenging, or at least time-consuming, to get your money back.

Developer Financing

Depending on the country, you may qualify for developer financing if you purchase a lot, home site, or pre-construction property in a development. Developer financing typically involves little paperwork, and there are no age restrictions or life insurance requirements. Another perk is that sometimes, developer financing is interest-free.

With one type of developer financing, you make payments on fixed dates, such as 10% when you sign the purchase agreement, 10% after six months, another 10% after 12 months, and the balance when the project is complete. Rather than fixed dates, another arrangement has you make payments according to construction stages, such a paying 10% down, 20% when the foundation is complete, 20% after the first floor is complete, etc. With another type of developer financing, you make regular payments each month. If you purchase a $50,000 lot in Costa Rica, for example, you might pay something like $1,200 each month for four years, depending on the interest rate, if applicable.

Self-Directed IRA

If you have your sights set on a house overseas and plan on using it solely as a rental or investment property, you may be able to use funds from your self-directed IRA to make the purchase. The IRS does not specify which types of investments are allowed in a self-directed IRA and only states what is not, including collectibles (e.g., artwork, stamps, and antiques), certain coins, and life insurance.

Unlike traditional IRAs, wherein investment options are typically limited to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, funds from a self-directed IRA can be invested in a broader set of assets, including real estate—either at home or abroad. Because the property must be treated as a real estate investment, you won’t be able to live in the home until you are old enough to start receiving distributions from the account. You can’t use it for vacations either, and if you try to circumvent the law by renting it to yourself, the IRS will not be happy. While waiting for retirement, however, you can use your self-directed IRA funds to pay for the property and any expenses related to maintenance.

Tax laws are complicated and change periodically. It’s always a good idea to work with a qualified tax specialist and/or real estate attorney to ensure you understand both the risks and implications of investing in foreign real estate with your self-directed IRA.

Rules, Laws, and Extra Fees

If you buy land abroad, keep in mind that transaction costs may add quite a bit to the overall cost of the property. One of the more considerable fees is a transfer fee or stamp duty: a tax levied by many countries that can add more than 10% to the sales price. You might also pay an attorney, notary, and registration fees, plus your share of the real estate agent’s commission.

Before buying any property overseas, it’s important to check the local laws to ensure you are even allowed to buy real estate. Even if you can buy real estate in a specific country, there might be limitations on the type(s) of property foreigners can buy. In the Philippines, for example, you can buy a unit in a condominium project—as long as 60% of the units are owned by Filipinos. Foreigners, however, generally aren’t able to own a house or land.

There may also be rules regarding what happens if you want to sell the property. In Malaysia, for example, foreigners are welcome to buy property, but if they ever sell it, the money has to be kept in a Malaysian bank account.

Reverse Mortgage

Areverse mortgagecan be a good way for seniors to access equity invested in a home, but the rules and regulations can vary based on your geography. With a reverse mortgage, a homeowner who is age 62 or older and has considerablehome equitycan borrow against the value of their home and receive funds as a lump sum, a fixed monthly payment, or a line of credit.

For example, reverse mortgages are available in both the U.S. and Canada—with some small differences in how these work in the two countries. Canada’s age limit for a reverse mortgage is 55, whereas it’s 62 in the U.S. Canada allows you to borrow up to 55% of your home’s value, whereas in the U.S., the maximum amount that you can borrow depends on the age of the youngest borrower as well as interest rates. If you think you may want a reverse mortgage in the future, check the local laws.

The Bottom Line

When purchasing a home overseas, it is of the utmost importance to ensure the transaction is conducted in a manner that will protect your property rights. In the United States, homebuyers receive title to the property; however, this distinction is not as clear in every country. Consulting a qualified real estate professional and an attorney will help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible, your property rights are protected, and all necessary paperwork is completed.

How to Finance Foreign Real Estate (2024)


How to Finance Foreign Real Estate? ›

Yes, you can get a mortgage for a property in another country. The bank or lender will need to have an overseas presence in order to assist you with getting an international mortgage.

Can I get a loan for international real estate? ›

Yes, you can get a mortgage for a property in another country. The bank or lender will need to have an overseas presence in order to assist you with getting an international mortgage.

Do US banks do international mortgages? ›

Since mortgages generally aren't available to U.S. buyers overseas—and most U.S. banks won't lend for purchases abroad—what are some alternatives if you want to buy a home in a foreign country? Here, we look at three ways to finance your foreign real estate purchase.

Can I use my 401k to buy a house overseas? ›

Use Your Retirement Accounts

If you have funds in a 401(k) plan or private retirement account, you may use that cash to buy property overseas.

How do I transfer money to buy property overseas? ›

Use a foreign exchange (Forex) brokers like World First, Venstar Exchange, USForex Money Transfer. Unlike banks, Forex brokers often have lower exchange fees and better exchange rates. Some of the other benefits that may be offered include no hidden charges or fees, and potential savings of up to 2-3% on average.

Can you take mortgage interest on foreign property? ›

Can I Deduct Mortgage Interest on My Foreign Property? Yes. The same rules apply whether the home is in the U.S. or abroad. You can deduct mortgage interest on the first $750,000 ($375,000 if married filing separately) of mortgage debt on your first or second home.

Who gives international loans? ›

The IMF offers various types of loans that are tailored to countries' different needs and specific circ*mstances. Loans to low-income countries carry a zero interest rate.

Can I get a loan in the US to buy a house in Mexico? ›

Global Mortgage (MoXi) provides financing to US citizens on Mexican real estate. To apply, fill out the form on this page. Global Mortgage (MoXi) offers U.S. citizens sound and secure cross-border mortgage financing for purchasing destination real property in Mexico or for refinancing an existing mortgage.

How to buy a house in a different country? ›

Individual countries have the right to place restrictions on non-citizens who want to own properties. Even if the country you're interested in allows foreigners to buy homes, you may be required to obtain special residence permits or register with a government agency before you can complete a home purchase.

Which U.S. banks allow foreign address? ›

Large banks

You may think all banks are out of the question for non-residents. However, larger banks such as US Bank, TD Bank, Bank of America, Chase, and Wells Fargo will allow non-residents to set up a checking account and a savings account.

What happens to my 401K when I leave the USA? ›

Under most circ*mstances, approved overseas withdrawals from a 401(k) or U.S. pensions are still taxed as income, albeit they're treated as unearned income—meaning you won't be able to claim them under the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. However, there are many tax treaties between the U.S. and other countries.

Can I use my Roth IRA to buy a house abroad? ›

Unless you are ready to withdraw the entire property from the IRA, and pay taxes on the transaction, you, nor any disqualified person to your IRA can physically stay in the property; even if market rent is paid. You cannot use an IRA to own your own vacation home overseas.

Can I buy a foreign property with an IRA? ›

Investing in real estate outside of the United States is entirely possible with a self-directed IRA. For some investors, this can be a smart way to diversify their retirement savings and tap into a specific network or the experience they may have in a foreign market.

Do I have to report foreign real estate to IRS? ›

Yes, you must report foreign properties on your U.S. tax return just like you would report any owned U.S. property. To do that, you first need to know what type of ownership you have because it affects what tax forms you must file.

Do I pay taxes on selling a property in a foreign country and getting the money in the United States? ›

The U.S. taxes you on any income you earn, whether it's earned in the U.S. or another country. So if you owned a home or property in another country, and then sold that home for a profit, you'll need to report the sale just as you would if it were located in the U.S.

Do I have to pay tax on money transferred to overseas? ›

Money transfers may be taxed if they are related to an overseas property transaction, a foreign investment, an inheritance, or a gift exceeding a certain threshold.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on foreign property? ›

That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds: $500,000 – if you're married filing jointly. $250,000 – if you use any other filing status.

Can you have two primary residences for tax purposes? ›

No, you cannot legally have two primary residences. Even if you split your time equally between two places or in between places while relocating for work, the IRS requires you list one property as a primary residence while filing taxes.

What are the tax benefits of owning a second home? ›

One of the biggest tax benefits of owning a second home is that you can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on your federal income taxes. This can amount to significant savings over time, particularly if you have a high-interest rate mortgage.

What is an IMF loan? ›

IMF financing is meant to help member countries tackle balance of payments problems, stabilize their economies, and restore sustainable economic growth. Unlike development banks, the IMF does not lend for specific projects.

What organization provides loans to all countries? ›

The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries.

What is an international lender? ›

International Lending Agencies are supranational organizations that provide financing in order to benefit the public. They provide loans, credits, grants technical assistance, and advisory services to borrowers.

What is cross border loans? ›

Cross-border financing refers to domestic borrowers' action of borrowing money (in local or foreign currencies) from non-resident entities across the border.

Can a US citizen get a loan in another country? ›

Yes, American expats abroad can take out a personal loan. However, some limitations or restrictions can make the process difficult. For example, a U.S bank account is a must-have for taking out an international personal loan.

Can you own a house in Mexico and live in the US? ›

It is perfectly legal for foreigners to buy & own Mexican real estate. Beyond the somewhat tedious process of setting up a bank trust (fideicomiso), buying property in Mexico as an American or Canadian is fairly straightforward.

Can Americans buy land in any country? ›

Foreigners may not own property within six miles of international borders, as well as on some islands and in certain waterfront areas. Otherwise, there are few restrictions on non-citizens buying real estate.

Can I buy a house in Italy as an American? ›

There are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy properties in Italy. However, the Italian authorities have the power of making some verifications of criminal records and other aspects.

Can I sell my house and move to another country? ›

Yes. You can sell your US home while living in another country. However, selling your home while overseas can present some unique challenges—and complications for your expat tax return. Before you start the process, it's always a good idea to know what to expect.

Which U.S. Bank has most international branches? ›

Bank of America

With operations in more than 35 countries around the world including Spain, Germany, and Japan, they are able to provide services to a worldwide customer base. The bank offers a suite of financial products including, but not limited to, commercial banking, investment banking, and consumer banking.

Can a US citizen have an international bank account? ›

It's 100% legal for US citizens to have foreign bank accounts. You just need to tell the IRS and report it properly. In fact, we've found hundreds of banks still willing to accept US clients.

What is the best bank for expats in the US? ›

Charles Schwab Bank is a great bank for American expats and for US travelers. What is this? This traditional bank tends to be the number one choice for Americans due to the many attractive features of its checking account. For example, Charles Schwab Bank refunds international ATM fees!

What happens to my 401k if I move internationally? ›

If you do choose to transfer funds from a U.S. Qualified Plan to a foreign retirement plan, it will be neither be tax free nor will it count as a qualified rollover. This means moving your 401(k) to an international fund will result in U.S. tax liability and possibly the 10% penalty for an early withdrawal.

What should I do with my 401k if I move to another country? ›

If you're a nonresident with a 401(k) and are planning to return to your home country, you can cash out the account, roll it over into an IRA, or leave the funds where they are until you turn 59½ and can start taking penalty-free withdrawals.

What happens to my IRA if I move to another country? ›

Yes, a U.S. citizen living abroad can have both a traditional and/or Roth IRA. The restrictions only come with making contributions—so, if you had an existing IRA before you moved abroad, you don't have to get rid of it or transfer assets, but you may not be able to add to it while you're overseas.

Is international in Roth or taxable? ›

Do I pay taxes on foreign dividends in my Roth IRA? Again, it depends. The dividends that you receive on investments in your Roth IRA are not normally taxed. However, if you invest overseas, then the country where the stock is held may withhold tax on your dividend income.

Do you pay foreign taxes in Roth IRA? ›

Foreign taxes in retirement accounts

That is, when you eventually withdraw funds from your account, you'll be taxed on the net amount only. If you have a Roth IRA, the situation is a bit different. Withdrawals from Roth accounts are tax-free, so you won't benefit from the foreign taxes you paid.

Can a US citizen living abroad contribute to an IRA? ›

Yes. US citizens living overseas can maintain both traditional and Roth IRAs. However, there are restrictions on who can make contributions. This means that while you won't have to dissolve or transfer your IRA assets while living abroad, you may not be able to add to them either.

Should you keep foreign stocks out of your IRA? ›

Whether to put a foreign stock fund inside an IRA or a taxable account also depends on the nature of the fund. If you own a high-turnover foreign-stock fund, for example, that will be a bad bet for a taxable account no matter what.

What type of real estate can be held in an IRA? ›

With a truly self-directed IRA, you aren't limited to stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. You can purchase real estate assets ranging from residential and commercial properties to raw land, mobile homes, and more as alternative investments for your IRA.

How does the IRS know if you have a foreign bank account? ›

Through FATCA, the IRS receives account numbers, balances, names, addresses, and identification numbers of account holders. Americans with foreign accounts must also submit Form 8938 to the IRS in addition to the largely redundant FBAR form.

Does IRS know about my foreign income? ›

Yes, if you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien living outside the United States, your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you live. However, you may qualify for certain foreign earned income exclusions and/or foreign income tax credits.

Can I deduct mortgage interest on a foreign property? ›

Can I Deduct Mortgage Interest on My Foreign Property? Yes. The same rules apply whether the home is in the U.S. or abroad.

Do I have to pay US taxes if I sell a foreign property that I inherited? ›

As with any type of income, even if you don't owe taxes to the IRS, you still have to report the income to the agency. In a tax year in which you sold an inherited foreign property, you must report the sale on Schedule D of IRS Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

What is capital gains tax on 200000? ›

= $
Single TaxpayerMarried Filing JointlyCapital Gain Tax Rate
$0 – $44,625$0 – $89,2500%
$44,626 – $200,000$89,251 – $250,00015%
$200,001 – $492,300$250,001 – $553,85015%
Jan 11, 2023

What IRS form for sale of foreign property? ›

About Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets | Internal Revenue Service.

How much money can I transfer without being flagged? ›

A person may voluntarily file Form 8300 to report a suspicious transaction below $10,000. In this situation, the person doesn't let the customer know about the report. The law prohibits a person from informing a payer that it marked the suspicious transaction box on the Form 8300.

How much foreign income is tax free in USA? ›

If you're an expat and you qualify for a Foreign Earned Income Exclusion from your U.S. taxes, you can exclude up to $108,700 or even more if you incurred housing costs in 2021. (Exclusion is adjusted annually for inflation). For your 2022 tax filing, the maximum exclusion is $112,000 of foreign earned income.

Do wire transfers over $10000 get reported to the IRS? ›

What is the law regarding wire transfers and the IRS? Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970, financial institutions are required to report certain transactions to the IRS. This includes wire transfers over $10,000, which are subject to reporting under the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act (31 U.S.C.

Can a US citizen own property in another country? ›

Owning Foreign Real Estate as an Individual

United States citizens should note that they must file Form 8938 if they have significant assets outside of the United States, yet foreign real estate is not required to be reported.

Can I get a loan in the U.S. to buy a house in Mexico? ›

Global Mortgage (MoXi) provides financing to US citizens on Mexican real estate. To apply, fill out the form on this page. Global Mortgage (MoXi) offers U.S. citizens sound and secure cross-border mortgage financing for purchasing destination real property in Mexico or for refinancing an existing mortgage.

Do foreign real estate investors pay US taxes? ›

Upon sale of real property, the foreign investor will be subject to FIRPTA withholding tax at the rate of 15% of the total sale price (not on gain realized from sale) subject to certain exceptions. FIRPTA tax must be withheld from the purchase price by the buyer and is treated as an advance payment of U.S. taxes.

Do I have to declare foreign property to IRS? ›

Yes, you must report foreign properties on your U.S. tax return just like you would report any owned U.S. property.

Do I have to report sale of foreign property to IRS? ›

You have to report the sale of foreign property to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when you sell it, just as you would any other sale of property in the U.S.

Do I pay taxes on foreign assets? ›

File FBAR. A US person, as mentioned above, must file FBAR when they have a financial interest or authority over a financial account located outside the United States. However, they will only need to file if the foreign accounts exceed $10,000 at any time during the calendar year they are filing taxes for.

How can I avoid capital gains tax on foreign property in USA? ›

That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds: $500,000 – if you're married filing jointly. $250,000 – if you use any other filing status.

What percentage of US real estate is foreign owned? ›

Foreign buyers living in the U.S. made up the lion's share of investors, buying $34.1 billion worth of U.S. homes — or 58% of the volume.

Can a retired American move to Italy? ›

While a visa is unnecessary if you're merely visiting Italy from the U.S., you'll need to apply for one in order to gain permanent residency. You will also have to provide proof of sufficient retirement funds with which you can support yourself.

How long can I stay in Italy if I own a property? ›

An Italian residence permit by investment is valid for 2 years. The status can then be renewed for 3 years, provided that the minimum investment is kept. A new Nulla Osta is needed for the renewal. After the renewal, the investor can apply for permanent residency in Italy.

Can a US citizen live full time in Italy? ›

Americans must have an entrance visa which should be obtained at an Italian consulate before coming to Italy, in order to remain in Italy more than three months and gain resident status. This procedure will take several weeks to complete so it is advisable to apply well in advance of the departure date.

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