How to earn GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online: A beginner's guide to making money (2024)

Once players finally take that leap of faith from Story Mode to GTA Online, they are immediately bombarded with all sorts of things they can do in the game. While it's always good to have many avenues to explore, it can get pretty overwhelming, especially when starting in GTA Online.

The tutorial gives players a decent enough rundown of the game's basic mechanics and Contact Missions. Past that point, gamers have full rein of GTA Online and can do as they please to move up in the world.

It doesn't take long to realize that it might just be too much too quickly, as players jump into various game modes and come away with not much to show. Therefore, here's a look at how to go about making the first million in GTA Online relatively quickly.

Earning GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online for beginners

#1 - Contact Missions and Heists

How to earn GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online: A beginner's guide to making money (1)

Right off the bat, players must forget about buying expensive cars and things of that sort. Here are a few essential items players should spend their money on:

  1. Armored Kuruma (Purchase after completing a couple of Heists. Makes Contact Missions much easier)
  2. Special Carbine
  3. Armour for missions and Heists
  4. Snacks

Gamers can unlock the discounted price on the Armored Kuruma by playing through the Fleeca Job. They can do that by joining another player's Heist or hosting one as a Leader by buying a High-End Apartment.

Contact Missions ensure that players can ease themselves into it by doing the missions first on lower difficulties then eventually moving up for higher payouts. Gerald's Contact Missions are a great way to make quick and easy bucks in GTA Online right from the start.

#2 - Essential Properties

How to earn GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online: A beginner's guide to making money (2)

The next part of the process sees players investing in properties to ensure regular income in GTA Online. These are few properties that should be easy to come by and guarantee great returns:

  1. High-End Apartments (For the initial Heists)
  2. MC Clubhouse (Clubhouse and the MC Business is an excellent way to make passive income in GTA Online)

For the first few weeks in GTA Online, players should stay well clear of exorbitant purchases like the Buzzard and the Oppressor MKII. These are reserved for when players have a solid footing in the game.

This should be enough to ensure they make a quick million in the game right off the bat. The key is to do Contact Missions and Heists in GTA Online and have enough money to start hosting Heists as a Leader.

After which, players must ensure steady passive income through businesses available for the MC. All of this combined will provide them with a solid foundation in GTA Online.

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How to earn GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online: A beginner's guide to making money (2024)


How to earn GTA$1 million quickly in GTA Online: A beginner's guide to making money? ›

There's no money cheat code in GTA 5. The developers from Rockstar like us to have some fun with cheating, but they have not given us a way to make a ton of free cash which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single player and multiplayer, there's no GTA money cheat for either.

What is the easiest way to make 1 million dollars in GTA Online? ›

GTA Online: Here's how to make millions in multiplayer game
  1. Begin a business with high potential and minimal investment. ...
  2. Agency Property. ...
  3. Unlock the Cayo Perico Heist by acquiring Kosatka Submarine. ...
  4. Establish a Bunker for Additional Income. ...
  5. Invest in an Aircraft Hangar for Long-Term Profit.
Feb 21, 2023

How to cheat money in GTA 5? ›

There's no money cheat code in GTA 5. The developers from Rockstar like us to have some fun with cheating, but they have not given us a way to make a ton of free cash which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single player and multiplayer, there's no GTA money cheat for either.

What is the fastest way to get rich in GTA? ›

This means it's now up to you if you want to take the safer route, or risk confrontations with other players for greater rewards.
  1. Heists. Potential profits: $400k per hour. ...
  2. Special & Vehicle Cargo. ...
  3. Auto Shop Robbery Contracts. ...
  4. Agency Security Contracts. ...
  5. Payphone hits. ...
  6. VIP Work. ...
  7. Gunrunning/Motorcycle Club. ...
  8. Time Trials.
Feb 13, 2023

What is the infinite money cheat in GTA 5? ›


No button cheat or cell phone command exists to spawn money into your account in single-player or GTA Online.

What is the most money per hour in GTA Online? ›

Heists are the biggest money spinners in GTA Online but can take time and effort to complete in an efficient manner.
Heists – $400,000 per hour, depending on difficulty
  • Cash has a max payout of $2,115,000.
  • Artwork is $2,350,000.
  • Gold is a slight step up at $2,585,000.
  • Diamonds can get you a maximum of $3,619,000.
Jan 17, 2022

How can I make money in one hour? ›

  1. Online Focus Groups or Surveys. A great way to make some extra money and do so in 30 minutes to an hour is by filling out surveys online. ...
  2. Be a Virtual Assistant. ...
  3. Babysitting. ...
  4. Sell or Resell Items of Value. ...
  5. Review Your Recurring Bills. ...
  6. Rent Out Your Recreational Equipment or Pool. ...
  7. Become an Online Tutor or Translator.
Mar 30, 2023

Is there hidden money in GTA Online? ›

Each briefcase contains a hefty amount of cash that can be collected many times. Eleven of the cases are hidden underwater near crashed objects such as ships, planes, automobiles, and even boats. The briefcase can be reached by either taking the Dinghy or Minisub and equipping the complimentary Scuba diving gear.

Does GTA give money every month? ›

There are a few permanent GTA+ benefits that members can make use of in GTA Online, such as the perk surrounding extra cash when purchasing Shark Cards, or the bonus GTA$ given each month as a thank you for being a member.

How do you cheat and get money on GTA 5 story mode? ›

While there are dozens of cheat codes for GTA 5, there is no money cheat in story mode or GTA Online. It is impossible to get unlimited money using any kind of cheat.

Where is the bank you rob in GTA? ›

The Pacific Standard Bank In GTA Online

At the intersection of Alta Street and Vinewood Boulevard in Downtown Vinewood, Los Santos. The Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank is the prime target during the final Grand Theft Auto Online heist DLC.

What happens if you rob all the stores on GTA? ›

Robbing all the stores earns the player the Stick Up Kid achievement/trophy and the Armed Robber award, with unlocks all variations of the "Clown with gun" back tattoo (award and tattoo progression incremented at 5, 10, 15 and 20 robberies).

What are secret cheats GTA 5? ›

GTA V PC Cheats
  • PAINKILLER: Become invincible for five minutes.
  • TOOLUP: Get all weapons.
  • TURTLE: Full health and armour.
  • POWERUP: Recharge special ability.
  • CATCHME: Fast run.
  • GOTGILLS: Fast swim.
  • HOPTOIT: Jump higher.
  • FUGITIVE: Raise wanted level.
Oct 17, 2022

What is the best GTA 5 cheat code? ›

Try them out for yourself!
  • Change Weather: MAKEITRAIN.
  • Director Mode: JRTALENT.
  • Drunk Mode: LIQUOR.
  • Explosive Ammo Rounds: HIGHEX.
  • Explosive Melee Attacks: HOTHANDS.
  • Fast Run: CATCHME.
  • Fast Swim: GOTGILLS.
  • Flaming Bullets: INCENDIARY.
Mar 9, 2023

What are some GTA 5 cheats numbers? ›

GTA 5 Cell Phone Cheats
  • Drunk Mode: 1-999-547-861 (1-999-LIQUOR) ...
  • Fast Run: 1-999-228-2463 (1-999-CATCH-ME) ...
  • Fast Swim: 1-999-468-44557 (1-999-GOT-GILLS) ...
  • Recharge Ability: 1-999-769-3787 (1-999-POWER-UP) ...
  • Skyfall: 1-999-759-3255 (1-999-SKY-FALL) ...
  • Bigfoot (Sasquatch) Mode: Click here to read the instructions.
Mar 7, 2023

What in GTA gives you the most money? ›

We've picked out our selection for five of the best paying missions in GTA Online:
  • Trash Talk.
  • Pier Pressure.
  • Rooftop Rumble.
  • Judging the Jury.
  • Blow Up.
Jan 24, 2023

What business makes the most money in GTA 5 Online? ›

Best GTA Online Businesses: Arcade

Starting off, the Arcade is one of the most profitable businesses in GTA Online. The Arcade will net you some nice pocket money each day, but the real reason to go this route is the opportunity created for Heists.

When should I invest in GTA 5? ›

In order to learn how to master the stock market and buy everything in the game, the principles are simple: buy stock when it's low and sell it at a profit when it increases. You can filter stocks by average change percentages, and monitor their performance over time.

What to buy to get rich in GTA 5? ›

GTA Online: Businesses You Need To Buy To Get Rich
  • The Agency: General Tips. ...
  • Hangar: General Tips. ...
  • Vehicle Warehouse: General Tips. ...
  • Bunker: General Tips. ...
  • Counterfeit Cash Factory: General Tips. ...
  • Meth Lab: General Tips. ...
  • Cocaine Lockup: General Tips. ...
  • Crates Warehouse: General Tips.
Nov 18, 2022

How to get rich fast? ›

The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts
  1. Avoid (and Pay Down) Debt. Debt is not necessarily bad in all instances, but it is something to be avoided most of the time. ...
  2. Spend Intentionally and Minimize Costs. ...
  3. Invest as Much as Possible in a Diversified Portfolio. ...
  4. Work On Your Career. ...
  5. Find Extra Work.

What is the best solo money method in GTA 5? ›

Franklin Clinton's Payphone Hits are one of the best freemode missions for solo players to grind for quick profits. These are assassination missions in GTA Online that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Rockstar Games offers eight Payphone Hits, six of which can be completed alone.

Do GTA money glitches work? ›

The Xbox One and PS4 ports of GTA Online have a very handy Frozen Money Glitch that essentially allows players to buy whatever they want at no cost. As the name of the exploit implies, players don't actually lose cash performing it. However, they still need some money to get started.

How do you get unlimited invincibility in GTA 5? ›

  4. Cell Phone: 1-999-724-654-5537.
May 5, 2022

Is Cayo Perico or Diamond Casino better? ›

The most profitable GTA Online heist is currently the Cayo Perico heist, but the Diamond Casino heist offers the second best payout and shouldn't be sniffed at. It's also a fairly enjoyable heist and we think it's definitely worth doing even now in 2022. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

How to get $10 million in Diamond Casino Heist? ›

And when a teammate dies, can you just restart that mission you failed or do you have to restart the entire thing? The 10 million dollar reward is to complete ALL heists with the same people, don't lose any lives, play on hard difficulty, and complete the elite bonus challenges for the heist.

Is Cayo Perico heist worth it? ›

Overall, the best GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist Solo Payout you can earn is $2,688,788. This is assuming players steal the Panther Statue, with gold as their secondary target, and grab the extra $100,000 from El Rubio's safe.

How to get free cash? ›

  1. How To Get Free Money. ...
  2. Get Bank Rewards or Stock Bonuses. ...
  3. Earn Credit Card Bonuses. ...
  4. Take Advantage of Your Employer's 401(k) Match. ...
  5. Refer Your Friends. ...
  6. Search for Unclaimed Money. ...
  7. Apply for Grants and Scholarships. ...
  8. Sell Your Old Devices.
Apr 3, 2023

How can I make $1000 in 24 hours? ›

10 Legit Ways to Make $1,000 in 24 Hours
  1. Sell Your Stuff.
  2. Freelance.
  3. Get a Side Hustle or Part-Time Job.
  4. Start a Blog.
  5. Start an E-Commerce Store.
  6. Invest in Real Estate.
  7. Set up Passive Income Streams.
  8. Make Money Online.
Mar 22, 2023

How can I make $200 a day fast? ›

Top 25 Ways to Make $200 a Day
  1. Take Online Surveys.
  2. Invest.
  3. Deliver food.
  4. Drive for Uber and Lyft.
  5. Freelance on Fiverr or Upwork.
  6. Pet Sit.
  7. Babysit.
  8. Be an Airbnb Host.

Where are the hidden cars in GTA 5? ›

Secret Vehicles Locations
Vehicle NameSpawn Location
DinghySonar Collection Docks
P-996 Lazer (Fighter Jet)Fort Zancudo
Park Ranger SUVBehind Vinewood sign parked in a utility lot/Bolingbroke Penitentiary
Unmarked Police CruiserUnderneath the Olympic Fwy. parked at the Metro Station in Strawberry. Only spawns at night.
10 more rows
Sep 30, 2013

What happens if a hacker gives you money GTA? ›

First of all, getting money dropped on you won't get you banned, and it has never caused false bans. Another misconception is that whether or not you bank the cash actually matters.

How much does GTA give you? ›

Being a GTA+ Member gets you a recurring monthly GTA$500,000 direct deposit to your Maze Bank account, plus the opportunity to claim properties in and around Los Santos that unlock gameplay updates you may have missed out on, special vehicle upgrades, Member-only discounts, GTA$ and RP bonuses, and more each month.

Has GTA 6 been confirmed? ›

Is GTA 6 actually coming out? Yes, Grand Theft Auto 6 was officially announced by Rockstar Games in February 2022 and is in active development.

How to make a million dollars fast in GTA 5 Online? ›

GTA Online: Here's how to make millions in multiplayer game
  1. Begin a business with high potential and minimal investment. ...
  2. Agency Property. ...
  3. Unlock the Cayo Perico Heist by acquiring Kosatka Submarine. ...
  4. Establish a Bunker for Additional Income. ...
  5. Invest in an Aircraft Hangar for Long-Term Profit.
Feb 21, 2023

How much is 1 GTA day? ›

One of the major differences in the HD Universe is that time now moves at a rate of one in-game minute for every two real-life seconds. Therefore, one in-game hour is now two real-life minutes and one in-game day is now 48 real-life minutes.

What is the fastest way to make the most money GTA Online? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist is undoubtedly the best and fastest way to make a lot of money in GTA Online. By employing a stealth-based approach, the main heist can be completed within minutes and reward players with over $1,000,000. However, the setup missions can take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete.

What brings in the most money in GTA Online? ›

Heist groups who have a Gunrunning Bunker running while they breeze through Pacific Standard, or solo players who artfully juggle Vehicle Cargo, VIP Work, and a Gunrunning Bunker, can all earn in the region of $500k per hour.

How do you get money in GTA 5 for beginners? ›

  1. How to Earn Money in GTA 5.
  2. General Money Saving Tips and Tricks.
  3. Assassinations Missions Offer Great Compensation.
  4. Try Your Luck at Investing in Stocks.
  5. Rob ATMs for Some Quick Cash.
  6. Small Time Shenanigans for Big Bucks.
  7. Compete in Street Races for Quick and Easy Income.
  8. Saving is Earning.
Oct 12, 2022

What is the most profitable GTA Online job? ›

We've picked out our selection for five of the best paying missions in GTA Online:
  • Trash Talk.
  • Pier Pressure.
  • Rooftop Rumble.
  • Judging the Jury.
  • Blow Up.
Jan 24, 2023

What is the most passive income in GTA 5 Online? ›

1) Nightclub

The easiest way to generate the most amount of passive money in GTA Online involves the Nightclub. Players can earn up to $50,000 per in-game day with this method. That's not even counting any potential Nightclub Warehouse stock being created for a Sell Mission down the line.

What is the max money per day GTA? ›

Patient players can still grind any moneymaker they enjoy in GTA 5. It will take much longer, but the method the player chooses won't artificially lower the maximum cap of $2,147,483,647.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.