How To Earn 10K a Month in Singapore in 2023: 17 Ways To Earn Now? (2024)

Most creators have misconceptions about growing an income. For example, many believe that you have to stick to one and only one income stream to hit your income goal.

If you’re feeling stuck at the moment on your journey to S$10K months, maybe you need to try a few different income-producing tactics.

As a matter of fact, many successful content creators have more than one income stream.

In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • 17 ways to earn S$10k if you’re in Singapore.
  • How to earn S$10k FAQ.

Note: Are you a creative person who likes working with brands and suggesting great products to your audience? Creatory is for you. Using our platform, you can start earning money regardless of your audience size. Try Creatory now.

17 ways to make 10k a month in Singapore

As a content creator, you’re building relationships with a growing community that comes to you for help with your niche areas of expertise.

And so, your income potential is only limited by what you can offer and what your audience is ready and willing to buy.

For instance, you could:

  • Promote popular brands and purchase rewards your audience already wants on the Creatory platform.
  • Recommend other businesses’ products for a commission.
  • Create and sell digital or physical products your audience wants.
  • Sell your professional content creation services (writing, video editing, etc.) to other businesses.
  • Find companies who want to sell their products to your audience (sponsored content).
  • Give paid advice and coaching on content creation, content plans, sales campaigns, and other valuable skills you’ve learned.

But that's not all; here is a list of 17 things you can do to make your way up to S$10k per month.

Earn income doing affiliate marketing

1. Use Creatory to collaborate with big brands

Creatory is a self-service monetisation platform with big-name brands your audience already knows and trusts.

You can start promoting products your audience needs and wants even if you have a small niche audience.

  • No waiting for brand collaborations. If you’re having a tough time getting brands to work with you, you can start monetising your content with our platform. We already work with new content creators and seasoned veterans in many different niches.
  • Higher-than-average commissions. You don’t need hundreds of clicks or sales to make a decent income with our product offers. We negotiate fair commissions, so you can earn more with a smaller audience.
    How To Earn 10K a Month in Singapore in 2023: 17 Ways To Earn Now? (1)
  • No more wondering why. If you’re wondering why your past product promotions didn’t work, we can help you find what works for your audience with our easy-to-understand analytics and helpful account managers.
  • All niches are welcome. If you’re having trouble finding brands or products worth promoting (that also pay well) in your niche, Creatory has products with fair rates that even small and unusual niche audiences want.

If you’re looking for how to earn S$5K to $10K with your content, here’s how to use Creatory to get there:

Step 1: Create an account in 3 minutes.

This simple three-step process only takes a few minutes. You’ll need to:

  • Choose your country (Singapore or Hong Kong).
  • Give your name, and email address, and create a password.
  • Confirm your email address.

An account manager will contact you for a short but necessary Know-Your-Customer check (KYC) soon.

While you’re waiting, you can start looking at all the brands, products, and how much you can earn when you promote each.

Step 2: Find product offers that will help your audience.

How To Earn 10K a Month in Singapore in 2023: 17 Ways To Earn Now? (2)

If your goal is earning income, you need to think about your audience and what’s important to them. What are their biggest problems?

Start brainstorming a list. At this point, you don’t need to decide which ones are the “best” ones.

Look through Creatory’s products and ask yourself:

  • How can this product help my audience?
  • What problem does this product solve for my audience?
Step 3: Think about what content will get your audience’s attention

Once you’ve found some Creatory products that will help your audience or solve a problem, you still need to create content that makes them stop, read, and click through to the product.

For each product, ask yourself:

  • How does my audience feel about the problem this product will solve?
  • Which life moments are the most difficult because of this problem?
  • What does my audience want to happen - instead of the current problem or situation?
  • How will those difficult life moments change when the problem or situation goes away?

Go into as much detail as you can.

If you can talk to audience members (or do an informal interview), you could learn even more about what’s most important to them.

Step 4: Create content your audience is searching for

What are the most important challenges your audience is struggling with?

You’ll get their attention faster with content about the problems they’re highly motivated to resolve.

Use the questions in step three to create content that includes your recommended product solution to their situation.

Here are a few ways you could do it:

  • Make a how-to article or video about how you resolve this problem — with the product.
  • If you know a few products that could help, create an article or a series of videos or posts about each one and the best ways to use each one.
  • Do an in-depth written or video review of a product that solves a specific problem they have.
  • Shoot videos or create content to show your audience all the different ways they can use the product (especially if it can help them in different situations).

Read more: How to make money with YouTube

Step 5: Watch your performance results while you’re promoting a product

How To Earn 10K a Month in Singapore in 2023: 17 Ways To Earn Now? (3)

Creatory gives you real-time access to how many clicks your content receives, so you’ll know which ones get the most attention. You can use your insights to:

  • Immediately see how your audience responds to your social media post, video, or blog article.
  • Identify which type of content gets the best results as it happens.
  • Show and impress brands you want to work with in the future.

If you see a specific post getting better results during the promotion, you can make more content similar to it and increase your promotion results before it ends.

Step 6: Review your results over time and look for patterns.

You can also check your performance results on our platform over time.

It can be very satisfying to see how your promotions get better results from month to month or over a 6- to 12-month period (and it’s also full of valuable information about your content).

For example, you may notice that:

  • Certain products always get more attention and clicks, no matter where you promote them.
  • Your blog usually gets more clicks than your TikTok videos (or vice versa).
  • How-to videos generate more interest and sales than written content.

You’ll learn plenty about your audience, what they pay the most attention to, and buy when you keep your eye on your analytics over the long term.

Step 7. Repeat your winning content with small changes

As you notice what works well — and earns you more money — you can repeat those product promotions to maximise results.

You could:

  • Do exactly the same content.
  • Create the same content but make small changes to see if it does a little better.

When you make small improvements over time, you’ll be surprised how fast it adds up.

Try Creatory now.

Earn an income selling these digital products

As you create content to grow your audience, you’ll quickly learn what matters to them (and start developing expertise in specific niche topics).

You can use this knowledge to create informational products for your audience.

If you’ve already built relationships with your followers, they’ll trust you to help them with their unique niche challenges (that you know plenty about).

2. Printables and templates

  • Printables are PDF files your audience can buy, download, and print themselves. Templates are usually examples of things your audience can use to quickly make something.

    A few examples of printables are:

  • A weekly, monthly, or yearly planner.
  • Birthday, wedding, or baby shower invitations.
  • A fill-in-the-blank meal plan
  • A monthly budget planner with exercises and worksheets.
  • Professional invoices for small businesses.
  • Curriculum Vitae or resumes.
  • Book covers.

3. Ebooks

If you enjoy writing, you could deliver valuable information to your audience in ebook form.

Remember that ebooks can be any size as long as it gives your readers what they want.

A short ebook that saves them time could be exactly what they want. You can deliver ebooks in many different forms:

  • PDF format.
  • Epub format.
  • KPF (Kindle Package Format).

4. Workshops

If you enjoy talking in front of the camera more, you could hold a live workshop and walk your audience through exercises or teach them something.

You can record it and keep selling it to new audience members.

Bonus tip: Hold your live workshop in a private Facebook group or use Zoom. In both cases, you can interact with live viewers and record the event.

5. Courses

You can create a course for your audience if your workshop idea is too big to complete in a short time.

A course is just an organised collection of workshops put together in a step-by-step order.

If you’ve completed a few successful workshops, you may be ready to expand them into a more comprehensive course.

You can continue to use a private Facebook group for short courses or upgrade to a course platform.

Make money selling physical goods

Some audiences respond very well to physical goods. Especially if no one else in your niche is doing it (and your audience wants certain items), you can make real money with the right products.

6. Selling goods on Amazon

You can sell products through the most well-known e-commerce website on the planet.

Amazon will even do most of the work if you use their Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) service. You’re always welcome to stock and ship goods yourself too.

7. Dropshipping for hands-off selling

You’re not limited to Amazon if you want to sell physical products.

You can sell products to your audience and use non-Amazon dropshipping companies.

These dropshipping companies will receive your stock of products and ship your orders to customers for a fee. Some examples are AliExpress, SalesHoo, Wholesale, WholesalesB2B, etc.

8. Budget-friendly do-it-yourself (DIY) selling at home

You can buy wholesale products or make products yourself (if you’re an artsy or crafty person), then sell them to your audience directly. No middleman. You ship them directly to customers yourself.

It’s the most budget-friendly way to get started selling physical products. Most other ways to sell these types of products have additional fees.

9. Selling on the Etsy platform

Especially if you love making handmade products, you can use the Etsy platform to sell to your audience (and other people shopping on the site).

You can sell many different types of crafty products like:

  • Jewellery
  • Wall art or unique art objects
  • Clothing
  • Home decor
  • Personalised products

Etsy also allows you to sell printables and simple digital products.

10. Selling unusual, vintage, or discounted goods

You could be a creator who loves looking for rare or unusual products sitting on the shelf with a heavily discounted price tag.

If your audience loves these types of products, you may not have much to sell (but you’ll probably make more money per item).

This income-producing strategy won’t work for every niche or creator.

Here are a few product examples to see if this idea could work for your audience:

  • Clothing and home decor in good shape from the 60s, 70s, or 80s.
  • Rare musical instruments or sports equipment worth thousands of dollars.
  • Old toys, games, and figurines from past decades.
  • Vintage signs and unusual advertising or promotional items.

11. Create your own merch

You can create your own merch and sell it on many different platforms (including Amazon). Not sure what merch is?

Here are a few examples of merch:

  • A t-shirt or cap with your name or logo on it.
  • A vinyl sticker with your image on it.
  • A coffee cup with something you always say to your audience.
  • A tote bag or blanket with something your audience loves about you on it.

You need a strong bond and brand to sell merch successfully. The best part is you don’t have to make the products. Most merch sites will create the products on demand using your designs.

You may have to test different design ideas before you find the big winner that your audience can’t stop buying.

Sell your content creation services

As you build your audience, you’ll also develop your content creation skills. Those skills are worth serious money to other small or large businesses.

The more technical or time-consuming the work, the more you can charge clients to create different types of content.

12. Video-editing, creation, and content planning services

Video editing skills and especially a sense of how to catch and keep a viewer’s attention with video, are highly valuable skills you can use to make extra money (or turn into a full-time business).

Video content is getting tons of engagement on most social media platforms. You can get paid to plan video content, film it, or edit videos for:

  • Business websites
  • Youtube videos and Shorts
  • Instagram Reels and Stories
  • Facebook Stories and Reels
  • TikTok

Bonus tip: You’ll get tons of insight into the challenges businesses experience with social media (and you can use them to attract the right brands to your niche audience).

Read more: How To Make Money With YouTube — (Based on an Interview With a YouTuber With 15k+ Subscribers)

14. Graphic design services

If you know your way around graphic design programs (like Canva, Adobe, or Procreate) and you have a good eye for eye-grabbing images, you can let other businesses pay you to create platform-specific images for:

  • Blogs and websites
  • Social media
  • Marketing materials

14. Blog writing

If you have a talent for writing articles and website content, you can help business websites attract more customers with your engaging content or work for more prominent blogs as a writer.

You can charge your clients per word, per piece, or per project.

Read more: Top 21 Singapore Content Creators You Should Know in 2022

Collaborate with brands on sponsored content

Even if your audience isn’t huge, you could find companies ready to pay you for sponsored content on your social media channels or website.

It’s easier to attract brands that sell products your niche audience already wants to buy.

Here’s an example:

If your audience is primarily moms with young children, brands that sell kids' clothes, toys, kid-friendly food, and kids' room decor will be more interested in discussing sponsored posts with you.

Read more: How Affiliate Marketing Platforms Work and Why You Should Care as a Creator?

15. Start networking and contacting brands directly

Begin by tagging or mentioning the brands you’d like to work with on your social media accounts.

You can promote their products through affiliate programs or just mention them in your content. This way, they’re more likely to remember you when you send a direct message or email.

16. Sign up for creator directories or marketplaces

Find relevant marketplaces or directories where brands can find the right content creator to promote their products.

These directories usually give detailed search results so brands can find exactly the type of creator, niche, and audience they want.

Read more: How Affiliate Marketing Platforms Work and Why You Should Care as a Creator?

17. Sell your experience as a consultant or coach

You may find clients who aren’t looking for done-for-you content creation services, but they want some guidance and coaching on:

  • How to create a content plan.
  • How to produce videos their audience loves.
  • How to write posts that promote their products and help their readers

Share your hard-won experience with clients who want to speed up the learning process on skills like video or written content creation, promotion, and audience growth.

How to make 10k a month — FAQ

If you’ve still got questions about how to make S$10k a month, these most frequently asked questions may give you the information you’re looking for.

How can I make S$10,000 a month easily?

If you’re extremely good at what you do and charge high fees for your services, you can easily hit your target.

For example, let’s say you’re a well-known content creator whose:

  • Content regularly gets 100K+ views.
  • Audience trusts your recommendations.
  • Brand partnerships earn well on your sponsored content.

You could easily make S$10,000 a month doing brand collaborations and/or affiliate marketing promotions.

Is S$10k per month good in Singapore?

Many people in Singapore would consider S$10K a good monthly income. It also depends on how big your family is and what your monthly expenses are.

In 2021 the average income in Singapore was S$4,680 a month, according to SmartWealth.

In normal circ*mstances, you should be able to buy a nice apartment, pay your bills and save money for the future with this level of revenue.

How can I make S$10,000 in 3 months?

A content creator with a growing audience could earn S$3,334 per month (for 3+ months) and earn S$10K.

You may need more time to strengthen your skills if you’re just getting started. This article gives details on how to make S$1,000+ a month with Creatory.

You could use one of these strategies or a combination of them to make S$10K in 3 months:

  • Creatory’s monetisation platform.
  • Promoting other companies’ products with affiliate marketing networks.
  • Brand collaborations from listing yourself on influencer or creator marketplaces.
  • Selling your own products to your audience.

Is S$10K a month a good income?

For most people in Singapore, S$10K is a good monthly income.

According to SmartWealth, Singapore residents from 20 to 59 years of age had monthly revenue from S$2,691 to S$6,825 in 2021.

How hard is it to make S$10K a month?

If you’re a new content creator wondering how you can make S$10K a month, this entire article will give you plenty of ideas (18 different ways you could do it). You may need to:

  • Grow your audience.
  • Develop your content creation skills.
  • Build relationships with your audience.

It takes practice, patience, and a passion for your niche topic (and audience) to earn S$10K+ a month.

Take the next step to your $10K a month goal with Creatory

If S$10K a month income is your goal, you may want to combine a few income-producing strategies to get there sooner.

Pick any of the 18 different ways that feel right for your audience, niche, and schedule.

However, if working with different brands is something you’re passionate about, Creatory can help you get closer to your revenue goal with our creator-friendly platform that makes adding revenue-generating promotions to your content easier.

On our monetisation platform, you’ll get:

  • Better-than-average commissions, so you don’t need a huge audience to make a decent income.
  • A choice of flat-fee and per-application commissions regardless of your audience size and niche - which means you can earn commissions even if you only get a few sales.
  • Access to big-name brands your audience already wants to buy - even if you have an unusual niche audience.

Try Creatory now. Sign-up takes only 3 minutes.

How To Earn 10K a Month in Singapore in 2023: 17 Ways To Earn Now? (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.